View Full Version : Dreambox to Azbox

29-08-2009, 02:29 PM
Hi I have cs on my dreambox 800 and I would like to know if I can reshare it to my new Azbox if so how?

29-08-2009, 03:35 PM

29-08-2009, 04:11 PM
How do I configure Mbox Im useing CCcam in dreambox

29-08-2009, 04:12 PM
Mbox and cccam aren't compatible!

29-08-2009, 04:14 PM
Can it be done useing CCcam to CCcam if so how

29-08-2009, 07:39 PM
You need first in DM800 to create a F (server line) in CCcam.cfg:

################################# ################################# ####
# friends #
################################# ################################# ####
# syntax for to add a friend user to CCcam with the max up hops limit (default = 5)
# sharing of emus (default = 1), allow emm (default = 1), and optional
# downshare limits per share (default = no limits) and optional
# downshare limits per share based on caid:id:sid
# and optional timeslots in which share is valid (to block channels on box of children after 19:00 for instance)
# if no timeslot is defined 24 hrs a day is used
# emus are shared only one level down, even if no limits given
# max username length 20
# password length 'unlimited'
#F: <username> <password> <uphops> <shareemus> <allowemm> ( { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } { begintime-endtime, ... } ) hostname/ip address
# example:
# F: user1 pass1
# user1 gets all our shares at max 5 hops from us
# (our local cards + max five hops away). He can share down to his own
# clients. He also receive emu shares (if he has 'yes' behind his C: entry),
# and is allowed to send us emm.
# F: user2 pass2 0 1 0 { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 }
# user2 gets only our local cards but no 0100:000080.
# and our 0622:000000 cards only for himself (1 hop down),
# and 0500 cards for himself plus one additional hop down.
# He also gets our emus, and is NOT allowed to send us emm (updates).
# F: user3 pass3 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 }
# user3 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
# and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
# But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users.
# He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm.
# F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 } { 0100:000080:15df }
# user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
# and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
# But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users.
# He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm.
# He is also not allowed to view channel 0100:000080:15df
# F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { } { } { 12:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00 }
# user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
# and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
# the share is only valid between 12:00 and 17:00 and between 19:00 and 20:00
# outside these hours the share will not give cw's to the client
# F: user5 pass5 5 1 1 { } { } { }
# user5 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us
# user5 is only allowed to connect from the host

Then in azbox with the real CCcam or CCC softcam you create a C (client line) in CCcam.cfg

################################# ################################# ####
# connections #
################################# ################################# ####
# syntax for to add a client connection to other CCcam
# add yes on end to use friends emus (non public private key/emu,etc...),
# but only works when corresponding F line on server has '1' for <shareemus>
# optional limits just like F line, but for incoming shares (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away)
#C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )
#note: if {} limits are added, <wantemus> cannot be omitted. Use either yes or no.
# example:
# C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1
# C: 12000 user2 pass2
# connects to CCcam without use of friends emus
# C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes
# connects to CCcam, and receives friends emus also.

That should be all.
Good luck.

29-08-2009, 08:25 PM
Thanks It worked:winner-019:

Dig Deep
29-08-2009, 09:06 PM
Of course

Itīs a Dreamkiller to be :hurray::hurray: