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Dice Man
06-08-2009, 02:52 PM
I stream my dm800 to my pc using Dreambox VLC Streamer & the VLC player. I use the dm800 web interface to change channels.

Works perfect, although HD can be hit and miss.

So, i've read a few tutorials but i'm still unclear of what's required to stream to another pc.

I want to be able to control my dm800 from a pc in a different location.

What do i need to do at my end, and what's needed from the other pc to connect to my network/dm800 - do i need to open/forward ports at my end (forward to where) and similarly do i need to do this from the other pc?

Would like to use the Dreambox VLC Streamer & the VLC player from both pc's as i don't think the VLC player has to be configured.

Anyone care to help?

06-08-2009, 04:49 PM
try this mate its supposed to work,although i havent managed it yet,but ive been told its down to me using VLC 1.01 and this program only works with 0.99 and the activex that is installed with that version.
been too busy to uninstall my version and install 0.99,but i will eventually get around to it.ian.

Dreambox streaming to internet,it was never easy like this


Dreambox streaming to internet,it was never easy like this

streaming dreambox channels to internet in 6 steps

1- Install the program from the link below.
2-Create and update dynamic dns address.
3-Open and forward port 1234 to your computer IP.
4- Fill created dynamic dns address and choose your. internet speed from settings.
5- Hit start streaming from the program.
6- Take the appearing internet address and use it with. windows media player and enjoy your dreambox anywhere.

Note: For better internet streaming form enigma 1 dreambox i advice pli-jade image

Additional features...
1- Playing enigma 1 and 2 dreamboxes on local computer
2- View hd channels on pc from hd capable dreambox
3-Record E1 and E2 dreambox channels on pc

06-08-2009, 05:20 PM

forgot to upload the program to allow you to do all of this and completely control your dreambox and its streams from an external pc as well.normally this is not needed,as you dont want your friends that you stream the footie to,to be able to control your box,but for what your asking it will be perfect.ian.

07-08-2009, 09:06 AM
@Dice Man

did this proggy work for you or for anyone else thats downloaded it?

07-08-2009, 10:17 PM
come on guys,play the white man here.
14 of you have downloaded this without any reply.has anyone got it working yet? before i mess around uninstalling my version of VLC and installing 0.99
or is this site just full of leachers,who never use the thanks button or comment on anything?

07-08-2009, 10:31 PM
mine starts but errors when downloading channel list, any one have any ideas?

08-08-2009, 08:19 AM
Thanks for that Ian,
works a treat for me with both 0.99 and 1.01 on XP:king-041:
although, not surprisingly, no success with HD
Web streaming quality of SD is really good if you've got the bandwidth (high ->400)

08-08-2009, 09:17 AM
@ saintomer
thank you for the response and the feedback.

well if its working for you with both 0.99 and 1.01 on XP,then its back to the drawing board for me,cause i cant get it to work and i was informed it was my VLC version as many,many peeps have it working.
did you get the preview on your own pc?
i cant even get that.ian.

08-08-2009, 10:00 AM
Yes Ian,
when you start the program you should get the current tv channel streamed to your pc in the right hand pane.
If you get a picture of the vlc cone there then you need to change your version of vlc

08-08-2009, 10:20 AM
no mate i didnt mean that.

when i start the program i get the stream on my pc,streamed locally on my LAN.i can get this with any program including just using VLC.but if you look at the bottom right hand corner you will see the mms address thats used in internet explorer,and when pasted into explorer opens up windows media player.
next to this address are the preview buttons.
when you click on these a window opens up and displays the quality of the stream you are giving out to the internet.in essence,you are watching your own internet stream as a friend would who you had sent this address too.

its this previw function i cannot get to work,nor when i paste the address into explorer,can i get that to work either.windows media player just states there is a problem with the server.ian.

08-08-2009, 10:27 AM
does the 'stream local address' preview button work for you ?

08-08-2009, 10:33 AM
no neither work.

so i cannot see my internet stream.

i am going to open up a temp internet stream for you to test if you will.

paste this address into explorer,windows media player will open and you should see fox from digital+,for some reason though,that ive not yet figured out,it reverts to spanish in the stream.

i will have this stream running for the next 10mins.

please let me know if you can see fox.ian.

08-08-2009, 10:41 AM
No go on that Ian,
"Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct."
it's got to be down to your port forwarding 'cos your no-ip addy is fine

08-08-2009, 10:44 AM

the lights on my router are going balistic so it is being sent out.

this is exactly the point i was at when i first posted and i was told it wasdown to my VLC version.
thats the same message i get when i try to preview my own stream.

could you perhaps also setup a temp stream so i can test if your is working correctly?

thanks. ian.

08-08-2009, 11:02 AM
Ian check your pm.

08-08-2009, 11:05 AM
yes mate yours is working perfectly.

i have a brilliant quality picture on my pc from you of sky 1 showing Eureka.

so you have it completly sussed.well done mate!!!!

you are much cleaverer than i am.

i really want to find out whats stopping this working for me,now ive seen just how good the quality is from you.

i even opened up your mms address in VLCF on my dreambox and then restreamed it from my pc to my dreambox and had a perfect quality picture of sky 1 from you on my tv.

thanks for testing.
ive deffo now got to put all my efforts into getting this sorted,its awsome.ian.

08-08-2009, 11:35 AM
"so you have it completly sussed.well done mate!!!!"

Mmmmm.. not quite I've changed all my settings back to normal and now I'm getting the same as you :frown:
so now to work out whats gone wrong.....
don't you just love this hobby:respect-050:

08-08-2009, 11:41 AM
yea the hobby is cool,but can be terribly frustrating.

sorry i dont follow you statement.

youve changed what settings back to normal?

this could also be the answer to my problems if you are now getting the same error message that i am.ian.

08-08-2009, 11:53 AM
ok i've just found my problem,
I use a different external port which then goes to port 1234 internally and i put the external port into the programs settings and not 1234
but this did give me the same results as you so maybe start your port forwarding from scratch and possibly restart your router

08-08-2009, 12:09 PM
mate,i can be really thick sometimes.

ive read you post 5 times and i still dont get what you mean.

"I use a different external port which then goes to port 1234 internally and i put the external port into the programs settings and not 1234"

could you possibly rephrase the part about using a different external port that then goes to port 1234 internally?

i understand the part about putting the different external port into the program,its just the other bit that a thicko like me cant understand.

for some reason now,the program is not loading the channel lists either.
the internal LAN stream is still there,but the channel lists are not.they appear for a brief moment,then dissappear again and the program restarts the internal stream.this is happening in a constant loop.

like you said,dont you just love this hobby?ian.

ps when you opened your ports in your router did you choose TCP or UDP or both?

08-08-2009, 12:55 PM
I connect to my router on a port of my choosing and the router forwards this to port 1234 on my pc
in the settings page i entered the external ip that i use instead of the internal 1234 that i should have
but ignore all that as it's only over complicating things

just stick to port 1234,
it doesn't matter if you choose both (tcp/udp) but you only need tcp option.
I know this is stating the obvious, please forgive me, but port 1234 needs to forward to port 1234 on your pc
regarding channel list problem has your dream ip changed (test connection from settings page)
might be worth uninstalling/re-installing program and starting from scratch

It deffo seems to be port related as when my ports were not right i got the same error message

08-08-2009, 01:19 PM

i think starting from scratch is a good idea as im now getting a message from the program telling me my web interface plugin is out of date and i should install a version higher than 1.5

what the hell is the web interface plugin?

i use nabilosat darkstar E1 and as far as im aware the interface is intergrated into the image.ian.

08-08-2009, 01:24 PM
ok im running this with dm 800 and oozoon, give us a minute and i'll check it out with darkstar on my 7020,

ok just tested connection to 7020 and getting..
"dreambox is connected but your dreambox webinterface plugin version is less than 1.5, please update to recent version"
but just to be annoying it still works ok

08-08-2009, 01:45 PM

just been into my router to double check the port forwarding.

i dont have the option to forward port 1234 in the router to port 1234 on the pc,all i have is the option to forward port 1234 to my pc's LAN ip of which i have done.

if yours is also working on a 7020 using darkstar,then i have some sort of internal problem.

ive never encountered any such problems before,not with CS or P2P programs and port forwarding.
the program is also stating that my DNS is none existent or not current.
it obviously is as im using CS.

im stuck!

i still haven't downgraded my VLC,but as yours is also working with 1.01 i didnt see the need.

this is doing my nut in now.ian.

08-08-2009, 01:50 PM
what router are you using ?

no forget that, ive just reread what you said and that should be fine

08-08-2009, 02:22 PM
could your pc's firewall be blocking anything ?
although i didnt need to change anything with mine

08-08-2009, 02:31 PM
ive turned the firewall off for now.

the problem im having to address first is that the channel lists will no longer load.

ive uninstalled the program and ran 3 different registry cleaners umpteen times now,but every time i reinstall it my original settings for my dreambox are still there,i cant find where the bastards are saved.
untill i can get the channel lists to load again it will never work.ian.

Dice Man
08-08-2009, 05:06 PM
Sorry m8, first time i've checked this thread since i posted!

Had problems with the web receiver - error connecting to server.

Got the other one working ok, but the program constantly crashed using vista and a quad core pc.

So i never continued with it.


08-08-2009, 07:18 PM
i dont fooking believe this.

i'd practically given up on this and left it and went for a sleep on the couch.
refreshed,i thought right i'm gonna have another go.i opened up the program and the channel lists loaded instantly.i then started streaming and the bloody thing started working.
ive done nothing at all to it to make it work,it just does.

anyway i can now verify that this program works as ive just phoned a mate and started a stream to him and he is recieving perfect quality pictures from me over the net.
alls well that ends well lol.ian.

ps anyone know why the english language which is the second pid on most channels is lost during the stream?

