View Full Version : to all azbox owner

22-08-2009, 03:29 PM
hi to all azbox owner. i bought my azbox last may knowing it will be a fully running box by end of june/july . i

bought it for cs & cable tuner to work everything else was bonus for me but now its nearly end of august and the box

is still no where near as fully running box. cccam is ok not as good as dm no cable tuner yet simply nothing works

propperly . i have 4 people who want to buy something similer to azbox they all waiting for me to give them my

verdict so they can buy this box (azbox).bytheway the all got db 7000 & doing cs .my virdict on azbox is i am not happy with

it. august was going to be the month for azbox we were told but so far nothing even with the last firmware 3177 . i

am thinking of going for db800hd . i cant belive some 1 bring out a good hw like azbox with out a propper sw. i

ask your opinion what would you tell them if you were in my position ?

22-08-2009, 03:38 PM
what would you tell them

I'd tell them that potentially the box is the best thing since sliced bread... but its up to opensat to deliver the software, if they do or not... only time can tell.

For their business reasons the box had to be released well before the proper all singing and dancing software was ready

At this time they have not yet proved themselves to be capable of getting their act together .. but we all live in hope.

If the world didn't suck, then we would all fall off.

22-08-2009, 04:02 PM
i would be tempted to go for a 800hd if i was them,my box has been sat here now fo over a month and not turned it on

muki 74
22-08-2009, 04:46 PM
very interesting posts about azbox today.it`s very interesting who stay
behind this?

22-08-2009, 04:51 PM
hi to all azbox owner. i bought my azbox last may knowing it will be a fully running box by end of june/july . i

bought it for cs & cable tuner to work everything else was bonus for me but now its nearly end of august and the box

is still no where near as fully running box. cccam is ok not as good as dm no cable tuner yet simply nothing works

propperly . i have 4 people who want to buy something similer to azbox they all waiting for me to give them my

verdict so they can buy this box (azbox).bytheway the all got db 7000 & doing cs .my virdict on azbox is i am not happy with

it. august was going to be the month for azbox we were told but so far nothing even with the last firmware 3177 . i

am thinking of going for db800hd . i cant belive some 1 bring out a good hw like azbox with out a propper sw. i

ask your opinion what would you tell them if you were in my position ?

Tell them to read all the threads they can about the possible receivers they want to buy.
Thereīs a lot of important information and comments...
Thatīs how I made my choice! :cup-006: :chinese-bow-005:


22-08-2009, 04:52 PM
Every new linux box i know has been launch with lots of software to be done.
It took over a year for my dm7000 and dm 7020 and tm9100 to get stable solid software. why would this be any different?
I have been watching both the azbox premium and dm8000 i will buy one soon as i want a linux HD box with twin tuners but the price difference is masive.
If you get a box at the begining you have to expect lots of issues. thats why i still have my 7020 and 9100 and watch what happens and got a tm6900super as a HD stop gap

Midnight R
22-08-2009, 05:19 PM
I would advise them to buy a cuberevo.

Cable and sat tuners, noo cccam but incubuscamd is now very stable and PQ is much better than the DM.

22-08-2009, 05:21 PM
I would advise them to buy a cuberevo.

Cable and sat tuners, noo cccam but incubuscamd is now very stable and PQ is much better than the DM.

can you use multi c line on incubuscamd ?

22-08-2009, 05:38 PM
Yes, only missing piece is server part.

22-08-2009, 06:53 PM
No, on AzBox only 0.55 works and it doesn't support more than 1 c line. Talk was about Cuberevo (ipbox)...

22-08-2009, 07:27 PM
Don't help DMM, I say...

Wait a bit longer, there are a few new boxes getting ready...

Moreover, the HD business is not yet that important, as every HD channel has the SD original, so take it easy for now, don't rush...

This box needs to prove itself right and proper before its warmly recommended!! Plenty of potential but... I really hate it when some who plug it everywhere and lie about what it can do and how well it functions go round selling it, then people send me PMs asking me to help them sort it out.... They sit down and count the money and us...?!? "We should shut up", we are told "not to report the bugs, as it's not our job", then to "be silent and wait!" Jeeeeezzzuuusssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! :smash:


Dig Deep
22-08-2009, 08:30 PM
Bitand ends are (slowly!) coming together.

Just relax, when You buy a Beta box You must be prepared for a loong wait. Sometimes it feels like an eon but it will be OK, giving some time....

23-08-2009, 10:24 AM
I'm very keen to go AZ, but a little voice in my head has told me to wait.....so far i don't regret listening to it!

23-08-2009, 10:45 AM
i will say if you just need to see TV and not play to much with the box then this is worth the money.

I will not addvise an DM 800 to a new linux box user, no way , it will be over with in few hours.

AzBox HD is a very nice and easy to use box , but it still lacks some software support, and for thos ppl that have the patience to wait then i gues this box will be very good

23-08-2009, 02:35 PM
Communication is the word here, and direct feedback from Opensat on the progress of the updates etc, would go a long way towards removing despondancy and speculation from the forums, when your fumbling around in the dark its always helpful if someone turns a light on now and again.

24-08-2009, 10:30 AM
Communication is the word here, and direct feedback from Opensat on the progress of the updates etc, would go a long way towards removing despondancy and speculation from the forums, when your fumbling around in the dark its always helpful if someone turns a light on now and again.

Spot on mate...

I was one of the first to buy this box and was prepared to wait for months to get a stable working firmware, like many people I knew what the word BETA means.

However, giving that we have put our faith and money to opensat, the very least that they could do in return is supply is with a constant stream of relevant information ( straight from the horses mouth ) about when we may have a stable stb with the features promised.

Lets be honest here, as much as we like to believe that the box is the best thing since sliced bread, it still has a long way to go.

The image is not stable and feels very buggy at times.
The unit does not perform the way we would expect.
The manufacturer does not seem to care about the customer after taking our hard earned cash.

I could have a working forum on the net in under 3 hours with at least a general chat and bug reporting section.

How long has this taken Opensat? we all know the reason is because they will have to start answering some tricky questions when the board goes live.

C'mon Opensat treat your customers with the respect that they showed you when parting with their cash...

Rant over.


24-08-2009, 10:47 AM
No rant. Basic common sense.
