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12-08-2009, 03:38 PM
Hi trying to send channel settings, to AZbox Premium useing AZbox edit.
All is ok until I reset the box.Tells me Cant find Channel list?what am I doing wrong?

12-08-2009, 03:44 PM
I had that last night so I rebooted again then it was fine. The box automatically reboots once you send the data, but for some reason mine needed a second boot.

Are you using the latest version of the editor? Are they only the disk, telnet to the box and cd /DISK1, then ls to see if the three files are be there.

Must say that I don't find the editor very stable keeps crashing on me.

12-08-2009, 03:53 PM
I can see them in disk 2. should they be in disk 1?

12-08-2009, 04:13 PM
2 is good

12-08-2009, 04:17 PM
sorry typo DISK2, and it still wont recognise them, what file protection do they have? That was another mistake I made but I downloaded them with ftp not with the editor

12-08-2009, 04:26 PM
FileZilla into AZbox.

Delete the three files in DISK2 directory.

Send the Sofrenic ones into the box. Reboot.

Edit internally - delete the [whole] unwanted Sat positions, sort out the DiSEqC settings etc.

Reboot when done editing!!!


12-08-2009, 04:42 PM
Thanks for all replies but I tryed FPT.Delited 3 files and Fpt new files over to disk2?still cant find channel.

12-08-2009, 04:47 PM
Mistakes are possible.

Reinstall everything from scratch.:coolgleamA:

12-08-2009, 05:02 PM
when you do a ls -l antenna_list.dat does it look similar to mine.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32804 Aug 11 16:51 antenna_list.dat

WHat FTP did you use, some you need to switch to binary mode.

12-08-2009, 06:31 PM
Im useing lista axbox hd settings. also scaned all sat.myself which is ok until I try to edit useing AZdox Edit,Receives files from Azbox to PC but will not work from PC to AZbox
I have CuteFTP8 and DCC.e2.v1.10 CuteFTP* will not boot into azbox.
so I am FTP useing DCC.e2.v1.10

12-08-2009, 06:54 PM
FileZilla into AZbox.

Edit internally - delete the [whole] unwanted Sat positions, sort out the DiSEqC settings etc.


Do you mean it is possible to edit a file to delete unwanted Sats?

12-08-2009, 07:11 PM
If I scan sat.I can transfere all sat settings I saved on my receiver to my PC useing AZbox Edit.
Edit and delete.But will not transfere back to Azbox Receiver

12-08-2009, 09:29 PM
My state is that I have scanned the Sats and have approx 1800+, for me the editor was unstable so I create some favorite lists and am currently copying the ones I want onto the favorite lists. I have stopped using the editor as it crashes. I have now a favorite lists which i will enlarge as I discover the channels I want to watch. I back it however up on the azbox hard disk and on my PC as soon as I have a nice list.
Good night Neil

12-08-2009, 10:30 PM
Soon you'll have an excellent tool!!! ;) :)

In the meantime, there are different ways of dealing with those issues...


7) A channel list into the AZbox HD

Put a channel list in at this point, if you do not want to make your own list, with your own groups like various "favourites”. Use the latest Telesat's Editor. While you are searching for it, find some good settings/channel lists, too! Unpack both. Install the editor.

When one installs and starts the Editor, one must create a profile, first. Click on Options, put in a name to create a profile [like, “AZbox HD”], put in the IP address of your AZbox HD [something like 192.168.x.x], then click on Update Profile.

Open the three files [already mentioned above!] you got from the net: File -> Open -> find the folder containing the unzipped files -> open all 3 files [ all_channel.dat, antenna_list.dat, DVBS.dat].

Edit them, if you need it -> DiSEqC settings are under Organise Sat and TP. Every time you make a change in a satellite position settings -> Update Sat! Otherwise, you will lose your changes! One can do a lot more with the editor – discover by trying...

Send the channel list to AZbox HD, when done editing.

AZbox HD will receive an automatic command to Reboot. Wait, and then check it all out.

Edit internally, if needed

When you are watching a channel, press OK button on your remote, so you get the channel list on your TV -> then find a channel you want to delete -> press the MENU button on your remote, which is next to the LEFT ARROW on your remote -> Delete -> OK.

Let’s say you want to delete a whole satellite position and all its channels. Go to a channel [press the OK button] -> EXIT button -> get to the sat position you want to delete by pressing < or > “arrow” buttons on your remote, to get into the SATELLITE tab, press the v arrow and choose the satellite position you want to erase -> press the MENU button I mentioned -> Delete -> OK.

Don't forget to delete the FAV groups, if you have them connected with the deleted satellite positions, though...

One can easily add channels to Favs or Country or so... It can all be done via remote.

You may want to re-scan at least your favourite satellite positions, just in case!

Put the settings/channel list in manually

One can do the same thing via FTP [FileZilla] -> into DISK2 folder on your AZbox HD. First delete those 3 files you will find in the settings bundles you may find on the net [Sofrenic and Telesat made some, for instance; they are fairly comprehensive, made for motorised users, so others can edit them, to their own needs].


Here is how to do it exactly - for FileZilla Client.

Once you install it and start it,
-put in the IP address of your AZbox HD in the Host field [like: 192.168.x.x],
-username [root] and
-password [nothing/leave empty or azbox or whatever you may have changed it into] and
-"Quickconnect" - it will work if the details are right.

It's dead simple, if it's setup properly.

In FileZilla Client settings, I use the Edit -> Settings -> Interface -> Widescreen. That way I get 2 main fields [PC and AZbox HD] and each of those has two fields.

From left to right: the tree view of the PC, then a view inside a file one chooses in that tree; then the tree of AZbox HD, then a view inside a file one chooses in that tree.
Just drag and drop them from one to the other, to transfer. You must see them, after that, if you dropped them into the correct folder of your AZbox HD.

If you do not see them in the relevant Menu of the AZbox HD using your remote - provided you did put them into the correct folder of your AZbox HD - just CHMOD to 755 the whole folder you transferred and then the whole content of the folder, too. Reboot and try again!
