View Full Version : Sales are down 50% in 2 months

28-08-2009, 09:12 PM
sales are down 50% in 2 months, and sales of AZ's second hand, "used" up through the roof. :07:

AZ gentlemen, this decreases as a dangerous, do something that people use to make fried eggs with sausage :banghead:


28-08-2009, 09:22 PM
But they are so smart that they decide also to deny our fair request here... _http://www.petitiononline.com/azfree/petition.html

Probably 400 angry customer who will never buy again AzBox... or at least not until a 1.0 firmware is out with all features advertised on box. I thought DMM or Kathrein was bad... but guess I was wrong...

28-08-2009, 10:13 PM
Forgive my thinking out loud...

Opensat are in the business of selling boxes..

It doesn't matter if they are boxes of fish, boxes of bananas or satellite boxes.. they are boxes for selling.

Opensat have things in common with any other business

1 . More sales = more profit
2. Less overheads = more profit

So why the feck are they continuing to hurt their profits by insisting on doing all the software development them selves, are they so blind that they can't see that it would be a dam site cheaper for them to get the community to do the work for free....

This would result in quicker updates / bug fixes and as a bonus would increase sales (and what do more sales make :D).;

But hay... I'm only a humble common man, and know nothing about nothing :p

28-08-2009, 11:27 PM
Believe me or not 1-2 months ago there was an Premium for sale on e b a y.uk and the Case was seriously damaged on the left hand side :D
it was look like the owner had really enough :D

Dig Deep
29-08-2009, 05:36 AM
Yes apperently you can live on a dream but not on AZ

Time for some thinking.....

29-08-2009, 09:07 AM
sales of AZ's second hand, "used" up through the roof. :07:

I can only find one used azbox on a certain auction site, where are all these second hand units?


29-08-2009, 11:21 AM
My Box does all what I need at the Moment.
CS is working,TV is working,record is working like a Charme over red Button(all other doesnt interest me now), my EPG is there, my Mbox is now running 8Days and 18 hours(since my last Update from firmware) so I dont need more "now"
I know about some Bugs, and I know what to do to dont have any from them.

So Ill be patient for the next update, for me no reason to hurry, to flame, to make things bader as they are.

We all know, Software is not perfect, and when some Guys would like to sell there box, who cares?
Make a good Price, I buy it :)

29-08-2009, 11:50 AM
You're absolutely right Hansworst. I'm not sure what could be the reason for people to spread, AND be interested in this kind of rumors.

The box is running fine, not more problems than the Finepass stb I own, and very stable with MBox CS. It works perfectly fine with my music and video collection, and HD reception is fine as well.

What might be missing, although I have not missed it so far, is the twin-tuner, and for example simple stuff like web-based control, skins for the layout, an IMDB / Music DB info scraper. Stuff XBMC has, and makes XBMC to such a powerful application.

In general, I'm quite confident by the way that Opensat will release the AZBox drivers to the public by the way, which would enable coders to start from scratch.

29-08-2009, 12:12 PM
Forgive my thinking out loud...

Opensat are in the business of selling boxes..

It doesn't matter if they are boxes of fish, boxes of bananas or satellite boxes.. they are boxes for selling.

Opensat have things in common with any other business

1 . More sales = more profit
2. Less overheads = more profit

So why the feck are they continuing to hurt their profits by insisting on doing all the software development them selves, are they so blind that they can't see that it would be a dam site cheaper for them to get the community to do the work for free....

This would result in quicker updates / bug fixes and as a bonus would increase sales (and what do more sales make :D).;

But hay... I'm only a humble common man, and know nothing about nothing :p

Opensat are fundamentaly a software house and like Microsoft (with PC's) they do not build hardware.

If they make their software open source, what do they have left to sell...? As we have seen with DM, the box will be cloned and they are left with a huge R&D investment in software that will never be turned into a profit. The reason they will not make the software open source is simple, and the same reason Windows is not open source.

If you look on their website, they are advertising for software developers, which shows that they recognise that they need to speed up development.

Unlike the PC community there is not a common hardware platform for STB that would allow an open source movement to flourish. Perhaps it is time for a a group of developers (and there are plenty around) to get together and specify a hardware platform to which the Chinese clone builders could start to manufacture units? If you look at the history of Microsoft, they developed an operating system for a non-exitant hardware platform when they started out, by creating emulators...

Could be a solution?

29-08-2009, 12:41 PM
Opensat are fundamentaly a software house


So who's selling the boxes to the wholesalers ??

Dig Deep
29-08-2009, 01:10 PM

So who's selling the boxes to the wholesalers ??

Next question

Who will buy them ?:number-one-043:

29-08-2009, 04:51 PM

So who's selling the boxes to the wholesalers ??

Opensat of course, but when you consider the "intellectual property" which they own, which is a quantifiable "asset", you are only talking about the software (and the AZBox brand), not the hardware.

It's the same as Dixons/Currys selling kit under the Matsui brand, which they own. DSGi are not manufacturers but spec the kit, and get in manufactured by any one of hundreds of OEMs. DSGi have no rights over the hardware, just the brand and any firmware with their branding.

The AZBox hardware (and quite a lot of the firmware and GUI) was developed by Celrun, who make media players and other similar devices. Opensat added functionality to the Celrun product, such as YouTube, additional codecs etc... plus are responsible for the tuner handling software. They have no IPR in the hardware itself.

My missus works for one of these OEM's (who make kit for Dixons, Goodmans, Aldi etc...) and I have a pretty good handle on how this market operates.

29-08-2009, 05:58 PM

Thank you for that info

But !! :p

Opensat get the profit from selling boxes.... they are getting zero, nilch, nada from selling the software (apart from the fact that the box does have to come with a reasonable working o/s and do every thing it says on the box...................... which of course it doesn't.

Well ok, it does after a crippled fashion.

the "intellectual property"

Yeah ..lol

The value of that is diddley squat, unless of course some one wants to buy opensat .. then the legal / accounts dept could make up a value relating to how much the software development has cost.... thats cost to produce, not what its real value is to the man on the street.

So why should Opensat continue to develop the software at the cost to their own profit (3rd party all singing and dancing software would sell just as many boxes)

29-08-2009, 07:12 PM
Ajr 1+

29-08-2009, 07:35 PM
To be honest ,ost got the box for HD and CS, but I would be happy if they just lift the restriction on the USB/LAN speed. If that was done I think most will be happy while the development shall we say gos on to allow other dare I use the word "Hacks".

05-09-2009, 01:36 AM
I can only find one used azbox on a certain auction site, where are all these second hand units?


I had not read your comment, sorry.

the second hand azbox sold in their own forums where they were purchased, for example mine, where you can find islaremota ....., new azbox 2, 3, 4 months and sold, are changed by dreambox, Qbox.

another forum where you can buy tododream azbox is here too, and could tell more 5 forums, where sales have already fallen by 80%.

wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and I fear the worst, at the next exit from the firm ... my legs tremble, to think that 4 months I have been working and building the forum for all the support, and as quickly as possible, creating manuals and telling people that worked + / - well, that said the 1.0 OPENSAT ago 3 months ... they were creating their own CCcam client, of which, anyone know anything?

I go to sleep, it gives me bad blood.

good night friends, that the force be with us!

05-09-2009, 02:09 AM
I had not read your comment, sorry.

the second hand azbox sold in their own forums where they were purchased, for example mine, where you can find islaremota ....., new azbox 2, 3, 4 months and sold, are changed by dreambox, Qbox.

another forum where you can buy tododream azbox is here too, and could tell more 5 forums, where sales have already fallen by 80%.

wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and I fear the worst, at the next exit from the firm ... my legs tremble, to think that 4 months I have been working and building the forum for all the support, and as quickly as possible, creating manuals and telling people that worked + / - well, that said the 1.0 OPENSAT ago 3 months ... they were creating their own CCcam client, of which, anyone know anything?

I go to sleep, it gives me bad blood.

good night friends, that the force be with us!

you believe, but not every ad you see selling azbox eventually sold, you just have to put on **** stores sell only see a few users it sells, but not that good looking, but when you do this thing looking ... ...

only tell you that your sponsor is sold, you should be silent, for frying eggs and are the dream

05-09-2009, 02:12 AM
if the device does not go, I say now and I'll say tomorrow, right now it's junk, here and in Japan

I will not have to sell something that does not work!

05-09-2009, 02:33 AM
everyone is free to choose and if he thinks that's his problem not the rest

05-09-2009, 02:38 AM
my problem is not my friend, is OPENSAT, I and many have bought hardware that does not support, and for the last 4 months have been laughing all over the world, lying over and over again, with outputs of 1.0 firm, with large changes than ever farther away from chaos.

study some history please, here in the forum they can find all the information.

if you believe it is lawful to continue to give support and saying that nothing happens, looking the other way, go ahead and continue selling is great politics and your users will thank you in the future.

05-09-2009, 02:43 AM
are not going to be all happy, but it is encouraging people to battle must always be a trust, which I think are working to keep us happy but I am a usuer, attacking not think it leads to nowhere

05-09-2009, 02:49 AM
500HD comes out soon .... we'll see that price is ... but ... much have to change things.

pd: as owner of my azbox have every right to comment on the world, but when the money from your purchase has left my pocket.

05-09-2009, 02:51 AM
nobody argues that we are free to do with our money as we please and speak out we also