08-08-2009, 08:25 PM
just had a thought.

the upload in the UK is ****e and if it was faster then i would offer to do this.

but perhaps a stream of saturday 3pm kick off's could be uploaded to the VIP section,for peeps in here who dont have dreamboxes,but want to watch the match.
i dont know how many would be able to connect to my box before the stream deteriorated,but perhaps someone from europe with a better upload could do this?

09-08-2009, 06:16 AM
good stuff Ian:respect-055:
glad it's working for you now.
yes your right about the audio stream it just picks up the first stream with no option for changing
perhaps the author may change this in the future
you can also stream avi's, mpg's and recorded ts files if you put them in the program's media folder

09-08-2009, 09:09 AM
thanks m8,

i never knew that.
thats really cool then.it means i can stream movies to friends.im sick of burning DVD's for them.
just had to do 3 copies of ice age 3.now i can just stream it to them,because i know blank DVD's are only cheap,but its me that always ends up paying for the new ones.ian.

09-08-2009, 10:28 AM
i have an iphone 3g and a dreambox 800hd can i stream to my iphone with wifi connection on my iphone.



09-08-2009, 10:35 AM
it just so happens that the author has just released an extension to this application that enables you to do this.

i know its released,but as yet i haven't been able to find it online.
as soon as i do i will upload it here.ian.

09-08-2009, 10:47 AM
excellent I will check back later, i wonder if it comes with a tutorial?

or better still an idiots guide lol

cheers ian


09-08-2009, 07:24 PM

i emailed the author of the program regarding the mobile phone software.
here is his answer.

Regarding streaming to mobile,the above pictures are from my mobile showing dreambox channels
I need just to add small thing to the program subject of this post to stream in form of http protocol where mobiles can receive
the second thing we need is coreplayer to be installed in mobile
just to take the internet address from the program and add it to mobile coreplayer
Tomorrow i will post detail for the procedure,it is easy and direct
it have tested it on nokia 95,nokia81 but should be no problems to work with iphone and others


09-08-2009, 11:42 PM
great thanks ian, i will need loads of help with this though



10-08-2009, 03:21 PM
Downloaded the programme,thanks Ian.

Tried to get it working using my DB7000 with no joy at all.Prog keeps stating that either my Dreambox model,Username,Password,Dreambox port or Dreambox IP is wrong.

I know for a fact that all is O.K. as I use various programmes on my laptop to communicate with my Dreambox.


10-08-2009, 03:43 PM
Starting to get there me thinks.Getting Audio transmission on my lappy but no Video yet.

Bit more work needed,will report when I hopefully have it working.


10-08-2009, 06:04 PM
Heres the new released program with the ability to stream to a mobile as well as another pc,asked for by wwe

To make the program stream to a mobile just extract the attached file to a program folder and run it
from settings just select receiver type "mobile1" and start streaming
In coreplayer or vlc that is installed on the mobile,enter the stream internet address and start playing
it is not advisable to use real player as for the most part it will not work.

install coreplayer to your mobile by using pc suite


10-08-2009, 06:17 PM

if your not getting a piccy it probably down to codecs.

ensure you have the very latest codec pack installed on your lappie.ian.

10-08-2009, 06:46 PM
for those who like me live in the UK and who have limited upload capabilites,
i have written a reg file that will increase your default send/recieve size window.

this MAY improve your upload speed.the operative word here is MAY

be aware that this is optimal for me and may need slight tweaking for your setup and internet speed.

if you find it doesnt work for you,then just delete the newly created parameters file in your registry.


and if your not very pc literate DONT TRY THIS!!! as you will have problems deleting the new keys if it doesnt work for you.
PLEASE ONLY EXPERIENCED PC USERS TRY THIS!!! as i take no responsibilty for you screwing up your registry.

to use this regkey

Right Click the downloaded Reg File and select Merge,
and the changes will automatically be made in your registry.

to undo this change

navigate to the following key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\AFD\Parameter s

and delete the parameters keys.


10-08-2009, 07:11 PM

All working fine now and I am very impressed.Next challenge for me is to go mobile and see how I go.


10-08-2009, 07:46 PM
Hi Ian,

firstly many thanks for sharing your findings with this program.

I'm really keen to get this working,

The channel list loads for me and it starts playing any selected channel. I hit the restream buttonand it starts streaming, but when i click on preview it says locating media and plays nothing. i have to click play again and still nothing. Not even any error messages.

I'm certain the router is configured correctly and my DNS account is valid.

Any suggestions from your experiences?



10-08-2009, 08:28 PM
Sorry forgot to mention I have a DM800

Also when i set up my DNS account I put my PC DHCP IP address, is that correct or do I put my Dreambox ip?

Thanks in advance.


11-08-2009, 08:47 AM
when i first set mine up mate,years ago now to use CS,i obviously used my dreambox ip.

this is the same DNS that i use with this program,so i would suggest you set it up with your dreambox ip as well.

with regards to not locating the media,i would think this is a firewall issue on your pc.perhaps a program such as spybot search and destroy or adaware resident shield are preventing access.also ensure you allow port 1234 through your windows firewall as well as the streaming application itself.ian.

11-08-2009, 08:58 AM

All working fine now and I am very impressed.Next challenge for me is to go mobile and see how I go.


nice one m8,

glad you got it sorted.
still having one or two problems myself,due to my pathetic upload capabilities.
i did a test at speedtest.net and my download is well above the european and UK average(i can download at very nearly 8mg per second)but my upload is one of the lowest in europe or the UK.ian.

11-08-2009, 09:57 AM
i have the programs now i just need some time to do this, on my iphone. Should i get it working first on my pc to pc streaming then go for the iphone setup/



11-08-2009, 10:01 AM
Thanks for that Ian,
works a treat for me with both 0.99 and 1.01 on XP:king-041:
although, not surprisingly, no success with HD
Web streaming quality of SD is really good if you've got the bandwidth (high ->400)

Will this work with vista


11-08-2009, 10:33 AM

I use Vista Home Premium and I can confirm that it works fine,on my laptop.

I am using the Gemini 4.6 image in my DB7000 and people state that it is the worst image to use in this streaming prog,but I can confirm that it runs fine.

PLi image is the one that is recommended to use for best results.


11-08-2009, 12:46 PM
Will this work with vista


Yes wwe,
as jayprince has said i've also just tested with vista ultimate ;)

11-08-2009, 01:37 PM
ok so it works on vista for sending ian using a dreambox 800hd hope it works with this



11-08-2009, 02:56 PM
try this mate its supposed to work,although i havent managed it yet,but ive been told its down to me using VLC 1.01 and this program only works with 0.99 and the activex that is installed with that version.
been too busy to uninstall my version and install 0.99,but i will eventually get around to it.ian.

Dreambox streaming to internet,it was never easy like this


Dreambox streaming to internet,it was never easy like this

streaming dreambox channels to internet in 6 steps

1- Install the program from the link below.
2-Create and update dynamic dns address.
3-Open and forward port 1234 to your computer IP.
4- Fill created dynamic dns address and choose your. internet speed from settings.
5- Hit start streaming from the program.
6- Take the appearing internet address and use it with. windows media player and enjoy your dreambox anywhere.

Note: For better internet streaming form enigma 1 dreambox i advice pli-jade image

Additional features...
1- Playing enigma 1 and 2 dreamboxes on local computer
2- View hd channels on pc from hd capable dreambox
3-Record E1 and E2 dreambox channels on pc

When port forwarding is it tcp or upd



11-08-2009, 03:06 PM
tcp ;)

12-08-2009, 03:16 PM
ok i have manged to get streming direct from my db800 to my laptop and able to turn channels etc... but that on my local network.

I have registered for a dns account a free one and now have a web address, that i choose, and an ip address that does not change.

but what do i do with these to enable me to stream over the internet to another pc


12-08-2009, 03:41 PM
ok i am a step further my problem was that i never but my ip address of my db800 in my dns setup. Now when i press the start streaming i get an ip address a stream internet address when i put that into my other computer Windows media player opens but the message says network error, check that i am connected to network and check proxy settings

i feel i am close but its doing my head in

edit; the error message when testing my dns server **************.net is not created or not updated? when when i enter the streaming info into my other pc i open media player but it comes up with the message above


12-08-2009, 10:11 PM
this is the same error message i was constantly recieving.
its deffo down to your ports m8,but i cannot tell you how i resolved it as i just went for a sleep and when i came back the bastard thing worked,and has worked ever since.
check your port forwarding in your router,windows firewall and any third party apps you also may have.spybot search and destroy and adaware are notorious for causing port problems,also check your AV.ian.

ps if you go here you can chat with the author as i,saintomer and rruunneerr have been doing.


13-08-2009, 07:18 AM
Hi wwe,
firstly what do you get if you type your dns address **************.net into your web browser ?
next, i wouldn't worry about forwarding port 80 to your dreambox or port 5678 to your pc at this time as there not needed to get the streaming side of things up and running
all you need to do is forward port 1234 to your pc address

13-08-2009, 10:24 AM
Hi wwe,
firstly what do you get if you type your dns address **************.net into your web browser ?
next, i wouldn't worry about forwarding port 80 to your dreambox or port 5678 to your pc at this time as there not needed to get the streaming side of things up and running
all you need to do is forward port 1234 to your pc address


When i but my www.*************.net into my browser i get the dreambox web control and can view a picture through this. I still have all my ports forwarded 1234, 5678, 80. i have tried loading my web address onto my iphone and quicktime opens and trys to play the stream but it ****s out. At first though I would like to get this working on my pc

with the tunisia software that everyone else has going maybe my dns is not set correctly in my dlink router its a dlink dsl 2740b

any help please as i am well out side my comfort zone here lol

edit with the receiver software where it says Server DNS address what do i put in there? i have tried my ******.net address with www and without it just says connection with server closed. its not going very well and its hot

13-08-2009, 10:47 AM

When i but my www.*************.net into my browser i get the dreambox web control
Good that means your dns address is working and up to date.
for the time being remove your port forwarding for ports 80 and 5678 so that you've only got 1234 going to your pc.
then open up your streaming progie select a channel and start restreaming.
then go to your other pc and try explorer again....
i know you've done this a thousand times but......

13-08-2009, 11:13 AM
your router portforwarding should be something like....
Name -> web streamer
External Port tcp-> 1234
Internal Port tcp-> 1234
Pc IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

13-08-2009, 11:43 AM
Good that means your dns address is working and up to date.
for the time being remove your port forwarding for ports 80 and 5678 so that you've only got 1234 going to your pc.
then open up your streaming progie select a channel and start restreaming.
then go to your other pc and try explorer again....
i know you've done this a thousand times but......

ok i have taken out the other port forwarding i went to the other pc and opened my browers and placed in the address line the Stream interent address from my player from the other pc, its starts mms://*************.net my browers goes to windows media player and that gives a network error.

am i getting closer i hope so lol


13-08-2009, 11:44 AM
your router portforwarding should be something like....
Name -> web streamer
External Port tcp-> 1234
Internal Port tcp-> 1234
Pc IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

hi mate it is exactly like you describe above

thanks for your help


13-08-2009, 11:52 AM
ok m8,
are you typing...
mms://*************.net or mms://*************.net:1234 ?

13-08-2009, 12:26 PM
ok m8,
are you typing...
mms://*************.net or mms://*************.net:1234 ?


with .net i get media player can not play the file the player might not support the file type etc..

with .net:1234 i get proxy server problems

i have updated my vista codecs

on tunisa web receiver i am getting error connecting to server what do i put in the Server DNS address box in settings please



13-08-2009, 12:38 PM
the address you need to be using is the second one..
mms://*************.net:1234 (you need to specify the port no.)
dont use or worry about the web reciever yet 1 thing at a time !
have you clicked on the start restreaming button in the tunisa-sat player and streamer ?

13-08-2009, 12:45 PM
the address you need to be using is the second one..
mms://*************.net:1234 (you need to specify the port no.)
dont use or worry about the web reciever yet 1 thing at a time !
have you clicked on the start restreaming button in the tunisa-sat player and streamer ?

yes i click the restreaming and i get an internet address and local address


13-08-2009, 01:07 PM
in the settings tab;
server DNS address = *************.net
server streaming port = 1234

ok before we change ports around which version of the program are you running the original or the mobile phone version ?
Ian has said that the mobile phone version running for pc is breaking up and very poor so for now it's best to stay with the 1st version
so uninstall the mobile phone version and install the previous one then try streaming again
you'll be able to try the mobile phone version again once your up and running
if you still have no joy delete the web streamer setting in your router and try this config instead...

Name -> web streamer 2
External Port tcp-> 16010
Internal Port tcp-> 1234
Pc IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

then use this in web browser,

13-08-2009, 01:12 PM
in the settings tab;
server DNS address = *************.net
server streaming port = 1234

ok before we change ports around which version of the program are you running the original or the mobile phone version ?
Ian has said that the mobile phone version running for pc is breaking up and very poor so for now it's best to stay with the 1st version
so uninstall the mobile phone version and install the previous one then try streaming again
you'll be able to try the mobile phone version again once your up and running
if you still have no joy delete the web streamer setting in your router and try this config instead...

Name -> web streamer 2
External Port tcp-> 16010
Internal Port tcp-> 1234
Pc IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

then use this in web browser,

i did not load the mobile phone version onto my laptop. I will change the ports thanks


13-08-2009, 01:26 PM
i did not load the mobile phone version onto my laptop. I will change the ports thanks


done that changed ports etc... still get the same error in media player its doing my head in and yours i'll bet

hope to keep trying need help badly lol


13-08-2009, 02:29 PM
sorry about the delay, poxy power cut !
ok, simplify your port settings by changing to this..

Name -> web streamer 2
External Port tcp-> 16010
Internal Port tcp-> 16010
Pc IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

change server streaming port = 16010 in the programs settings tab

go here -http://www.portforward.com/help/portcheckdownload.htm and dowload, install and run the port checker

port number to check 16010
protocol TCP
check me !

13-08-2009, 03:24 PM
sorry about the delay, poxy power cut !
ok, simplify your port settings by changing to this..

Name -> web streamer 2
External Port tcp-> 16010
Internal Port tcp-> 16010
Pc IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

change server streaming port = 16010 in the programs settings tab

go here -http://www.portforward.com/help/portcheckdownload.htm and dowload, install and run the port checker

port number to check 16010
protocol TCP
check me !

done that and the port is open, but now the tunisa keeps shutting down when i try to stream from db800 to laptop over local network grrrr
doing a reboot hopefully this will fix it unless it don't like port 16010


13-08-2009, 03:32 PM
ok or you can choose a different port or even revert back to 1234
then check with the portchecker that the new port is opened.
what version of vlc have you got installed

13-08-2009, 03:42 PM
ok port 16010 is open on my laptop but my pc that i am checking internet streaming port 16010 is not open? is this a problem i will try port 1234 again

vlc 1.01


13-08-2009, 03:48 PM
port 1234 is open on laptop but not on pc that i am testing internet streaming on


13-08-2009, 03:48 PM
ok port 16010 is open on my laptop but my pc that i am checking internet streaming port 16010 is not open? is this a problem i will try port 1234 again

vlc 1.01


clear as mud m8 ;)

change your vlc to 0.99 as this has been proven as 100% working

13-08-2009, 03:50 PM
what is your local address's for your laptop and pc ?

13-08-2009, 03:59 PM
clear as mud m8 ;)

change your vlc to 0.99 as this has been proven as 100% working

sorry mate i checked portforwarding on my laptop that i use for direct streaming from my db800 and ports 16010 and 1234 are open.

But on my pc that i am using to try and restream to ports 16010 and 1234 are not open

i thought this might be an issue?

i will load 0.99 vlc

thanks for sticking with it mate


13-08-2009, 04:06 PM
so am i right in thinking that the tunisa player and streamer program is on your pc ?

13-08-2009, 04:21 PM
i have a laptop and a pc. My laptop is portforwarded and i have tunisa player and streamer version 5.00 loaded on the laptop and its currently streaming from my db800.

i am using my pc to test internet stream which is not working currently don't know why this is what we are testing


13-08-2009, 04:26 PM
ok thats fine then,
you dont need any ports open to your pc just your laptop.
have you put 0.99 on your laptop

13-08-2009, 04:27 PM
yes its on vlc 0.99


13-08-2009, 04:29 PM
ok restart the streamer program and try from your pc again

13-08-2009, 04:35 PM
i have tried but my pc open windows media player and vlc how do i get it to open vlc when i place my mms://***********.net:1234 address in browser

what file format is the stream so i can assoiate that with vlc?


13-08-2009, 04:41 PM
it is meant to open media player,
vlc is just being used to stream from your laptop by the streaming proggie
so what port have you got set for 'server streaming port' in the streaming prog now ?

13-08-2009, 04:43 PM
it is meant to open media player,
vlc is just being used to stream from your laptop by the streaming proggie
so what port have you got set for 'server streaming port' in the streaming prog now ?

1234 and that port is open on my laptop

when i check item5 test dynamic dns address and port forwarding the message says my **************.net is not created or updates but when i put this address in my browser on my pc i get the dreambox control centre

13-08-2009, 04:50 PM
ok try this on your pc,
where 192.168.X.XX is your laptop address

dont worry about the error message on No.5 it tells me the same !

13-08-2009, 05:05 PM
have you tried my last post yet as this will establish if the program is streaming or not without any port forwarding being used

13-08-2009, 05:14 PM
ok try this on your pc,
where 192.168.X.XX is your laptop address

dont worry about the error message on No.5 it tells me the same !

thats working in media player on my pc is that it internet streaming or is that on my local network?

i think were getting closer



13-08-2009, 05:22 PM
deffo getting closer:D
thats on your local network,
but it is the outputed stream from the program as you'll notice there's a lag between what you see on your laptop and when it appears on your pc
so the program is working 100% right:respect-054:
so the problem is your router is not directing the outside world to your laptop
try restarting your router ?

13-08-2009, 05:35 PM
deffo getting closer:D
thats on your local network,
but it is the outputed stream from the program as you'll notice there's a lag between what you see on your laptop and when it appears on your pc
so the program is working 100% right:respect-054:
so the problem is your router is not directing the outside world to your laptop
try restarting your router ?

rebooted and still not working when i put in my mms://**********.net:1234 address in the browser

13-08-2009, 05:41 PM
so if you enter http://**********.net on your pc it takes you to your dreambox web interface, yes ?

13-08-2009, 05:48 PM
so if you enter http://**********.net on your pc it takes you to your dreambox web interface, yes ?

it did now its not working grrrr

maybe its because i took out portforwarding to my dreambox on port 80?


13-08-2009, 05:52 PM
what are you getting now ?
if port 80 isn't still being forwarded to your dreambox then you'll probably get the login box for your router....
does your router update dns automaticly for you ?

13-08-2009, 05:58 PM
what are you getting now ?
if port 80 isn't still being forwarded to your dreambox then you'll probably get the login box for your router....
does your router update dns automaticly for you ?

port 80 is not forwarded to dreambox, i don't get router login although i use to get this. I have just checked my dns account and my ip info address changed from to soething that dns put there i have changed it back to but still can't connect to dreambox control

I don't think my router updates dns as i don't know how to set that up

i have port forwarded 80 to my db800 ip address and now i have dreambox control centre



13-08-2009, 06:18 PM
port 80 is not forwarded to dreambox, i don't get router login although i use to get this.

ok, so forward port 80 back to your dreambox.

I have just checked my dns account and my ip info address changed from to soething that dns put there i have changed it back to but still can't connect to dreambox control

when you say you've checked your dns account do you mean your dyndns.org or no-ip.info address, if so they should be your external ip address (eg: 86.151.X.XXX) and not an internal one (192.1.XX.XXX)

I don't think my router updates dns as i don't know how to set that up

To access the DNS setup setting window in your router, click on the DNS Setup button in the ADVANCED directory.

you can also download a manual here -ftp://ftp.dlink.co.uk/dkt_products/dkt-810/DSL-2740B_Manual.pdf


13-08-2009, 06:23 PM
ok, so http://**********.net connects to your dreambox.
and mms://your.laptop.ip:1234 connects to your laptop and streams
but mms://**********.net:1234 does not connect to your laptop or stream

assuming the above is true and port 1234 is still being forwarded to your laptop
then something on your laptop is blocking the connection (software firewall etc...)
maybe try this the other way round stream from your pc to your laptop ?

13-08-2009, 06:25 PM
i have a picture now on my pc using dreambox control centre, when logging into Http://**************.net and vlc 0.99 is this internet streaming? lol

but in my dns.com account i placed my dreambox ip address in there this is not on my router but where i registered my account this changed earlier to another ip address. What should go in there



13-08-2009, 06:30 PM
i have a picture now on my pc using dreambox control centre, when logging into Http://**************.net and vlc 0.99 is this internet streaming? lol

but in my dns.com account i placed my dreambox ip address in there this is not on my router but where i registered my account this changed earlier to another ip address. What should go in there



no the address that should be on the dyndns.org site (or similar) is your routers external ip

who have you registered your dns account with, i cant understand how your finding your dreambox with my.dyn.dns.org when it thinks your address is 192.168...........

13-08-2009, 06:38 PM
no the address that should be on the dyndns.org site (or similar) is your routers external ip

who have you registered your dns account with, i cant understand how your finding your dreambox with my.dyn.dns.org when it thinks your address is 192.168...........

its with dyndns.com

how do i find my routers external ip address and how do i stop dyndns.com from changing it

i can not see a picture using tunisa and mms://******.net:1234 on my pc but can see a picture with dreambox contol on my pc

13-08-2009, 06:47 PM
ok so go to dyndns.org and sign in,
click on My Hosts (it's under My Services)
click on your Hostname,
under the box which displays your IP address there's a line that says
Use autodetect IP Address XX.XXX.X.XX
click on that and that should then be automaticly entered in the box above
then save changes

13-08-2009, 06:47 PM
ok i have registered my external ip address with my dns accounnt dreambox control centre still works and able to stream using web address but mms:// still not working

13-08-2009, 06:54 PM
is port 1234 still going to laptop or was it deleted like port 80 was ?

13-08-2009, 06:55 PM
ok so go to dyndns.org and sign in,
click on My Hosts (it's under My Services)
click on your Hostname,
under the box which displays your IP address there's a line that says
Use autodetect IP Address XX.XXX.X.XX
click on that and that should then be automaticly entered in the box above
then save changes

before i do this i am now getting the dlink login page and not dreambox control centre

13-08-2009, 06:56 PM
before i do this i am now getting the dlink login page and not dreambox control centre

ok i have done this and now iget dlink login



13-08-2009, 06:59 PM
if thats the case then the ip address in the box on the dyndns page should be the same as the one in blue just check it and see,
this also means that port 80 isn't forwarded to your dreambox,
let me know

13-08-2009, 07:03 PM
if thats the case then the ip address in the box on the dyndns page should be the same as the one in blue just check it and see,
this also means that port 80 isn't forwarded to your dreambox,
let me know

sorry mate where do i find the one in blue the ip address to check with my dns.com?

13-08-2009, 07:07 PM
Here m8,

ok so go to dyndns.org and sign in,
click on My Hosts (it's under My Services)
click on your Hostname,
under the box which displays your IP address there's a line that says
Use autodetect IP Address XX.XXX.X.XX

need to pop out and then do some dinner so i'll be back in about an hour m8,
it's just this dns and port forwarding that needs sorting the actual program is working as you proved earlier
catch you in a bit

13-08-2009, 07:33 PM
Here m8,

need to pop out and then do some dinner so i'll be back in about an hour m8,
it's just this dns and port forwarding that needs sorting the actual program is working as you proved earlier
catch you in a bit

ok mate and thanks alot


13-08-2009, 07:40 PM
i have checked port 80 and its says its locked or being used, maybe db800 is using it


13-08-2009, 08:37 PM
how you doing m8 any progress ?

13-08-2009, 08:42 PM
ok i now see dlink login screen when i put http://*********.net on my pc so i think my ports are not forwarded correctly i have tried to test post 80 on my laptop but its locked by another application maybe my db800


13-08-2009, 08:49 PM
right well at least thats progress:D
ok go into your router and delete all these port forward settings we've been adding
and then start from scratch,
first off port forward your port 80 to your dreambox and then try the...
http://*********.net and let me know the results

13-08-2009, 08:55 PM
ok done that a message i got is as follows

"Since port 80 is used the dsl router web server will be moved to 8080"

in port forwarding port 60 has been set up no reference to port 8080


13-08-2009, 08:59 PM
tired eyes !

ok so what do you get with the following line in browser..

and what about http://*********.net:8080 ?
you should now get your router with this ?

13-08-2009, 09:03 PM
tired eyes !

ok so what do you get with the following line in browser..

dlink login mate we have been on this all day lol

13-08-2009, 09:07 PM
message came from router when port forwarding port 80

13-08-2009, 09:14 PM
right then, back into your router what have you got listed under 'Active Port Forwarding Rules' ?

13-08-2009, 09:16 PM
right then, back into your router what have you got listed under 'Active Port Forwarding Rules' ?

dreambox external port 80 internal port 80 TCP

13-08-2009, 09:19 PM
so does http://*********.net take you to dreambox web page now ?

13-08-2009, 09:21 PM
so does http://*********.net take you to dreambox web page now ?

no it takes me to the dlink login page for setups


13-08-2009, 09:25 PM
wow you guys have been busy.

i dont know you pop out to work and...............


in the address bar of explorer type in http://routers ip address and hit enter
when inside of the router click on attached devices.
this will give you a list of all of the items on your network.
establish which is your dreambox ip and which is the ip of the pc you are trying to stream too.
now go to your DNS site and select add a host and create your DNS.
when it asks for the LAN ip type in the ip that the router has assigned to your dreambox.the router will only do this if DHCP is enabled inside of the router so ensure that it is.
this is the DNS that your type into the streaming program.
and when adding the dreambox ip to the program,ensure its the one you previously found from inside of your router.ian.

13-08-2009, 09:36 PM
wow you guys have been busy.

i dont know you pop out to work and...............


in the address bar of explorer type in http://routers ip address and hit enter
when inside of the router click on attached devices.
this will give you a list of all of the items on your network.
establish which is your dreambox ip and which is the ip of the pc you are trying to stream too.
now go to your DNS site and select add a host and create your DNS.
when it asks for the LAN ip type in the ip that the router has assigned to your dreambox.the router will only do this if DHCP is enabled inside of the router so ensure that it is.
this is the DNS that your type into the streaming program.
and when adding the dreambox ip to the program,ensure its the one you previously found from inside of your router.ian.

hi ian welcome to the mad house we have had fun today

i have dlink dsl 2740b mine says connected clients it must be the same. I have two wirelss clients but they don't show ip address just mac address i know the ip adresses of these two wireless clients as one is my db800 the other is my eagle. The other three connected lan clients is my iphone laptop and pc

i tihnk i have done before what you say about my dns.com and when i put in the ip address of my db800 i get dreambox control centre with my http://**************.net i can stream with this over the net but my db800 ip address changes within my dns account


13-08-2009, 09:45 PM
Hi Ian and Welcome,
ok back into the router we must go e i e i e i o (sorry couldn't resist:D)click on the DNS Setup button in the ADVANCED directory.
let me know when your there( be patient i haven't got or know your router i'm just getting info off the web)

13-08-2009, 09:45 PM
im sorry mate,but im very tired,just got back from London,so im not at my best here.
the first problem you have here is the fact that the DM800 is connected via wireless.
streaming is doubtfull at best when using a wireless connection.

i dont know if its because im tired,but i dont understand what you are saying about your 800's address changind within your DNS account.

for a DNS to work properly you need to have DHCP enabled in both the router and the dreambox.

pm me your DNS
if it is setup correctly,when i type it into explorer,i will get your dreambox login details on my screen.when i type it in followed by :8080 i will get your router login details instead.ian.

13-08-2009, 09:49 PM
im sorry mate,but im very tired,just got back from London,so im not at my best here.
the first problem you have here is the fact that the DM800 is connected via wireless.
streaming is doubtfull at best when using a wireless connection.

i dont know if its because im tired,but i dont understand what you are saying about your 800's address changind within your DNS account.

for a DNS to work properly you need to have DHCP enabled in both the router and the dreambox.ian.

i am on fixed ip assigned not dhcp streaming works fine over the wireless i have had it working using db control centre

13-08-2009, 09:50 PM
Hi Ian and Welcome,
ok back into the router we must go e i e i e i o (sorry couldn't resist:D)click on the DNS Setup button in the ADVANCED directory.
let me know when your there( be patient i haven't got or know your router i'm just getting info off the web)

ok iam there what next please


13-08-2009, 09:51 PM
streaming works fine over the wireless i have had it working using db control centre

yes but thats over your LAN mate.its a totally different story when trying to stream over WAN.ian.

13-08-2009, 09:58 PM
yes but thats over your LAN mate.its a totally different story when trying to stream over WAN.ian.

i thought it was over my wan as in the web browser on my pc i put in the http:// address of my dns setup which connected me to my db control centre i thought this was over the internet and not locally, the stream quality was poor and different from that of LAN

i would still like to give it a try if its possible if not i will have to get it wired but its about 40 feet to my db from my router


13-08-2009, 10:04 PM
ok mate,i think im misunderstanding all sorts of things here.

at present im more of a hinderance than a help mainly because in all honesty i really cant be arsed studying everything you two have wrote throughout the day,so i can bring myself up to speed on whats happening.

i will do this properly in the morning and maybe then i may be able to offer something a little more constructive than i have just done in my last two posts.thanks.ian.

13-08-2009, 10:07 PM
in DDNS Configuration check(tick) the Enable Dynamic DNS box.
Server Address will be chosen from the drop down menu (dyndns.org)
Host Name will be your registered Hostname at Dyndns.org (**************.net)
Username will be your username for Dyndns.org
password will be your password for dyndns.org
timeout i'm not sure so leave blank
then click apply settings
hopefully now everytime your ip adress changes your router will automaticly update for you...

13-08-2009, 10:09 PM
ok mate,i think im misunderstanding all sorts of things here.

at present im more of a hinderance than a help mainly because in all honesty i really cant be arsed studying everything you two have wrote throughout the day,so i can bring myself up to speed on whats happening.

i will do this properly in the morning and maybe then i may be able to offer something a little more constructive than i have just done in my last two posts.thanks.ian.

long day Ian, have a beer or two and put your feet up mate. i am going to have one too and saintomer1866 m8 i owe you a beer for sure lol


13-08-2009, 10:18 PM
in DDNS Configuration check(tick) the Enable Dynamic DNS box.
Server Address will be chosen from the drop down menu (dyndns.org)
Host Name will be your registered Hostname at Dyndns.org (**************.net)
Username will be your username for Dyndns.org
password will be your password for dyndns.org
timeout i'm not sure so leave blank
then click apply settings
hopefully now everytime your ip adress changes your router will automaticly update for you...

hi mate thanks for everything so far

i have done that, but in the drop down they are all dyndns.org but mine is dyndns.com there is no option for .com i have used dyndns.org custom will this still work?


13-08-2009, 10:19 PM
try it and see ;)

13-08-2009, 10:22 PM
going to call it day mate hopefully might get it going tomorrow thanks

13-08-2009, 10:32 PM
ok m8 I dont think your far off its just getting the basics of port forwarding and dynamic dns sorted out, as far as running the prog it is now running (you can check this out again by putting your lappie ip:1234 into your pc browser
its just a case of getting the outside world (www) into your lappie :leaving:
catch you maybe tomorrow night m8,

14-08-2009, 08:38 AM
ok m8 I dont think your far off its just getting the basics of port forwarding and dynamic dns sorted out, as far as running the prog it is now running (you can check this out again by putting your lappie ip:1234 into your pc browser
its just a case of getting the outside world (www) into your lappie :leaving:
catch you maybe tomorrow night m8,

ok m8 your right it still works ip:laptop and 1234 even though 1234 has not been portfowarded remember we took it out.



14-08-2009, 09:19 AM
ok ive read through all of the posts from yesterday.

as far as i can tell it seems as if your DNS is not updating and not current.
i suggest you either setup your router to do this automatically for you(be aware this can take up to half an hour after it goes down)or register a new DNS at no-ip.com
after you have done this and added a host TO YOUR DREAMBOX IP install this utility and set it to run as a system service on your pc(this is important as it will always run in the background and keep you DNS current no matter how many times your ip changes).its this created DNS that you add to the streaming programs settings(on the right of the settings page)

this will always keep your DNS current and if you are unsure,just untick the little smiley face and then tick it again and it will report if it has updated or an update wasnt needed.
this is the utility i use for both CS and this streaming program and it works flawlessly.ian.

14-08-2009, 10:45 AM
i thought it was over my wan as in the web browser on my pc i put in the http:// address of my dns setup which connected me to my db control centre i thought this was over the internet and not locally, the stream quality was poor and different from that of LAN

i would still like to give it a try if its possible if not i will have to get it wired but its about 40 feet to my db from my router


if you are using a pc in the same location,ie behind the same router in the same house then this is over your LAN and wireless streaming is ok.

if on the other hand you are trying to stream to an outside location(your mates house for example)then this is over WAN.this is where wireless quite often is very poor.

when you open the streaming program and a picture appears this is over your LAN,but when you select restream mms://your DNS address:1234 this is over the WAN.
but when you select mms://your DNS address without the colon and port 1234 this is over your LAN.ian.

14-08-2009, 01:14 PM
very latest version.

this version has the option to choose advanced and allows you to set the program to your own upload speeds,change codecs and bitrates.

ive found this to be a significant improvement as i can now match the program to my maximum upload rate.

just extract to the root of your original program and then create a shortcut to your desktop from the new exe.ian.

14-08-2009, 03:47 PM
ok ive read through all of the posts from yesterday.

as far as i can tell it seems as if your DNS is not updating and not current.
i suggest you either setup your router to do this automatically for you(be aware this can take up to half an hour after it goes down)or register a new DNS at no-ip.com
after you have done this and added a host TO YOUR DREAMBOX IP install this utility and set it to run as a system service on your pc(this is important as it will always run in the background and keep you DNS current no matter how many times your ip changes).its this created DNS that you add to the streaming programs settings(on the right of the settings page)

this will always keep your DNS current and if you are unsure,just untick the little smiley face and then tick it again and it will report if it has updated or an update wasnt needed.
this is the utility i use for both CS and this streaming program and it works flawlessly.ian.

Hi Ian,

My set up is as follows i have a laptop where tunisa player sits and a pc that i want to stream to over the internet. I have a dns account with dyndns.com, and a web address. Within the setup of my dns account what ip address do i use, that of my dreambox or the one that is listed there for me that it sees from my computer. ie external ip. Currently when i place my dns web address in the browser i can see my Dlink login page, but when i placed my db800 ip address in the dns,com setup page i was able to load db control centre from my pc over the wan. My db800 has a fixed ip address and my laptop a dhcp so this changes with each restart. i am not sure how to set up my dns within my router which is a dlink 2740b,



14-08-2009, 04:18 PM
its your dreambox that is doing the streaming so its your dreamboxes ip thats needed in your DNS.
the stream is then played over your LAN to your lappie where the tunisia program is used once the program is started.

then once you select restream the program restreams the LAN feed out through your router and over your WAN.all the program does is adjust the VB and codecs ect to enable the stream to be uploaded.if you didnt use this program and just streamed from your dreambox straight out over your WAN,then your upload wouldnt be able to cope with the amount of infomation being streamed.so it takes in the stream from your box,adjusts it and then sends it out again.once you get your head around what is happening it will become obvious which ip's are needed.

on your pc,you then enter into explorer the mms address thats displayed at the bottom right of the program followed by :1234.this address is made up from the DNS you entered into the programs settings and is the same address as what you setup in your DNS account online.

anyone entering this address will recieve your stream,it doesnt matter that you are using your other pc at home,you will still recieve the stream over WAN like i would if i entered you mms address.forget the fact that the 800 has a fixed ip,it doesnt matter as you are using a DNS this is what a DNS is for.forget this ip totally.
you only need the dreamboxes internal ip so you can enter this into the programs settings on the left of the setup page to enable the program to connect to your box,much like any other program you may use such as DCC or any FTP program.
although i must add what does matter is that if you are using DHCP in your router correctly,then the laptops ip should never change upon restart.if it is constantly changing then the forwarding of port 1234 will never be correct.this will be the cause of your problems.
if you cannot get this internal ip to remain constant by just using DHCP,you are going to have to setup a static route inside of your router to your laptop.this in turn will then enable you to forward port 1234 to the correct ip and the port will always be open to your lappie.once this is achieved you should be able to stream way to your hearts content.ian.

14-08-2009, 07:14 PM
Yes..streaming to my mobile Samsung Omnia and coreplayer works great, big thanks to auther and Ian for all info.


14-08-2009, 10:31 PM
if your still not there....
hopefully this will help...

My set up is as follows i have a laptop where tunisa player sits

Ans. Ok so forward port 1234 in your router to 192.168.X.XXX (your laptop IP) guide 1
your router portforwarding should be something like....

Name -> web streamer
External Port tcp-> 1234
Internal Port tcp-> 1234
Laptop IP Address -> 192.168.X.XXX
External port udp -> (blank)
Internal port udp -> (blank)

ignore guide 2
ignore guide 3

A pc that i want to stream to over the internet

Ans. Do nothing
All you'll need to do in the end is enter your dyndns address (eg:Ivemade .thisup.atdyndns.com:1234 (your dyndns or no-ip address:and
port number that your streaming from) )

I have a dns account with dyndns.com/Within the setup of my dns account what ip address do i use, that of my dreambox or the one that is listed
there for me that it sees from my computer. ie external ip

Ans. External IP. This is the address that your internet service provider has given you so go to w w w .portforward.com scroll down the page to the list
of routers and you should see "Your external IP is xx.xxx.x.xxx" at the top brown arrow to the left yellow line to the right this is the IP that you must
enter at dyndns.com

My db800 has a fixed ip address

Ans. This is not only good but a must !

i am not sure how to set up my dns within my router which is a dlink 2740b

Ans. Ive allready told you this...

in DDNS Configuration check(tick) the Enable Dynamic DNS box.
Server Address will be chosen from the drop down menu (dyndns.org)
Host Name will be your registered Hostname at Dyndns.org (**************.net)
Username will be your username for Dyndns.org
password will be your password for dyndns.org
timeout i'm not sure so leave blank
then click apply settings

i have done that, but in the drop down they are all dyndns.org but mine is dyndns.com there is no option for .com i have used dyndns.org
custom will this still work?

Ans. Yes

settings for tunisiasat player and streamer 5.0.0


profile = dream 01
dreambox model = (your dreambox (500,600,7000,7020,800,8000,etc)
dreambox IP = Your local address of your dreambox (eg:
dreambox port = 80
user name = your dreambox username
password = your dreambox password

then test connection !

Network Streaming Configuration

Server DNS address = Ivemade .thisup.atdyndns.net (your dyndns or no-ip address)
Server streaming port = 1234
Internet upload speed profile kb/sec = depends what your upload speed is (if your not sure start slow !)

