View Full Version : Motor Position Backup ?

02-09-2009, 11:15 PM
I wanted to know this because I was getting some trouble in tune most of the satellites have.

There are some file where you memorize the positions of the satellites in order to save it and then use it after installing the new firmware.

Will be stored in the channel list?

Thanks and greetings to all.

03-09-2009, 05:53 AM
One needs telesat's editor [see Files section] to do the job you need done, as Maz is still not doing it. Morser is working on it....

There are 3 files that it will save. Then, if the new FW isn't changed, in terms of format, the 3 files uploaded into AZbox HD will work with the new FW.

Good luck!:cheers2:

03-09-2009, 01:47 PM
Satellite positions are stored in the file antenna_list.dat which is in the /DISK2 folder. Channels are stored in all_channel.dat.

It is good practice to keep backups of recent working versions of these two files.

03-09-2009, 01:59 PM
Yep, that's another way, via FTP...;)

From my "Alternative guide..." thread - how to work with the editor:

When one installs and starts the telesat's Editor, one must create a profile, first. Click on Options, put in a name to create a profile [like, “AZbox HD”], put in the IP address of your AZbox HD [something like 192.168.x.x], then click on Update Profile.

Open the three files [already mentioned above!] you got from the net: File -> Open -> find the folder containing the unzipped files -> open all 3 files.

Edit them, if you need it -> DiSEqC settings are under Organise Sat and TP. Every time you make a change in a satellite position settings -> Update Sat! Otherwise, you will lose your changes! One can do a lot more with the editor – discover by trying...

Send the channel list to AZbox , when done editing. AZbox HD will receive an automatic command to reboot. Wait, and then check it all out.:cheers2:

03-09-2009, 10:10 PM
Goran, I've never worked out what the third file DVBS.dat does.

What you you reckon it's for?

03-09-2009, 11:10 PM
Errmmm... nope, not sure, sorry...:redface: