View Full Version : Newcs + CCcam, Can it be done ?

31-08-2009, 12:43 AM
I am getting so frustrated with this box.

All i want is a very simple set up, really simple but it is proving unbelievable difficult.

I have AZbox Premium
I have CCcam 2.0.4
I have Newcs 1.6
I have ART Card

What i want to do :

I want my card to be seen as local to my peers which means i need newcs ?
I want my card to be local to me so i dont watch my channels through CCcam

Is this at all possible ?

If it is, PLEASE help me configure my newcs files to do this.

I assume this is very simple for you guys but for me, this is doing my head in.

I knew my Eagle box pretty well but this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please I beg of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't send me of to read something as I don't understand all the techie jargon, I basically want hand holding and I am sure if we did ithere, it would help others too !!



31-08-2009, 01:48 AM
This is lazy and unbecoming...

Forgive me for being blunt.

You have lots of info here.

You can read and learn.

You choose not to.

Sad and wrong!

31-08-2009, 09:15 AM
This is lazy and unbecoming...

Forgive me for being blunt.

You have lots of info here.

You can read and learn.

You choose not to.

Sad and wrong!
Sorry you feel that way Goran, but i have read your guide which has got me so far but not as far as i need to be.

You rreply is just typical of this hobby, people seem happy to give bits of information but then treat everybody like a kid for the rest of it.

This hobby is so vast and changes almost daily and for someone new like me, it can be quite daunting and replies like yours do not help

If you dont wish to help then dont reply

I appreciate you seem to put a lot of effort into helping people but callling me lazy is just not on.
I dont think you understand the time and frustration this box is causing me.

All i want is a bit of hd and cardsharing, once that is sorted, "Lazy Paul" will be out of your hair !!



31-08-2009, 10:26 AM
There is no need for begging, to begin with.

Secondly, you have the info regarding various versions quite clearly. Only if you do not read it will you not see it.

Moreover, there is a thread a little below this one, which I started, where you can see which version can use the internal reader.

It's quite difficult to miss, either in my Sticky or in that thread re. NewCS specifically.

Apart from begging there is a strong line of I don't wanna work too hard... Like this:

Please don't send me of to read something as I don't understand all the techie jargon, I basically want hand holding and I am sure if we did ithere, it would help others too !!

What on Earth do you expect us to do: start writing everything from scratch, once again, even though it's already there? Nuts...:nopity:

If you do not want to learn - pay the pros...

Come back here when you are ready to learn.

Because, this is the meaning and the ethos of these forums!

I am not a techie, either! Quite the opposite. I am from Humanities. So, forget about that "convincing argument"...

31-08-2009, 10:41 AM
Hi paul....
I'd have to agree with goran on this one....huge amount of effort gone into the sticky provided by him.. Please don't take this the wrong way it's not meant to be patronising..
it would be diferent if what you need wasn't there but it's so comprehensive it covers most everything, don't be discouraged it's all about learning and figuring things out from the bits and pieces picked up by others..good luck!!

31-08-2009, 10:57 AM
Appreciate your replies but I have read that sticky, and although it would seem full of info, i cant see anywhere where it says how to use Newcs and cccam together to do what i want.

If it does, then forgive me, but i cant see it

I see newcs and mbox but not what i want

Also, i know exactly what version works with the internal reader, that is not the issue, it is the config i need

Goran, I am not going to get into a slagging match with you as i can see the work you put in, but have a little respect for people who do not understand what is going on even if it is right in front of them

Please do not try and tell me that everything you learnt was down to you and nobody else !!

Anyway, i will try and solve my issue and report back, if i can't then thats life !

31-08-2009, 11:29 AM
I'm not sure but for CCcam 2.0.4 to see a newcs card and put it as local you might have to use MPCS and use camd3 connection to CCcam.

But I'm not an CCcam expert, not even close...

31-08-2009, 12:00 PM
Ok, trying to learn this, I really am

I am running 1.6 Newcs which i believe i read is 1.20 just worded differently ?
If not, not sure where i can get 1.20 from ?

This is what DCC is coming back with when i put
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/newcs
./newcs –nd

****** INTERNAL enabled
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: internal
type: all
output: console, tcp
logger config: level 16777215 type 255 output 5
Console log options: level 16777215 type 255
tcp port: 1001
TCP log options: level 16777215 type 255
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 9
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Config ] hwkey not found !
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Config ] ekpair not found !
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Config ] /dev/scard ECM priority: hard
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverride for de vice 0 (upper)!
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Newcamd ] Server name : local
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Newcamd ] Des key : 0102030405060708091011121314
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Newcamd ] User 2: dummy, Pass: dummy, Host, Port: 12000 , Au: Off, Spider allowed: No, Sidoverride: No, reader control: No, level: 0
[ 10:51:40 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 20 entries
[ 10:51:40 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ 10:51:40 ] Calibrating delay loops
[ 10:51:40 ] usleep(5) takes: 0 s 13 us
[ 10:51:40 ] usleep(10) takes: 0 s 19 us
[ 10:51:40 ] usleep(100) takes: 0 s 107 us
[ 10:51:40 ] usleep(500) takes: 0 s 505 us
[ 10:51:40 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 11 on node /dev/scard
[ 10:51:40 ] [ azbox ] Opening device /dev/scard
[ 10:51:41 ] ATR: 3F 77 18 00 00 C2 47 40 00 68 90 00
[ 10:51:41 ] [ ******* ] Atr header is 3F 77 [INVERSE]
[ 10:51:41 ] parseAtr: 3F 77 18 00 00 C2 47 40 00 68 90 00 00 00 00 00
[ 10:51:41 ] parseAtr: 00
[ 10:51:41 ] [ ATR ] T=0 1etu=31.00us Guardtime:12etu WWT:115200etu
[ 10:51:41 ] [ ATR ] Fi 1 (372) Di 8 (12)
[ 10:51:41 ] [ ATR ] Historical bytes: [C2] G @ [00] h [90] [00]
[ 10:51:41 ] [ ATR ] freq 1000000.000 sciFreq 3750000.000
[ 10:51:41 ] [ azbox ] Set card type to 0x500 (mode 2)
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Loader ] Init Viaccess card
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAA4000000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA A4 00 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAACA40000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA AC A4 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: AC
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAB8000007
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA B8 00 00 07
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: B8
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: A4 05 00 C5 63 74 30
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 08
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9008
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key C5637430 type 0 on Provider 000000 for caid 0 500 ID=0
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAA4000000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA A4 00 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAC000001A
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA C0 00 00 1A
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: C0
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: FF F4 00 40 00 00 3E 84 2D 7C 00 01 02 FF FF FF
[ 10:51:42 ] read: FF FF FF 09 FF FF FF FF FF 0F
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAACA50000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA AC A5 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: AC
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAB8000006
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA B8 00 00 06
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: B8
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: A5 04 C5 63 74 30
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 08
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9008
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key C5637430 type 1 on Provider FFF400 for caid 0 500 ID=0
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAA4020000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA A4 02 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAC000001A
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA C0 00 00 1A
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: C0
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 02 11 18 40 00 BF 3D EC 2D 7C 00 01 02 FF FF FF
[ 10:51:42 ] read: FF FF 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAACA50000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA AC A5 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: AC
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAB8000006
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA B8 00 00 06
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: B8
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: A5 04 C5 63 74 30
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 08
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9008
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key C5637430 type 1 on Provider 021110 for caid 0 500 ID=1
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAA4020000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA A4 02 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAC000001A
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA C0 00 00 1A
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: C0
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 02 11 28 40 00 BF 3D D0 2D 7C 00 01 02 FF FF FF
[ 10:51:42 ] read: FF FF 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAACA50000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA AC A5 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: AC
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAB8000006
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA B8 00 00 06
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: B8
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: A5 04 C5 63 74 30
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 08
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9008
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key C5637430 type 1 on Provider 021120 for caid 0 500 ID=2
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Sending to Card: CAA4020000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 8us
[ 10:51:42 ] write: CA A4 02 00 00
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 90
[ 10:51:42 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 952320us
[ 10:51:42 ] read: 08
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Viaccess ] Status Word from Card: 9008
[ 10:51:42 ] [ 0500 ] Init took: 0.802307
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Loader ] Card 0500 on port /dev/scard ready
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 20000
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Card queue /dev/scard ] Starting...
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Newcamd:20000 ] rlogin for user dummy fd 8
[ 10:51:42 ] [ Newcamd:20000 ] Bad read? rejecting
My sign: 7D DC 93 A9 21 37 10
[ 10:51:49 ] [ Newcamd ] new connection from on socket 9
[ 10:51:49 ] [ Newcamd:20000 ] Connection from

So does this mean it now sees the card ?

I still can not choose internal card reader on the azbox when i go into plugins, so i dont think the box is seeing.

31-08-2009, 12:59 PM
Please do not try and tell me that everything you learnt was down to you and nobody else !!

When you read it a bit slower with a bit of understanding you will see me thanking people who taught me... [Nuts!!!!!]

I am not afraid to show I do not know! I would be ashamed to become lazy and not to want to know! As in begging people to sort it out for me and not to give back, then...

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=650270&posted=1#post650270 - does this look like a guy who is arrogant or wanting to be "bigger than he is"?

Btw, I told you exactly where to get the v. 1.20, for starters!!! Besides, it's not like there are who knows how many serves to check it. Start reading with care. You will get there but you need to slow down and start really checking what you are reading and do it as you are reading, testing etc. That's how I did it, anyway...

31-08-2009, 01:05 PM
Goran, please read my post above, i have said i have 1.6 installed, and I believe i read somewhere that 1.6 is infact 1.20 just renamed, can you confirm that at all please

I got that version by doing exactly what you said !!! Manual install and there are 3 options, none of which actually say 1.20 !

If it is the wrong one, then i will start again

31-08-2009, 01:10 PM
No, you start reading, m8!!!

Here: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=114465 and my Sticky! Tinos says where to get it, btw. If it isn't the right one on servers - find it here!

31-08-2009, 01:15 PM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=491 - two versions here. On the servers there are many more. If one isn't working as advised - try another...

In the link I just posted in the previous post, there are many explanations what's what...

Slow down and good luck!