View Full Version : Cannot connect to FTP

06-08-2009, 12:42 AM
Hi Folks,

I got my Premium yesterday and have it wire connected to my router...I am connect because I can do a speed test and also ping the Az from my lappy which is connected via Wifi, I was also able to update the firmware, and do a test download of a plugin of the Bliss keys from the Az server.

I have firmware version 0.92372 on the Az now...but I have come unstuck with FTP...I have UE Studio 06 and 7zip installed on the PC and all the boxes are enabled in Network Service...in File Server I have Mygroup, MMP, then root, and no password. When I go to page 8 the FTP page, I get a box asking for Host, Port, D, PW, and I am not sure what I need to put in these boxes, is it my details from the UES or my lappy details, I have a very strong Wifi signal by the way...but I am unsure if that is causing my problems.

I don't want to start moving the dish and building a sat/channel list until I have the Az connected correctly and I am able to download files from my lappy to the Az in case I cock it up and need to do a factory reset...so any help even if it shows me up to be a bit of a nitwit would be appreciated.

Regards, James.

06-08-2009, 01:47 AM
Maybe you had a password before, on the machine. Try: azbox.

06-08-2009, 08:02 AM
you have to set up your azbox in section network.
By default ftp is disabled you have to enable it to have ftp.

it may be this

06-08-2009, 10:28 AM
@ glde2000, thanks but I stated in my post I have enabled FTP "all the boxes are enabled in Network Service".

@ goran, I think I read that there is no stored password in FTP and you have to use telnet if you want to have a password, having said that the rest of the FTP Connect box is a mystery to me. (still learning...yet to work out what telnet does)

I have downloaded some files to try to transfer to the Azbox...and I presumed I need to unzip them in Filezilla...also Filezilla is telling me that the file I transfered was transfered successful to Azboz, but I cannot find the transfered files when I look in file file manager on the Azbox.

In the Az file manager under "network" I have 2 files, one shows the IP address of my lappy, and the other is CELRUN, if this is any use.

Thanks, James.

06-08-2009, 10:41 AM
It depends what was in it originally, I think. What FW. If there was something in it earlier, the password was azbox.

Read my thread "Alternative..." for more answers to some of your queries... ;)

06-08-2009, 02:50 PM
Thanks Goran, think I will do a full reset as per your instructions in case I have changed something without realising I have.
Kind regards, james.

07-08-2009, 09:04 AM
A few further questions, is the FTP server in setup and the FTP client page 8 on Home related, or part and parcel of the same thing, in other words if I were to download a file from Filezilla or say the Azboxedit successfully to the Azbox, should I be able to see it on the FTP client page? Because I may be thinking I have a problem with downloading files when I don't.

I have a further question about the ports...when I open Azboxedit and open the options page the FTP port is 21 and the Telnet port 23, is this OK or should all the ports be the same?

I thought I read that you could download a file for changing the font on the AZbox but cannot find it...thought this could be a good test download file for me to use.

07-08-2009, 09:31 AM
Not sure I understand the Q.

If you are talking about setting up AZbox HD - just enable all the Networking stuff in Settings.

Then install FileZilla Client. Put in the username and password and it will work.

It's dead simple, if it's setup properly.

In FileZilla Client settings I use the [Edit -> Settings -> Interface ->] Widescreen setting. That way I get 2 main fields [PC and AZbox HD] and each of those has two fields.

From left to right: the tree view of the PC, then a view inside a file one chooses in that tree; then the tree of AZbox HD, then a view inside a file one chooses in that tree.

You just drag and drop them from one to the other, to transfer.

You must see them, after that.

If you do not see it in the relevant Menu of the AZbox HD using your remote, just CHMOD to 755 the whole folder you transferred and then the whole content of the folder, too.

Good luck!:coolgleamA:

07-08-2009, 10:59 AM
Hi goran, sorry to be a pest, in the Az on the FTP page it is showing at the top left-hand corner "Not connect", although Filezlla is advising that the file was transfered successfully, if I go to the FTP page and press the OK button I get a number of different files on the local side, none on the root side, but clicking on the files does nothing they appear to be empty, some times when I click on these files the Az reboots itself.

Sorry but I have never done any network setting up before, so CHMOD to 755is a mystery, my router is hardwired to the Azbox, and my lappy is wifi to the router.

I have done a full reset as per your instructions in the "Alternative" tutor but as soon as I press home on the remote and OK on the FTP page I get the "FTP CONNECT" box...asking for a Host, Port, D, PW. So my sent files are going somewhere but not to the box.

07-08-2009, 11:34 AM
check the router if the used port, ip/mac addresses are allowed on the home network. Can you see the Az box ip address on your laptop? Is the firewall on your laptop set to allow the used programs to work on your homenetwork? sending, receiving, used ports? ...
do they (az box & laptop) have the same subnet: or or and Ip address in the same range of your router?

07-08-2009, 12:16 PM
Hi Giga, I can ping my Az from my lappy...but I think you could be correct and it is my firewall settings...I have now changed the setting on my network to fully trusted for the AZbox, and I have also found out what chmod is and will read up on what it does and when and how to use it.
Thanks for your advice, James.

07-08-2009, 01:05 PM
I am beginning to think I have a faulty box...if I go to system information, and then stroll down and press network service I get the 2 pages overlapping each other...the box also seems to reboot at will, and I attempted to use it as a fixed dish setup a few days ago with a Diablo cam on Thor and it would not open any channels, but when I put the Diablo in my Technomate 6900 it did open the expected channels.

07-08-2009, 01:36 PM
you would not need the diablo in TM6900 to open these

07-08-2009, 01:46 PM
A few tips if i may :
- don't use 2372 s/w unless u hv an extra tuner installed ; stick 2 2371;
- if u use vista u may consider to hv a look at :


2 enable telnet ;
- now open a telnet session and write passwd ; enter twice azbox or any pass u wish ; u should b able to ftp yr box next ;
- diablo probs. r known & discussed in another topic on this forum ; some components hv to b replaced on the main board of az .

Cheers ,
Val .

07-08-2009, 03:44 PM
@ Giga, You are quite correct the Technomate was opening up the channels not the diablo.

Hi Val, Spot on with your link the Telnet client and the Telnet server were both off (unticked) on my lappy, so there was never any chance of me connecting to FTP.
My box is supposed to one of the Rev 4 mainboard box's so already modified for the use of a diablo.

Thank you for advice it is appreciated, James.

07-08-2009, 06:13 PM
Forget about the FTP in AZbox!!!!!!:cool:

Use FileZilla Client, as described.:respect-054:

FW 2880 is OK, too. Tested.:sifone:


07-08-2009, 06:17 PM
I am beginning to think I have a faulty box...if I go to system information, and then stroll down and press network service I get the 2 pages overlapping each other

It's not faulty, just firmware bugs!

I get overlapping menus in the Diseqc antenna setup which is really annoying.

07-08-2009, 06:53 PM
Hi Goran,

I have been using Filezilla and it told I had transfered the file successfully...but when I look for the files I have transfered to the Az I can't find them. I have now been able to Telnet the Az and change the password...thanks to Valerica pointing out my Vista laptop needed to have FTP client turn on, I have dragged and dropped from the left side (local site) of Filezilla to the (root site) on the right side on and for some reason I can't find files that have been sent to the box.

Hi Xanadu,

I turned the box off at the back and that cleared the overlapping pages so your right it must be a bug.

Thanks Guys.

07-08-2009, 07:13 PM
Have installed Filezilla and when I try to connect, Filezilla tells me that the connection is established but that the password is wrong.
I have tried azbox, 0000, and no password at all - none works.
Does anyone the default password?
Any help would be appreciated

07-08-2009, 07:57 PM
You need to put your box's IP address in the Host box, then root for username, then azbox the password, it is the default password, as long as you have not changed it, then press the quickconnect.

07-08-2009, 09:00 PM
Thanks - it worked

08-08-2009, 01:05 AM
Hi Richard, Glad it worked...as you can tell from my posts in this thread I am struggling, and getting help from other members.

08-08-2009, 11:15 AM
But you are not telling us exactly what you are doing, jamesey...

What are you transferring and where exactly?

Which files/folders to which folder precisely?

Then, how are you searching for it?

What with, to begin with?

What is the purpose?

[Sounds very strange...]

08-08-2009, 01:41 PM
Hi Goran,

Sorry I wasn't trying to be a mystery or attempting to run before I could walk...the first file I attempted to transfer was a single music track from my laptop using Filezilla, and I presumed it would be in the file manager browser under music, but I couldn't locate it, although Filezilla said it was transfered successfully.

I then tried to download a file for changing the size of the font's on the Azbox which I unzipped using 7zip, and used Filezilla again, and I couldn't locate that either. In both cases I connected to Azbox successfully in Filezilla before then dragging from the left side of Filezilla in other words local site, and dropping into remote site, when that didn't work I dragged from local site again into the box below remote site. I made many different attempts to transfer files sometimes opening them in the box below local site and dragging and dropping to the other side, sometime in remote site and sometimes below it.

I looked in the Az's file manager browser but couldn't locate any sent files, the only box that contains a file is Network, the file is named CELRUN and that is empty too. This is why I have been attempting to open the FTP browser...my thinking is the downloaded files are in there, but when I open the FTP browser, I get a small box titled FTP CONNECT asking for Host, Port (which I know is 21), ID or D, and PW, which I presume means password, I have also noticed that at the top of the FTP browser page it says not connected. I am not sure what I need to put in these boxes, if anything...although I have tried a number of things...if I just press the connect button, I get an error message saying something like failed to connect (error 4), if I ignore this and press connect again I get a file which when opened gives me 8 boxes on the local/data side of the FTP browser, but these are all empty too, there is nothing on the remote or right side of the FTP browser.

Sorry for the long post Goran...but you did ask me what I was trying to do, kind regards and thanks James.

08-08-2009, 05:27 PM
I'm glad that other members are having the same sort of problems as me - for instance - where does the keys.bin file go?

08-08-2009, 07:39 PM
although Filezilla said it was transfered successfully.

But where did you transfer it, using FileZilla? Which folder? I did ask you to give us the details, so we could help you....

I then tried to download a file for changing the size of the font's on the Azbox which I unzipped using 7zip, and used Filezilla again, and I couldn't locate that either.

See above.

I don't know where the font file should go, btw...

In both cases I connected to Azbox successfully in Filezilla before then dragging from the left side of Filezilla in other words local site, and dropping into remote site,

You would have to start paying attention to detail. You can't just drop it anywhere you want. For instance /var folder will not work in AZbox HD, as it is reset when rebooted.

Key.bin, as it has been explained many times before, goes into the folder of the EMU which uses it. NOT in /var!!! Sometimes you may need to direct the EMU to find it there in the configuration file but most of the time it's all sorted out for you already - just find the correct key.bin, for that EMU and drop it in the folder of that emu, ffs....

when that didn't work I dragged from local site again into the box below remote site. I made many different attempts to transfer files sometimes opening them in the box below local site and dragging and dropping to the other side, sometime in remote site and sometimes below it.

I have no idea what you are on about here, sorry... "Box below" - what? Why would you do that?

You have a HDD? Internal or external [USB]? Once you format it [I don't have it, only the Elite model, no HDD connected yet] - it is reasonable to assume that AZbox should make a folder for Music, Films, Photos separately... So, find them and try...

I can tell you I tried a Memory Stick [only 1 GB, mind], with some videos od Led Zepp [cool!! :D] etc. - and it worked nicely! It was found via Movies, as it was Audio-Visual... ;)

I looked in the Az's file manager browser but couldn't locate any sent files,

Nah, Movie for movies, Photo for Photo etc.

the only box that contains a file is Network, the file is named CELRUN and that is empty too.

You are transferring files from your PC to your AZbox HD HDD, right?

Must do it to the correct folder, I suppose, so movies will be in movies etc. - then they will be recognised.

Search for them via correct service: Movies part of the Menu for movies, Music for music...

This is why I have been attempting to open the FTP browser...

Nope. See above. Muddled thinking, complicating it... needlessly... ;)

Good luck!:coolgleamA:

09-08-2009, 11:07 AM
Hi Goran,

I think you may have hit the nail on the head...I used a 2GB flash drive in the front to get the box to go into a factory reset mode from start up, and the same drive when I am transferring files but in the back USB slot.

Anyway when I have flash in the front slot I can open the flash in File Manager or even FTP Browser, but I can't when it is in the back USB slot. I have either a faulty rear USB slot or a the Flash I am using doesn't like the back USB slot.

I can't believe that I have been messing around with this for 4 days, and I didn't notice that I couldn't open the Flash when it was plugged into the rear USB slot. Got to out so can't try it out at the moment but will keep you informed of how I get on.

Kind Regards, James.

09-08-2009, 12:59 PM
So long as it works... ;)

I hate it when things don't work as advertised.... ;)

13-08-2009, 08:07 PM
Thanks again to everyone that helped with my FTP problem...obviously I was going down the wrong path with the FTP browser, and as well as a faulty USB flash drive my lappy being Vista Premium I needed to mess about and configure my security setting.

I have got the Azbox opening channels using MultiCas...and I am looking forward to learning more about the box as I go along, I really like the Live Feeds plugin.

Thanks again, James.

