View Full Version : Fried Ethernet port?

11-08-2009, 09:46 AM
I think the Ethernet port on my azbox premium is fried. I'm wondering, is there a way I can fix this. I do get a light (amber) on the box and I did use different cable to eliminate cable problem but no joy.

Thanks for your help

11-08-2009, 09:48 AM
Hi evren

I take it that you have tried the stupid stuff.... like making sure its switched on in the menu ?

Was it ever working.. ?

Did it fail by its self ..?

11-08-2009, 09:50 AM
Hv u tried ping cmd ?

Cheers ,
Val .

11-08-2009, 10:21 AM
Hi all

I have done all that staf no joy.

Yes it fail by it self. It was working with no problem. I had no signal and decided to examine the lnb connection, once I had fix the problem and reconnected to box there was no network

11-08-2009, 10:30 AM
why did you think it is fried?
amber light would inidicate port has connection when cable is attached.
What cable did you use
What was the connection you made?

11-08-2009, 11:56 AM
I was not able to connect my azbox (with DCC or any FTP program). I tried rebooting it, thinking that may be there is a bug somewhere. After reboot I have notice that there was no picture on the tv from the box “NO SIGNAL”. I went outside to see the dish and the LNB connection and was able to see the problem. Ariel cable was not tighten up properly and was nearly coming off from LNB. Got the ladder and fixed it.

Once I had my TV signal back I try to solve the network problem. As it was pointed out, when I have seen amber light on the Ethernet port I have thought I should have no problem getting network signals, but that was not the situation. Anyway, I decided to use different cat5 cable to rule out any cable problem but no joy.

On the setup screen of the box it says it is trying to connect internet but it does not. I have ping from my PC and it fails. I use power line network connections not the long CAT5 cable. When I check the connection between two power line network points they do communicate.

As a last option I took my box to near my Belkin router and connected to it directly and failed again.

That is why I think I have fried Ethernet port.

11-08-2009, 12:07 PM
I had this before but a firmware reupgrade fixed it. If you have an orange light i doubt the ethernet port is fried. The orange light indicates a ready state...the green indicates active comms

11-08-2009, 12:53 PM
I did reupgrade a firware with usb stick, again no luck.

11-08-2009, 01:09 PM
Are you using a straight or crossover cable ?

Did the ethernet port work before?

11-08-2009, 03:18 PM
Don't you first have to do some settings in your box to get an IP address and subnet address by using DHCP or set these by hand if not using DHCP?
The box need to know in what network it is.
Cat5 between computer and box = Ethernet crossover cable:

between router and box = Ethernet straight cable:

if one of these is not correct, no communication from the box.
Ip address for box and computer in the same range, when using router all 3 same range
Subnet mask must be the same

11-08-2009, 03:31 PM
i think your settings are not right.

things you could try.

- connect the box straight to the router
check if you have dhcp enabled.
do you get an ip adress ?

if not

try to put a static ip adress.

first check your pc for which ip you get.
this is to know the range
if your pc is

you could put the next info in your azbox


then test your connection with a ping test and the build in internet test.
also always check your cables if they are plugged in right.

good luck!

11-08-2009, 08:58 PM

First test to do is to connect your PC on the connection where you place your Azbox to check that it works properly.

If ok we know that the cable is correct.

You need to check also on your Belkin router how many DHCP address it can assign and see if there are some free.

Do you already reboot your Belkin router? Is it a the latest firmware?

Connect your Azbox and check on the belkin router what is the status of the port (which speed and duplex is detected), you should check if a DHCP address is assigned or not to the Azbox on from the router side.
