View Full Version : OoZoon support and tips thread

23-08-2009, 02:22 PM
Although in the 8k section most things will apply equally to the 800 and probably the 500HD when it arrives.

Q. Why use OoZoon when it seems so basic compared to other images ?

A. Because OoZoon is a CVS image, it tracks the official DMM CVS but it has alot of extras in the way of plugins, it now has the Auto EPG loading patch, you can customise it and make it pretty with many super CVS only skins and plugins.

You can keep it bang upto date with new features and fixes from DMM with regular online updates, you don't have to wait for the image makers to release a new image, for example you rarely have to actually change the image, I have the same Oozoon image in my 8k since I bought the box back in January. With most images they are out of date within a week or so of being released.

You no longer need to manually update drivers or SSL, plugins or Barry Allen as they will all be updated when you do an online update.

I recommend OoZoon light 2.6 dev and download the plugins as and when they are needed.

For me there are 2 essential plugins, one being CrossEPG which has been well covered in another thread, the second is MultiQuickButton.

I guess what most ppl notice when first installing OoZoon is the lack of menus on the coloured buttons, this is where MultiQuickButton comes in, with it you can assign plugins to various buttons on a long or short press and not just the coloured buttons. You can also very easily create your own custom menus on a button.

For example on my PVR button a short push will give me the movie list as normal, a long push will give me MyTube player.

I think most ppl would prefer a nicer way of starting and stopping cams so that's what I'll try to explain here.

When I do a short push on my green button this is what i see
setup screen
choice screen
So as you can see for most items to add to a button or menu it's just a case of choosing the plugins from the list.

To add the cams to a menu like mine above takes a little more work but not alot.

To add the cams you will need to edit one of the button .xml files which you will find in /etc/MultiQuickButton, in my case I edited the quickbutton_green.xml, do use unix compatible text editor

I needed to add these few lines for MGcamd

<name>MGcamd START | RESTART</name>
<screen><![CDATA[Console, "start MGcamd", ["/usr/script/mgcamd.sh start"]]]></screen>

and for CCcam these lines

<name>CCcamd START | RESTART</name>
<screen><![CDATA[Console, "start CCcamd", ["/usr/script/cccam.sh start"]]]></screen>

Like so


What this does is give you a prettier way of running the scripts that were installed in /usr/scripts that came from the cam.ipk you installed.

CCcam info was added by clicking on it further down the list.

Of course the small bit of code above can be modified to run any script you like from a button or menu.

Play with MultiQuickButton and you will soon have your very own customised OoZoon image.

I hope others will contribute to this thread because once you add some of these nice little features there's no way back from OoZoon as others have found out but you do have to stick with it for more that just an hour or so :)

btw, MultiQuickButton is available as a downloadable plugin with OoZoon.

23-08-2009, 04:36 PM
Dunno if you noticed but when you do an online update with OoZoon it always overwrites your satellites.xml with the latest version, this is all very well and good unless like me you use a third part channel list and satellites.xml.

I use my own modified likra settings(as I have C and T tuners also) and it's a big NO NO to change the satellites.xml, what you must understand is that bouquets, lamedb and satellites.xml should be considered as one entity, change any one of them and something is gonna mess up!

To get over this problem this what I have done

make a backup of your satellites.xml and name it satelites.xml.bu, put this alongside your original one in /etc/tuxbox/

now open the file /etc/init.d/bootup with a unix compatible editor and add thes 2 lines to very bottom

rm -rf /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml
cp /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml.bu /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml

and resave the file.

Then what happens is once you have done your online update and restarted the box (you do restart the box after an update don't you ;) ) on bootup the newly downloaded satellites.xml that has overwritten your own will be deleted and your backup will be copied in it's place.

The satellites.xml.bu will remain there until the next update and will be used again.

Of course if you use the satellites.xml that comes with OoZoon then you don't need to worry.

23-08-2009, 04:53 PM
It's very well doing an OoZoon online update from the menu but what's really going on ? Sometimes the update needs user input such as whether or not to replace your fstab file.

I'm now in the habbit of always doing the updates from telnet so just open a telnet session to your box and type

ipkg update && ikg upgrade

It's also interesting to see whats actually being updated.

23-08-2009, 09:17 PM
Beta verion of automatic or manual checker of software updates for OoZoon images.



Restart e2 after installation to get into plugin list.

This is just the sort of plugin you could assign to a button with MultiQuickButton.

24-08-2009, 05:22 PM

I wanna give Oozoon a whirl again, but I need to use CCcam and newcs because of my white card...

Anyone have an ipk of CCcam 2.1.2 and newcs 1.67 RC1?

I know I can install them manually, but then they don't auto run on a reboot...


01-09-2009, 09:20 PM
For those of you who like the Infinity glass skin there is now a full CVS mod version.

All credit to zbigzbig20

No install file so you'll have to copy all the files manually to the correct folders.




See post further down for installable file.

01-09-2009, 09:24 PM
@Dubious - how do you get that last view - its not on my Graphical Multi EPG

01-09-2009, 09:31 PM
@Dubious - how do you get that last view - its not on my Graphical Multi EPG

Press info then blue for Multi EPG and then select the bouquet.

I've added it to one press of the red button using MultiQuickButton.

01-09-2009, 10:26 PM
Is that CrossEPG?

01-09-2009, 10:38 PM
Is that CrossEPG?

The EPG data is supplied by CrossEPG but the Multi EPG view is standard CVS stuff.

01-09-2009, 11:39 PM
long blue press.

Now re the Infinity glass skin - reboot- green screen- reboot- green screen...........

02-09-2009, 06:27 AM
Same here oldfart

02-09-2009, 08:02 AM
Hmm, guess you messed up paths or permissions somewhere :eek:

Try the .tar.gz I made for you guys :)

I would be inclined to manually delete the stuff you copied over first though.

copy to /tmp

from telnet

tar -xzf /tmp/Infinity_HD_CVS_mod.tar.gz -C /

02-09-2009, 09:44 AM
In the original archive the paths weren't relative ;)

I was astute enough to take a backup before attempting to manually copy the files over anyway :D

02-09-2009, 04:28 PM
Installed and all working. Thanks mate.

02-09-2009, 05:14 PM
any clues how to get at my box now .... can't telnet into it, no ftp .. nada.
As I said
green screen- reboot- green screen........... infinite loop

02-09-2009, 05:18 PM
You may be able to connect via FTP whilst it is booting before the green screen but you'll have to be fast (I managed it). Then change directory to" /etc/enigma2/" and edit the "settings" file. Look for the line "config.skin.primary_skin=xxxxxx" and delete the entry AFTER the equals sign shown as x's here. The box will then boot to the default skin.

02-09-2009, 05:42 PM
Superstar !!!!
Now starting new thread - how to re-boot using telnet menu.

04-09-2009, 03:00 PM
There have been quite some big changes over the last few days with OoZooN 2.6 dev. Here is a quote from the maker:-

there are a lot of changes in webif at this moment cause twistedweb2 isn't used anymore and all funktions have to bo ported to twistedweb. meanwhile it could happen that some services won't work.
as i have seen, there was some work on streaminterface last night so it should be fixed with next update.

My WebTV was broken, but it is working again as of last night! So well done to the OoZooN guys!

04-09-2009, 03:53 PM
Thanks for that oldfart. As an experiment I made a backup of the image in flash (OoZooN) and installed BH 0.11. After half an hour I re-flashed it back with OoZoon. More people really should give OoZooN a closer look. Sure it's harder to set up but not that hard. Plus there's great support on here from some very knowledgeable people.

04-09-2009, 10:36 PM
It's not really easy to set everything with oozon images
I do recommend Newnigma images to anyone looking for a hassle free setup...
suits the users hasn't got a good knowladge about Dreambox or anyone wants a ready to use image with EMUs with good skin etc...

04-09-2009, 10:52 PM
Mate, Oozoon isn't that difficult to get up and running...

The only thing that you have to put any effort into is the emus..

05-09-2009, 12:12 PM
Mate, Oozoon isn't that difficult to get up and running...

The only thing that you have to put any effort into is the emus..

The first post in this thread by Dubious says it all - OoZooN is not difficult and because updates are frequent, the image has the latest facilities.

08-09-2009, 07:15 PM
So with this image are the emu's etc installed via ipk's manually?.:D

Thanks for any advice.:respect-044:

Best Regards.

08-09-2009, 08:44 PM
So with this image are the emu's etc installed via ipk's manually?.:D

Thanks for any advice.:respect-044:

Best Regards.

Yep, it's possible to install Emu's Via Ipk's manually.

