View Full Version : How to use the BISS plugin? Help

05-08-2009, 11:54 PM
I have installed the BISS plugin but am stuck on the key entry page where it asks for PMT PID. I am trying to open Fox Sports on 8w 11106

What figure do I need to enter here? I cant seem to find it anywhere.

Also, I have a biss keys bin file. Which folder do I need to upload that to?

Many thanks

06-08-2009, 02:07 AM
Biss keys go into biss.conf, in /EMU/OpenXCAS/BISS
Is not a bin file,is text

PMT of the feed is not shown in azbox menus,have to find other means to get it.

You can try to use other azbox emu,like multicas,and start it by telnet using

/EMU/OpenXCAS/MultiCAS/emu_module &

In the telnet console log,you will see the value of the PMT pid,that is the one you have to use.

Also can use CCcam starting by telnet.
or mgcamd

06-08-2009, 10:46 AM
Actually i have a similar question, where do i FTP the BIN keys that Glenn_911 posted on "Azbox HD files section".


06-08-2009, 12:55 PM
All depend on the emu you are using
All emu goes into /EMU/OpenXCAS
you find the emu folder the key file belongs to,and paste it there.

06-08-2009, 05:56 PM
Biss keys go into biss.conf, in /EMU/OpenXCAS/BISS
Is not a bin file,is text

PMT of the feed is not shown in azbox menus,have to find other means to get it.

You can try to use other azbox emu,like multicas,and start it by telnet using

/EMU/OpenXCAS/MultiCAS/emu_module &

In the telnet console log,you will see the value of the PMT pid,that is the one you have to use.

Also can use CCcam starting by telnet.
or mgcamd

Kebien - Thanks for that. But, the BISS folder is not in the OpenXCAS folder. It is in EMU folder, alongside OpenXCAS - thats where it went after I installed from the plugin menu. Has it gone to the wrong location?

Ive checked biss.conf and the key is in there but Fox on 8w does not open. There is a series of zeros in the line, maybe thats where the problem lies?

Thanks for your help.

07-08-2009, 02:33 AM
If you go to plugins > BISS you will see which keys are into the biss.conf file.
If no keys are listed,you need to move the biss.conf file into /EMU/OpenXCAS/BISS

07-08-2009, 04:09 PM
If you go to plugins > BISS you will see which keys are into the biss.conf file.
If no keys are listed,you need to move the biss.conf file into /EMU/OpenXCAS/BISS

Kebien, Ive gone into the BISS menu and the keys are in there, but still blank screen. Can you get Fox Sports to open?


07-08-2009, 06:18 PM
Keys have to be modified in relation to some data from your box...

07-08-2009, 06:35 PM
Which data? I know I need to enter a PMT PID but I cannot find that anywhere. Can you please help?


07-08-2009, 06:42 PM
Must go out now. This is for Samsung VIA CI 9500 DSR, by Cruiser. Will translate later.

Upisivanje Biss i CW kljuceva u DSR Studio

a upisuje se u Biss & Static dw.Za primer cemo uzeti *** VIEW HOT da radi na drugih 16(12) znamenki,posto sa prvih 16(12) nije otvorio kanal.

Na *** VIEW HOT kanalu
Pritisnes 2 puta crvenu i tipku i vidis informacije
Hotbird 12360 27500 3/4 H
VID:0FE7 AID:0FE8 PCR:0FE9 SID:36B7 PMT:0197

1.Frekvenciju 12360 pretvoris u HEX a to je 3048 i to
ti je prvi ident.
2.Poslednje dve znamenke od SID i PMT B797 i to je
drugi ident
3.key 123456789OABCDEFFEDCBA0987654321


U DSR Studio treba da bude ovako:

Hope it helps. I haven't yet done it, btw... ;)

07-08-2009, 06:45 PM
wow - cant make any sense at all out of that. Are there no ready make keys for the AZBOX? Hope so. That seems a nightmare to work out...