Then apply !

please note that in all the above details there is no www's or http's involved

eg: your dyndns address = Ivemade .thisup.atdyndns.net and not http://www.Ivemade .thisup.atdyndns.net

I hope this helps you

15-08-2009, 01:06 AM
can i just add one thing mate.
the fixed ip for the dreambox is irrelevant as he will be using a DNS,so just forget about that.ian.

15-08-2009, 08:40 AM
ive got this working within my home network but cant get it to work on internet at other locations i use port 1200 (forwarded) for my cs do i need to port forward 1234 as well and if so is it poss to do this from the same router
thanks in advance

15-08-2009, 08:48 AM
yes m8,
port forward 1234 to the computer thats running the tunisia-sat program

16-08-2009, 08:59 PM
Just got this working,Thanx saintomer1866 and ian :respect-059: :respect-048:

16-08-2009, 10:13 PM
after all of the posts in this thread and all the time spent on this,ive just found that i have better results in streaming to my mates from the dreambox VLC streamer 1.1 posted on this site about 4 weeks ago by sstylianou1976 and this program also streams the correct audio channel and has all the advanced features to change codecs,encapsulation ect.amazing,lol.ian.

17-08-2009, 06:29 PM

how do you get this streaming.

I click on streaming with transcode ticked but nothing.

Could you do a quick guide for me?

Many thanks in advance.


17-08-2009, 07:01 PM
basically you select trandcoding and choose mmsh,your pc LAN ip,your port of 1234,your codecs,encapsulation ect,your bitrate(depending on your upload speed)and save.
you then click on start streaming current channel and VLC will open.

you then go to windows media player click on file then open url and enter mms://your DNS:1234 and the stream will play.you then save this to your playlist for next time so you dont have to enter it again.

if you can get mp4v or H264 to work please tell me how as ive been trying all day,downloading and installing all sorts of splitters and codecs for WMP.ian.

17-08-2009, 09:15 PM
Hi Ian,

cheers for the guide.

Like you I can only get ASf/WMV2 streaming, but even the streaming of that keeps stopping all the time.

It just never seems to stream for very long.

I'm beginning to think this is just not ment to be.

Need some more inspiration.

Regarding H264 VL just crashes on me.

We need a way to stream through sopcast as I think this would give us a nice stable stream.



17-08-2009, 09:16 PM
Just thought,

H264 streams play through Winamp if I remember correctly.



17-08-2009, 09:35 PM
what version of VLC are you using?
ive gone back to 1.0.1 and it works fine with this program.
try ts/DIV3,
also if it keeps stopping then your bitrate is too high.for my pathetic upload capabilities it has to be set at 400.change the audio to 16 and mp3 codec with just 1 channel.
thanks for the heads up on winamp i will give it a try when i find a decent version.ian.

17-08-2009, 10:08 PM
just downloaded and installed and cracked the very latest winamp pro and this wont play the mp4v or h264 stream either,so im now thinking this is a VLC problem as throughout the day ive tried every FFDshow codec,spliter and solution i could get my hands on.

i think MP4 is broken in VLC.ian.

17-08-2009, 10:34 PM
Cheers Ian,

Changed to my laptop and had ASF/DIV3 streaming at over 1000/kbs nostop for 10mins.

The stream quality looked really good.

If you have time tomorrow night would be good to test each other streams.



18-08-2009, 01:41 PM
i think MP4 is broken in VLC.ian.

deffo not broke Ian ;)
got h264 with mp4a and mp4v with mp4a streaming to vlc client
can get mp4v to play on media player classic but no audio
no h264 on media player classic
using dreambox vlc streamer v1.1 and vlc 1.0.1


18-08-2009, 02:59 PM
nice one mate,your way ahead of me on this.
what protocol and encapsulation are you using with h264?

18-08-2009, 03:20 PM
settings are;
2 chan


18-08-2009, 05:47 PM
all working well now Mark using the h264 codec with VLC as the client as well as the streamer.
this codec makes a massive difference at low bitrates and so it was well worth all the effort to get it to stream.its not as good as yours mate,but my upload is less than half of what your is.im fed up of aoHell.
although,from an 8mg connection,i do manage downloads of around 7mg,its just the upload thats pathetic.
i wonder why WMP just cannot play h264?no matter what codecs or splitters are installed on the pc.this is a major flaw in the player and you would think microsoft would resolve it.
so,to anyone else wishing for a big improvement,dont give up on the h264 codec.ian.

18-08-2009, 07:41 PM
Hi Ian and glad your sorted:respect-055:
i've played some more and cranked my bitrate down
settings are now;
2 chan

also when entering the address in vlc use mmsh rather than mms (it loads almost straight away) :D

check out the stream again and tell me what you think,

18-08-2009, 08:05 PM
thats almost perfect.
very stable and a top quality picture,i checked in the media info within VLC and you are now streaming with a bitrate of between 650-800kbs.i think thats just about correct for your upload speed and as a said the picture quality is awsome.
i wish i had your upload speed.
one observation though,you dont need to have the audio settings so high,unless your planning on streaming to someone with 5.1 on their pc.
if you reduce the audio you could crank up the video a bit more,but to be honest its fine as it is.ian.

ps your dead right about using mmsh,it opens straight away.
really glad we have now got this sussed,its just so dam annoying when i compare my quality to yours.ive searched all over the net and it seems very little can be done in the way of tweaks for upload,there are loads for download,but it seems with upload your stuck with what you have.mines perfectly watchable,but yours is brilliant.

18-08-2009, 08:27 PM
yes Ian whilst testing this afternoon i had it streaming to 4 pc's here,
1 of which was doing the uploading as well
and two remote pc's and it performed no different than if it was just me streaming to you:respect-048:
you could always change isp ? if your not tied into them for yonks...
and your spot on about the h264 codec, what a difference !
St.O :D

18-08-2009, 08:28 PM
just wondering now what can be achieved by using all of the filters inside of VLC to sharpen up my stream a bit.i really have very little knowledge of these filters,but i know TNT knows loads regarding VLC so he may be the guy to ask,but as he doesnt have a dreambox,i doubt he has read this thread.ian.

18-08-2009, 08:47 PM
i think wwe must have given up on this project,as we have not heard from him in a number of days.
this is such a shame when you consider the excellent results especially when using the h264 codec.ian.

18-08-2009, 08:53 PM
Yes, same as that m8,
all i've done with vlc before this is stream xvids to my dream and youtube before
mytube came along !
been good fun so far so hopefully TNT will hear our plea :respect-051:
not forgetting Mfaraj57 as well (without whom we wouldnt even be this far):respect-055:

18-08-2009, 09:03 PM
Hopefully he hasn't given up but is just away for a few days,
as the end result so far was more than worth the effort
sometimes it's the most simple of things that we overlook that stop us
getting further
I think Port forwarding has been the biggest problem for peeps here


18-08-2009, 09:18 PM
well for me it was the stupid fact that i had not let the VLC Streamer through my windows firewall.
just messing around with the motion blur filters now,but ive no idea what they do.just clicked on one and it put boxes on the screen at every point of movement.god knows what that ones for.ian.

18-08-2009, 09:30 PM
Many thanks Ian & saintomer1866

Your findings and info have been most helpful.

Now also streaming at great quality!

Are any of you to online to test my stream?



18-08-2009, 09:54 PM
ive just tried to test with my mate and he kept losing my stream.im not sure if its because he is wireless though.so i will test with you mate.ian.

check your pm

18-08-2009, 10:01 PM

i'm watching your stream now, it was working fine now its stuck.

The quality is good, what bitrate?

I will send you a pm now!

18-08-2009, 10:07 PM
Hi Ian,

I've been watching your stream, it works for about 30secs - 45secs then freezes, you have to press stop and play again.

Although I am wireless on my laptop.

By the way i'm streaming mine now at 756/kbs 0.5 mp4 h264 0.5



18-08-2009, 10:08 PM
i cannot open your url mate,maybe because its port 4444?

ok you have the same problem.
it streams for about 10-15 seconds the stops.ian.

18-08-2009, 10:12 PM
Ok mate I will change it to 1234

18-08-2009, 10:14 PM
no need mate i have opened it,but it stops after a short time.
any chance you can go hard wired for a bit?

18-08-2009, 10:16 PM
Hi mate,

I will hard wire on Thurs night if ok.

I have dropped the bitrate to 256, please try again.


18-08-2009, 10:17 PM
yes its fine now with 256 and port 1234.
i will drop my bitrate to that too.ian.

18-08-2009, 10:22 PM
can you check your upload rate for me on speedtest.net

18-08-2009, 10:26 PM
Hi Ian,

it's playing perfectly now, quality still looks good on full screen.



18-08-2009, 10:35 PM
0.489 when last checked the other day.

18-08-2009, 10:35 PM
thanks kev

mines only 0.36.i bet ive the worst upload in england.

are you still streaming as i can no longer connect to you?

could you keep an eye on my stream please for 5 or 10 mins.thanks.ian.

18-08-2009, 11:05 PM

are you still there mate?still cant connect to you so i guess not.

i will leave it streaming for you till about 11.20 as i really could do with some feedback after its been on for 10-15mins.ian.

18-08-2009, 11:10 PM
This is a very long thread and VERY difficult to follow.
Could you please give a FAQ on what, where, who etc. So that newbies into this can make a start without having to troll through 10 pages and forget what was on page 1!!!

19-08-2009, 10:09 AM
Hi Ian,

sorry had to log off last night, I was getting too much ear ache mate!

Anyway for your information, I did leave your stream running for about 25mins with it playing without any problems, infact it was running really smooth. The MP4/H264 combination really works well as the quality was suprising still very good even on full screen. The bitrate of 256/kbs seems perfect for your upload speed, I shouldn't worry about quality becasue as I already said the picture was very clear and the performance spot on. It would be interesting to see football being stream at that bitrate to see how clear that is on the non close up shots?

I used to use tvandsportstreams.tv/forum/index.php to watch football online and they used to stream in H264 at around 300/kbs and even sometimes at around 500/kbs, but no more than that and they were good quality streams. They also had a codec package to install to allow the clinet software winamp to use. Again that worked really well using winamp, hence me suggesting you use that in an earlier thread.

Regarding my stream last night, I cut it off as I had already proved it was streaming ok on the lower bitrate, anyhow the picture on the TV was abit choppy to cs so I didn't think it was worth continuing.

Also with my upload I might try for around 500/kbs and see how that goes, if no good I will drop it back down.

By the way I will do a hardwire test on Thurs night as i'm out tonight, might try abit of footie around 7pm at 500/kbs. I would appreciate your thoughts.



19-08-2009, 02:54 PM
thanks Kev,(you had probably better kill that live link mate)
one thing to keep in mind when you increase your stream bitrate is your CS.if you use up too much of your available upload bandwidth when streaming,your peers wont be able to recieve CW's from your local or virtuals as there will be no room left to send them,or they will only recieve them intermitantly and so have constant picture break up.
this situation will be much the same as when downloading from the newsgroups.NZB's max out your connection and therefore prevent good quality CS,i have to use third party software to limit my download speed when using newsgroups so my CS remains uneffected.

its good to know my stream was working well and a good picture.
i wanted to get it working properly as ive got a mate whos pestering me to have it ready for the man united game tonight.

give me a shout later if you wish to do any further testing.


its probably a bit too much work to write a tut on this as there are so many variables with routers images and pc's
but it might be a good idea for you to give it a go with what you can gather from this thread and any problems you encounter,you could perhaps start your own thread thats specific to you and then all the peeps who now have this working,can concentrate on just your problems alone.
to start with we all have it working with the VLC Streamer 1.1 thats available in the general dreambox section and VLC 1.0.1,so download these and we can go from there.ian.

19-08-2009, 08:47 PM
well i must be the only one who cant get it working with vlc streamer or anything else for that matter

20-08-2009, 10:52 AM
still stuck on this vlc and webif work perfectly
when i start to stream from vlc streamer vlc opens buffers then just stays there no pic any help please

20-08-2009, 01:25 PM
Are you using VLC 1.01

and settings:

2 channels

20-08-2009, 01:48 PM
yes to all those m8

20-08-2009, 02:02 PM
when i start to stream from vlc streamer vlc opens buffers then just stays there no pic any help please

Hi M8,
thats all it does on the server (unlike tunisia sat which shows the piccy)
if you go to your client pc and type mmsh://serverpc.address:1234
into vlc (media -> open network ) ignore drop down protocol and put all the details into the address bar
including the port number then click on play (at the bottom)


20-08-2009, 02:47 PM
tried that no luck if i type the url details straight into firefox it opens up iam using http protocol is that correct

20-08-2009, 02:53 PM
No bluenose you should be using the mmsh output on the dreambox vlc streamer
also do not use a web browser for receiving this now you must use vlc player and follow
my instructions above
wmp will not play h264 files


20-08-2009, 03:02 PM
yes iam doing that but when i press stream and the vlc window opens up with an http:// addy

20-08-2009, 03:22 PM
basic transcoding settings for server pc running Dreambox Vlc Streamer 1.1

output method - mmsh
destination IP - leave blank
port - 1234
encapsulation - mp4
video codec - h264
video bitrate - 250 (adjust later to suit your upload speed)
scale - 0.5 (adjust later to suit your upload speed)
audio codec - mp3
Audio bitrate - 73 (adjust later to suit your upload speed)
Audio channels - 2

and save

Now click on start streaming,

vlc will open and buffer,

you will not get a picture on your server pc just the vlc box

at the bottom of the vlc box you will see a http: address this is your dreambox ip that vlc is streaming from

Now go to your Client Pc and open up Vlc player (Not wmp or web browser)
click on media -> open network
ignore the dropdown protocol box.
now enter this into the address line,


now press play at the bottom of that box
you should now see your stream from the server Pc.


20-08-2009, 03:51 PM
ok getting a pic now but poor quality so i guess its adjust the settings to make it better

20-08-2009, 03:57 PM
that's right m8,
now you can adjust the settings to suit your system.
the higher your scale setting the more bitrate you'll need to support it
just have a play and see

20-08-2009, 04:01 PM
thanks my friend now maybe my son will be able to watch the match

20-08-2009, 04:07 PM
ive adjusted the bitrate but its still unwatchable any other suggestions

20-08-2009, 04:14 PM
maybe some info about your setup might help,
if your just doing this on your lan at the moment are you doing any part of it wirelessly ?

20-08-2009, 04:16 PM
no all wired could it be a port issue i use 1200 for cs with no-ip.org

20-08-2009, 04:21 PM
no its nothing to do with your cs and if your just doing this locally at the moment you dont even need 1234 port forwarded
(local being a 192.168.x.xxx:1234 address not my.no-ip.org:1234 address)

20-08-2009, 04:24 PM
completly lost now so how do get this out to the wider world
do i use my no -ip adress

20-08-2009, 04:28 PM
at the moment where abouts is the client pc that your trying to stream to,
on your lan or outside on the web ?

20-08-2009, 04:31 PM
on the web

20-08-2009, 04:35 PM
stop the streaming program and any uploading/downloading you may be doing and go to speedtest.net
and find out your upload/download speeds and let me know the results

20-08-2009, 04:42 PM
here you go
download 5.44
upload 0.22
ping 82

20-08-2009, 04:54 PM
upload 0.22, thats slow
ok try these settings,
video bitrate - 192
scale - 0.25
audio bitrate - 16
1 channel

20-08-2009, 05:00 PM
wont even open up with them

20-08-2009, 05:06 PM
what settings were you trying before that ?
these settings should stream at about 150 -250 kb/s
try restarting your router so it re-synch's (can sometimes improove up/download speeds)
and try the speedtest again

20-08-2009, 05:09 PM
ok ill give it a go

20-08-2009, 11:11 PM

been following mfaraj57 on kaos like yourself and ian

and yes port forward was the sticking point , so is the upload speed of most peeps.

so i tried the h264 wmp and after a lot of messing i eventually got h264 to work in wmp classic and fddshow with h264 codecs.

to compress smaller

i downloaded, fantastic four rise of the silver sufer in mpeg4 and it works brilliantly.

gonna try stream but only have 212kbs hence the h264

21-08-2009, 07:41 AM
thanks Dale094,
that's great news if you've got wmp classic to play the h264 stream
your doing far better than the rest of us
keep us up to date on how its going and what codec's (or codec packages)
you've got installed and what OS your using

21-08-2009, 07:53 AM

been following mfaraj57 on kaos like yourself and ian

and yes port forward was the sticking point , so is the upload speed of most peeps.

so i tried the h264 wmp and after a lot of messing i eventually got h264 to work in wmp classic and fddshow with h264 codecs.

to compress smaller

i downloaded, fantastic four rise of the silver sufer in mpeg4 and it works brilliantly.

gonna try stream but only have 212kbs hence the h264

can you please post how you did this?

i spent nearly two days on it and must have tried every codec package available to get this to work,and i couldn't.ian.

22-08-2009, 01:30 PM
new version of tunisia streaming program.
this version seems to have many of the original bugs ironed out and also has the option to stream the english audio.
it can also stream the h264 codec and automatically opens VLC when restream is selected.
still testing this version at the moment,but it does seem to be a great improvement over previous releases.i think it also streams HD,but i dont have an HD box to test.
many thanks to mfaraj57 for all of his hard work.ian.

22-08-2009, 02:56 PM
Had a quick play with this earlier this morning and for me it was really buggy
both with 7020 running darkstar and 800 running oozoon.
lots of dbviewer crash's, audio selecter button going blank, not loading channel lists from my 7020.
It did however seem much more stable with my 500+ (pli-jade 3) and did stream BBC HD back to my pc !
audio was spot on but my lan cant handle the bandwidth required for hd pix so stuttered
be good if someone with a fast lan could test

22-08-2009, 04:58 PM
have you made sure you LAN is running at 100mbps full duplex?
or if your network card can handle it 1000mbps full duplex.your LAN should deffo handle HD mate if its configured correctly.my LAN runs at 1g.have you tried using cablenut?
i will explain how to use it if you are unsure.

yes i agree about it having problems loading the channel lists on the 7020.ian.

25-08-2009, 08:46 AM
latest more stable version.

1-Ability to watch hd channel(dvb-s1) from dm500
2- Can watch channel on dreambox and watch,record or stream second channel on the program but both should be in same frequency band(for enigma2 dreambox only)
3-fix the language priority on restreaming or playing by the program
4-More control of the streaming process
5-The program can work now with latest versions of vlc 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
6-Can restream through launching vlc player
7- hope i fix the problem of channel list displaying with dm 7020,i do not have it to test to be sure,waiting for feedback.
and much more enjoy.ian.

25-08-2009, 10:20 AM
Hi ian,

I'm thinking about buying a couple of powerline network connectors.

What is the min speed I will need to stream HD over lan?

Some connectors say 14Mbps/85Mbps & 200Mbs

Which is the lowest I would need as obviously the price is less.



25-08-2009, 12:08 PM
im really not sure on this one as i dont have an HD box to test so i can tell you,but i would always go for the best if you can afford it.its more furure proof that way.i think sonic may be able to answer this properly for you though,as he has experience with these plugs and also an HD box.ian.

25-08-2009, 01:03 PM
Cheers Ian.


25-08-2009, 02:24 PM
latest more stable version.

