View Full Version : how do you update the transponders

26-08-2009, 02:51 PM
Hi fellow Azbox users, can you help me out,

I have a strange set-up, 4 lnb's watching 28e, 19e, 13 e and 9e without turning the dish.

I use usals for seeing the other satellites.

As lnb 1 is not at the centre of the dish, I have adjusted my usals position to take this into account.

The new firmware refuses to allow me to set-up the 4 lnbs in the same orbital location, so that the dish only moves if I want to view another satellite

My question is :- what is the easiest way to update the transponders in the azbox?

26-08-2009, 03:49 PM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=115004 :coolgleamA:

26-08-2009, 04:01 PM
Thanks Goran, will give it a go, worked all ok on other firmwares.

It's like being on a roller coaster ride, owning an Azbox

26-08-2009, 04:02 PM
It would be interesting to have some pics of your setup, m8!

Then, describe what you do in terms of settings - the lot, please...:coolgleamA:

Sounds cool! :)

27-08-2009, 04:29 PM
1 Metre dish
4 0.1 dual Lnb's
2 4 way diseqc switches
Technomate motor
Dreambox 500s
Azbox elite
Skystar 2 hd pci card
Dbox 2 cable
Panasonic 42" Plasma
Yamaha surround Amp

Lnb's fixed on 28.5e, 19.2e, 13.0e, 9.0e

Lnb 1 ( Hotbird ) just off centre of arm - usals adjusted by about 7 degrees to take this into account.

Motor driven by usals for other sats

Lnb's for 28.5, 19.2 and 9.0 reprogrammed in Azbox for sat position 13.0e USALS

DISEQC programed for lnb 1 to 4

With this setup, I dont have to wait for the dish to turn each time I change sat, only for sats that I rarely use.

Azbox settings,

DISEQC 1 to 4 to switch Lnb's
USALS for motor

Next job is to program via mixture of usals and Diseqc, Lnb's on either side of dish, so that the dish does not have to turn all the way around to the sat



27-08-2009, 04:39 PM
don't you have water problems, with the diseqc switch hanging upside down? Nice one, you still have a free line of sight below the motorised dish, could mount a fixed dish below?
at ground level:

27-08-2009, 05:36 PM
Trophies are for fishing , I should have one for pateince, being an Azbox owner:number-one-043:

Havent had any water problems yet, but if I dont get off my lazy arse soon, I can foresee some.

The dish was setup as 1 lnb to start off with, Then added some more lnb's.

Problem I had was that the lnb could no longer fit at the prime focus, so I came up with a plan to alter my USALS settings, to match the lnb being off centre.

Where my settings should have been 3.2W and 52.2N, I adjusted the USALS settings bit by bit until I got to 9.7W and 52.2N.

Nice setup Giga......How do you post images in posts, could'nt find it when I looked.

27-08-2009, 05:38 PM