View Full Version : Anyone know the structure of the file \DISK2\reserved.dat

28-08-2009, 08:28 AM

Does anyone know the structure of the file \DISK2\reserved.dat?

This file holds info relating to reserved recordings and I'm looking into an alternatvive method of generating this file (just temporary I hope until we hopefully get proper EPG)

The file does contain some readable elements, like channel and date, but there is also a block of data in hex/binary/whatever at the end of each record. I suspect there are some millisecond times in their.

I'm planning to set up similar recordings and compare contents to see what changes but if anyone has the breakdown of the records in this file that would be great.



28-08-2009, 08:42 AM
I've been looking at this with a hexeditor, but don't really get anything else than you did. Not sure about the format yet.

What I'm missing at this point is the length of the recording, or the endtime.

28-08-2009, 01:10 PM
Can anyone send me some of their reserved.dat files from before and after recordings, preferable with multiple recordings scheduled, including an overview of:
Channel name, Startdate, Starttime, Enddate, Endtime, Repition.

29-08-2009, 03:21 PM
270h:C -> Start of ?? : 6-7 chars?
280h:E -> Start of channel name
310H:0 -> Start of starttime indication: YYYYMMDDHHMM?? : ?? = indication of duration?
390h:4 -> Start of recording target location
410h:4 -> Start of recordfile-path (will be filled after start of recording)
490h:4 -> Start of ?? : 8 chars?
4B0h:0 -> Start of ??

4E0h:A -> Start of channel name (second recording)
560h:C -> Start of starttime indication: YYYYMMDDHHMM??
5F0h:0 -> Start of recording target location
710h:F -> End of file?

reserved.dat files (http://rapidshare.com/files/273027559/reserved.dat.zip)