View Full Version : azbox premium study to file structure

24-08-2009, 05:57 PM
maybe i can help understand the file structure of the azbox premium
i,m study the file structure and startup scripts now maybe this is a start to customize the azbox menu structure and maybe add more functions to it.

if you like this idea let me know.
and if the admin not like to place it in this section then let me know please.

regards alcomys.

24-08-2009, 06:03 PM
First startup script in azbox is :
/tmp/launch.sh and at the end of launch.sh points to :

launch.sh starts up the first usb checking for a firmware update and gives the option to update the firmware if usb stick is present with patch.bin file

S.sh starts up the modules for hardware and display output.

i have to look at the other startup scripts also.

24-08-2009, 06:33 PM
Sounds like a great idea, Been trying to figure out myself how to add or change youtube to another site streaming video.

No luck yet though,

Keep up the good work, I'd love to see this box come to life and live up to it's potential.:respect-062::respect-062:

24-08-2009, 06:41 PM
nice to hear i,m bussy now with the youtube issue.
i try to start from the normal menu an other app to view youtube or a other online player so that you can shose the video to view online.

i think it is posible to do.
hope we can do this.

regards alcomys.

nice to hear that i have support for this :)

24-08-2009, 07:18 PM
i have found the images map to replace any image you want.



24-08-2009, 08:11 PM
It's a little strange this filesystem in my opinion... where is mounted / ?

See this it's's very strange...

MMP$ df -h /
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on

I think is a sort of ramdisk... if you change something in /etc is lost after reboot... but df must say what is the real device...

There is a way to save the changes done in /etc in the EEPROM?

24-08-2009, 08:48 PM
i have found the images map to replace any image you want.



a month ago i changed all images.

my skin instead of blue, was dark red :D took me a while, had to update firmware and forgot to backup :respect-020::respect-020:

24-08-2009, 09:36 PM

skin (intterface theme) :D

24-08-2009, 10:40 PM
i have used days to find a way to change the Youtube player for some other internet streaming sites, but have faild, offcourse im not good at this,

But if you can help with this, then you have my full support on this
so lett us know how you get on mate, im at list intrested to learn more and add more streaming sites to my box:respect-050:

nice to hear i,m bussy now with the youtube issue.
i try to start from the normal menu an other app to view youtube or a other online player so that you can shose the video to view online.

i think it is posible to do.
hope we can do this.

regards alcomys.

nice to hear that i have support for this :)

24-08-2009, 10:59 PM
Its pretty hard to add features to the firmware when it is a read only system.

Anything you do, other than plugins will be a wasted effort.

25-08-2009, 03:36 PM
is there a ftp client with search file function..
is about youtube...
in a long ago time, when i opened every map 1 by 1, i saw a file named youtube player....
so maybe find another player for linux, rename this , and then it works ?????????

is a suggestion, cause i 'm a newbie about linux :)


26-08-2009, 09:25 AM
i,m still bussy to look at the youtube player function to change.


27-08-2009, 07:18 PM
maybe also interesting...

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=648930#post64893 0

is internal link :)

28-08-2009, 04:51 PM
My new idea is to see what we can do with the patch.bin file.
in my opinion the patch.bin must have all the the files and drivers for the hardware inside the azbox.
i have tryed to view the bin file and as i can see contains the bin all the complete linux system.
i have tryed to extract the files inside the patch.bin but the bin is not an archive bin.
it is some firmware file that must be loaded by a sort of flash tool.
i think the flash tool is permanent in the flash programmed to load the patch.bin.
so if we know the software used in the flash we can do something with the patch.bin to extract the files inside.
maybe some others has a idea to do this ?


28-08-2009, 04:52 PM
is there a ftp client with search file function..
is about youtube...
in a long ago time, when i opened every map 1 by 1, i saw a file named youtube player....
so maybe find another player for linux, rename this , and then it works ?????????

is a suggestion, cause i 'm a newbie about linux :)


yes there is the ftp programm cute ftp has a search function inside.

12-09-2009, 02:34 PM
i think i found a solution.
the patch.bin firmware is a compressed romfs read only file system,
that contains the linux kernel and all the drivers and library,s to run on the azbox.
the patch.bin is loaded by the bootloader in the azbox and extract and mount it as a file system in the memory. (read only).
as we know we cannot modify the files on azbox because of the readonly file system.
if we can edit the files in the compressed romfs file (patch.bin) we can
change what we want and then load it back in to the azbox.
im bussy with this to made it posible.
let me know what you think about this idea ?


13-09-2009, 05:49 PM
Go ahead mate...great idea

13-09-2009, 06:59 PM
we can modify azbox hd files...with a command by telnet. to "unlock" MMP folder... is that what u want?

13-09-2009, 07:55 PM
I think he just wants to get permission as 'owner' to write or modify files in /MMP

then changing the permission of all the folders in /MMP from 755 to 775 would allow ftp to make life a bit easier

13-09-2009, 08:00 PM
it's possible by a telnet command

13-09-2009, 08:08 PM
What is this telnet command to unlock MMP?

13-09-2009, 08:14 PM

I'm not trying to be funny.. but if you need help on this, then are you really sure you want to be messing around in /MMP ?