Thanks for your help

07-08-2009, 06:47 PM
Thanx to Papagen's forum, info is also for Samsung, thanx to HSH for the data:

How to enter BISS keys to RevGold4.0

*Press twice i button to get SIِِD and 2 last byte of PMT and PCR;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:377D PMT:A4 PCR:A5
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:XXXXXXXXXXXX

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first SID(377D) then 2 last byte of PMT(A4) then 2 last byte of PCR(A5) and then the right keys(XXXXXXXXXXXX) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the D*gits)
You have to see the picture.

How to enter BISS keys to RevGold4.2

*Press twice i button to get 2 last byte of SID,PMT,VID and AID;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:7D PMT:A4 PCR:A5 VID:A5 AID:A6
**Now You need keys;
Example: FOX tv Serbia:XXXXXXXXXXXX

1)switch to one of BISS channels(like FOX tv Serbia)
2)go to the keys menu by pressing:
(Button 0 + Menu Button)>Key Editor Menu>BISS & DCW
3) press OK button
4)now you have to enter first 2 last byte of VID(A5) then AID(A6) then SID(7D) then PMT(A4) and then the right keys(XXXXXXXXXXXX) and after all enter FFFF.(I have to mentioned the keys I've wrote in above is only for FOX tv Serbia for other channels you have to change the D*gits)
You have to see the picture.

You must convert your frequency(00000) in Hex(XXXX)

Hope it works... :respect-054:

07-08-2009, 06:53 PM
I think I am going to have to give this one a miss :confused:

Its much too confusing..

Thanks anyway.

07-08-2009, 08:59 PM
Didi you follow some of the advices?
It surely works,but you have to give it a try.

Install multicas or mgcamd,then start manually in telnet,there you will have all the information you need to add the biss keys to biss plugin

07-08-2009, 10:58 PM
Didi you follow some of the advices?
It surely works,but you have to give it a try.

Install multicas or mgcamd,then start manually in telnet,there you will have all the information you need to add the biss keys to biss plugin

I have mgcamd installed and working. I haven;t used telnet yet.
Is there a particular telnet program that is best t to use?

What do I need to do once i am in telnet?


08-08-2009, 01:16 AM
putty still a nice telnet program

When you connect to the azbox using root/azbox as login and pass,you must first stop mgcam.
Type ps
then a list of processes will be listed,you fin the very first instance of mgcamd,check the very first number at the left,then you type
kill (pid number) i.e. kill 870
The you type ps again,to make sure mgcamd is not listed anymore

Then you type
mgcam &
/EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd/mgcamd & ( this assuming mgcamd binary is in this folder)
and will start logging in the telnet window,just tune to that channel you want the information from,and look for PMT value and also the SID value,this two you will need

09-08-2009, 12:40 PM
Thanks Kebien. I will have a go at this tomorrow when I get back home!

I will let you know how I get on...

09-08-2009, 05:50 PM
A way to get all the necessary details from your AZbox HD, to mess with the BISS key.bin file, as indicated above...

As we have seen from the previous posts, it is necessary to create your own BISS encryption working key, because not all receivers find the same transponder/channel in the same way/with the same data...

So, one must put in the specific details for each BISS encrypted channel, according to how your own receiver finds those BISS encrypted channels - and those details [transponder frequency etc.] differ from receiver to receiver.

Hence one must note these details from your own receiver, and not from Lyngsat or some such website, giving the transponder approximate, general details of such channels. Here is how to do it in AZbox HD:

1) Find a channel encrypted in BISS CAS [system of encryption];

2) Press OK to get the list of channels and -> note the following:

-tuner A
-satellite position the transponder/channel is on
-the frequency of the transponder etc. and amongst other things

...as they are moving from right to left, at the bottom of the page...

3) Additionally [even though it might not be necessary at all]: go to Settings -> TV Channel -> right arrow -> Tuner A. DVB-S -> OK -> Advanced Scan -> OK -> you will find your AZbox HD will get you to that satellite position -> then go lower to the TP Frequency -> find the frequency of the transponder you previously noted down -> press OK -> go to PID Edit -> you will find ALL THE CHANNELS on that transponder and the following details for all of them: PCR, Video, Video Type, Audio and Audio Type.

As I said, just note the data for the channel encrypted in BISS CAS.

Now, I haven't done it yet but it seems [I]reasonable that it should be possible to do it from the data one collects in this fashion... ;) :)

I presume you can do this with your AZbox Editor, too [by telesat]... ;)

Now, who's gonna be a brave soul to actually bother to try this and report back the results...?!?


09-08-2009, 05:57 PM
Just chacked and it seems it ought to be possible to get all those details from the telesat's editor, too...

to get SIِِD and 2 last byte of PMT and PCR;
Example: FOX tv Serbia SID:377D PMT:A4 PCR:A5

So, download your list from your AZbox HD, then find a channel and have a look in the Satellite position you need -> find a channel - see the details and work from there...

Good luck!:coolgleamA:

09-08-2009, 08:00 PM
Wow, thanks Goran!

I cant wait to get back tomorrow and try this out

Kind regards

09-08-2009, 09:06 PM
PMT is a normal pid of 2 bytes,max value would be 1FFF.
Only one byte won't be enough in many cases.
And I haven't seen it anywhere in the box.

The only way I figured you can get the value in the same box,is to start manually any emu,like mgcamd,and get this value from the telnet window.
Mgcamd seem to be the easiest.
Also,considering you only have to do this only ONCE,it doesn't become an annoyance.

10-08-2009, 09:37 PM
putty still a nice telnet program

When you connect to the azbox using root/azbox as login and pass,you must first stop mgcam.
Type ps
then a list of processes will be listed,you fin the very first instance of mgcamd,check the very first number at the left,then you type
kill (pid number) i.e. kill 870
The you type ps again,to make sure mgcamd is not listed anymore

Then you type
mgcam &
/EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd/mgcamd & ( this assuming mgcamd binary is in this folder)
and will start logging in the telnet window,just tune to that channel you want the information from,and look for PMT value and also the SID value,this two you will need


I just tried what you suggested, and the strangest thing happened, Fox sports on 8w suddenly cleared but I hadn't even made any changes to the BISS key menu! Maybe its FTA at the moment?

Anyway, this is the output from the telnet when I tuned to fox sports on 11604:

[mg0] stoping camd..
[mg0] service 6F index 0 pmt pid 0 (1)
ECM: CaID: 0x2600 -> CaPID: 0x1FFF ProvID: 000000
Fixed key 00 found, pid 1FFF sid 6F id 6F1FFF
Fixed key 01 found, pid 1FFF sid 6F id 6F1FFF
[mg0] Sat Jan 1 00:38:40 2000
===== BISS ECM on CaID 0x2600, pid 0x1fff ======
prov: 000000
cw0:0 01 03 A1 A5 02 B0 78 2A
cw1:0 01 03 A1 A5 02 B0 78 2A
[mg0] stopped

Can you make any sense of that? I cant seem to see a value in PMT PID?


10-08-2009, 09:44 PM
I have just gone into the BISS plugin menu and there is now a value of 0033 in the PMT PID.

How did that get in there? I cant see 0033 in the telnet output.

The channel only seems to clear if I have the telnet logging command running....

10-08-2009, 09:59 PM
Try this (I don't have this box!!):


for CAMS: h__p://server.az-box.co.uk/cams
for KEYS: h__p://server.az-box.co.uk/keys
for PLUGs: h__p://server.ax-box.co.uk/plug

how to put this sites on the AZBOX:

"EDIT URL" and introduce the URLs. That's it.

Then just download and install.

thanks to dirtytuga from Dragteam forum

10-08-2009, 11:33 PM
I have just gone into the BISS plugin menu and there is now a value of 0033 in the PMT PID.

How did that get in there? I cant see 0033 in the telnet output.

The channel only seems to clear if I have the telnet logging command running....
That's good,isn't?
Use 0033 for pmt vlaue in biss.conf and you are done.
This problem happen because you started mgcamd and apprently,you also have softcam.key file in mgcamd folder.

Now you have two options : you can start mgcamd using the remote control by going into plugins and start mgcamd,this will keep it running without telnet window.

You can enter the complete key in biss.conf.
After this,you exit and save the key,biss should be working.

13-08-2009, 12:43 PM

Have done this and it seems to be working fine, thanks for all your help.

Does the PMT PID change for different channels? Or is it always the same?

14-08-2009, 01:52 AM
It changes.
That's the whole idea

many biss channels share many properties,in order to use as many keys as possible without overlapping (having two channels with the same specs),there was a need to use channel specs that won;t be the same,as to diferentiate one from the other for key selection.
You want to find channels with different PMT value and SID,otherwise only one of those channels will open : the first in the key list.

Al Bundy
20-08-2009, 02:39 AM
I work in the sports backhaul business and am trying to get the az box to work with biss. In the plugin menu i have the word biss and can open it and put in the info. I have tried the following and have got nowhere.

My PCR PID, PMT PID, and Service ID never change they are 8190, 32, and 1 respectively. My biss key is usually XXXXXXXXXXXX. I put in 0001 for the service id, 3290 for the pmt, pcr group, and put the key in its place knowing that it is 4 digits short i tried 4 f's and 4 0's in front and back and still have a scrambled picture. I dont know what i am doing wrong. Do I need to convert the pcr, pmt and service id to hex first???

Or how about I have no idea and can someone please steer me in the right direction... Thanks

Al Bundy

20-08-2009, 04:02 AM
For service id you enter 0001
For pmt you enter 0020 (32 in hex is = 20)
Now the key ,given it is the correct one,lacks the checksums
many receivers accept this keys as is,and some need the checksums

Your checksums are

Nice to see you,al bundy
Wonder if possible to know which feeds are this from.

Let me add that if you are going to uplink 2 or more feeds at the same time using different encryption keys,the suggestion is to use different PMT pid for each feed or service id,in this way you will be able to get them all with the biss plugin.
The limitation is already noted : for channels using the same service id and PMT pid,the only one that will open is the first in the list,the plugin will use the same key for every identical channel.
This also assume you will use a different key for each feed.
If not,you can use this same key for every feed and same specs,all will open.

Al Bundy
20-08-2009, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the info... I will try this today... For future reference if you could tell me how you got the checksum for the biss word (the extra 4 numbers) in case i do a feed with a different biss word. Also from what you explained the pcr pid in my case 8190 in not something i need to enter i saw some where that i had to enter the last 2 digits of it and the pmt pid which is mabye why i was confused... Thank you for your answers and time...

Al Bundy

For service id you enter 0001
For pmt you enter 0020 (32 in hex is = 20)
Now the key ,given it is the correct one,lacks the checksums
many receivers accept this keys as is,and some need the checksums

Your checksums are
Nice to see you,al bundy
Wonder if possible to know which feeds are this from.

Let me add that if you are going to uplink 2 or more feeds at the same time using different encryption keys,the suggestion is to use different PMT pid for each feed or service id,in this way you will be able to get them all with the biss plugin.
The limitation is already noted : for channels using the same service id and PMT pid,the only one that will open is the first in the list,the plugin will use the same key for every identical channel.
This also assume you will use a different key for each feed.
If not,you can use this same key for every feed and same specs,all will open.

Al Bundy
20-08-2009, 08:31 PM
popped the info in and it works like a charm, now i just gotta find out how to get the chucksum and ill be good. Thanks for the help...

20-08-2009, 10:47 PM
I explained about checksums in pm.

The PCR pid is not needed for this plugin.
You can open biss channels using other emus,like mgcamd,multicas,and so on.
And each of them could require a slightly different layout,some require video pid and also CA id and provider id and some need the correct name written as it appears in the SDT,just to mention some.

Biss channels are a problem,since many have similar specs and become a problem for the emu to be able to select a key for an specific channel.

09-12-2009, 06:45 AM
H, I have installed the BISS plugin, but can not see biss.conf file inside. There is a BISS file however, but without the extension .conf So what did I do wrong?

10-12-2009, 01:13 PM
Insert any key with the remote,save it,and the conf file will be created.

10-12-2009, 03:59 PM
Anything worth watching on the BISS? I have 4.8, 13, 19 and 28.

18-01-2010, 02:24 AM
Has anyone discovered an easier way to find the PMT PID of BISS channels?

I really need it for the 7E channels 11407v, etc, for Australian Open tennis feeds.

Tried running mgamd and emu_module with telnet logging but only the cw keys came up.

Can anyone please help!

18-01-2010, 06:45 PM
some emulators debug information can give you the PMT value.
Try starting mgcamd in telnet and see what it says when you change from any channel to this one you want to know PMT from.
I know rqcamd does.

But should be easy to ask someone with a dreambox to tell you,is in the service information screen.
Go to the dreambox section and ask them.
I could tell you if you are able to record a minute of this feed with your azbox ,extract the *.ts file and post it somewhere so i can grab it.

18-01-2010, 06:57 PM
some emulators debug information can give you the PMT value.
Try starting mgcamd in telnet and see what it says when you change from any channel to this one you want to know PMT from.
I know rqcamd does.

But should be easy to ask someone with a dreambox to tell you,is in the service information screen.
Go to the dreambox section and ask them.
I could tell you if you are able to record a minute of this feed with your azbox ,extract the *.ts file and post it somewhere so i can grab it.

Thanks Kebien

I have not heard of rqcamd. Can that be run on the azbox?

I could record the feed and post. Actually there are 3 transponders (7 feeds i think). So, I am guessing the PMT would be different on each channel? How would I get the .ts file onto my pc? Would ftp work? If you could let me know which folder to look in, I could try it.

Sorry for the noob questions, I am a novice!

Many thanks.

18-01-2010, 10:46 PM
Ive installed rqcamd and run it from telnet. But still no value in PMT :( It just says PMT PID: 0000

Am I doing something wrong?!

18-01-2010, 11:20 PM
I see,remove rqcamd then ,seem it cannot get the data.

Please record a minute of this channels with your azbox,then upload it somewhere for me to analize them.(2shared.com or other)
I'll post right here the results

19-01-2010, 12:13 AM
Kebian, I am recording a few minutes of the feeds. I was just about to upload them but noticed all 3 were less than 1MB. That cannot be right. I am recording them again.

19-01-2010, 12:41 AM
Okay, I have uploaded the 7 feeds. I think the file sizes are small as its probably a testcard as matches dont start until midnight GMT.

The link to them is:


Many thanks Kebien

19-01-2010, 04:11 AM
No results
Appraently,azbox cannot record tables when the feed is encrypted
There is no PMT in any of this recordings.
You have to ask someone with a dreambox.

19-01-2010, 11:09 AM
OK, thanks for trying Kebien. Really appreciate. I have posted a question in the dreambox section. I wonder if it would be worth buying an old, cheap dreambox just for this purpose? Would an old box be just as capable as the new ones?

19-01-2010, 12:23 PM
more elegant solution for biss is to use biss techsat plugin. set your plugins server h**p://techsat(dot)info/AZPlugins (/PLUGINS/Plugins.conf) and dl techsat_azk plugin. it will manage your keys for you

19-01-2010, 12:27 PM
more elegant solution for biss is to use biss techsat plugin. set your plugins server h**p://techsat(dot)info/AZPlugins (/PLUGINS/Plugins.conf) and dl techsat_azk plugin. it will manage your keys for you

Tx0 - Thanks for this. But, I don't think it will work for what I am trying to achieve. Would the techsat biss keys only cover standard tv channels or feeds as well? Do you have the keys for the current biss feeds on 7E for example?

19-01-2010, 04:33 PM
You need to learn to manage yourself for the channels using keys that are NOT PUBLIC.

And any dreambox will show the channel information,including the PMT.
And you can even go cheaper with a PCI/USB satellite card in the pc.
The programs will tell you the pmt also.

The key is how many times you will need to do this.
If is only once or twice,doesn;t pay the expense.You better ask in forums.
Is ver simple to press few clicks in a dreambox remote to answer you.

If you will continue and need to do do this often,I guess the dvb pci/usb card is the cheaper and more effective.

19-01-2010, 08:27 PM

Thank you for that information. Can you tell me if an old dreambox could show the PMT through the remote? Say a 500S ? Or only newer?

many thanks

19-01-2010, 09:39 PM
Yes,a dm500 does

21-01-2010, 07:20 PM
Yes,a dm500 does

But, these feeds are DVB-S2 (high-def) - Will the 500S be able to even get a lock on these feeds (I know it wont display s2 channels)?

21-01-2010, 09:15 PM
Oh,ok,I didn;t know this were dvb-s2
Only dm800/8000 apply then.

I think a simple script can be made to poll the azbox front end to show what is tuned.
I'll see if any of that is possible.

22-01-2010, 06:17 PM
Oh,ok,I didn;t know this were dvb-s2
Only dm800/8000 apply then.

I think a simple script can be made to poll the azbox front end to show what is tuned.
I'll see if any of that is possible.

Thanks very much

25-01-2010, 01:24 AM
I have the key and the PMT pid for the feeds but I cannot open them still. I am not sure whats going wrong.

Should I close all cams and only use the BISS plugin? How do I know if its running properly?

You cant seem to edit the BISS keys in the multicas plugin. (the providers seem to be fixed)?


25-01-2010, 02:55 AM
Try this progam for entering biss key to multicas

http://dreamworld.vg/ulc/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=TeChAZ.zip&directory=Sonstige_Receiver/AzBox/Tools-Settings-Skins&PHPSESSID=9f22a3c688c221fbaef1efc 64d46c6a8

25-01-2010, 02:59 AM
You positively know the key is valid?
And that the information you have for the channel is correct?

You can insert the key in softcam.key for mgcamd,then start mgcamd manually,you will see the emulator sending the key to the ca device.
Also,another method to verify the key is to run CWbruteforce ,where you can insert the key in a file,a small recording of the feed,and will test the key for validity.
There are many ways to do this,but requires experience with this tools.

I would first verify if this key is working for others.It might be a bogus key someone wants to impress you with .

25-01-2010, 10:21 AM
Thanks tsakman, I will try that program later.

Kebien, I got the key myself from mgcamd (telnet logging) so it must be right? Unless, I am doing something very wrong.

Not heard of CWbruteforce, will see if I can find it and get it to work.

Many thanks.

25-01-2010, 03:42 PM
You do not get biss keys by logging,since they are never sent in the stream.
Your key must be used for some other channel,mgcamd only think is that other channel and send it.(the keys mgcamd send,are all in softcam.key)
You have a wrong key,this is why it doesn't open.

To get biss keys,check programs like cwbruteforce or CW finder by mower.
And you better read about those projects where people get togther to di this,because is not a one man job,takes a long time (months) to find biss keys by hundred of people,sometimes.

25-01-2010, 04:50 PM

25-01-2010, 06:16 PM
wow, thanks Kebien. I had no idea so much was involved in BISS keys. No wonder I wasn't getting anywhere in opening the 7e feeds.

I will look into your suggestions. Many thanks

17-02-2010, 06:21 PM
I've been reading and reading Your post on the biss plugin
I got my channels working thanks to Kebian instructs
sid and pmt

My question is, if biss keys are only 12 characters instead of 16
how do I figure the other 4 out,what formula, if that is the right term
If You have some info please share or a link to the info
thanks , this is a great informative forum
on the azbox

17-02-2010, 07:10 PM
Google about control words and CSA,it have a distinctive structure,will tell you about the missing bytes.

18-02-2010, 01:46 PM
@July79: here's solution to your problem (I'll be using simple words so everyone can understand...)

If the key has 12 chars (i.e. 1A7734BD6C72), do as it follows:

1) Group the numbers "two-by-two", so the key looks like this: 1A 77 34 BD 6C 72
2) Now calculate sum of the first three groups (that is 1A+77+34=C5). Use windows system calc, just switch to "scientific" mode, and select "hex" format.
3) Insert the result at 4th place (instead of XX) Key 1A 77 34 XX BD 6C 72 XX
4) Calculate the other two missing digits by taking sum of the last three groups from original number (BD+6C+72=19B). Disregard 1st digit from the result and just take the last two, that is: 9B, and place 'em at the last position (instead of the last XX).
5) Now we have the complete key with 16 characters: 1A 77 34 C5 BD 6C 72 9B.

18-02-2010, 08:04 PM
I'll save that info

19-02-2010, 12:45 AM
Is all about how CSA requires the control words to be formatted.

The idea around shorter keys than required ( 12 bytes) revolves around the receiver/programs being able to calculate this checksums on their own,and insert them in the message when control words are sent to the CA device.

07-02-2011, 01:28 PM
Also can use CCcam starting by telnet.
or mgcamd

Hello kebien

Emulator MGcamd open only two of these channels encoded BISS

F 00031FFB 00 A02123E43546148F NTV SPOR 42E
F 00031FFB 01 A02123E43546148F

F 00071FF3 00 B8A33E991F80BC5B NBA TV(42°E)
F 00071FF3 01 B8A33E991F80BC5B

These channels over the updated file SoftCam.key I have do not work After all these keys are updated activists

F 000C1FFF 00 0000000000000100 TRT 3 42E
F 000C1FFF 01 0000000000000100
F 00111FFF 00 260839671204384E RTR SPORT 90E
F 00111FFF 01 260839671204384E
F 00011FFF 00 A02123E43546148F NTV 42E
F 00011FFF 01 A02123E43546148F
F 00021FFF 00 A000010009200800 Rossiya 2 90E
F 00021FFF 01 A000010009200800
F 00031FFF 00 1111113311111133 IRIB TV 3 62E
F 00031FFF 01 1111113311111133
F 00231FFF 00 1234569C654321C9 IDMAN TV 42E
F 00231FFF 01 1234569C654321C9
F 03911FFF 00 1AF36B787E4C23ED Fantasy channel 9.0°E
F 03911FFF 01 1AF36B787E4C23ED
F 00041FFF 00 107220A215050721 TV Kyiv 4W
F 00041FFF 01 107220A215050721
F 00641FF0 00 ABCD007843210064 ERI TV2 30E
F 00641FF0 01 ABCD007843210064
F 00671FFF 00 DBA54500FDE36200 Rustavi 2 42E
F 00671FFF 01 DBA54500FDE36200
F 12701FFF 00 1234569C789C3347 CH 33 SPORT 7W
F 12701FFF 01 1234569C789C3347
F 177A1FFF 00 123CD826AB982568 Channel 1 Earth (53°E)
F 177A1FFF 01 123CD826AB982568
F 177B1FFF 00 123CD826AB982568 Channel 2 Earth (53°E)
F 177B1FFF 01 123CD826AB982568
F 17DE1FFF 00 19090628117660E7 TET 5E
F 17DE1FFF 01 19090628117660E7
F 1A181FFF 00 1006102611071129 Pershy Natsionalny 5E
F 1A181FFF 01 1006102611071129
F 37791FFF 00 ABCDEF67ABCDEF67 TV B92 12W
F 06BD1FFF 00 EB8CD24995A174AA ESPN Classic 9E
F 06BD1FFF 01 EB8CD24995A174AA
F 06C21FFF 00 EB8CD24995A174AA NASN ****** 9E
F 06C21FFF 01 EB8CD24995A174AA

What consumed to do to solve this problem if MGcamd ?