View Full Version : Samsung LE40B650T2W LCD TV

25-08-2009, 08:29 AM
This is not for the LE40B650T2P CI+ cam model ((NL) Ziggo, (D) Cable Baden-Wuerttemberg, ... )
there is a new firmware: Upgrade File (ver.T-CHL7DEUC-2004.1) no change log

PC share manager (ver.2.1) if you don't have that one, it is on the software page.

Selecting Start on Video Connection (HDMI, scart, ...)
If you always want to start the TV on the HDMI1 satellite receiver.
This could break your warranty.
When you open the service menu, take note what you do change.
Don't change settings, you don't understand it could damage your flatscreen or even kill it all together.
Menu Function:
[Power On/Off] on the remote.
Use cursor keys (middle one = enter)
UP/Down moving in the menu
Left/right selecting item or changing value

Don't experiment with settings
put LE40B650 LCD TV in standby.
quickly enter this sequence from the remote: [Info][Menu][Mute][Power]. To slow and it will not work!
The Samsung should now start with the Service Menu activated. EXIT = [Power On/Off] on the remote.
With Down cursor goto Control and press Enter
With Down cursor goto Hotel Option and press Enter
Switch Hotel Mode on: 2 x Right Cursor
go back press Menu
With Down cursor goto Power on Source
With Right cursor select the video port you want to view: HDMI1, ...
when you made your choice
press Power on/off on remote and put TV in Standby.

[Info][Menu][Mute][Power], this could also work on other Samsung models (not older ones)
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26-08-2009, 06:31 AM
basicly: no big changes in this firmware:

you Tube is now functioning again
codecs improved: some movies previously playing without sound are now playing with sound.