View Full Version : Installing from tmp folder

19-08-2009, 09:07 AM
I have recently switched to UR18 after problems with edg4.4 (motor issues and satellites going missing).
I have always downloaded the emu's via the extra menu from the added extra url. Trouble is, the extra url doesn't work in UR18 and if I go to address in the file and download manually, the files come down as 'tbz2' archives. I have tried them in the tmp folder but UR18 doesn't see them. I renamed them to 'tar.gz' and it does see them but gives error when trying to install.
I'd just like to know how other UR18 users are installing their emu's and apps or where they are getting them in 'tar.gz' format.

19-08-2009, 10:21 AM
I have always downloaded emus etc from the download menu , and sometimes installed plugins using themselves , or ftp,ing into the correct folders , depending on the plugins

but usually they are on the ur18 menu as an addon

no the edg url plugin doesnt work afaik , but ur have their own

19-08-2009, 02:29 PM
By the sound of it I don't think hes found where you download from addons in UR18, I cant tell him how as cant remember and am not running that image :smash:


Images install things differently so you cant use addons created for /tmp install from other images, also you don't need to install any url with UR images to install straight from their panel :)


19-08-2009, 07:30 PM
Press the blue button on the remote twice to get to the download menu. Load the latest panel this will give you the latest cams etc.

20-08-2009, 04:01 AM
Thanks for the replies. I knew about the blue button, but there are certain things on the the extra url that are not in the download panel on UR18. I was looking for an old cccam version. Anyway, I found it. There is a menu item 'download old cams'. Can't believe I missed it. I was bog-eyed after messing about for 5 hours. Cheers.

20-08-2009, 04:46 PM
Having trouble with enigma firmware in tm 9100s .What is the correct proceedure for removing corrupted firmware and replacing it with newer version