View Full Version : How to load Enigma 2 onto Cuberevo using Usb Stick

20-08-2009, 09:53 PM
As the Enigma 2 images for Cuberevo/IP 9000Hd boxes have improved over last few months & become more stable & less buggy I thought it was time to upload the USB versions...

Here's how to load DGS software in flash & have E2 image loaded onto USB stick- advantage over flash is it has bigger memory for all the add ons, etc

1) Install DGS based software into flash using 'Flashtools program'
for ease of use we will use 'NLB 9580'

2)Install Multiboot config software using 'Flashtools' program

3)Download E2 USB software -such as this
but dont unzip/unrar

4)Amend your network settings accordingly so using DCC program you can communicate with your box

5)Switch on box & install USB stick -again we will use a Sandisk Cruzer micro 2gb stick -you can use larger memory sticks but as usb stick port is next to HDMI socket its easier to use a smaller in size -not memory!

6)With stick installed -open up DCC program & check box is connected

7)Select FTP, then MNT & if stick is installed it will show USB & USB0

8)Using DCC select Telnet-you should see 'cuberevo' command prompt

9) Type mount & enter -some data should appear followed by 'cuberevo' command prompt

10)Type the following command umount /mnt/usb/usb0 then enter

11)Type fdisk /dev/sdb -then enter

12)Type p & enter & it should show current partitions on USB stick

13)Type d & enter -this will delete all partitions

14)Type p & enter & it should show no partitions on stick

15)Type n & enter -this will create a new partition on stick

16)Type p & enter -to create a primary partition

17)Type 1 & enter & enter again

18) Type w to write changes & save & exit- This should have created a linux partition on your USB stick

19)To format stick type mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 & enter

20)Wait until 'cuberevo' command prompt appears then mount the stick by typing mount t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb/usb0

21 )Once cuberevo command prompt appears select FTP -then mnt/usb/usb0

22) Locate unzipped E2 USB file & transfer (FTP) across to USB stick

23)Select 'telnet' & type cd /mnt/usb/usb0

24)Type the following command tar xvzf PKT mod 5.5 Tideglo rev.5.5 9000.tar.gz (if this is the image used) & enter (You may wish to rename the file to something smaller)

25) The selected image will take sometime to load & decompress

22)The cuberevo command prompt will appear once its loaded

23)Reboot your box & select which image you wish to boot 3 for original image or 2 if you want to boot USB stick & use HDD for example
Hold button on remote for approx 6 seconds

24)When E2 loads for first time message appears on front display -wait 3 minutes -then Tideglo & loading modu message appears

25) Amend settings on box according to user

These instructions are to help folk enjoy using Enigma 2 on their Cuberevo boxes & its worked fine for me
I accept no responsibilty for damage to your box

24-08-2009, 10:00 AM
Hello catseye

from you Post, May you explain me why using the step 9 to 20 and if we can jump to step 21.

Thank you


24-08-2009, 09:35 PM
Because you have to format your usb stick in linux ext 3 to ensure the software is loaded & USB stick works properly


19-09-2009, 12:07 PM
hi catseyes,having problems here. i have followed the tut,installed nlb image,installed multiboot, booted from image. run dcc,network connected. ftp,mnt,usb,usb0 are seen. telnet,mount ok,umount ok. fdisk ok. after this the command p,d, or n is unknown. any ideas, surely it must be me,lol

19-09-2009, 05:23 PM
It can be a pain in the a*se to get the stick to format & load image & may take a few attempts to get it right

Hit the enter key a couple of times after typing your command prompts to see if that works m8

Let us know how you get on & what you think as latest E2 images have been really good

20-09-2009, 05:24 PM
hi,cant get the commands working properly yet.must be the stick.i downloaded paragon partition magic,created partition 50/50 then formatted linux ext3. so now,in dcc,when i hit ftp,mnt,i see usb folder and usb0 and usb1 inside.
will keep u posted on E2 once i have nlb up and running, cheers

24-09-2009, 10:59 AM
hi,just to let you know,i managed to load the image on usb. seems i have a few bugs. green screen,machine reboots. there is a fix but the motor still doesnt move. this is the tridaglo image. is the procedure to load a new image to usb format and start again? cheers

24-09-2009, 04:56 PM
Hi ian
The positioner set up menu doesnt work yet -i believe it has been fixed & will be included in the new software releases

Using Tideglo PKT 5.5 USB the disque function works fine go to set up & sat config menu & u should be able to enter your settings there

To install new image on usb stick just follow steps on starting from scratch

28-09-2009, 09:47 PM
Latest PKT 5.6 version has excellent graphics & layout & sat finder/positioner menu works without getting green screens:cool: