View Full Version : best dish for turk*** 42

05-08-2009, 08:12 PM
Hi Guys
a friend of mine has a 90cm dish pointing at turk 42 in liverpool he as taken the motor of it, now when he tryes to line it up the elevation on the dish dosnt seem to go down enough.

a would a bigger dish be easier

b is there any other way to lower the elevation on the dish



06-08-2009, 01:09 AM
Hi Harko,

I think people are going to need more info to help you...was the motor a 36volt job, was the arm of the motor facing downward, what type of dish is it, it could be the mount on the rear that is the problem, on some dishes like mine reversing the brackets at the back will give you more elevation or less, I am roughly the same Long and Lat as Liverpool, in NW Lancashire and I get some strong signals from 42e on a slightly larger dish...so a 90 should be no problem for some of 42e.

Most importantly was he able to get 42e before he took the motor off.

06-08-2009, 03:12 PM
100cm is the best size overall ;)
I recommend Gibertini 1mtr dish ...

07-08-2009, 01:07 AM
the best dish for the money is, a triax 1.1 ..... and if you have a few quid a channel master 1.2 ....