08-09-2009, 11:16 PM
Where to obtain the ipk's for emu's etc please?.:respect-055:


09-09-2009, 10:07 AM
Where to obtain the ipk's for emu's etc please?.:respect-055:


Witch Emu's ?

* For info : Now barry allen can be updated, directly by "software update".

26-09-2009, 11:45 AM
Video enhancement settings.

Latest drivers required.




Should be available from OoZooN plugin downloads after latest update.

26-09-2009, 05:35 PM
OoZooN-CVS-full-dm8000-20090926.nfi + OoZooN-CVS-lean-dm8000-20090926.nfi (enigma2 2.6 dev)

available for download

26-09-2009, 05:41 PM
List of EMUs for OoZooN

enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.config_1.1-r0_ mipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.config_1.2-r0_ dm800.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.config_1.2-r0_ dm7025.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.config_1.2-r0_ dm8000.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-evocamd.config_1.2-r 0_mipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-camd3.config_1.1-r0_ mipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.05_2.3-r1_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.08_2.3-r1_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.09_2.3-r1_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-mgcamd.1.29_2.3-r1_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-mgcamd.1.30_2.3-r1_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.1.50_2.3-r1_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.1.61_2.3-r1_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.29_2.3-r3_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.010_2.3-r0_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.1.62_2.3-r4_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.44_2.3-r0_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.45_2.3-r0_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.011_2.3-r1_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-mgcamd.config_1.1-r2 _mipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-extensions-cccaminfo_1.2- r1_all.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.47_2.3-r1_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.1.0_2.3-r1_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.mbox.config_1. 0-r0_mipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-mbox.config_1.0-r0_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.1.65_2.3-r3_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.49_2.3-r0_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-camd3.902_2.3-r5_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-evocamd.2.17_2.3-r6_ mipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-mbox.0.4_2.3-r2_mips el.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-mgcamd.1.31_2.3-r8_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.1.1_2.3-r1_m ipsel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.51_2.3-r0_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-extensions-cccaminfo_1.2- r3_all.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-scam.3.52_2.3-r0_mip sel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-newcs.1.66_2.3-r0_mi psel.ipk
enigma2-plugin-camd-cccam.2.1.2_2.3-r0_m ipsel.ipk

18-10-2009, 09:09 PM
Another version of the HD Glass/Infinity skin.

IMHO much better.

Originally posted by shamann

we made our mod of HD Glass7 skin for Oozoon (CVS) images from our HD Glass7 skin for Nemesis image version

features first time used in CVS skins:

1. standalone animated pict in screens: Channel selection, scan and main menu
2. SNR, AGC, BER in color graphic with real value like icons
3. ECM info in main infobar screen


Originally posted by shamann

here is first release, for ECM info we used modified plugin CCcam info ( by AliAbdul), if you use this plugin, before instalation skin, backup dir .../CCcamInfo for using with another skins, our modification not using your config of plugin, we using own config, all function in plugin menu are like orig. plugin, modified was only onscreen infos - are not configureable via system menu - disabled, if you do not use onscreen infos in another skin, nothing to do after switch on another skin, plugin autoenable onscreen info only with HD Glass 7a or 7b skin


difference between the versions a and b is Channel selection screen



18-10-2009, 11:43 PM
any idea what permissions are required? .. and
is there a quick way to set all those files to the correct permissions - there are about 1,000!!!

19-10-2009, 01:01 AM
I don't give any permissions at all for the skin., they always copy over at 600.

02-11-2009, 07:50 AM
How to add plugin skin to my breambox.can i do it through tmp

04-11-2009, 02:10 AM
How can I install Cccam to Oozon?
Couldnt find cccam to install as an ipk pack no blue panel looks like wasted time to me but I'll keep on Trying...

04-11-2009, 02:24 AM
ok If you are looking for Cccam for Ooozon
go to Google and Search:

04-11-2009, 02:28 AM
A quick forum search would have given you this ;)


After installation you will find cccam in 'user scripts'

If you want a pretty menu to start/restart it go back to the beginning of this thread, do not pass go and do not collect £200 :)

04-11-2009, 03:03 AM
yups many thanx for the first Post
Downloaded multi quickbutton plugin and edited with crimson ;)

24-11-2009, 09:18 PM
Here's another one you can add to the first post in this thread:-

First download this file:-

Next, along the lines of dubious's post in this thread, add this code to the quickbutton_green.xml :-

<name>Download New Keys</name>
<screen><![CDATA[Console, "start KeyDownload", ["/usr/script/DLKeys.sh start"]]]></screen>

Next unpack the rar/zip file which can be found at the top of this post https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=109080&highlight=E2_17.5.09

Re-name the file to 'DLKeys.sh' and FTP it over to /usr/script and make sure the attributes are set correctly (755).
Now save the changes you made to quickbutton_green.xml
Now when you press the green button on your remote you will have an option to 'Download New Keys' :respect-055:

Thumbs up to dubious for showing me how to achieve this. :respect-055:

27-11-2009, 12:13 AM
Just updated to
OoZooN fullimage E²2.6.1 "stable"
When box is in standby, there is no date/time in the display
any ideas??

27-11-2009, 08:53 AM
It's the same with me m8, just blank box where it showed the time/date.

Must be a bug, surely can't be a power saving feature?

27-11-2009, 12:01 PM
Menu>Setup>System> Display-Setup > StandBy > then you can control the brightness with left & right buttons

25-12-2009, 07:16 PM
ok If you are looking for Cccam for Ooozon
go to Google and Search:

Found it, installed it, but can't find it in the menu.
Can you please tell me how to activate it ?

25-12-2009, 07:27 PM

Press blue and go to "user scripts".

25-12-2009, 07:31 PM

I see 4 scripts.

I assume I have to set 1 to autostart, but which ?

25-12-2009, 07:50 PM
Yes, try the first one !

25-12-2009, 07:58 PM
Permission denied.
The second one works.
Hmmm, trying to understand this ...

25-12-2009, 09:37 PM
permission denied - set the file permissions to 0755!
chmod .... most ftp programs allow you to set file permissions.

26-12-2009, 01:28 PM
Can you please tell me how to do that in telnet ?
My FTP software doesn't have that option.

26-12-2009, 01:32 PM
surely it does , you just haven't figured out how :)

here is the telnet command ,


26-12-2009, 01:39 PM
Can you please tell me how to do that in telnet ?
My FTP software doesn't have that option.

Install fireftp from firefox add ons.

Go to the file location - right click properties - permissions

26-12-2009, 07:17 PM
Install fireftp from firefox add ons.

Go to the file location - right click properties - permissions

Tried that, doesn't seem to work with the latest version of firefox.

26-12-2009, 07:20 PM
since you asked for the telnet command , why don't you just follow the instructions in that link ?

i've tried over 10 different ftp clients btw , every single one had chmod options .

26-12-2009, 07:47 PM
since you asked for the telnet command , why don't you just follow the instructions in that link ?

i've tried over 10 different ftp clients btw , every single one had chmod options .

Sorry, but who says I didn't do that ?
My response was to Quailman, FireFTP doesn't do the trick for me.

I did follow your link, I just have not responded to that yet.
It seems to work.

I am not a woman, I can do only one thing at a time ;-)

26-12-2009, 07:57 PM
Tried that, doesn't seem to work with the latest version of firefox.

Strange, I'm using firefox 3.5.6 with fireftp 1.0.7 and all works.

27-12-2009, 08:29 PM
since you asked for the telnet command , why don't you just follow the instructions in that link ?

Just did and it works now.

For all the others :

- Telnet dm8000
cd /usr/script
chmod 755 cccam_2.1.3.sh
- Blue button
User scripts
Execute user script
OK at cccam_2.1.3.sh
Enable autostart
Reboot and test

06-01-2010, 03:18 PM
hi could i just ask why you prefer light version over full version as mentioned in post 1 is the light version safer for your box ??? i am using full version dm8000

06-01-2010, 03:23 PM
hi could i just ask why you prefer light version over full version as mentioned in post 1 is the light version safer for your box ??? i am using full version dm8000

Its because the full comes with aload of software you may not need so it takes up flash memory. I use the lean and the add what i need.

14-01-2010, 01:27 AM
This E2 patch enables PiP zapping with OoZooN 8k experimental image.

After installation restart E2, activate PiP then use stop button to switch between normal zap and PiP zap.

Perhaps a good idea to set 'Behavior of 0 key in PiP-mode' to 'swap PiP and main picture' to quickly bring PiP to the front, you'll find this in the 'CUSTOMIZE' menu

15-01-2010, 08:55 PM
a list of EMUs ipk files is being held here:-

15-01-2010, 10:25 PM
I have been using OoZooN with permanent time shift for a while and think this is the perfect combo on my DM8000.

1 thing I would like to know is how to automatically load (and refresh) EPG data for the Astra 2 channels.

In the EPG I see info for all Dutch channels (Astra 1 and 3), although I never did anything to get that, but no info for BBC and ITV channels (Astra 2).

Is there anybody that can help me with this ?

16-01-2010, 12:12 AM
you put a link to a New fan control plug-in .

That one is also not working with the new Oozone image, it appears that a lot of the old plug-ins don't now work.

Also there appears to be no updates for the new image.

30-01-2010, 02:12 PM
Want a cams Blue Panel for your OoZooN image ?

Here it is, a brilliant new plugin from shaman.

You just need to add your cam configs else it will use your existing ones.

Originally posted by shamann
Glass Blue Panel (GBP) - Universal Cams Manager
- working on any image
- autostart cams/srvs ( after restart) is available only when Cam/Srv was started via GBP and there is selected none Cam autostart in your image
- install pack include: mgcamd 1.35a, scam 3.58, cccam 2.1.3, newcs 1.65
- GBP displaying many infos about actual channel/transporder
- all name of Cams are displayed correct in HD Glass 12 skin
- all paths for picons are defined in piconPaths.conf or : /media/usb/ , /usr/share/enigma2/ , /media/cf/ , /media/sda1/ , /media/sda/ , /media/ba/ - auto scanned


30-01-2010, 04:31 PM
I have a new white sky card working on cccam 2.1.3 but need to enter the box key to get my card to update but i can't find the file.
Can anyone please help.

30-01-2010, 04:52 PM
Its in the CCcam config file found /etc

Here is a good page for you -https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=111999

31-01-2010, 12:30 PM
I have looked in /ect but cannot find the cccam.cfg file but can find the cccam 2.1.3 in/usr/camd. I have read that the .bin file doesn't over write the .cfg so could I be using this and not the full file and that's why I cannot find the file?


31-01-2010, 05:56 PM
I have looked in /ect but cannot find the cccam.cfg file but can find the cccam 2.1.3 in/usr/camd. I have read that the .bin file doesn't over write the .cfg so could I be using this and not the full file and that's why I cannot find the file?


The .cfg file tells the 'bin' file what settings to use. For example, your boxkey goes in the cfg file.
You need to create one & put it into the /etc directory

mine is : BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 xx xx xx xx

sci0 is the upper slot

see also:- _https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=123196

08-02-2010, 11:52 AM
The .cfg file tells the 'bin' file what settings to use. For example, your boxkey goes in the cfg file.
You need to create one & put it into the /etc directory

mine is : BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 xx xx xx xx

sci0 is the upper slot

see also:- _https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=123196

I've ftp the CCcam.cfg into the /etc directory,should I replace line 317 #BOXKEY: 00 11 22 33 dev/sci0 with BOXKEY: dev/sci0 xx xx xx xx having entered my own boxkey number and/or add this line to the file, if so, where?

sci0 appears to be the bottom slot when checking the entitlements.

08-02-2010, 01:25 PM
the boxkey line should contain YOUR box key - not xxxx

08-02-2010, 05:41 PM
It does.

09-02-2010, 10:38 AM
Sooo @meagain - is your white card working??

09-02-2010, 12:51 PM
Hello oldfart,
The story so far, I've transferred a new Cccam.cfg file into etc/ and added my boxkey which I generated using Boxkey converter v1.4.0 and the using the 17 character number from the Skybox. I've then edited the Cccam.cfg using DCC v2.95 and replaced the xx xx xx xx with my boxkey and saved the file. I'm waiting to see if it will update.

12-02-2010, 12:23 PM
Thanks card is updating.

20-02-2010, 11:27 PM
Is there a way of fixing the channel name in oozoon experimental.

For example when looking at my channel list on the dreambox (pressing up) Discovery Science is displayed as Discovery Science but when selected it displays Disc.science.

Would it be something to do with the lamedb?

13-03-2010, 12:54 PM
I have a DB8000 with Oozoon lite in the flash also on my cf card, the problem is my 4wire fan will not run in standby or when recording on standby, all was OK until I installed an Oozoon image update some weeks ago, I have installed different fan plug ins but all have the same problem.

13-04-2010, 02:52 PM
I have used my Belkin usb wifi adapter in other images but cannot get it to work in Oozoon. The intergated wireless works but is slow and will not stream HD in WebTV. I also have an IPBox 9000HD which now supports usb wifi based on Ralink chipset rt2870 to 802.11n/g/b and this streams HD.
Is there a plugin that will let me use my wifi adapter? There are Linux drivers available and I have downloaded them so would it be possible to install the required drivers in Oozoon?

21-04-2010, 09:21 PM
This plugin enables the down mixing of DTS audio so that .mkv files with DTS can have the audio sent direct to the TV instead of having to use your AV amp.

It will only work with DM8000 or DM500HD (not DM800) with OE 1.6.

You need to have the Genuine Dreambox plugin installed and used at least once.

NB. this plugin has no GUI.

Install the lib first and then the plugin and then reboot.

Usage:- It uses the AC3 downmix switch to change between downmix to TV or real DTS to AV amp. Do this before starting the .mkv movie.

to downmix DTS audio to send as PCM to TV AC3 downmix should be on. (in this mode only PCM will be sent to amp)

to send real DTS audio to amp AC3 downmix should be off, just like with AC3 (in this mode no audio to TV)

This should work with any OE 1.6 image, I posted it here because tried and tested it on my 8k with the lastest online updateable OoZooN OE 1.6 image which can be found here


Das Newnigma2-Team präsentiert:
Newnigma2 oe1.6 dts downmix

Zur Erklärung
Mit diesem Plugin ist es nun endlich möglich einen dts Audiostream, der in vielen mkv Containern enthalten ist, auch ohne dts Anlage einfach als Downmix über die Stereo Lautsprecher des TV auszugeben! Damit erspart man sich nun ein aufwändiges Wandeln des Audiostream auf einem externen Rechner von dts nach AC3, bevor man den Film schauen kann.

Voraussetzung für die Nutzung des neuen Plugins ist mindestens eine Dreambox 500HD oder Dreambox 8000. Das dreambox-tmpd "Genuine Plugin" muss installiert sein und mindestens einmal erfolgreich ausgeführt worden sein. Zum Betrieb des "dreamdts" Plugin sind außerdem die libdca0_0.0.5 und ein aktuelles Newnigma2 unstable Image oder ein aktuelles dmm experimental Image notwendig. Die libdca kann vom unstable Feed gezogen werden.

bekannte Probleme
- Sollte das Plugin nicht auf Anhieb auf einer dm8000 laufen, bitte erst noch einmal das "Genuine Plugin" aufrufen und ausführen, danach sollte es dann auch dort funktionieren.

21-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Thanks @Dubious, saw this elsewhere - you answered the question I had - does it work with OoZooN? It was posted for Newnigma image.

21-04-2010, 10:13 PM
Yes, I guess it could look like that, it was developed by newnigma guys.

I think it's a great plugin, it's not always practical to always have to use the amp.

As this is a software solution it uses about 45% cpu but seeing as OE 1.6 utilizes both cores of the cpu it's no big deal.

22-04-2010, 06:04 PM
OK I'll bite
How do you know cpu usage??

22-04-2010, 06:22 PM
...You need to have the Genuine Dreambox plugin installed and used at least once.


DMM following Microshaft's lead :D

22-04-2010, 07:15 PM
OK I'll bite
How do you know cpu usage??

Type top from telnet, ctrl + c to return to console.

22-04-2010, 07:17 PM

DMM following Microshaft's lead :D

This plugin has nothing to do with DMM, they have no licence to decode DTS.

This plugin was made by newnigma team.

This is the reason newnigma team posted when asked why genuine dreambox was needed :)

nee spass bei seite weil da abfragen gemacht werden bist du eine orginal dreambox und wir keine lust
haben fremde hw bugs zu suchen (clones, vu+ .....)

22-04-2010, 09:31 PM
Type top from telnet, ctrl + c to return to console.

OK - the internet help for 'top' results is very different from the DreamBox
here's what I get

Mem: 146756K used, 8684K free, 0K shrd, 796K buff, 63384K cached
Load average: 0.16, 0.23, 0.19 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

20848 root R 996 20244 2.5 0.6 top

separate CPU usage ??

22-04-2010, 09:44 PM
With DTS downmix

22539 19341 root R 136m 90% 46% /usr/bin/enigma2

Without downmix

22675 19341 root S 134m 88% 4% /usr/bin/enigma2

23-06-2010, 05:56 AM
Try Here:-
