View Full Version : 8 2 8 1 Ethernet

16-08-2009, 08:44 AM
always wondered what was behind these:

KEEP in mind forum rules:

3) no discussion of any SKY TV hacks , or cable tv hacks , dboxes or any cable equipment whatsoever or of any forums that have that information on them
9) NO card share server requests.

Please do not post requests for card sharing servers etc
Any requests will be removed and the ppl involved banned.
Technical discussion on CS is ok

8 2 8 1 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=645086) <= click here

The result

This step is not needed for non Linux Technomates , these are only C S clients!
for C S servers only:
Router Port forwarding (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=645085) <= click here

no postings in this thread please.

Start new thread in general section of Technomate (or other relevant receiver). If not in general interest to the forum you can contact me by PM in relation to this item with any remarks or suggestions.

16-08-2009, 08:46 AM
check the IP for the TM and the IP for Router
IP address is the one for the Technomate:
Gateway is the address for the router:
These are different from home to home network, and is set in the router automaticly or by you

go in to the router by the browser typing in its found ip address. Read in it is manual how to forward a port. The wording usually varies from router to router. In this case it is found in the security settings.
If you have trouble with home networking the Technomate: IP address assigning to TM (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=641897) <= click here

This step is not needed for non Linux Technomates , these are only C S clients!
for C S servers only:

Advanced NAT config

Add Reserved mapping

The required entries
Internal IP address, Transport, Internal & External Port Range


some routers have the option Both (TCP with UDP) you can use that one, if no Both select TCP
Select the transport:


fill in the rest of the fields:
Internal IP address: (the one you found)
for testing purpose we set all ports (1025 to 65535) open for the technomate, this is not recommended, you would only set the needed ports open for a required server (has info provided from that server)
and you would create additional Reserved mappings for each server used.

confirm your changes by pressing [Add Reserved Mapping]

you now find the newly created Reserved Mapping:


In this case there was no option both (TCP & UDP), so now we need to create the UDP Reserved Mapping:

and confirm again your changes by pressing [Add Reserved Mapping]

you would now find the 2 reserved Mappings


It is important now to save the changes in the router configuration. Some routers need a reboot or even a shutdown.

Do not change anything else or remove any other Rerved Mapping: these could be there in place by the provider and needed for good operation of your internet connection. This would apply for modem/routers provided by the internetprovider (cable or ADSL)

16-08-2009, 08:47 AM
the c a r d s h a r i n g menu's
S e r v e r L i s t
select 1st server, remote cursor, press OK to edit

Fill in the fields by selecting and pressing OK:
Servername: (can be anything, I use the portnumber, easy for later)
T i m e o u t: 3 sec (time to retry making connections)
protocol used: only N e w c a m d and c c c a m so you need details for one of these:
ID = u s e r n a m e or l o g i n (the login you have to access that server, username, ...)
P a s s w o r d: pass1 (for that server) (case sensitive)
D E S - K E Y 0102030405060708091011121314 (exactly as given for that server, needed to (en/de)c r y p t the trafic.) only n e w c a m d
A d d r e s s: name of the server like www.satpimps.co.uk or the ip address if given
P o r t: ##### (4 digit numbers, enter 1st a leading 0, as provided can be anything between 1025 & 65535, don't forget to have the correct port allowed for incoming traffic to the static IP address of the Technomate in the router)
for port and D E S - K E Y you can type in the digits directly. If k e y starts with an alpha press OK and use Info to cycle through A to F

please notice the greyed out D E S - K E Y with c c c am
You have now 6 filters for the C S where you can filter on c a i d and i d e n t: you can access these by pressing I n f o

Use the C A I D and I d e n t for the provider you want to watch like
0919 000000 (n d s s k y i t)
093B 000000 (n d s s k y i t)

CAID= Used encoding (CAM) (Seca, Conax, ...)
IDENT= Used to identify the provider
both are set to filter the correct requests for that channel in its coding from the provider to the correct server

● reset all lines
Select each line (server) individual and:
● connect selected server
● disconnect selected server
● reset selected line (Yellow)
you can see now all 4 servers are connected and showing what C o n d i t i o n a l A c c e s s it serves, by using the portnumber as servername, you now know what port to keep.


only the first 4 are working, from 5 on: these don't connect. hope they will in future.
when you are connected, it is no guarantee it will open any channel
this experiment shows it works, that is all to it.
It is not not always safe to use these: frauds, scam, content providers or copyright organisations try to track you down (the server you connected to see's your IP address, IP addresses can be tracked down to you), ...

16-08-2009, 09:26 AM
For this test we use this C S server: nitrolinux.dyndns.org
is the server realy out there? no server no service!

on this page you have several options.
( ) Ping
( ) Lookup
(●) Trace <= mark this one
( ) Whois

[nitrolinux.dyndns.org ] <= type here the server you want to test
GO! <= press go when finished

Bad Luck: non existing server!

Lookup Failed. No IP address or host name with a valid lookup in input.

this is not a C S server, picked existing server at random for demonstration purpose only.
when you do the test with an existing server, you get some results (different then these): is from United States(US) in region North America

TraceRoute to [domain.dyndns.org]
Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name

1 10 11 11 -
2 7 8 6 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net
3 8 7 7 ae-1-60.edge2.dallas3.level3.net
4 29 10 6 xo-communic.edge2.dallas3.level3.net
5 34 34 33
6 38 33 32
7 44 43 53
8 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
9 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
10 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
11 58 51 66 68-187-155-198.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com
Trace complete

16-08-2009, 09:33 AM
Portforwarding option both is missing in the router:
make for each port you are using 2 lines (1 for tcp, 1 for udp)

lets say you are using port 1907 and set portforwarding in your router
at this link you can test if you port is blocked or not

you will see the WAN ip address, verify this is the same address of your WAN ip address in the router!

Open Port Tool

Your IP Address: ###.###.###.###
Host and Port: [###.###.###.###] : [1907]
if [###.###.###.###] is no match with the router wan ip address change it to match!
if details are correct press send.

GOOD: port is forwarded to the outside:

An attempted connection to ###.###.###.###:1907 was refused. This typically indicates that there are no services available on that port, but that it is NOT being blocked by a firewall or your ISP

BAD: port is not forwarded to the outside:

An attempted connection to ###.###.###.###:1907 timed out. This typically indicates that traffic to that port is being actively blocked by either a firewall or your ISP.

ps: ###.###.###.### is your WAN ip address

16-08-2009, 10:16 AM
Patch C S Info:
6900 HD Super: cyfra below 687p
polsat (n3) only on 669p

16-08-2009, 10:17 AM
If you find information needs changes or your experience indicates otherwise as explained in this thread: kindly contact me by Private Message (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/private.php?do=newpm), I will gladly make the necessary changes required.

16-08-2009, 10:19 AM
Thanks to
magic for patching such a lovely code
D.D. for testing this lovely code
dxman for C C C A M hint last parameter in c line
ian for explaining the c a i d and i d e n t stuff
tony52 for testing and additional info that can't be mentioned here.
all who contributed and will contribute to this thread!

18-08-2010 Fausto: newcamd server on your computer
20-03-2010 what is CAID & IDENT
22-01-2010 editing server info on computer
21-12-2009 server line info
03-12-2009 7.03p changes
03-10-2009 C S client / server. Client has no need for port forwarding
23-09-2009 Filter: you can access these by pressing I n f o
16-08-2009 Patch: what is working on what
16-08-2009 put some of my the postings together on this subject

21-12-2009, 06:59 AM
C C C A M server information:
C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 no
C: A d d r e s s | P o r t | ID | P a s s w o r d | wantemus
drop the c: in front and the yes or no at the end

21-12-2009, 07:01 AM
N E W C A M D server information
Date: so you know it is recent
Channel_1 Channel_2 Channel_3 (satlocation)
NAME : not important, give it a name you can recognize and now what it is for.
PROTOKOL : N e w C a m d 5.25
HOST : www.satpimps.co.uk or ip address = A d d r e s s
D E S K E Y : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 = D E S - K E Y
USER : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ============> 100 = ID
PASS : Pass1 = P a s s w o r d case sensitive
PORT : 12300
CAID : 0500

22-01-2010, 10:43 AM
for 6800 HD Super, 6900 HD Super & 7100
from patch 7.13p you can now edit the C S server info on your computer. Sample demo list found at bottom.

name: SatPimps1
ip: www.satpimps.co.uk
user: 12345
password: 123456
protocol: newcamd525
deskey: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
port: 12345
there 24 slots available
slot0= don't fill in anything
name: tag: so you know what is for: channel, bouquet, ...
user: your login for that server
password: your password for that server
protocol: newcamd525 or CCCAM
deskey: for that server, pairs separated with a space
port: 12345 for that server and for the specific decoding
once you finished editing, save the list on USB stick, put it on the TM
press USB key on remote and select the "C S info List.txt"
it should upload and you see the changes when you use 8 2 8 1
from 7.13p you are required to enter the pin code

15-06-2010, 11:24 AM
from 7.25p you can now also save the C S server info back to USB device (UPLOAD)
on the remote press button (SAT)

18-08-2010, 06:02 PM
N e w C a m d: you can run Fausto as your own server on your computer and serve keys over the lan to your TM-6000 HF Super:
take a look here: Fausto over lan 3rd post onwards (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=137277) <= click here