View Full Version : Firmware crash after powerswitch

22-08-2009, 04:15 PM
i have this problem.
i use my azbox now as second receiver so when i don,t use the azbox i switch it off at the switch on the backside of the azbox,
but when i switch the azbox back on the display shows booting only and the firmware is crashed.
it stay,s for hours on booting or checking.
so every time i switch my box off i have to reload the firmware with the usb stick.
how is this posible ?
anybody reconize this problem ?


22-08-2009, 04:20 PM
switch first off with remote then on the back?

22-08-2009, 04:25 PM
i have done that allredy but the same problem with firmware crash

22-08-2009, 08:15 PM
You will have to download the firmware and put it on a usb stick, then follow the guides on this thread


22-08-2009, 10:08 PM

Is it a Premium or an Elite?
Do you have a HDD attached to it?
Which firmware version are you using?

P.S.: Please check you Private Messages :-)

23-08-2009, 03:54 PM

Is it a Premium or an Elite?
Do you have a HDD attached to it?
Which firmware version are you using?

P.S.: Please check you Private Messages :-)

have send you an PM to.
thanks for all the help .

23-08-2009, 04:01 PM
sorry forgot to tell witch firmware but the problem excist with all the firmware versions.
now i,m using the last beta firm.
maybe this is some unknow bug of the firmwares.

an other issue is why is there no option in the menu to shutdown the box like the dreambox because i think the box is still working also if you put it at stanby.
as far i know i have worked a long time with linux software allway,s have to shut down the linux like a normal computer has to be done.

example: if you shut down windows with the powerswitch they have a startup problem ,and windows need to check the disk before starting.
this is also the issue with a linux distri.

maybe opensat have to implement this option in the new firmware.

regards .