View Full Version : Blind scan - new tuner ?

04-09-2009, 11:30 AM
Just read somewhere that someone asked Opensat about blind scan on the Azbox & their reply was:-

The current tuner does not blind scan & we believe that software would take an hour for each satellite so it's of no interest.

We are working on a new DVB-S2 tuner that will be capable of blind scan.

Anyone know if this is true, if so it looks like i might be waiting even longer before i buy an Azbox. I'll never get one at this rate, first i waited until they sorted the cam slot out & now this, what's going to be next ?

04-09-2009, 11:50 AM
Perfection is a journey not a destination.

If you are always waiting for something you will never buy. There is always improvements no matter the technology. My brother is waiting to by an LCD TV for 5 years as he keeps waiting for the next improvement.

At least with the AZbox, the capability is there to improve with low cost (software, tuner upgrades etc).

Go on, buy it, you know you want to.

04-09-2009, 11:57 AM
blind scan is a nice to have but no must for normal Users.
If it will be implemented, fine, if not, sad

You have NIT and thats working fine, you can add every Transponder, also fine, and this all for 229€ (Elite on Amazon)

04-09-2009, 12:23 PM
Go on, buy it, you know you want to.

Lol, i know i want to cos i want a new toy to play with, i just didn't want to end up with a tuner i'll never use cos if a new one comes out with blind scan i'll replace it & in the other slot i want a DVB-T2 tuner.

I know what you mean about waiting forever & things are always improving, i waited for years for my new TV & couldn't decide what to get & in the end my CRT blew up & i had to decide so i went for the expensive option of a Sony instead of a cheap brand & i'm so glad i did cos the quality is superb.

04-09-2009, 12:32 PM
in the end my CRT blew up & i had to decide so i went for the expensive option of a Sony instead of a cheap brand & i'm so glad i did cos the quality is superb.

....but you should have waited for 3DTV receivers & DVB-T2 tuner built in, and all coming next year. :D

Your Sony is obsolete now virtually. :D

04-09-2009, 12:53 PM
Your Sony is obsolete now virtually. :D

Well thanks for cheering me up! anyway i don't need the DVB-T2 tuner built in cos i never watch anything on the tv tuner anyway & as for 3DTV, i can't say i'm bothered.

04-09-2009, 12:56 PM
blind scan is a nice to have but no must for normal Users.

I've recently been checking out some feeds & it's amazing what you can find if you know where to look & some of them have been hilarious like people not knowing the camera's on them or the mike's turned on so i've now got the feed hunting bug & having blind scan for feeds would make this box worth buying just for that, well it would for me anyway.

04-09-2009, 01:00 PM
4.2.2 blindscan would be great nit of no use for feeds