View Full Version : New AZbox Premium

21-08-2009, 11:37 PM
Hi guys,
Just thought I would say hi to everyone in the AZbox section as I have just got my self an AZbox Premium, so will be in here quite alot

Been using Technomate & Humax boxes over the past 7 years.
So looking forward to the Challenge & I know I have plenty of reading & late night's coming up.

So far I like the look of it, especially the web browser & media player.
I have updated the software & about to upload the channels.

But just a few question as I'm playing round tonight, can you connect a wireless keyboard to it & what sort of files can it play (film files).

Many thanks

22-08-2009, 02:47 AM
Not for now... We are waiting... for a while... and will be, as things stand now... realistically speaking... sadly...:respect-051:

22-08-2009, 10:24 AM
Cheers for this.

Had a good read on the new last night & found out about what media files it can play.

Also I have a 230 GB spare hard drive.
So just lernt how to format it in fat32 using windows XP as it was in NTFS.
Fitting it right now

All good fun

22-08-2009, 10:27 AM
Sorry, I forgot: film files - yes...

Not all, mind, it depends on compression etc. Have a SEARCH function help you... ;)