1-Ability to watch hd channel(dvb-s1) from dm500
2- Can watch channel on dreambox and watch,record or stream second channel on the program but both should be in same frequency band(for enigma2 dreambox only)
3-fix the language priority on restreaming or playing by the program
4-More control of the streaming process
5-The program can work now with latest versions of vlc 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
6-Can restream through launching vlc player
7- hope i fix the problem of channel list displaying with dm 7020,i do not have it to test to be sure,waiting for feedback.
and much more enjoy.ian.

ian is this version just for loading on the pc that you have connected to the web if so which version do i use to connect to my db800 from my laptop



25-08-2009, 03:50 PM
@ rruunneerr
Sonic1 is a VIP member on this site mate.he is very helpfull and will do his best to answer your question regarding the plugs.ian.

25-08-2009, 03:54 PM
ian is this version just for loading on the pc that you have connected to the web if so which version do i use to connect to my db800 from my laptop



no mate this is for connecting to your dreambox from the pc that is going to do the transcoding for you to be able to stream over the net.
on the client pc you open the stream from the mediaplayer,be it VLC or windows mediaplayer or whatever.ian.

25-08-2009, 05:26 PM
Heres the 5.0.6 beta
it now allows the user to choose Access (MMSH/HTTP) from the Advanced Panel
Just put the updated .exe into your dreambox player and streamer folder and run from there
no need to install

25-08-2009, 05:54 PM
thanks mark.

its great to know that mfaraj57 listens to our requests.ian.

26-08-2009, 03:35 PM
having another go at this after a rest.

I have the latest version on my laptop 5.06 beta, i can stream fromm my db800 to my laptop, but when i put my dns address onto my pc where i am stream to over the net i get my router login details and password coming up. I must be close but i can't figure it out

from my iphone now when i put in my web address i get my router login screen



27-08-2009, 11:05 AM
its your dreambox that is doing the streaming so its your dreamboxes ip thats needed in your DNS.
the stream is then played over your LAN to your lappie where the tunisia program is used once the program is started.

then once you select restream the program restreams the LAN feed out through your router and over your WAN.all the program does is adjust the VB and codecs ect to enable the stream to be uploaded.if you didnt use this program and just streamed from your dreambox straight out over your WAN,then your upload wouldnt be able to cope with the amount of infomation being streamed.so it takes in the stream from your box,adjusts it and then sends it out again.once you get your head around what is happening it will become obvious which ip's are needed.

on your pc,you then enter into explorer the mms address thats displayed at the bottom right of the program followed by :1234.this address is made up from the DNS you entered into the programs settings and is the same address as what you setup in your DNS account online.

anyone entering this address will recieve your stream,it doesnt matter that you are using your other pc at home,you will still recieve the stream over WAN like i would if i entered you mms address.forget the fact that the 800 has a fixed ip,it doesnt matter as you are using a DNS this is what a DNS is for.forget this ip totally.
you only need the dreamboxes internal ip so you can enter this into the programs settings on the left of the setup page to enable the program to connect to your box,much like any other program you may use such as DCC or any FTP program.
although i must add what does matter is that if you are using DHCP in your router correctly,then the laptops ip should never change upon restart.if it is constantly changing then the forwarding of port 1234 will never be correct.this will be the cause of your problems.
if you cannot get this internal ip to remain constant by just using DHCP,you are going to have to setup a static route inside of your router to your laptop.this in turn will then enable you to forward port 1234 to the correct ip and the port will always be open to your lappie.once this is achieved you should be able to stream way to your hearts content.ian.

hi ian i have done all that it still won't work

its doing my head in

i have placed my db800 ip address in dns account and when i place my dns account name *************.net i get dreambox control centre, and picture using vlc is this working but in a different way


27-08-2009, 09:13 PM

i really feel you are missing something incredibly simple,i just cant figure out what it is.
try this latest update to see if it resolves things.ian

27-08-2009, 09:48 PM

i really feel you are missing something incredibly simple,i just cant figure out what it is.
try this latest update to see if it resolves things.ian

Hi Ian when i put my db800 ip address in my dns account i get dream web control. When i put my isp Ip address into my dns i get my dlink login page. Both when i use my ************.net dns account. windows media centre opens when i use mms://***********.net:1234 but fails to load picture and says network problems

I might wait now until i hard wire my LAN


27-08-2009, 10:22 PM
have you physically allowed port 1234 and port 5678 through your windows firewall?

open network connections then right click on your LAN connection(if you are wireless then right click on that connection)and select properties.
there you will see your network card.click on the advanced tab then select settings.your firewall options will then open.select exceptions then click on add port.name this port whatever you wish(i have called it dreambox stream)
then type in 1234 in the port number box,finally select TCP then apply.repeat this for port 5678 as well.ian.

28-08-2009, 02:51 PM
have you physically allowed port 1234 and port 5678 through your windows firewall?

open network connections then right click on your LAN connection(if you are wireless then right click on that connection)and select properties.
there you will see your network card.click on the advanced tab then select settings.your firewall options will then open.select exceptions then click on add port.name this port whatever you wish(i have called it dreambox stream)
then type in 1234 in the port number box,finally select TCP then apply.repeat this for port 5678 as well.ian.


I don't know where to find any of the above on my computer running vista, i looked where i thought they would be but open network connections? Network card? adavanced tap? nothing appears to be named as you have named them and when i check what i think it should there is no facility to open ports

i found what i needed in my firewall setting and have opened the ports but still nothing works for me



28-08-2009, 08:02 PM
ok i never knew you were running vista.
i believe this is your problem.the TCP/IP stack was completely re written in vista and they made a total balls up of it,there are many tweaks and registry hacks available to get it to work properly,perhaps this is where you should be heading first of all.
if all else fails install vmware and load xp as the OS inside of vmware,then stream from there.all should work then.ian.

28-08-2009, 09:47 PM
@www was having same prob just wasing working with me trayng for few days done all but still not working
today needed to reset my router and now its working fine
maybe u should tray reset your router and see if works

30-08-2009, 08:42 AM
@www was having same prob just wasing working with me trayng for few days done all but still not working
today needed to reset my router and now its working fine
maybe u should tray reset your router and see if works

Ok i will reboot my router, but i am sure when i first started out with this someone on here said they had it working with vista


30-08-2009, 10:15 AM
would streaming from dreambox to pc or anything else be easy with a slingbox?

30-08-2009, 12:13 PM
a slingbox basically does what this program does,but in answer to your question,yes its supposed to be very easy.ian.

07-09-2009, 10:17 PM
I have this working on an XP machine. I did have to get the latest version of VLC (1.0.1) So thats worth checking.
It just worked then ! just opened the ports on my router and typed the url into IE, it runs windows media player and voila!
Sorry can't tell you which version of VLC I had previously. It just failed to play or stream under the prog.


02-10-2009, 10:06 AM
thanks thanks thanks

10-01-2010, 11:04 PM
I keep getting error message:-

IP dreambox is wrong or dreambox is not connected with network

and port 1234 is forwarded to my DM port 80 in router tables.

05-03-2010, 07:41 PM
Big thanks to Ian & saintomer1866 for all the info and s/w

I just used latest version and then followed the help on the tunisia sat s/w when it opens and mined worked fine the only thing that was not clear as ian has previously mentioned was that the IP address you enter into Dyndns hosting site is the IP of your Dreambox and not the detected one which is the IP of you ISP.

Thanks again for all the help.

PS WWE have u sorted it yet. as this post was really interesting

The NiNja

07-03-2010, 01:55 PM
never got it going, i always seemed to get my router login screen asking for user and password, or my dreambox control centre. I have tried on iphone using vlc4iphone and can stream to it but only on my local network not outside of that on the internet. Would love to get it going though. Might try again what version of software do i use


07-03-2010, 02:09 PM
here is the very latest version if you want to have another go mate.Ian.

07-03-2010, 02:23 PM
here is the very latest version if you want to have another go mate.Ian.

cheers mate, will this work with vista?

07-03-2010, 02:37 PM
no idea mate,i dumped that useless OS about 4 years ago.Ian.

07-03-2010, 03:05 PM
streaming now to laptop from db800, but not sure if its on my local network or on the web how do i check and how do i connect when on the web

07-03-2010, 03:31 PM
I can stream to pc from db800 but i don't know hwat to do or load when outside of my local network to get this working



13-03-2010, 09:57 PM
wwe m8,ive just got this working after not using it for a while and i had probs and it was all down to firewall issues,go to settings in dreambox player and streamer put your dreambox ip addy in and test the connection,then go to network streaming config and enter ur blah blah.dyndns.org and enter 1234 in the server streaming port box then click apply,to try it put in your browser mms://blah blah.dyndns.org:1234
blah blah being what you called it,also reboot pc router ect cuz like Ian stated a while back in this thread,it all of a sudden started to work and thats exactly what happened to me today,good luck m8.

14-03-2010, 12:21 PM
wwe m8,ive just got this working after not using it for a while and i had probs and it was all down to firewall issues,go to settings in dreambox player and streamer put your dreambox ip addy in and test the connection,then go to network streaming config and enter ur blah blah.dyndns.org and enter 1234 in the server streaming port box then click apply,to try it put in your browser mms://blah blah.dyndns.org:1234
blah blah being what you called it,also reboot pc router ect cuz like Ian stated a while back in this thread,it all of a sudden started to work and thats exactly what happened to me today,good luck m8.

i have checked my settings, and i can stream only locally, when i press restream VLC opens and i get a stream but outside on the web i get nothing. When i press preview web stream the pop up says can't connect to my blah blah.net server its doing my head in

i don't want ot buy a slingbox i should be able to get this working



14-03-2010, 01:38 PM
ive said all along mate,that,like EDGE has just mentioned as well,your problems are firewall related.
either port forwarding in your router or a rather intrusive software program on your pc such as windows defender or even a simple program such as peer guardian.
only you know what programs you run,but checkout background services as well.Ian.

14-03-2010, 03:25 PM
i am using McAfee and no other security features such as the ones you mention. I have forwarded the ports, in my router correctly I think, it might be my dns server setup in my router not to sure how to set this. Are there any instruction how setup the software
