View Full Version : BT Home Hub2/AZBox

12-08-2009, 06:40 PM
Has anybody setup the AZBox with the BT Home Hub2, if i connect it directly to the router it connects okay.

When i set it up in the living room it just says IP not connected, it is not the IP settings, so it has got to be something that has to be changed on the router.

Help please.

12-08-2009, 06:51 PM
do you have access to the router?
Is it's range set to provide enough addresses for everything connected to it?
Is the DHCP on in the router (how does your computer get an ip address?
Is internet security on? MAC address filtering on? add the mac address for the AZbox to the allow list.
Is there IP filtering set on, add the ip address for azbox to the list of allowed ip addresses..
What is the router manual telling you for adding another box to it?

14-08-2009, 12:59 PM
Have you entered the WPA keys, I did it today and no problems. Also use DHCP

regards Amn

15-08-2009, 12:03 PM
Are you trying to connect wirelessly?

If so I had problems with mine trying to connect wirelessly. I managed to get it to work by updating the AZBox FW to enable me to use the WPA/ WPA2 PSK security as this is what the BTHome Hub uses and it was easier to update the AZBox than going round and changing the security on all the machines.

The other thing that I found was that I could only connect to the AZBox if I used static IP address, I couldn't get it to work using DHCP (and still can't).

Provided you're not out of range, have specified the static IP address on the AZBox which falls in the range of your BT Hub, entered the correct WPA/ WPA2 PSK key and you can see the wireless network in the settings of your AZBox ( you may need to click on WIFI a couple of times if you do not see a list of available networks) everything should be Hunky-Doory

Hope that helps!

15-08-2009, 06:33 PM
The problem, I encountered, was that the wireless channel had an interference problem. From a wireless keyboard and mouse, or a neighbour? The BT 2.0 Hub Manager, (h**p://bthomehub.home/) automatically selects the best channel, but don't believe it.
Enter the Hub Manager. Go to Settings then Wireless. Change the channel (work backwards from 11) and apply the change.
On the AZBOX, enter Settings and select Network. Select Wifi etc., and see if the AZBOX can see your hub. Select your hub, and continue.
DHCP did not work for me, but static IP addressing was fine.
Use telnet and ifconfig on your AZBOX to see if the Wifi connection has error drop outs or not.

25-08-2009, 04:42 PM
Thanks for your help guys,

The main problem is when i go to Internet and choose WiFi, setup it finds my Home Hub but when it searches it comes back failed, then when ido a reboot AZBox comes on the screen and locks on loading, when i eventually get it to boot, in system information it is blank there isnt any information.

If i then go Internet WiFi it searches but wont find my Home Hub or any others, the only way i can get it back to normal is to reboot from the usb, if i do a search again the same thing happens, as far as i can see all the settings are correct.

This is driving me crazy.

25-08-2009, 07:48 PM
Is the Wifi working in the router/azbox?
check wifi security in router: match these details in AZBox
if radio is switched off in router set it on (transmitting its network name)
check allowed/unallowed access in the router either by ip-address or the mac numbers.
If router problem:
