View Full Version : My arc is 45e to 58w is the setup correctly?

09-08-2009, 10:17 PM
Hi I have setup my 1m dish in the garden, the overall height from the ground to the top of the dish is about 1400mm. I get sats from 45e to 58w although I find getting a signal from 58w a bit hit and miss, I get no more than 50% signal, sometimes I get nothing. I also can't get BADR @ 26e, I have tried the strongest transponder and I have moved the dish with the decoder to find it manually with and without USAL but nothing. On Astra 2 I get 85% on Hotbird 98%, TurkeySat 98% and Hispasat 30w 95%. I can get Nilesat 7w sometimes, better in the evening. Is this the best arc I will get? Also does anyone get anything past 45e and 58w. I did get 52e on a previous setup in our last house but I think a neighbours house is in the way.

09-08-2009, 11:05 PM
I am located in nw of England
This interesting to me like you I can track from 28e to 58w.
I have set the dish at 1w on nova sport which is one of the weaker tps
I can even pick up nilesat 7w late in the evening
Everything between is very strong
Now the only problem I have is with 26e wich breakup, if I adjust my dish to pull in 26e everything else is slightley out.


09-08-2009, 11:33 PM
Sounds like you've tweaked it to a gr8 deal Satman68, and with a lot of patience by the sounds of it. A Credit to you Sir! i wish mine would track further east and further West But I'm lazy by Nature..... by the Sounds of your set-up Its at a very serviceable ground level, so maybe you raise the Dish or knock a few feet off your good neighbours Roof top with the Sledge Hammer ! :-)

Sláinte !

10-08-2009, 07:58 AM
here I track from 68e to 58w could go a bit further west but nothing there have picked sabc at 68e in the past very low on horizon

10-08-2009, 08:24 AM
Hi I have setup my 1m dish in the garden, the overall height from the ground to the top of the dish is about 1400mm. I get sats from 45e to 58w although I find getting a signal from 58w a bit hit and miss, I get no more than 50% signal, sometimes I get nothing. I also can't get BADR @ 26e, I have tried the strongest transponder and I have moved the dish with the decoder to find it manually with and without USAL but nothing. On Astra 2 I get 85% on Hotbird 98%, TurkeySat 98% and Hispasat 30w 95%. I can get Nilesat 7w sometimes, better in the evening. Is this the best arc I will get? Also does anyone get anything past 45e and 58w. I did get 52e on a previous setup in our last house but I think a neighbours house is in the way.

The strongest transponder is not necessarily on a beam that hits the UK.
Have you checked which beam this transponder is on? EIRP values from BADR 6 range from 35dBW to 37dBW for the UK and 44'ish dbW for BADR 4.

This translates to a minimum dish size of 0.95-1.20m for BADR 4 and 1.40 - 1.85m for BADR 6.

As for your ARC, I'd say you have it spot on and wish mine could be as good as that.

10-08-2009, 10:56 AM
Hi Satman, There is another factor to consider when looking at signal levels and comparing them to other members, that is what box you are using...I have 2 Technomates, a 5300 and 6900, they both give different Quality and Signal levels on the same day...and on the same Sat and Transponder, I also have a Echostar 3600ip that shows the same signal levels as the 5300.

For what it is worth the 6900 shows the least levels which is surprising because it is the newer box, and of course it also depends on the transponder you are looking at as Prontopro pointed out. I think your dish is spot on too, but in case you didn't know you can check the footprint of the Sat and Transponder on Lyngsat, 2 of the strongest transponders on 26e are 12524 H 27500 and 12207 V 27500.

I am in the NW too and get 45e to 58w like you, but my dish is not ground mounted and is slightly bigger than yours a Traix 110.

10-08-2009, 11:53 AM
Funny how you cannot get 26e, I have 53e to 45w and the mbc channels on badr 26e come in quite stong. I'm using a 1m dish in west yorkshire and I find nilesat the hardest to find. I do get channels at night. If your getting nilesat on a 1m then sure you should get badr as the signal is stronger that 7w. Also you don't mention where you are.

10-08-2009, 07:38 PM

Sounds like you got your Dist linned Up OK. to me.
If you are hitting the ( ARC ) that well then i don't see your problem on the Dish.
Are you shure that you don't have a Tree, Crane, wall or some sort of object in the way on that ( 26deg ) ?
Look at the footprint on LyngSat here you should see if its comming your way.
But don't play with that Arc to much or you will be back in work. :302:

10-08-2009, 09:18 PM
I have a 1m dish location is northwest uk (manchester area). I just spun the dish round to Arabsat 26°E and its booming in at 78% on my TM5400. Now At night I can just get Nilesat 11682v at 55% and a few other tps. My picture threshold is 50% - below that I get picture blocking and break up.
So as you can see Arabsat is way stronger than Nilesat .
Your difficulty probably lies in its proximity to Astra 28° East.
The strongest transponder on Arabsat for me is 12033H - 27500. Channels are JSC etc. Make sure you are moving the dish slowly with this transponder active. If you are not sure of the rough position save the position of Astra then nudge (fine move) the dish west by 8 to 10 nudges. This should give you a signal then peak the signal with the built in quality / strength meter
and save the position. On a TM this can all be done in the "motorised setting" menu. As you can track 45° to 58°E as I can also your dish is set up well and you should have no problem with Arabsat,
Get back to me if you still have no joy,
regards, Michael.
PS can you recieve 10.759H -30000 on Amos2 at 4° West?.

10-08-2009, 11:22 PM
Wow, what a response from everyone. Thanks very much for all your advice. Firstly I am on the Wirral. I was in the process of going out and manually trying to get BADR. Oh course I can't understand arabic (even though my father-in-law speaks it) I just want to receive everything I can, it is a hobby! To Michael, I have just scanned that frequency and I get the channels about 58%. One thing to add, I had the dish on the patio (much to the wifes displeasure!) and I could get BADR and the 4 MBC's which are very weak but I could not get Hispasat as the shed was in the way, so I could not check if my arc was ok.
Plessy, I did start to mount the dish on the garage wall because of it being only a single storey and it is detached from the house but after spending a morning drilling and mounting the brackets on I didn't have the strength to push the motor, dish and heavy scaffold pole up to the right position, also it looked like Jodrell Bank up there. I was planning to go up over the other side of single storey roof adjust the dish after it was on the pole, anyway I took the brackets down filled the holes and mounted it in the flowerbed!! To Coley, I had exactly the same problem, if I got badr I found the some of the other sats lost some signal strength, not sure way that it.
One last point I have upgraded my LNB from a 0.6 to a 0.1 and the difference is very good, when I had the dish at my previous address (see my avatar picture)I had a 36v alba HtoH mount very high up and that had a grundig 0.6 lnb and a AD3000ip decoder plus the same dish I am using now (orbital), I could never get AMOS or Nilesat, this was also professionally installed!! So going from that setup to a Technomate 5400USB and 0.1 lnb has already paid for itself!