13-08-2009, 08:11 PM

So, now to the bits that make this possible... Let's download and install it into our AZbox HD:

Home -> Plugins -> enter OpenXCAS by pressing the OK button on your remote and go to Manual Install option -> http://azboxworld.com (http://azboxworld.com/) to -> install MultiCAS “plug-in”-> press OK on your remote, to see whatever's at the link provided -> choose the latest MultiCAS version -> when done, reboot!

A note: there are various “plug-ins”. Some are Emulators, emulating Original Smart Cards [OSC], decrypting encrypted satellite, terrestrial or cable channels, if those encryption systems are hacked and so those cards can be “read” and “emulated”.

One of them is MultiCAS EMU, reading many cards but also opening many channels that are using various hacked CAS [= encryption systems]. To make an EMU, their writers are using whatever information is freely available on the internet and from other, non-public sources. The very same teams or individuals who hacked an encryption system make some other EMU’s, nowadays, sadly, most of them commercial in nature....

Some other “plug-ins” are a mixture of EMU and CS SW [= Card Sharing SW]. We shall come to it later, when we shall speak of, for instance, MGcamd.

Some other “plug-ins” are simply fetching the working keys from the net for an EMU, like SCDXCas does it for MGcamd.

And so on... Enjoy discovering...

Just to add: MultiCAS is now also a CS SW, as a "Card Splitter" has been added to it, so one can share a card inserted into the built-in Card Reader of your machine. One must install at least FW 0.9.2880 to get the option. Press HOME -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> Camd Setup -> MultiCAS.

Then, in the Smartcard Interface you will find the Smart Card Splitter sub-menu, where you will need to put in the details, depending on whether you want to be a
- server for another box, passing your card's data to another box or a
- client, hooking onto another box's cards [in both cases one needs to put in the IP address etc. to make it work] or
- one can also switch it off!

10a) Checking if MultiCAS EMU works

Go to, say, TV Globo on Hot Bird and wait for the AU to create a working key, meaning MultiCAS is active and functioning properly with all the valid Master Keys.

Here is exactly how to do it: Activate MultiCAS via HOME -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activate -> MultiCAS must NOT have # in front of it, which is done by using the blue button, then restart it by pressing the yellow button.

Press OK when it restarts, then go out of the Menu using the Home button -> into TV part of the Menu -> TV Globo, which should open up very soon...

Digi TV on 1'W might also be AU. Both of them are still watchable with our EMu's, even if they aren't AU. So, you might need to put in the relevant active, working key, as they are both encrypted in Nagra2, which is hacked! You can do it via your remote.

10b) Putting a working key into MultiCAS, via remote...

Find a key on the net, for educational purposes only, of course... <wink, wink>

Press the HOME button on your remote controller -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activation & Priority Settings -> put the # in front of all Plugins, except MultiCAS, by using the blue button on your remote.

Get out of the Menu, using the Exit button on your remote -> Camd Setup -> OK -> MultiCAS -> Edit And Convert Keys -> sub-menu Nagravision -> right arrow on your remote -> "down" arrow on your remote -> find the Digi TV section -> Ident [2011 - warning: for Dream, Humax etc. receivers the Ident is 2111 but don't let that worry you!] -> put the key in now...

When I wrote this, key 00 was active. One must edit it in 2 parts, as the Nagra keys are "broken" in two parts: for key 00, the first part is Index 00 and the other one is 10; for key 01 it’s 01 & 11.

So, choose a relevant part of the key [in this case it's 00 20 11 00] by pressing the OK button on your remote and then one gets a new little window to edit the old key. Put the first part in, then hit the Save button on your TV screen, then the other part [in this case it's 00 20 11 01], then Save.

Get out of that sub-Menu, using the Exit button, then go to Activation & Priority Settings, restart MultiCAM, using the yellow and/or OK buttons on your remote -> OK -> then get out of it all by pressing the Home button on your remote -> TV -> OK... and.... [if the key is correct and you put it in precisely] – colours [heheeee]!!!

Thanx to Ribolovac from Ex-Yu sat forum, here is the "how to" video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMuF-...layer_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMuF-xKrWlI&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.exyusat.com %2FKako-promijeniti-kljuc-r-t56852.html%26pid%3D176569&feature=player_embedded)

In addition: MultiCAS should read many, many original "subscription" cards. Plus, the programmers/SW/plugins writers are always working on its development. If not, try with NewCS or Mbox plugins [more about those later]. Just to mention, there are no AZbox HD “internal” editors for keys in any other case, so one must add/edit/exchange files via FTP, not via remote, like for MultiCAS!