13-09-2009, 10:38 PM
yes yes yes i've done it ....
i have extracted all the files from the patch.cramfs image on azbox
i have also copied the whole file system from the ram to my hardrive :))))
i have also the loader.bin on my drive :)

the ram in the azbox contains file systems shown below.

it has 4 partitions
partition 1 = 4mb contains /etc and /message folder
partition 2= 17mb contains /openxcas
partition 3= 85mb contains /lost&found
partition 4=147mb contains /bin /etc /hd /lib /modules /usr
it uses the linux file system 0x83.

the patch.romfs file system i have extracted contains dirs below.


the dir /FLASH Contains Loader.bin.

the subdirs and all the lose files can i not write here because of the amount of files but if you want to know more please let me know and i tell you where it is located.

i hope we can do something with the extracted files from the filesystem write a patch.bin our selfs and than write it in the azbox.
i think we now can start custiomize the azbox but i need more help from people who know a lot of linux and the linux embedded systems to made this all happen.

i think the world is in our hands now :respect-040::respect-040:

13-09-2009, 10:54 PM

I'm not trying to be funny.. but if you need help on this, then are you really sure you want to be messing around in /MMP ?

Mmmh you're right MMP can be simply mounted in rw with the mount command :001_302: ... when I see the "unlock" i was thinking of the /etc (strange mental processes, indeed?) that is a piece of flash and is read only (and if you remount rw you obtain nothing) there is a way to unlock this "partition" to save the modify in it?
You have the "illusion" to write but at reboot all is lost :07:

To have a little of personalization... change the hostname, the look of the prompt and so on...

13-09-2009, 11:06 PM
Well done alcomys!
Just wondering is the sigma driver somewhere in there?
or is that a silly question?

13-09-2009, 11:15 PM
we can modify the patch.cramfs and rebuild it with the mkcramfs command on linux and write it back to the azbox and at reboot the new files are writed as normal.
but what do you think we can do with the loader.bin ???

13-09-2009, 11:23 PM
Well done alcomys!
Just wondering is the sigma driver somewhere in there?
or is that a silly question?

maybe it is in there but i have to look closer to the extracted files to see what the files are do and where they are writed to.
but for now i have more files to be vieuwd then when i ftp to the azbox and maybe i can also find source files in the extracted cramfs because cramfs contains the whole compressed file system on the azbox.
i let you know if i found something in there.


14-09-2009, 12:12 PM
could a few other members take a look at this.
Is this as promising as it sounds?
Could we do incorporate emus and epgs in the patch.bin etc.. and then upload back to azbox?
It might take a lot of work but before people put too much effort in we just need to know if it might be possible or is it just a pipe dream!

14-09-2009, 12:42 PM
could a few other members take a look at this.
Is this as promising as it sounds?
Could we do incorporate emus and epgs in the patch.bin etc.. and then upload back to azbox?
It might take a lot of work but before people put too much effort in we just need to know if it might be possible or is it just a pipe dream!

All thats happened is the guy has decompressed the patch.bin all the system is still compiled, you could probably change the skin and compress the files back into the system.

But you could simply just ftp the files accross.

If you want to look for drivers then search for the .ko files.

But as you don't know the entry points these are pretty irrelevant.

Just my 2 pence worth.

14-09-2009, 02:44 PM
sadly i don't think this will go anywhere.
hope i'm wrong

14-09-2009, 03:28 PM
The format of the patch.bin is pretty simple...

40 bytes of header (seems to be fixed)
16 bytes of md5sum of the patch.cramfs
remainder is the 'patch.cramfs'

So, on a normal linux box

dd if=patch.bin of=header.bin bs=40 count=1
dd if=patch.bin of=md5sum.bin bs=8 skip=5 count=2
dd if=patch.bin of=patch.cramfs.bin bs=56 skip=1

As always with 'dd', you use the largest block size -
copying single bytes is very slow.

Checking the result...
od -t x1 md5sum.bin
md5sum patch.cramfs.bin

Note: the AZbox simplified version of 'od' does not support '-t x1' option,
and 'hexdump -C' is not supported.

14-09-2009, 08:35 PM
All thats happened is the guy has decompressed the patch.bin all the system is still compiled, you could probably change the skin and compress the files back into the system.

But you could simply just ftp the files accross.

(no all because of the read only file system )

If you want to look for drivers then search for the .ko files.

( i have usbserial.ko/sr_mod.ko/sckernel.ko/sckernel.c/rt61.ko/llad.ko/ftdi_sio.ko/em8xxx.ko/cdrom.ko)

But as you don't know the entry points these are pretty irrelevant.

( we learn with reverce engineering )

Just my 2 pence worth.

see my quote

14-09-2009, 11:35 PM
the file sckernel.c contains also the text

/********************************* ********
* Copyright © 2001-2007
* Sigma Designs, Inc. All Rights Reserved
* Proprietary and Confidential
********************************* *********/

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/irq.h>
#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>

#if !defined(CONFIG_TANGOX)
#error "Unsupport architecture (TANGOX only)."
#elif defined(CONFIG_TANGO2_SMP863X) && (EM86XX_REVISION < 4)
#error "Unsupport Tango2 (ES4 or above) or Tango3 chip."

#include <asm/io.h>

#include <asm/tango2/tango2_gbus.h>
#include <asm/tango2/tango2api.h>
#include <asm/tango2/scard.h>
#define NUM_SCARD 1
#elif defined(CONFIG_TANGO3)
#include <asm/tango3/tango3_gbus.h>
#include <asm/tango3/tango3api.h>
#include <asm/tango3/scard.h>
#define NUM_SCARD 2
#error "Unsupport architecture."

