View Full Version : 500s & RF Modulator problems

Big Al
20-08-2009, 03:34 PM
I wonder if anyone can help, I have a dreambox 500s in Cyprus Im setting up for a m8, I have a very faint picture, ( Ghost picture ), I have tried adjustings settings on the DB 500 to RGB cvbs etc, we have tried conencting it via scart & RCA leads, to the modulator and still the same very poor ghost picture. Now if i take the modulator out of the equasion and connect direct to the Tv its fine great picture, the probelm is I have to use a RF modultor as its in a pub and he needs to feed it to numerous TVs.

the DB is an orginal not a clone, we have tried two differnt makes of modulators, and still the same its almost as if the signal being fed into the modulator from the drambox is not corrct, has nayone ever come across this before

best regards

20-08-2009, 04:00 PM
not had that problem but i run my dreambox via phono leads to my DVD recorder and via the UHF of the DVD recorder i can see it all over the house on the DVD channel but now and again the picture does roll to the side with a white bar in the other rooms when watching the dreambox and this does not happen at all if watching a DVD

Big Al
20-08-2009, 04:05 PM
Its a strange one m8, Its almost like a negative image, that is being shown, an electrical guy says its almost as if the modulators are being overloded by the DB

20-08-2009, 04:50 PM
@Big Al,
Im having the same problem with my 7020s. Either a very faint dull picture or nothing at all. Needless to say im a bit frustrated with it as I need to feed my TVs upstairs. Phono leads seems like the only option for me as I have the box directly connected to my main TV via scart.
I have also put my digital TV aerial into the RF input of the DB and comes through the DB RF modulator fine on the other TVs but there is no sound! RF modulator in DB is set at 5.5 khz for audio. Stumped!
Good luck Big Al.

20-08-2009, 07:21 PM
Had the same problem with my DB500s. I bought a Mercury LS102 RF modulator but the output signal was very dark.

I came to the conclusion that it was the peculiar output signal on the DB and the only hope to get it working properly was to buy an RF modulator with a full range of input adjustments.

The price for an adjustable-input modulator made me try using an old video recorder (Panasonic) - perfect picture but annoying having to use a large box to do the job.

20-08-2009, 09:26 PM
We modulated quite a few dreamboxes without much problem However we found the best way to modulate was through an existing video recorder or freview box with in build modulator

But remember not all set top boxes have modulators some are pass through

Big Al
21-08-2009, 04:11 PM
Just an update, we have sorted it out, we have opened the modulators, and solderd a 180ohms resistor across the video inputs, and the picture is perfect now thru both types of modulators, the Db was over powering the modulator

21-08-2009, 05:53 PM
@Big Al,

Would your fix work with my DB 7020si? I have the same dark picture when I connect it to my tv by the RF modulator output on the DB.

Many thanks


Big Al
21-08-2009, 06:22 PM
I think so m8, as we have a 7020 out here we tried that via the modulator and it was the same, so I presume it would work on that as well m8,

21-08-2009, 06:31 PM
I might have misunderstood you Big Al...did you mean the internal modulator in the DB or you used an external modulator and soldered the resistor between the signal core and the ground? Sorry for my ignorance.

Big Al
21-08-2009, 08:29 PM
we used an external modulator m8, we were trying to get it to work on DB500s, but we tried it via RCa leads to prove it was what the dreamboxes were putting out, to the external modulator, and the 7020 was the same as the Db500s

21-08-2009, 10:21 PM
will try this fix myself to see it its stops the rolling i get from time to time via my DVD recorder