View Full Version : Usefull Satelites?

09-08-2009, 06:49 AM
Just ordered an AZBOX Premium and wondering just how many of the satelites up there are of an use in the UK, I know we have 28.8 and 19.2and of course 13.0E but as for the others how many are worth actually tuning into, trying to create a short list before the Box arrives so I can just concentrate on setting the Box with the Sats and Channels that are worthwhile save alot of time if I know what to look out for. Dish mounted to a wall so obviously have a limit on degrees I can go say 45degrees either side of 0.

09-08-2009, 07:38 AM
23.5°E if you are lucky, 1°W, both require larger disches, depends your location.

09-08-2009, 08:48 AM
I would say 1w, 5e, 13e. 16e, 19.2e, 28.2e

That should cover you for most things.

09-08-2009, 10:09 AM
All satelites are worth some milions if we see it like that.

I will say 30 w, 12,5 w, 8 w, 5 w, 4 w, 1 w,
5 e, 7 e, 13 e, 16 e, 19,2 e, 23,5 e, 36 e, 39 e, 42 e,

thy all have something we can see on our tv, some satelites more and some less but they all can ofer some thing.

Start from Free TV , there are hundreds of channels than one can se.
sure we do not understand all this leangues, but foty, tenis, gold, and so on do not need to understand leangue.

if you have card then i will say that most importend sats are
1 w, 5 e, 13 e, 16 e, 19,2 e, 23,5 e, 28,5 e, and maybe 39 e,
on the west side , well i will say only 30 w, is intresting and maybe 8 west to
but with out an card all this sats or not much to have, exept looking at free channels.

09-08-2009, 10:41 AM
there are satellites roughly every 3 deg
try here


09-08-2009, 04:25 PM
Good replys thanks, I think the dish is around 1 Metre & set up on Thor 0.8W apparently giving strong signal, will see what sort of signal I get with the Azbox Tomorrow.

09-08-2009, 05:11 PM
Just ordered an AZBOX Premium and wondering just how many of the satelites up there are of an use in the UK, I know we have 28.8 and 19.2and of course 13.0E but as for the others how many are worth actually tuning into, trying to create a short list before the Box arrives so I can just concentrate on setting the Box with the Sats and Channels that are worthwhile save alot of time if I know what to look out for. Dish mounted to a wall so obviously have a limit on degrees I can go say 45degrees either side of 0.

You lucky sod!!! :D Plenty of degrees to go to! :)

However, it all depends on what you want to watch [if you have the time to! :D] and which languages you can speak/understand, then the peers you can get in Card Sharing networking etc. etc.

Loadsa stuff from at least 42'E [*******] to 43'W Panamsat or whatever the names...

Google or Y*a*h*o*o for Kings of sat dot net


Good luck!:coolgleamA:

09-08-2009, 08:00 PM
Just English speaking is all I actually need, this is why I don't want to waste time sifting through channel after channel, I want to create my own channel list and hopefully it won't be too large? maybe getting into finding a C---Sharing server if the AZBOX can do this properly?

09-08-2009, 08:09 PM
Just English speaking is all I actually need, this is why I don't want to waste time sifting through channel after channel, I want to create my own channel list and hopefully it won't be too large? maybe getting into finding a C---Sharing server if the AZBOX can do this properly?

Depends what you like watching if you want movies then the vast majority have English audio same with TV Series :respect-051:

You don't have to go through loads of channels if you know what you want to watch as there all categorized on the sites already mentioned above just have all the sats but only the channels you like

10-08-2009, 11:13 AM
Azbox provides LOADS of sats in its DVB-S file. Even the EU market version holds details of very exotic sats - which is strange.

I removed all unused satellites but when trying to remove Thor 1W - the box crashes. REALLY ODD.

10-08-2009, 12:33 PM
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?:svengo:Ach, it's one the best!!!!!:smash:

Are you mad, m8? :D :D :D

[You can't get it where you are? Too weak? :beatdeadhorse5:

Damn! That's a shame... ;)]

10-08-2009, 06:51 PM
Don't have peers to enjoy Sirius, Thor or Eurobird. Wanna swap ?
Can offer 2 polish platforms (i.e. HBO, Filmbox, Canal+ movies in English :)

Thought deleting unused sats could help with zapping time. Never thought Azbox was so sensitive that it wouldn't let to delete 1 satellite w/o crashing ! :)

The GoGo list is a mess so decided to scan the sky and build my own A+HB.
Strangely enough I now don't get listings per genre / country but these files STILL EXIST in the Disk2 catalogue !

10-08-2009, 07:31 PM
Do NOT use GOGO list.

Use Sofrenic list and then delete the surplus, as I described in my thread... ;)