//#define CLASS_B // 3V
//#define PARSE_ATR

#define RW_TIMEOUT 600 // x5mS = 3SEC

//#define SCARD_DEBUG /* Uncomment this for debug message */
#define SCARD_ERRMSG /* Uncomment this for error message */
#define SCARD_MSG /* Uncomment this for normal message */
#define SCARD_DEBUG_X1 /* Uncomment this for debug xx message */

#define DBG_PRINT if (debug) printk
static void inline DBG_PRINT(const char *x, ...) { ; }
#endif /* SCARD_DEBUG */

#define ERR_PRINT printk
static void inline ERR_PRINT(const char *x, ...) { ; }
#endif /* SCARD_ERRMSG */

#ifdef SCARD_MSG
#define MSG_PRINT printk
static void inline MSG_PRINT(const char *x, ...) { ; }
#endif /* SCARD_ERRMSG */

#define DBG_X_PRINT printk
static void inline DBG_X_PRINT(const char *x, ...) { ; }
#endif /* SCARD_DEBUG */

#define SCARD_TX_BYTE_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0000)
#define SCARD_TX_WORD_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0004)
#define SCARD_TX_DWORD_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0008)
#define SCARD_RX_BYTE_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0010)
#define SCARD_RX_WORD_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0014)
#define SCARD_RX_DWORD_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0018)
#define SCARD_CLK_HIGH_VAL(x) ((x) + 0x0020)
#define SCARD_CLK_LOW_VAL(x) ((x) + 0x0024)
#define SCARD_TIMEOUT_LOAD(x) ((x) + 0x0028)
#define SCARD_PARAM_REG(x) ((x) + 0x002c)
#define SCARD_EGT_ETU_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0030)
#define SCARD_SOFT_OUT_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0034)
#define SCARD_SCARD_CTRL_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0038)
#define SCARD_STATE_REG(x) ((x) + 0x003c)
#define SCARD_INT_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0040)
#define SCARD_INTEN_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0044)
#define SCARD_ALT_ETU_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0048)
#define SCARD_STATUS_REG(x) ((x) + 0x004c)
#define SCARD_CRC_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0050)
#define SCARD_CRC_INIT_REG(x) ((x) + 0x0054)


14-09-2009, 11:44 PM
probably the reason opensat can't just make firmware opensource.

21-11-2009, 11:37 PM
SatDream - of. distributor i russia made satdream image for azbox hd (without opensat help)


incl. multicas and more :)

22-11-2009, 04:10 PM


Version: 0.9.3877 Pristavka.de :) (no photoshop!! it work 100%!!!)

22-11-2009, 04:37 PM

22-11-2009, 06:57 PM
anyone tested this ?

23-11-2009, 12:43 PM
Is it possible to add patched kernel files using this method?

If it was then we could get support for DVB-API (unencrypted) drivers and maybe use this to add a crude twin-tuner support. For the popcorn hour there is one tedious way to get DVB-T USB-stick to work ( hXXp://www.networkedmediatank.com/showthread.php?tid=26368&highlight=dvb-t ), maybe patched drivers could be added directly in to patch.bin?

Best regards!

25-11-2009, 11:45 PM
it work if file size still same :(
i have changed a FW name -> 0.9.3877 Pristavka.de
fiel size still same and it work with old header (from original patch)
i tryed to add more files and it not work, need new header :(


26-11-2009, 10:36 AM
it work if file size still same :(
i have changed a FW name -> 0.9.3877 Pristavka.de
fiel size still same and it work with old header (from original patch)
i tryed to add more files and it not work, need new header :(


Hi Nitrogen...

Probably you already know about this site, but if not maybe it can help you.
Its about alternative firmware for the TVIX M6x00 series who has the same chipset.


26-11-2009, 03:44 PM
Hello i was also busy in reverse engineering things :)
i have downloaded a original patch file from the celruntv website.
the file is used to update the original celruntv hardware of a TD900H
instead of a Patch.bin it is on their website a Patch.zip.
but like to see what,s in that zip file.
i have trye,d to unzip but not possible because of the zip password.
i was busy to hack the patch.zip and now i have found the password for the zip.
i have unzipped the files and now i,m looking inside to see maybe interesting things that we can compare to the azbox firmware.

if someone has interests to have the unzipped files let me know.


26-11-2009, 04:50 PM
it work if file size still same :(
i have changed a FW name -> 0.9.3877 Pristavka.de
fiel size still same and it work with old header (from original patch)
i tryed to add more files and it not work, need new header :(


you should make a

md5sum patch.cramfs.bin > hash_md5sum

for your new patch.cramfs.bin file, and then open the old md5sum.bin file with a hex editor (thanks to ouTsiDaz_ from Dragteam for this tip), and write the content from hash_md5sum there.

and finally

cat header.bin md5sum.bin patch.cramfs.bin > patch.bin

This way, your patch.bin can have a different size and content

NOTE : Just found out that you also need to change the last 4 bytes of the header to the new size. These bytes are in reverse order

In the picture above, from dutchmatrix's post
For 3911, if you reverse 00A0D802, you get 02D8A000, wich is the file size.
For 3877 if you reverse 0000F902, you get 02F90000, wich is the filesize

The other 2 bytes 470F on 3911, and 250F on 3887 are the firmware version, also reversed (0F47 = 3911 and 0F25 = 3877)

26-11-2009, 05:11 PM
an other interesting file that i think celrun has left on the new td9000 patch
some file for the compiler or so :)

####### Compiler, tools and options









#ONSE_EXPORT_DIR=/export/SD/SMP8634-135/mrua_SMP8634_2.7.135.0_legacy_pro d_dev.mips/
MMP_EXPORT_DIR=/export/SD/SMP8634-167/mrua_SMP8634_2.8.0.1_facsprod_leg acy_dev.mips.nodts


26-11-2009, 05:24 PM
i have more information :)

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/300/headeru.th.gif (http://img80.imageshack.us/i/headeru.gif/)

sorry i have not seen post from rfdomingos

26-11-2009, 05:51 PM
Domingos: 3877, not 3887... ;)

Good luck, guys! Interesting stuff!!! :)

26-11-2009, 10:36 PM
celruntv fw

26-11-2009, 11:47 PM
celruntv fw

But whats the password

26-11-2009, 11:57 PM
guys...sorry the noobnens :P
what da hell are u guys doing?
what is the end of this?

27-11-2009, 12:18 AM
What about the factory.cramfs? Is it possible to dualboot and if so only try "new" firmware via USB?

27-11-2009, 02:18 AM
Guys I can confirm that the patch works with the correct number of bytes in the header.

Already have my Azbox patched with custom firm made by me.

27-11-2009, 10:28 AM
Guys I can confirm that the patch works with the correct number of bytes in the header.

Already have my Azbox patched with custom firm made by me.

can u share this with us also ???
what do you have changed etc and how ?

can someone give the command to re create a patch.cramfs.bin file ?


27-11-2009, 11:04 AM
But whats the password

strange the this website is offline gone.
do you think it is because of our downloads ?
maybe they remove the public downloads because of us :)

27-11-2009, 12:53 PM
Spies are all around... :D

27-11-2009, 01:38 PM
Copied the play_* files from the td9000 firmware /MMP/usr/bin/
to the box and tried executing them.

They all give back wich parameters are available haven't yet got any mp3 to play but still studying.

I am now gonna replace the MMP from the box with the MMP from the td9000.

Lets see what happens.....;-)

27-11-2009, 02:07 PM
Copied the play_* files from the td9000 firmware /MMP/usr/bin/
to the box and tried executing them.

They all give back wich parameters are available haven't yet got any mp3 to play but still studying.

I am now gonna replace the MMP from the box with the MMP from the td9000.

Lets see what happens.....;-)

Nice work :)
this thing will keep us from the streets :)

27-11-2009, 04:25 PM
Resak by Wws

http://www.pristavka.de/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4 207.0;attach=2095

Software extract patch.cramfs.bin from patch.bin
and make patch.bin from patch.cramfs.bin

27-11-2009, 04:42 PM

DEMUX OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-y <demux type>: Selects the demux type
[mpeg1], m2p, m2t, m2t192, dvd, vbs, abs, aob
-vpid: video PID (else, first video stream will be played)
-apid: audio PID (else, first audio stream will be played)
-asubid: audio substream id (else, first audio substream will be played)
-ssubid: spu substream id (else, first spu substream will be played)
-z: Repacketizes packets (needed for transport streams) [FALSE]
-spu: Enables subpicture [FALSE]
-dur: Specifies the duration of the stream, on ms. Required for seeking
PLAYBACK OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-m chip: Selects the board number [0]
-L count: Loops the file count times [1]
-l: Loops the file infinitely [FALSE]
-waitexit: application doesn't stop and exit until q key is pressed
-data mode: selects which streams to send to decode: n,a,v,s (n=none) [avs]
-ts mode: selects which streams to send PTS to decode: n,a,v,s (n=none) [avs]
-save mode: selects which streams to save into file: n,a,v,s (n=none) [n]
mode: avs, av, a, vs, v, n
-savems mode: same as -save but outputs elementary file with embedded pts and frame_size data
-speed N M: set the speed factor to N/M [1 1]
-dram controller: sets the dram controller to use [0]
-manutest: maunufacture testing mode
-pause: starts playback in pause state
-bcc filename: use the BCC file filename [NULL]
-stcdrift: enable correction of STC-to-PCR drift (SPI only)
-stcdbg n: level of debug print [0]..3
-delay time: set delay in ms for audio, video timers relative to stc timer [0]
-dmapool count log2_size: sets the count and the log2 size of the dma pool.
Default is application dependent.
-disk_ctrl level: minimum number of buffer when reactivation of disk must be done.
-prebuf size: maximum size in kB read from media for prebuffering.
-sat: send audio while in trickmodes [false]
-past: play any supported track [disabled]; otherwise video track must have a known codec
DISPLAY OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-no_disp: do not configure the outports
-f standard: Sets output format, default is NTSC_M
CVT_640x480x50 CVT_640x480x60 CVT_640x480x75 CVT_640x480x85
CVT_800x600x50 CVT_800x600x60 CVT_800x600x75 CVT_800x600x85
CVT_1024x768x50 CVT_1024x768x60 CVT_1024x768x75 CVT_1024x768x85
CVT_1152x864x50 CVT_1152x864x60 CVT_1152x864x75 CVT_1152x864x85
CVT_1280x960x50 CVT_1280x960x60 CVT_1280x960x75 CVT_1280x960x85
CVT_1280x1024x50 CVT_1280x1024x60 CVT_1280x1024x75
CVT_1280x1024x85 CVT_1600x1200x50 CVT_1600x1200x60
DBL3_1952x1232 DBL3_1952x30 HDMI_640x480p59 HDMI_640x480p60
HDMI_480p59 HDMI_480p60 HDMI_720p59 HDMI_720p60 HDMI_1080i59
HDMI_1080i60 HDMI_480i59 HDMI_480i60 HDMI_720x240p59
HDMI_720x240p60 HDMI_2880x480i59 HDMI_2880x480i60
HDMI_2880x240p59 HDMI_2880x240p60 HDMI_1440x480p59
HDMI_1440x480p60 HDMI_1080p59 HDMI_1080p60 HDMI_576p50
HDMI_720p50 HDMI_1080i50 HDMI_576i50 HDMI_720x288p50
HDMI_2880x576i50 HDMI_2880x288p50 HDMI_1440x576p50 HDMI_1080p50
HDMI_1080p23 HDMI_1080p24 HDMI_1080p25 HDMI_1080p29 HDMI_1080p30
HDMI_2880x480p59 HDMI_2880x480p60 HDMI_2880x576p50
HDMI_1080i50_1250 HDMI_1080i100 HDMI_720p100 HDMI_576p100
HDMI_576i100 HDMI_1080i119 HDMI_1080i120 HDMI_720p119
HDMI_720p120 HDMI_480p119 HDMI_480p120 HDMI_480i119 HDMI_480i120
HDMI_576p200 HDMI_576i200 HDMI_480p239 HDMI_480p240 HDMI_480i239
HDMI_480i240 1080p60 1080p59 1080p50 1080i60 1080i59 1080i50
1080i48 1080i47 1080p30 1080p29 1080p25 1080p24 1080p23
1080i50_1250 1080p50_1250 720p60 720p59 720p50 720p30 720p29
720p25 720p24 720p23 ITU_Bt656_525 NTSC_M_Japan NTSC_M PAL_60
PAL_M 480p59 NTSC_M_Japan_714 NTSC_M_714 PAL_60_714 PAL_M_714
480p59_714 ITU_Bt656_625 PAL_BG 576p50 PAL_BG_702 576p50_702
VESA_640x350x85 VESA_640x400x85 VESA_720x400x85 VESA_640x480x60
VESA_640x480x72 VESA_640x480x75 VESA_640x480x85 VESA_848x480x60
VESA_800x600x56 VESA_800x600x60 VESA_800x600x72 VESA_800x600x75
VESA_800x600x85 VESA_1024x768x43 VESA_1024x768x60
VESA_1024x768x70 VESA_1024x768x75 VESA_1024x768x85
VESA_1152x864x75 VESA_1280x768x60RB VESA_1280x768x60
VESA_1280x768x75 VESA_1280x768x85 VESA_1280x960x60
VESA_1280x960x85 VESA_1280x1024x60 VESA_1280x1024x75
VESA_1280x1024x85 VESA_1360x768x60 VESA_1400x1050x60RB
VESA_1400x1050x60 VESA_1400x1050x75 VESA_1400x1050x85
VESA_1600x1200x60 VESA_1920x1200x60RB VESA_1920x1200x60
VESA_640x480i30 VESA_640x480i60
edid (to use preferred standard from EDID info)
-vgaf standard: sets output format for VGA/DVI output separately
from analog out
-vmf <filename.vmf>: specify a filename with a video mode line, used instead of -f options
WARNING: Incorrect values in the .vmf file can cause damage to the monitor or TV!
Sigma Designs is not responsible for any such damage.
-cs colorspace: Sets the output colorspace. [yuv_601] yuv_709
rgb_0_255 rgb_16_235
-sm mode : Sets display scaling mode [letterBox] panScan
-asp x y: Sets display aspect ratio (x y in [0-255] range) [4 3]
(0 0 means that the source aspect ratio is used for the display
aspect ratio (used with WSS).
-zoom x y w h: Selects the input window to display [0 0 width height]
all zoom values: 0..4095: absolute pixel, 4096..8192: 0%..100% relative size
-o output: Selects the output
[svideo] composite dvi_8 dvi_16 dvi_24 lvds dig_8 dig_16 dig_24
vga scart
component_rgb_scart component_rgb_sog component_rgb_smpte
component_yuv_betacam component_yuv_m2 component_yuv_smpte
-dvi_hdmi [siI164] siI170 siI9030 - Selects supported DVI/HDMI chip
-hdmi state - Force HDMI (AVI info frames and audio) or DVI mode (no AVI/audio), state is optional: [1] 0
-hdcp - Enable HDCP (only valid on siI170 and siI9030 DVI chip)
-edid - Display EDID information of the TV/Monitor
-ed n: use video format from EDID short descriptor number 'n'
(instead of detailed descriptor with '-f edid')
-edmode <width> <height> <vfreq> <interlaced>: use closest matching EDID short descriptor
-edid_exclude <mode>: exclude certain video mode from being used with EDID
-edid_force <mode>: force certain video modes to be used with EDID, if available in the display
<mode> can be either of: 24hz 25hz 30hz 50hz 60hz 100hz 120hz 200hz 240hz 4x3 16x9
sd ed hd 480i 480p 576i 576p 720p 1080i 1080p (sd = 480i, 576i, ed = 480p, 576p, hd = 720p, 1080i, 1080p)
multiple specifications of -edid_exclude and -edid_force are possible.
-edid_limits <min_pix> <max_pix> <min_hfreq> <max_hfreq> <min_vfreq> <max_vfreq>: limit EDID mode
detection to the range specified. all values in Hz. use 0 to disable a range limit.
If all exclusions and limits leave no mode available, 640x480p will be used.
-edwrite <filename>: write data from file (binary, 128 or 256 bytes) to display's EDID EEPROM
-hdmi_act <active format>: designate the portion of the screen containing actual picture information:
[none], full, 16x9top, 14x9top, 64x27, 4x3, 16x9, 14x9, 4x3_14x9, 16x9_14x9, 16x9_4x3
The last 3 are optional clipping formats, e.g. the last is a 16x9 format that could be cropped to 4x3
-hdmi_bars <top> <bottom> <left> <right>: designate filler bars on the screen, 0..4096:
top:end of horizontal bar at top [0], bottom: start of horizontal bar at bottom [4096]
left:end of vertical bar at left [0], right: start of vertical bar at right [4096]
-hdmi_underscan: tag picture as underscanned (computer) instead of overscanned (video)
-hdmi_spd Vendor Product [<class>]: Send HDMI SPD infor frame, identifying source product
-tmds_mode <gpio> <threshold>: Set GPIO pin 'gpio' to 1 when HDMI pixel clock is above 'threshold' MHz
class: STB, DVD, DVHS, HDD, DVC, DSC, VCD, Game, PC, BluRay, SACD
-hdmi2c n: use I2C module 'n' for DVI/HDMI init (0=software, 1=hardware, 2=built-in hdmi)
-agc level: Sets the macrovision level [0] 1 2 3
-cgmsa level: Sets the cgms level [0] 1 2 3
-vscaler scaler_index: Selects the scaler to use to display the video
[0] (MainVideoScaler), 1 (VCRScaler), 2 (GFXScaler) -route [main] vcr: Selects the display route to use.
-b osd_bitmap_filename: Displays an OSD bitmap at the same time
-ba alpha_bitmap_filename: 8bpp-alpha bitmap to be merged with osd
-vgab osd_bitmap_filename: Displays an OSD bitmap on the seconday
output (VGA)
-oa osd_alpha_level (0..255) [128]
-ozoom x y w h: Selects the osd input window to display [0 0 width height]
-owindow x y w h: Selects the osd output window to display [0 0 width height]
-odump <directory>: dumps bitmap.bin, dvi.bin and userpref.bin in
he specified directory.
-oscaler scaler_index: Selects the scaler to use to display the osd
image [0] (OSDScaler), 1 (GFXScaler), 2 (MainVideoScaler), 3 (VCRScaler), 5 (SubPictureScaler)
-lock_scaler <scaler>: lock the scaling mode to the given scaler. [none] vcr gfx crt osd spu mv
-vgadram: put secondary output bitmap into second DRAM bank
-hwc: Displays Sigma logo using the hardware cursor
-swap order: swaps the output's color component order [rgb] rbg grb
gbr brg bgr
-fs type: Selects the field selection algorithm
[type] : to select the input field ID that matches the output field ID
time: to select the input field the most time accurate
one: to select only one field per frame
-strips h v : Sets display horizontal and vertical black strip mode
(h v in [0-4096] range) [4096 4096]
-cutstrips h v : Sets display horizontal and vertical cut strip mode
(h v in [0-4096] range) [4096 4096]
-nonlin w l: select non-linear scaling width (0..3) and level (0..3) [0 0]
Note: also specify '-strips 4096 0' or -nonlin will have no visible effect!
-D mode: selects the deinterlacing mode
0: Bob - no deinterlacing
1: modulated Weave
2: motion adaptative
3: Weave
-32pd: enables the 3:2 pulldown. Is only active in case of motion adaptative deinterlacing [disable]
-motion_config config: configures the motion deinterlacer format:V16V8V4V0
-d2_proportion config: configures the existing vs new field proportion in deinterlacing type 2:0xEFNF
-disp_init: force reinitialisation of the display
-cdb <boundary>: sets the color degradation boundary (0..512) [0]
-dp <protocol>: sets the protocol on the digital output (601, 656, vip) [601]
-dclk: don't invert the digital video clock (inverted by default)
-ddr: use double data rate mode on the digital out (data on both edges of the clock)
-ddr_delay: set a DDR data delay (0..7) [0]
-dig_no_delay: disable the data delay in non-DDR mode
-inv_cap_clk: invert the capture clock, when external H- and V-Sync is used for the digital sync.
-scart_en <0|1> <pio> <inv>: disable/standby (0) or enable (1) the SCART
display. pio is optional, defaults to 13. inv is optional, whether to
invert the pio polarity or not.
-scart_ws <0|1|a> <pio> <inv>: signal 4:3 (0) or 16:9 (1) or automatic (a) aspect ratio to
the SCART connector. pio is optional, defaults to 14. inv is optional,
whether to invert the pio polarity or not
-sdf standard: Enable HD->SD conversion and sets the SD format, default is NTSC_M
-sdcav: Forces the buffered HD->SD conversion mode (needs -sdf option)
-sdbuf: Sets the SD standard on the component output, when HD->SD conversion is enabled (needs -sdf option)
-sdasp x y: Sets display aspect ratio for the SD output when HD->SD conversion is enabled
(x y in [0-255] range) [4 3]
-genlock <v|g> [<min> <max>]: Enable genlocking, sync source is either VideoIn (v) or GraphicIn (g).
min, max: target phase range, 0..255 (256 = 360 degrees)
-input <v|g|v2|g2> <bus size> [<656|601|601v> <input standard> [invv] [invh]]:
Set up dummy mode on video or graphic input, for genlock.
-time_interval <start-end>: defines the time interval to play
VIDEO OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-2: Selects MPEG2-HD [default]
-3: Selects DivX3.11-SD
-4: Selects MPEG4-SD
-5: Selects H264-SD
-9: Selects WMV_816P
-10: Selects VC-1 AP HD
-p profile: 2=MPEG-1/2, 3=DivX3.11, 4=MPEG-4, 5=H.264, 9=WMV or
VC-1 MP, 10=VC-1 AP -v codec:
-pv codec_profile: 2sd 4sd 4sdr 2dvd [2hd] 4hd 4hdr 2sddi 4sddi 4sddir
2dvddi 2hddi 4hddi 4hddir 9sd 9816p 9hd 3sd 3hd 5sd
5hd 10sd 10hd auto
-ve video engine: selects the video engine (DSP) to be used, 0 or 1 [0]
-vd video decoder: selects the video decoder on the DSP to use. [0]
-fixvop <resolution per second> <increment per frame>:
-vtimescale <pts time resolution>:
play m4v with pts expressed in vtimescale units. For mpeg4 over m2t use 45000.
-ics colorspace: Forces the input colorspace. [yuv_601] yuv_709
rgb_0_255 rgb_16_235
-cc closed_caption_mode: Selects the closed caption display mode.
[tv] soft off
-vcodec codec width height: Selects the video codec.
codec: mpeg2, mpeg4, divx3, vc1, wmv, h264, jpeg.
-extrapict: number of extra picture buffers for display[0]
-vprofile: baseline h264 0, main is 1.[0]
-vlevel: level: 0..14 is L1..L5.1 for h264.[0]
[tv] 608soft 708soft off
-vfifo size: select the video bitstream fifo size in KB. Default is application dependent
-vxfer count: select the video xfer fifo count. Default is application dependent
-ms : enable playback of MS elemtary with PTS files
-seq : WMV9 sequence parameter (Decimal or 0xXXXXXXXX Hexadecimal)
-scan <mode>: sets video scan mode: [source] frame top bot
AUDIO OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-ae audio engine: selects the audio engine (DSP) to be used, 0 or 1 [0]
-ad audio decoder: selects the audio decoder on the DSP to use. [0]
-c codec: Sets the codec
[ac3=ac3_20] ac3_32 ec3
[aac0=adif] [aac1=adts] [aac2=dsi]
wma wmapro wmats
[dts=dts_20] dts_32
pcm[24,20,16 = bit per sample]_[1,2,... = channel assign]
lpcm[24,20,16 = bit per sample]_[1,2,... = channel assign]
lpcma[24,20,16 = bit per sample]_[1,2,..= channel assign],
bdlpcm[Bluray LPCM audio]
-lsbfirst used only for audio pcm wave
-afreq: Sets the output audio frequency [44100]
-sfg1: Sets sampling frequency of PCM group1 [output frequency].
-audioin: Configures for pcm audioin function [FALSE]
-extclk: take audio playback clock from RClk0 input (useful with
-audioin) [FALSE]
-aialign alignment: align value for the audio input (e.g. 1 for 24
bit, 0 for 32 bit)[1]
-ailsbfirst: LSB first instead of MSB first on audio input [FALSE]
-source capture_source: [0=I2S] 1=SPDIF
-delay capture_delay: Delay to start capturing [1824]
-type capture type: 0=Not Specified, 1=PCM, 2=Compressed [PCM]
-spdif mode: Sets the spdif mode
n=no [u=uncompressed] c=compressed cnd=compressed no decode
-dual mode: [stereo] left right mix
-lfe: enable LFE channel - for AC3 codec
-acmod2dual: dual mode for acmod2 - for AC3 codec
-so: Enables/Disables the serial out [1=enable] 0=disable
-i2salign alignment: align value for the i2s audio output (e.g. 1
for 24 bit, 0 for 32 bit)[1]
-i2ssclknormal: don't invert SClk on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-i2sframenormal: don't invert frame on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-i2slsbfirst: LSB first instead of MSB first on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-i2s16bit: 16 bit sample width instead of 32 bit on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-chan: Sets the channel mask
-unsigned: Unsigned PCM data
-downsample: For DVD PCM playback protection by converting 24 bit to 16 bit PCM Format
-afifo size: select the audio bitstream fifo size in KB. Default is application dependent
-axfer count: select the audio xfer fifo count. Default is application dependent
-rclkmclk n: provide the current MClk on RClkOut n (0..3)
-askip_first_n_bytes: bytes to skip when reading the file from the beginning
-bassmode: [0] 0 1 2 3
-afs [0] 1: let audio uCode parse and set sample frequency from stream
-channel_delay: [0] 0...7 [0] 0...33, e.g., '-channel 1 23' means put 33 ms delay for channel 1
-audio_cp: set audio copy protection 'C' bit in SPDIF and HDMI audio header
-audio_hdmi2c n: use I2C module 'n' for independent DVI/HDMI init (0=software, 1=hardware, 2=built-in hdmi)
Minimum cmd line: ./play_demux <file name>

27-11-2009, 05:47 PM

Now, in English, please... :D :D :D

27-11-2009, 06:17 PM
alcomys We have been working with the patch CELRUN two weeks trying to open the zip brute force but it was not possible, the only solution was to put it straight to the receiver and unzip them and putting the zip updated live and in the receiver decompresses

I suppose that it is already open by indicating

27-11-2009, 07:05 PM
Its open.

If alcomys agrees i can give out the password, he discovered it.

by the way i missed the fb.zip and the celrun site is down now.
Could someone send it to me.


27-11-2009, 07:14 PM
Once you open that path all the team can work faster to compile new firmware for stb

If you can open the file and report thanks

27-11-2009, 07:28 PM
I agree we should work as a team.

But there should be a place where all individual findings can be reported.
And not scattered postings across diferent forums.
Maybe this forum?

But if someone can provide me the fb.zip i will repost a new zip which includes the fb.zip and patch.zip without a pasword.

27-11-2009, 07:34 PM

27-11-2009, 07:40 PM
Ok we go to beta this study we can all get more stable firmware and to complement the original

27-11-2009, 07:49 PM
D'you know, guys, this is the first really heart-warming stuff I have seen, when it comes to AZbox HD, in a long time!!!!!!:cheers2::respect-023::respect-051::woohoo-022::applause-003:

27-11-2009, 08:15 PM
Wanted to post the no pasword version of the patch.zip here
but i've got no idea how to attach a file here.

But anyway this is the password::sifone:


27-11-2009, 08:19 PM
D'you know, guys, this is the first really heart-warming stuff I have seen, when it comes to AZbox HD, in a long time!!!!!!:cheers2::respect-023::respect-051::woohoo-022::applause-003:

Dont get to exited Goran maybe this is leading nowhere.
But this is why i bought this box, to play with it, not to watch tv on it or movies...:lurk5:

27-11-2009, 08:36 PM
I know that very well, from experience...

But it's still good to see!!!!

Best of luck!!!:respect-051:

27-11-2009, 08:39 PM
CELRUN delete the download link to see them and we are studying this month are saturated downloads from its website.

If anyone needs the patch fb and say so and will be uploaded

Be careful as well CELRUN has implemented multimedia but not the part of the tuners

27-11-2009, 08:53 PM
Put it to Mediafire, unlocked... ;)

27-11-2009, 09:03 PM
Put it to Mediafire, unlocked... ;)

Good luck

27-11-2009, 10:24 PM
Be careful as well CELRUN has implemented multimedia but not the part of the tuners


bult in tuner


27-11-2009, 10:51 PM
Pardon my English, I wanted to say that the media is implemented but that the tuner only dvb-t and iptv


COMPANY = Celrun Co., Ltd.
ADMINID = hanaroadmin
ADMINPWD = adminpwd

28-11-2009, 01:06 AM
Can't seem to unpack MMP.tgz with the password given... Anyone had more luck than me?

28-11-2009, 01:27 AM
You have a Private Messages

28-11-2009, 01:09 PM
For all the guys here i have uploaded the latest patch from celrun to my website so that you can download it. (without the passwd an all files extracted within the zip) include the FB.zip.


again but an other nice file to look at :)



and thanks for nitrogen14 for the nice tool to extract en combine the patch.bin of azbox :)

and what about the celrun url that does not work anymore, i think they blocked us out when they discover we are downloading things from celrun.
maybe they only allow ip adresses now from korea or so.


30-11-2009, 02:44 PM
Someone already tried to get the colorbars application to run?

Im at work so cann't try it at the moment.
I tried the play_X applications but they gave me errors so maybe its easier to start with the colorbars application to show through hdmi.

30-11-2009, 07:09 PM
I have moved all modules to CELRUN to STB modules folder but i can not manage.

export PATH=$PATH:/DATA/usb1/sda1/celrun/usr/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/DATA/usb1/sda1/celrun/usr/lib
export PATH=$PATH:/DATA/usb1/sda1/celrun/usr/sbin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/MMP/lib:/MMP/usr/lib:/MMP/lib:/MMP/usr/lib/DATA/usb1/sda1/celrun/usr/lib:/DATA/usb1/sda1/celrun/lib

Can not get the OSD function CELRUN

30-11-2009, 07:23 PM
What error does it gives you when starting celrun?

01-12-2009, 01:54 AM
Only modules have gone for attempt to run and do not work

I have not gotten the boot and not using the same processes that azbox

02-12-2009, 01:09 PM
i have thinking about the startup procedure of azbox we maybe can change ?

Normal i think like this.

azbox-boot > linux 2.6.15 > TVCORE > Plugins/Nano-x

can we change it like this ?

azbox-boot > linux 2.6.15 > nano-x/Gui > Plugins.

we can maybe change the tvcore for an other one like minigui
and run the plugins from the minigui ?

anybody a idea ?


02-12-2009, 01:20 PM
Maybe ask The_Ripper/Mower, try to involve him, to pick his brains, maybe he would/could be helpful...? IF he would... ;) :)

04-12-2009, 01:54 PM
Any luck with this, guys?!? Thanx to NoMad!!!!

a patch for kernel that supports SMP863x devices.

Here's a link:
