View Full Version : Sent ADM wrong card number!

28-08-2009, 05:47 PM
Hi Guys,

Followed the instructions for upgrading my Al Jazeera card, but somehow I managed to get a digit wrong in my card number:mad:

I've haven't had the second email yet, so the upgrade will not have been sent yet. I'v emailed AMD with the correct number, but I think I maye be wasting my time!

Anyone have any ideas?


29-08-2009, 12:37 PM
I sent my details yesterday morning 7am and was hoping for it to be activated today for the Rangers game today
I immediately got a e-mail (it looked automated) confirming that I had entered my details and they stated they would sent me a e-mail with my requests details then an activation e -mail
These two e-mails have not arrived nearly 30 hours later
On my confirmation e-mail I noticed that I had made a typo on the address I had given I had put a L after Tunisia making it Tunisial so maybe that is the problem with me
I will keep you posted
BTW Rangers game on FTA ABU DHUABI 13 e

29-08-2009, 01:00 PM
spanish liga is starting today and they are extremly extremly !!! busy on top of all of that its ramadan there ...so you know

29-08-2009, 01:20 PM
Thanks pipino
My problem is now when I turn my box over to the fta rangers game on Abu dhuabi on hotbird is there a chance I will miss the signal if they send it this afternoon bearing in mind it is an upgrade not a new card as I already receive Al Jazeera 1 to 4

29-08-2009, 01:49 PM
Yes you may miss it.
As JSC 1-8 has it's own transponder now.

You could just ask for it to be resent.
Mine was sent sometime between 12.30 and 2-30pm uk time, so you may get it before the match IF you have had the 2nd email with pdf receipt.

29-08-2009, 03:38 PM
Thanks Equilizer
Let me get this straight you get a confirmation e-mail when you put your details in ,(which I received)
Then another one with a pdf telling you the card will be activated
Then a third telling you it has been activated
And also does the 24 hrs activation period start from the second e-mail or the confirmation e-mail

29-08-2009, 03:54 PM
Then another one with a pdf telling you the card will be activated
Then a third telling you it has been activated
And also does the 24 hrs activation period start from the second e-mail or the confirmation e-mail

yes but not always as its manualy done ,no third email as far as i know (what for anyway??)

it can take less or sometimes more then 24hours..as i said its manualy done by a person and right now they are very busy (AND VERY HUNGRY :p)..so one word ...patience..regards

29-08-2009, 04:08 PM
You get the first automated email.

Then you get a email with a pdf receipt attached to it.
This is apparently when they have entered your details to be activated.

There is no third receipt as pipino says.

It will usually get activated a few hours after receiving the 2nd receipt

That is if you have a suitable viaccess setup to receive the emm.

29-08-2009, 04:20 PM
I have a tm 1500 with the red viaccess cam is that ok

29-08-2009, 04:34 PM
Yes fine mine updated in red cam.

If you have a darkman patch on the machine switch it off.

30-08-2009, 12:17 PM
Still no second e-mail or channel activation
Has any one entered details and paid through AMD since 7am friday 28th aug
(uk time)and had a second e mail and activation signal
If not that tells us either they are very busy or they are not accepting the addresses

30-08-2009, 12:33 PM
Still no second e-mail or channel activation
Has any one entered details and paid through AMD since 7am friday 28th aug
(uk time)and had a second e mail and activation signal
If not that tells us either they are very busy or they are not accepting the addressesSame boat as you... ordered thursday evening, then the web site went down to excess bandwith being used. paid friday morning at 07:00, no 2nd email or update - hopefully something will appear monday.

30-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Yes it looks like we are in the same boat
someone correct me if Im wrong is Sunday not just another working day in the Arab world so it could come today
Also your post stating they exceeded their bandwidth also backs up pipinos theory that they must be very busy

30-08-2009, 01:09 PM
Dubai's working week is Sunday to Thursday
Friday and Saturday is their weekend
That might be the reason for the delay for anybody who paid on Friday

30-08-2009, 02:19 PM
Just received an e mail saying to put card in device and it will be activated within 24 hours
could it be they have had their Friday and Saturday weekend off and are now going through their inbox

30-08-2009, 02:52 PM
yep... email just come thru woohoo :)

30-08-2009, 03:24 PM
Hi Guys,

I still haven't heard anything either way. I paid on Friday at 3pm.


30-08-2009, 03:31 PM
as i said just be patient by tommorow all guys who paid last thursday should have it all sorted by tommorow monday at least ,i can tell you ADM guys are reliable if not ,no way in earth aljazeera channel would give them this responsability to manage their subscribers..regards

30-08-2009, 04:36 PM
mine updated about 3pm

30-08-2009, 06:25 PM
Hi Guys,

Recievd my 2nd email and pdf receipt. It looks my card should be ok, as the last digit (the one I entered wrongly!) isn't mentioned on the receipt. I'm guessing it's a check digit, and not important. Just hope I get the update ok (using Scam on DM800).


30-08-2009, 07:03 PM
I cannot check my box till tomorrow morning bút I am confident it will be updated
I would personally like to thank pipino for all the help he has given us all

31-08-2009, 12:07 AM
you are done m8 your cad should be updated by now

Information :
This Card still valid and will be expired on 28/01/2011
The Channels you are allowed to watch now ( القنوات المتاحة ):
Aljazeera Sport +1
Aljazeera Sport +2
Aljazeera Sport +3
Aljazeera Sport +4
Aljazeera Sport +5
Aljazeera Sport +6
Aljazeera Sport +7
Aljazeera Sport +8


31-08-2009, 09:34 AM
Hi Guys,

Not got my update yet. Left it on Scam overnight, now trying GBox.


31-08-2009, 10:27 AM
Hi All
Checked box ,got all 8 channels now I suspect it updated last night
as all the posts point to it being updated 2 or 3 hours after second pdf receipt

Gah look back on previous thread and you will read how to have a look at the status of your card and resend signal

31-08-2009, 02:14 PM

my jsc sport viacces card for paypal have already paid .
this site http://www.adm.ae/renew_irdito.php

What should I do now ?

31-08-2009, 02:25 PM
after paying by paypal you should have clicked the yellow button to return to this address: _http://www.adm.ae/renewpayment_bycard_irdito.php
fill in your details and then wait for the email receipt + activation from adm

31-08-2009, 02:29 PM
Hi Guys,

Got my upgrade through Gbox!

Many thanks to Pipino for all his help!


31-08-2009, 02:46 PM
Ok , I sent all the information link

31-08-2009, 06:33 PM
Does this upgrade also work if you have an 'old' activated card with +1 to +4 channels working. I want to get those 4 new channels.

31-08-2009, 06:46 PM

i am still su*king...
i paid via paypal on wednesday, i registered my card on thursday, and still no 2nd email with confirmation. today i tried to re-register again on the link above given by blade.
do you guys have any idea??

31-08-2009, 08:43 PM
Does this upgrade also work if you have an 'old' activated card with +1 to +4 channels working. I want to get those 4 new channels.
???yes my jsc card had +1 to +4 on it i simply wanted the +5/+6/+7/+8 channels added which i done thnxs to Pipino :respect-048: :respect-049::party:

31-08-2009, 09:33 PM
i wonder how many of us have used the same address!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a bit nervous that Mr greedy may do something about Al Jazeera sports soon as its a quality service. Most live sports is in English, The likes of Lineker and co doing the champs league studio!

31-08-2009, 11:05 PM
yes my jsc card had +1 to +4 on it i simply wanted the +5/+6/+7/+8 channels added which i done thnxs to Pipino :respect-048: :respect-049::party:
Isnt the Tech Digital a cheaper option then for me?
They say it costs 49,99 for an upgrade of your card...........anyone who upgraded through Tech Digital?

01-09-2009, 04:15 PM
have already paid and send the information yesterday, but I still did not come to me mail or something .

01-09-2009, 07:49 PM
In my pub I pay Mr Greedy £1016 a month 12 months a year even in the closed season

I now have a jsc 1-8 card that will give me all Rangers and Celtic games even the 3pm ko's plus the Champions League for 18 months for less than a £100

S** / away games / CL /no 3pm ko/ / 18 months =£18000

jsc / away games / CL / 3pm ko's / 18 months = £100

How many pubs are going to take a chance with differentials like that

I will keep my S** for now and use JSC for 3pm's because Mr Greedy now controls Scottish football
He never bothered before because Setanta had the rights but I am sure he will be sending his stormtroopers north of the border now

01-09-2009, 08:40 PM
Thats a lot of dosh for showing footie, you have to sell a lot of pints to recoup that back. Pubs here in the ROI are getting rid of sky sports completely now as the cost has got out of control.

01-09-2009, 10:40 PM
but sadly something will happen when Mr gready and company will see a drop of subs because of channels like aljazeera sport ,just cross fingers..cheers

02-09-2009, 12:34 AM
You have to treat it as a necessary cost but to soften the blow I think of it like this
If we did not have S** the money I pay to S** would be at the end of the financial year classed as profit and taxed as such whereas now it is offset against the business
Yearly it is £12192-vat=£10600-28% tax&NI=£7633

Also our Brewery gives us £1000 towards S**
So the actual money that comes out our our pockets at the end of the financial year would be

£7633--£1000 = £6433

£6433 is £123 weekly so if I think along those lines I do not get too upset about it
If we had music in every weekend it would cost about the same

S** are taking a softly softly approach towards pubs using European satellite systems till the Karen Murphy case has been through the European courts
They are still prosecuting Pubs that do not subscribe and use non European systems i.e.Al jazeera, Digialb , Art
It is the pubs that do not pay S** and show 3pm's that usually get a visit

02-09-2009, 12:41 AM
Ok thank everyone who are interested in cards have been adm updated.
valid from 1-9-2009 untill 25-2-2011

by the way tech digital price increased 98.99

thanks adm and satpimps :)

02-09-2009, 01:14 PM
helo to all , i phoned tech digital yesterday with the view to buy new jsc card as i dont have one and was told they will not be able to supply for about two weeks also when available the card will have all 8 channels which will cost me about 143.0 euro inc postage, i read all posts about this but i could not find any ref to buy [new card] from aljs. cheers all ..pat.

02-09-2009, 03:59 PM
helo to all , i phoned tech digital yesterday with the view to buy new jsc card as i dont have one and was told they will not be able to supply for about two weeks also when available the card will have all 8 channels which will cost me about 143.0 euro inc postage, i read all posts about this but i could not find any ref to buy [new card] from aljs. cheers all ..pat.

you cant buy cards directly from aljazeeera sport being in europe.. ,you have to buy it from resellers

02-09-2009, 04:30 PM
many thanks pipino for your reply , yes ok on that i will buy from reseller shortly. cheers..pat.

02-09-2009, 05:46 PM
helo to all , i phoned tech digital yesterday with the view to buy new jsc card as i dont have one and was told they will not be able to supply for about two weeks also when available the card will have all 8 channels which will cost me about 143.0 euro inc postage, i read all posts about this but i could not find any ref to buy [new card] from aljs. cheers all ..pat.

Thats an horrendous price considering 71$ = €50 at the moment. Look on flea bay, theres some trust worthy sellers there.

02-09-2009, 06:41 PM
hello snaps ,ihave checked around inc f/bay and prices are about 100euro but only for 4 chans however i did find seller in france and for 69 eu plus post i can get chns 1 to 6 only. as i can not buy a new card from adm this is only route i can go , some sellers have cards but will only give bere min chns. ..pat.

03-09-2009, 01:45 PM
It's been just over 24hours now since I got first confirmation email, but no second email, and still no channels 5-8.

I don't think i can check my subscription on the Al Jazeera site, as I'm outside UAE.

03-09-2009, 02:25 PM
Trogen I was the same last week paid on friday and it was Monday before I got my e-mail and activation
I think most people have got their e mail about 2pm and activated a couple of hours later
I can just give you the same advice I was given

03-09-2009, 02:28 PM
Trogen I was the same last week paid on friday and it was Monday before I got my e-mail and activation
I think most people have got their e mail about 2pm and activated a couple of hours later
I can just give you the same advice I was given
OK so. I'll wait a while longer.

I know Pipino can see what the subscrption status is on the AJ website or database, though I don't think I can access those details.

I'll wait a while longer, just getting fed up having to stare at JSC+2 for so long! :)

03-09-2009, 02:35 PM
remember its week end and ramadan there so things a very slow ..just patience

03-09-2009, 02:36 PM
Trogen if you look back on tnis thread and the previous thread everybody that has posted and had a confirmation e mail has had their card activated
To see your card status you have to use a Middle East proxy server to access Al Jazeera website and then use google translator

03-09-2009, 02:38 PM
google translator
no need its mostly in english in that page

03-09-2009, 02:40 PM
Yeah, I've noticed. I got a confirmation email, mentioning something about taking 24 hours, though I assumed that was just automated. I didn't get any activation email yet.

03-09-2009, 06:22 PM
I know Pipino can see what the subscrption status is on the AJ website or database, though I don't think I can access those details.
Easy enough to do....

The web page is : _https://sbs.aljazeerasport.net/SelfService/

You will need an IP address from within Saudi etc... so use a proxy server:
Go here to get one: _http://www.proxymore.net/proxy_area-SA.html
Make a note of an IP address and Port.

Internet Explorer:
Tools > Internet options > Connections > LAN Settings > Proxy Server
tick & fill in the IP & port.

Tools > Options > Advanced > Network tab> Connection > Settings > Manual proxy configuration
fill in ip & port, tick use this proxy for all.

Once done and viewed page go back to the settings and remove proxy (back to normal)

03-09-2009, 07:13 PM

Anyone activated more than one card using the same phoney address?

I did, and just received the second email. Only thing is, they're saying the card has already been activated, even though they are quoting the (non updated) second card serial number and PayPal transaction number! I'm guessing they looked in the database and because the address has been used, they think it's the same card!

Anyone had a similar experience?


03-09-2009, 07:52 PM
1 card per 1 house hold m8, they are getting funny about public places specialy they clearly say it in their main website ..its so easy to get millions of adresses why do you use the same one always? ...regards

03-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Hi Pipino,

I used the same address because I was using the same name (mine!), along with the same email address and PayPal account. Since those three things were going to be same as before, I thought is sensible to stick to the same phoney address. I have emailed them and told them i have three different cards, with three different serial numbers and three different PayPal receipts.

What do you think?


04-09-2009, 07:06 AM
i ´v used phoney names(1of them is the name of the tunisian president :D) ,phoney adresses and phoney telefone numbers the only thing its all payed from the same paypal account ..so far i activated about 17cards for ppl..regards

04-09-2009, 08:36 AM
Hi Pipino,

Thanks for the reply

Any chance you could ask for a resend of the activation signal for the 2nd card (I haven't had the 2nd email for the third card yet). I can send you the card number and PayPal transaction number?


04-09-2009, 09:31 AM
Hi, have gone through the process and renewed my card. Have checked AJ site and says the card has access to all 8 channels and the expiry date has been changed.

Unfortunately the card in my box has not been updated, I have a Fortec star innovation box and a smit cam. Is there something I'm not doing? Have left it on different AJ channels but it wont update the card.

04-09-2009, 10:47 AM
Hi, have gone through the process and renewed my card. Have checked AJ site and says the card has access to all 8 channels and the expiry date has been changed.

Unfortunately the card in my box has not been updated, I have a Fortec star innovation box and a smit cam. Is there something I'm not doing? Have left it on different AJ channels but it wont update the card.

find another box or cam

04-09-2009, 11:02 AM
Thought it would be something like that, been looking at a new box the innovation is a nightmare.

04-09-2009, 04:20 PM
Hi All,

I have now had my third card updated! I received the normal 2nd email with the pdf receipt, and it's now updated the card.

However, I'm no further forward with the second card! The 2nd email for the second card didn't have a receipt, as they said it had already been updated (which it hadn't), and quoted the 2nd card number and 2nd PayPal transaction number. I guess I've confused them by using the same address details. I have emailed them twice, but had no reply!


04-09-2009, 06:40 PM
Hi Guys,

Finally manages to find a proxy that allowed me onto the Al Jazeera site. According to them, my second card has been updated, but there's no way I could have missed the update as I've had my box on Sports 2 for two days now with the second card. I can only assume my three cards from the same address confused them, as I didn't get the 2nd email and pdf feceipt for that card! Anyway, I have requested a *********, so hopefully that'll help.


06-09-2009, 12:10 PM
Hi Guys,

Still not got my second card updated. I've twice requested an udate on the official Al Jazeera site, and I've also received an email from ADM telling me they'll also resend the update, but still not received it. I know it's not my setup (DM800 using GBox) as I've updated two other cards using the same setup!


06-09-2009, 04:09 PM
make sure your card is inserted correctly

06-09-2009, 05:16 PM
Hi Guys,

Got my upgrade

Many thanks to you all for your help!:respect-064:

06-09-2009, 05:31 PM
Hi Pipino,

I'm watching +3 at the moment, so I'm pretty sure my card is properly inserted. Also, I have activated two other cards successfully, so it's not a problem at my end. The 2nd email for this card arrived with no pdf receipt, but instead stated the card had already been upgraded. I emailed ADM, who replied two days later stating they would request a resend of the signal. I have also used a proxy to check via Al Jazeera's site, and according to them, the card has been upgraded. It just seems strange to me that, out of three cards, the only that hasn't upgraded is the one I didn't receive a receipt for payment with the email. I have left it on +2 or +3 for 4 days now, and in between I actually upgraded another card, so it's not my setup that's at fault!


06-09-2009, 06:29 PM
Has there been 3 payments taken off your paypal account ?
Could they be sending the signal to the 1st or 3rd card instead of the second one ?

06-09-2009, 07:07 PM
Hi Arnie303

I have had 3 payments taken from my PayPal account. The last one for my third card (that card has updated ok) hasn't yet appeared on my online bank statement. The details in the ADM email for the second card (which hasn't updated) are absolutely correct. I have double checked that I used the correct card number (which I have), and I know I have done everything absolutely correct. As I have said, that card is the ONLY one that didn't have the pdf receipt for payment attached to the 2nd email. That email only said that card had already been authorised, and was nothing like the normal 2nd email.


08-09-2009, 05:01 PM
GAH, I have similar situation I have just tried this page _http://www.aljazeeracam.com/REFRESH.PHP not sure what it does differently but worth a try.

08-09-2009, 07:31 PM
dont waist your time with _http://www.aljazeeracam.com/REFRESH.PHP ,
this page was dead since nearly 2 years ago the guy running it lost his license from aljazeera sport for a while now

09-09-2009, 08:47 AM
Hi Pipino,

Thanks for letting us know about that page. However, I'm still no further forward in getting my card updated. I won't bore everyone with all the details again, but believe me, I have everything set up correctly at my end. I have now asked 4 times for a resend of the signal via the Self Service page, but my card has still not updated. I have emailed ADM several times and they have replied once. The money has been taken from my account, but I have never received a receipt. It's now 9 days this has been going on, but I don't know what else to do.


09-09-2009, 08:56 AM
please could you read the untitelment on your problematic card and see the dates and classes on it??

09-09-2009, 09:53 AM
Hi Pipino

Read via Gbox:

Viaccess Card - SN: 00031906535XXX

Via ISSUER FFF920 , PPUA : BE2D8281
Provider 1 03070 PPUA BE2D8281
from 21.08.2009 to 20.08.2010 class: 800000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000
Baudrate = 9600 Baud


09-09-2009, 01:05 PM
please could you try again via mgcamd/newcs with the correct configuration,then request another refresh signal

09-09-2009, 03:07 PM
Hi Pipino,

Many thanks for your help. I don't have Mgcamd/NewCS working on my DM800, so I'll need to try and set it up. I'd rather stick with GBox to be honest, as both my other cards updated within seconds (honestly!) of switching from CCcam to Gbox. However, I will try to set it up and then request another update signal.

Thanks again,

09-09-2009, 03:26 PM
sometimes for some reason gbox wont process all kind of emms ,remember viaccess3 have some unknown emms to comunicate with the cards and sometimes gbox wont let it thru the best option is to use someting new like newcs and mgcamd ,regarding CCcam like i said before its rubish proccesing emms ...cheers

09-09-2009, 04:22 PM
Hi Pipino,

Totally agree with you regarding CCcam and Viaccess EMMs. However, as I said, Gbox has successfully updated two cards for me without a problem. I still say the problem is not at my end. Anyway, I have downloaded Magcamd 1.32/NewCS 1.60 but can't view anything. Can anyone help with working config files?


09-09-2009, 05:16 PM
gbox also in some cases fail to let thru some emms all depens of the state of the card,i saw that on a russian card once , check your PM

10-09-2009, 11:20 AM
my mate in lybia called the al jaz call centre directly and they sid it was best to leave the card on +5 to receive the update quickly. anyone heards differently ?

10-09-2009, 12:13 PM
just to make it clear about emms and updates ,all the channels on the same transponder are valid to update the card ,since the emms travel in 1 same PID ,so no matter the channel you will receive the update ,of course providing you have the correct equipments and hardware or configuration letting viaccess emms thru ,so all this talk about what channel we should use is total rubish ,and by the way when calling JSC on the phone you will be dealing with a commercial customer agent witch has no clue about how technical things work..best regards

10-09-2009, 06:00 PM
Hi All,

Still no update to my card using Newcs 1.62/MgCamd 1.31. I have requested a resend around 6 times frrom the Al Jazeera Self Service page, so I'm now convinced that it does nothing at all!


10-09-2009, 08:01 PM
do you have the correct configuration in your box??? can you see in logs that the card is receiving emms ??? your problem is very strange m8 ..it can be as simple as you have a serial number you go to the provider you send payment then they authorize the card you go to check in their data base and it shows that your card is fully activated with all 8 channels ,,i would ask you to check absolutly everything including the serial number at the back of your card may be you mixed numbers around or something similar ..you have a real puzzle m8

10-09-2009, 08:22 PM
Hi Pipino,

First of all let me say thanks for all your help.

Due to problems with my DM800, I have swtched to my Nokia Dbox2 with SC8in1 fitted. I have NewCS 1.62 and MgCamd 1.31 installed. I can watch Al Jazeera Sport 1-4 no problem. I have no other cards in any other slots, the Al Jazeera card is the only one in the box. I can guarantee you 100% the number on the card is the same as the number on the automated reply (i.e the 1st email) I received from ADM when I padi by PayPal. I have now used the Self Service page to request a resend 9 times in the past 3 days, with no difference. I have previously upgraded 2 other cards with no problems. However, I did NOT receive the normal 2nd email from ADM for this card, the one with the pdf receipt. Instead I received an email telling me the card was already updated. I emailed them back saying they were wrong. I received a reply 2 days later (the ONLY email they have actually replied to), saying they would resend the update signal. When I checked the Self Service page, it said the card was updated. Since then I have left my receiver on Sport +2 almost constantly. As I've said along, I'm 100% convinced the problem isn't my set up, but ADM don't like answering emails, and the Self Service page doesn't seem to help in this case.


10-09-2009, 10:43 PM
does anyone know if adm are closed? i tried to update a card with them and i got the first email from them at7:46 yesterday - but nothng from them today and i know they are closed on fridays? it this the normal wait ?

11-09-2009, 09:05 AM
they are not closed m8,is just ramadan and things are slow,sometimes they dont reply because they dont have enough ppl to deal with all

11-09-2009, 09:07 AM
Hi Pipino,

First of all let me say thanks for all your help.

Due to problems with my DM800, I have swtched to my Nokia Dbox2 with SC8in1 fitted. I have NewCS 1.62 and MgCamd 1.31 installed. I can watch Al Jazeera Sport 1-4 no problem. I have no other cards in any other slots, the Al Jazeera card is the only one in the box. I can guarantee you 100% the number on the card is the same as the number on the automated reply (i.e the 1st email) I received from ADM when I padi by PayPal. I have now used the Self Service page to request a resend 9 times in the past 3 days, with no difference. I have previously upgraded 2 other cards with no problems. However, I did NOT receive the normal 2nd email from ADM for this card, the one with the pdf receipt. Instead I received an email telling me the card was already updated. I emailed them back saying they were wrong. I received a reply 2 days later (the ONLY email they have actually replied to), saying they would resend the update signal. When I checked the Self Service page, it said the card was updated. Since then I have left my receiver on Sport +2 almost constantly. As I've said along, I'm 100% convinced the problem isn't my set up, but ADM don't like answering emails, and the Self Service page doesn't seem to help in this case.


ok lets do things properly,first make sure you do a log (newcs debug) and see if the card is receiving emms when you request a refresh signal then we take it from there

11-09-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi Pipino,

Again I want to say thanks for your assistance.

Ok, how do I get a log from NewCS. I can log in via the Web interface (my box ip address:8080), and I can view channels 1 to 4. What do I need to do?


11-09-2009, 10:03 PM
Hi Pipino,

No success yet!

That's 12 hours I've left the receiver on +2 or +3. I've also asked for a resend 3 times from the Self Service page! Will try again tomorrow.


12-09-2009, 01:30 AM
well sorry to say i dont have any more to say about your problem :(

12-09-2009, 09:27 AM
Hi Pipino,

Thanks again for your help.

I have already requested one resend this morning, and I will continue to do it 3 times every day. However, as I've said all along, the problem is not at my end (which I'm sure you'll now agree is correct). I will email ADM again, and if they continue to ignore my emails, I will attempt to take it up with PayPal. However, I'm not too hopeful of that route (although I guess ADM will ignore their emails too!), as Paypal are very strict on refunds and will demand all sort of proof that I haven't received what I paid for (an over the air update?).

Thanks again for all your help, it's been much appreciated.


12-09-2009, 10:12 AM
well i think thats the only way ,but becarfull they will have an argument that your card is authorized and active in the system ,and it will be long fight to get back the money from paypal..and then if the matter goes further they will find out that you are using the card iligaly outside their coverage zone ...i think its will be all complicated ..good luck anyway and sorry i couldnt help further..best regards

12-09-2009, 04:22 PM
Same problem here with GAH
My card is a viaccess 3 and was activated in july

I can watch +1 +2 +3 and +4

I paid adm to upgrade my card so i can watch the rest of the channels and from there and on the story is the same as GAH's..... Received email that my card is updated...adm ignoring emails and so on
I am not a spring chicken when it comes to setting up cardservers and emulators so the problem is not there.

If they dont upgrade my card i will take it up with paypal and i dont give a rat's ass (excuse my french) m8 if it comes to loosing all the channels in the end

Thanks for replying to my pm m8
I would really appreciate it if you could check the status of my card
Thanks again

12-09-2009, 05:39 PM
Same problem here with GAH
My card is a viaccess 3 and was activated in july

I can watch +1 +2 +3 and +4

I paid adm to upgrade my card so i can watch the rest of the channels and from there and on the story is the same as GAH's..... Received email that my card is updated...adm ignoring emails and so on
I am not a spring chicken when it comes to setting up cardservers and emulators so the problem is not there.

If they dont upgrade my card i will take it up with paypal and i dont give a rat's ass (excuse my french) m8 if it comes to loosing all the channels in the end

Thanks for replying to my pm m8
I would really appreciate it if you could check the status of my card
Thanks again

i have checked your card m8 its not activated yet ,you have only jcs+1 and + 2 authorized ,i did say be patient ..and by the way you dont have the same problem as GAH ,sorry but i'm getting tired to repeat my self again and again ,,please previous members they had to wait nearly a week in some cases ..so again Patience please!! ...GAH i'm still looking aroud for a solution for you...one more thing please guys dont send me PMs any more regarding JSC activation and problems i wont reply!! its all been discust many times so have a look thru it properly ...cheers

12-09-2009, 05:40 PM
Yeah, I've noticed. I got a confirmation email, mentioning something about taking 24 hours, though I assumed that was just automated. I didn't get any activation email yet.
Just want to update on this.

I got my second email from ADM last Saturday night at 23.50!

Sunday morning, all 8 channels were live!

Massive thanks to Pipino for assistance.

12-09-2009, 06:37 PM
i have checked your card m8 its not activated yet ,you have only jcs+1 and + 2 authorized ,i did say be patient ..and by the way you dont have the same problem as GAH ,sorry but i'm getting tired to repeat my self again and again ,,please previous members they had to wait nearly a week in some cases ..so again Patience please!! ...GAH i'm still looking aroud for a solution for you...one more thing please guys dont send me PMs any more regarding JSC activation and problems i wont reply!! its all been discust many times so have a look thru it properly ...cheers

Sorry m8... i didnt mean to be a pain in the butt
If thats the case then i will wait


13-09-2009, 11:43 PM
anyone tried activating from their official site? Here _https://sbs.aljazeerasport.net/SelfService/frmRenew.aspx?

And weird thing is when I checked my serial number, it says this
The Channels you are allowed to watch now ( القنوات المتاحة ):

* Aljazeera Sport +1
* Aljazeera Sport +2

And I know I can show +3 and +4. Any idea why?

13-09-2009, 11:57 PM
because soon the upgrade includes 3+ to 8+ ,i beleive just before the start of championes league cards without upgrade will only open 1+2+ ,thats why you have those untitelments

14-09-2009, 12:03 AM
anyone tried activating from their official site? Here _https://sbs.aljazeerasport.net/SelfService/frmRenew.aspx?

if you dont reside phisicaly in these countries (oman,kuwait,saudi,emirates, bahrain ,qatar,) you simply cant use directly the aljazeera's web subcriber services

14-09-2009, 12:11 AM
oh ok thanks. other question, the other paying option, not paypal, is it as effective as paypal?

14-09-2009, 12:14 AM
I'm talking about the bank option. _http://www.adm.ae/renew_irdito_bybank.php

14-09-2009, 01:34 AM
first i advise you to edit your posts with live links and read some rules we have in this house ...regarding the payments we only use paypal ..the rest is irrelevant

14-09-2009, 02:39 AM
Alright. Sorry mate.

14-09-2009, 01:56 PM
Hi Guys,

My card has at last started working!

Huge thanks to Pipino for all his time and effort!


14-09-2009, 02:23 PM
finaly happy ending of the problem...congratulation GAH with your persistance and specialy patience...cheers ;)

14-09-2009, 05:36 PM
Hi Guys,

Just to give you some details.

I have now activated 3 cards. One was mine (the 1st card), and the other two were friends with Technomate boxes which can't receive the update. I used the same email address, the same PayPal account, and the same phoney Tunisian address for all three cards.

With the 1st card, I entered the wrong card number on the ADM website! Luckily it was the last digit that was wrong, and it appears (to me anyway) that the last digit is in fact a check digit and not that important. I received the normal second email and it updated within seconds using GBox.

With the 3rd card, that one went perfectly, and again it updated using GBox within seconds of getting the second email.

With the 2nd card, I didn't get the correct second email (with the pdf receipt attached). I got an email saying the card was already updated. When I checked the Al Jazeera Self Service page, it did say it had been updated, but no matter what I did, the card would not update. With the help of Pipino, I changed from Gbox to NewCS/Mgcamd, but still no update. By this time I had requested a resend from the Al Jazeera Self Service page over 15 times! Eventually my card entitlements changed to show this:

Entitlements for card 0
| Provider | Class/Theme | From | To | Name |
| 030700 | 80 | 2009-09-03 | 2011-01-31 | ALJAZEERA SPORT
| 030700 | 80 | 2009-08-21 | 2010-08-20 | ALJAZEERA SPORT

but I still couldn't view the extra channels. Then today I did another resend request from the Self Service page, and the extra channels started working! My entitlements now look like this:

Entitlements for card 0
| Provider | Class/Theme | From | To | Name |
| 030700 | 80 | 2009-09-03 | 2011-01-31 | ALJAZEERA SPORT
| 030700 | 02 | 2009-09-03 | 2011-01-31 | ALJAZEERA SPORT
| 030700 | 80 | 2009-08-21 | 2010-08-20 | ALJAZEERA SPORT

so I think I received the wrong update, and it has now been corrected. This card took 14 days to update! However, I got there in the end, with a HUGE amount of help from Pipino.

In essence, anyone who is experiencing problems just has to hang in there. ADM must be processing thousands of these udates weekly, so there's bound to be the odd glitch. Be patient, try emailing ADM if you have a problem (and use an online translator so the email is in Arabic), and use the Self Service page. Also make sure your own receiver/emu is set up correctly to receive the update.

Good Luck!


14-09-2009, 05:45 PM
Seems there is a technical issue with some updates as I didn't receive any PDF emails but AJ sites says card is updated to all 8 channels but I can't receive the update on card. Very frustrating.

edit: Just put cam in and tried update for 20th time and its worked have all 8 channels. Very happy!

15-09-2009, 11:24 AM
Yesterday I finally got 5-8 to work. This morning I found out that channel 1-8 is not working anymore. None of the channels are working for me. Very frustrating, and I have no idea why. I had all the channels on hotbird.

15-09-2009, 01:36 PM
describe your equipements ,can you access the cards information menu if so what dates do you have ?? is your card well inserted is your dish still well ajusted ?? it could be anything m8 ,,more details needed

15-09-2009, 02:30 PM
describe your equipements ,can you access the cards information menu if so what dates do you have ?? is your card well inserted is your dish still well ajusted ?? it could be anything m8 ,,more details needed
I have a golden interstar dsr-8905ci and a dragon cam. the card is insterted in the cam just like it was when the channels worked.
Every other channel on hotbird is working, so there is nothing wrong with the dish's adjustment. I don't think I can see the dates, but on the al jazeera self service it still says I only have channel 1-2. Weird considering I had cahnnel 1-8 yesterday. also the date says 08/06/2010 when I know that I didn't buy it and put it in the receiver before late august.

thanks for help pipino

15-09-2009, 02:47 PM
i think yesterday they left most aljazeera sport channels FTA for a while thats why you had it ,so if you still see 1+,2+ in the self service page so your card is still not authorized , and by the way Dragon cam is not good for Viaccess update ..so you know ,and i think i already told you that privately ..so forget about dragon cam updating your card... find another way..once card fully activated then use dragon cam back until the expiry date of the card..regards

15-09-2009, 02:58 PM
i think yesterday they left most aljazeera sport channels FTA for a while thats why you had it ,so if you still see 1+,2+ in the self service page so your card is still not authorized , and by the way Dragon cam is not good for Viaccess update ..so you know ,and i think i already told you that privately ..so forget about dragon cam updating your card... find another way..once card fully activated then use dragon cam back until the expiry date of the card..regards

thats what I thought, but I couldn't watch the channels without the card. so I'm not sure if it was FTA. and if that was the case, channel 1-4 would probably work, which they dont :(

15-09-2009, 03:12 PM
look m8,you have seen the dates on aljazeera data base for your card right?¿!!! i beleive now we said it all about aljazeera sport activation !!!, you need a correct equipment to update your card plus Patience like everyone else here..no point to turn around and around and try to complicate things when they are dead easy specialy when explained ..,, the open moments you had could be FTA or looped constant CW witch can happen sometimes with viaccess....cheers

15-09-2009, 03:20 PM
yeah sure. all I am saying is that I can't see channel 1-4, which I should. I have understood the activation, and I do have patience, I have waited for about 3 weeks. just waiting, I just recently decided to ask for help. so that is all, 1-4 is not working for now suddenly, which they should since they are activated.
anyway, cheers, and thanks for help mate :)

15-09-2009, 07:23 PM
i have checked your card m8 its not activated yet ,you have only jcs+1 and + 2 authorized ,i did say be patient ..and by the way you dont have the same problem as GAH ,sorry but i'm getting tired to repeat my self again and again ,,please previous members they had to wait nearly a week in some cases ..so again Patience please!! ...GAH i'm still looking aroud for a solution for you...one more thing please guys dont send me PMs any more regarding JSC activation and problems i wont reply!! its all been discust many times so have a look thru it properly ...cheers

Sorry m8... i didnt mean to be a pain in the butt
If thats the case then i will wait


I got the upgrade yesterday afternoon :respect-013:

I must admit that 3 days after i paid through paypal and the upgrade didnt came i panicked a bit because in their email they state that the upgrade will come in 24 hours

I received the email with the pdf attachment but i lost the upgrade because i had cccam running and the box was not tuned on any of the jsc sports channel

I requested another activasion signal, tuned in to a jsc sports channel and started newcs/mgcamd. About two hours later the card was upgraded.

I also got 6 months extra on my card!!!

Before: valid from 6-8-2009 untill 5-8-2010
After: valid from 14-9-2009 untill 4-2-2011

A huge thanks to pipino :respect-048:

30-09-2009, 07:59 PM
Now you can renew your card Aljazeera Sport Online


1 +
2 +
3 +
4 +
5 +
6 +
7 +
8 +

http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/9115/design1.jpg (https://www.plimus.com/jsp/buynow.jsp?contractId=2548414)

And the price is very competitive with other places of price 50
I found a place for renewal cards JSC Sport

Y el precio muy competitivo con otros sitios de precio 50 euros

This is a web site URL

The problem is that language is Arabic

But now you can renew the card through these steps

1 - To make payment online, click this link directly

You can pay by your PayPal account or credit card

https: / / www.plimus.com/jsp/buynow.js...ractId=2548414

2 - After completing this payment, you are redirected to another page

To enter your serial number and card information from your

We accept all kind of renewal of cards and cams Aljazeera


Irdeto Card

Viaccess Card

KeyFly CAM

After 30 minutes you will receive via email your order number and new contract

Note: If you complete your payment and your browser does not redirect you to the page to put your card information

Just send your card number and your order number to this message

30-09-2009, 08:38 PM
Hi Guys,

I have another card to update!

Are ADM not doing updates any more? Their website seems to gave changed.

Anyone know the situation (Pipino?)


01-10-2009, 07:51 AM
JSC-cards , are much better and faster i can garanty you that ;) ,just give them the right phone number when you fill the form as they will contact you directly to reconfirm the card number...and you will be done in less then 1 hour...cheers

01-10-2009, 08:53 AM
Hi Pipino,

Thanks for the reply mate!

So it's real name, real phone number, real email address, fake address as per usual, put in the card number and pay by PayPal?

And, is it jsc-cards.com?


01-10-2009, 09:04 AM
yes m8 all correct ;) ,i must say the service from jsc-card is simply swift and fast

01-10-2009, 04:11 PM
Hi Pipino,

Sorry for the stupid questions, but I've went to that site (the one mentioned above my recent post?), I click on the "renew at $65" picture, but there is no PayPal link (although the word Paypal appears at the bottom of the page).

EDIT: Ok, I think I've figured it out!


01-10-2009, 06:53 PM
Hi Pipino,

That is one fast service!

Don't think the whole process took more than 1 hour, and that included me copying and pasting into my online translator. Card updated wIthin minutes of receiving confirmation email!


02-10-2009, 12:31 AM
i had a very good conversation with the guy in charge ...sounds very serious person..you can see it in action ..you pay you receive a phone call to confirm the order and the card serial number ..then you have your card updated in minutes ..simply great

02-10-2009, 08:39 AM
Hi Pipino,

Definitely better than ADM!

However, I didn't receive any phone call. I received an email, and the card upgraded about 5 minutes later!


13-10-2009, 01:22 PM

I want to ugrade my al jazeera sport card but I have to register on www.jsc-cards.com and I want to know do i have to give them real name, real phone number, real email address, real address or fake adrees


13-10-2009, 10:45 PM
yes you can give all real data,but better if you supply arabic adress just in case

15-10-2009, 11:04 PM

04-05-2010, 06:04 PM
Hi Guys,

Not so long ago we could access the Al Jazeera Sport site (via a proxy) and check card expiry dates and ask for a refresh signal to be sent. However, on trying the site (sbs.aljazeerasport.net/SelfService) and several different proxies, I'm not getting anywhere. I've also downloaded the software that apparently does the same thing (J-S-C - C-A-R-D-S v3.6), but can't get it work either!

Can anyone help?