View Full Version : CCcam most stable???????

13-08-2009, 06:21 PM
Hi az Guys or Gals

Had my elite for nearly a week know and have single one of these-------------------------------in my cfg:respect-054:you know
works ok in basic cccam but not in later edition 2.11 or works but channels have to be skipped up and down or reset a lot with fast forward arrow in order to work so my question is is there a older version of cccam that will also let me put k@ys ect as in later version but stable non channel hopping involved or am I doing something wrong (total linux noob)read how to's ect but still not totally sure.
Hope this makes sence sorry if answered before????????????


Dig Deep
13-08-2009, 07:56 PM
There is so far) only 1 working version of CCCam.

You canīt use anything else for the moment.

13-08-2009, 10:26 PM
Some people are using cccam 2.0.4 with some success.

That's what I loaded. It works, after a fashion.

13-08-2009, 10:28 PM
There is so far) only 1 working version of CCCam.

You canīt use anything else for the moment.

OK thanks for the info guess I just wait for fix the box is great so can't complain just trying to get my head round linux so any help apreciated

Thanks again

Stavross:cup-006: Long live AZBox support

13-08-2009, 10:42 PM
There is so far) only 1 working version of CCCam.

You canīt use anything else for the moment.

May I ask which one exactly you mean?