View Full Version : Sky EPG on Blackhole v0.11

27-08-2009, 02:55 PM

Can anyone help me with this.

I have been downloading successfully the epg with this image since day 1 of me having the box, but i cannot get ITV1 Wales which is my local region.

Does anyone have this in their channels.uk file

the file can be found at


I did have it once but lost it when updating the channellist.

or can anyone tell me how to work the line out for myself


1;6000;ITV1 London;9;274c:7fc:2



07-09-2009, 06:00 PM
Thanks to Mr Cool Span

There is an excellent thread at Nabilosat

This light help

This is a how to make a correct Sky Uk epg list

a=download channel yes or no ( 1 or 0 )
b=channel ID
c=Channel name
d=Sky EPG number
e=SID ( from dreambox edit )
g=Network ID

The service id (SID position e can be read from dreamboxedit 3.0. Keep in mind that in dreambox edit its in decimal not in hex so you need to convert it to be used in EPG list.
TV3 Ireland sid is 9605 dec = hex 2585
to find the Channel iD for the uk list, you will need a copy of the CCcam.channelinfo, Open it and scroll down until you find # BSkyB (28E) VideoGuard, in that list you will find this line 0961:000000:2585 "BSkyB - TV3 Ireland [NDS]"
Remove everything mark whit red
0961:000000:2585 "BSkyB - TV3 Ireland [NDS]"
and you wel have the Channel id

A; B ; C ; D ; E : F : G
1;1255;TV3 Ireland;104;2585:7fb:2

19-09-2009, 02:29 PM
thanks for that - sorry for late reply. PC died

i will give it a try and report back

19-09-2009, 03:44 PM
Hi Shirehorse, I also have the specific details you asked for if you still need it on ITV1 Wales

20-09-2009, 03:34 PM
yes please - i would be very greatful

20-09-2009, 06:15 PM
Service Name Package Type Satellite position Satellite name Frequency Symbolrate Polarization FEC Service ID Transponder ID Network ID Namespace
ITV1 Wales BSkyB 1 28,4 gs= 10832250 22000000 H 5/6 10020 2049 2 18612224