View Full Version : Loosing signal / Channel frezing

24-08-2009, 08:06 AM

I am using BA with SL-74, Gemini 4.40, and Nabilo 0.11

When I watched pay channel for about 30 sec then the picture frizz and I need more the 1 minute until the picture return and frizz again after 30 sec.

This started when I update my DM 800 with the new second loader and new drive of 22/08/2009.

Any help will be appreciated

May I use the Nabilo 0.10 with July Nabilo Pure Flash and SL-74?

Thank you


24-08-2009, 12:49 PM
this frizz you get is it on CS or on a local card?
is the box a clone by any chance?

regards: canthackit

24-08-2009, 01:08 PM
Did you update the flash image SS and drivers ? Also make sure you have the latest Barry Allen.

I would suggest you put the latest OoZoon Image in the flash.

25-08-2009, 08:41 AM

Thank you for your help, however I have replaced the DisEsq and now the DM is working perfectly I can watch also HD channel.

I hope the DisEsq was the cause of this loss of signal because on the configuration setting of the tuner, I have initiated that the voltage to be send to the LNB when I change the satellite.

I am using BA 4.8.24, the new drive of 22/08/2009 and SSL 74 with Nabilo 0.11, Gemini 4.30 and 4.40. I hope my Box is not a clone by any mean.

From your suggestion of using OoZooM Image in the Flash, as you know this image is not a friendly image

Can you explain me how to install the BA after that and used Nabilo which is my favourite Image

Thank you


25-08-2009, 08:55 AM
Flash with OoZoon and then download Barry Allen direct from the plugins, 4.8.26 is the latest to download.

If you are only using it as a flash image the load the lean version only.

26-08-2009, 08:32 AM
Flash with OoZoon and then download Barry Allen direct from the plugins, 4.8.26 is the latest to download.

If you are only using it as a flash image the load the lean version only.

Thank you for your advice
I have used OoZooN and BA 4.8.26 with Nabilo 0.11 my DM work perfectly. it open all the pay channel and i have not lost of signal (Tuner failuer no signal).


26-08-2009, 08:59 AM
Thats the same set up I use and I have no problems with it at all, glad you are sorted :respect-051:

29-08-2009, 10:15 AM

I have problem with the tuner after adjust a second time on my DM 800 with OoZooN anf Nabilo 0.11.
If i go to satfinder the signal is not sychronised and if i tuner manual no channel found.
When watch the channel from the favourites bouquet I have "the tuner fail massage"
Is there any body have the same problem?
thank you
