View Full Version : Secondstage Bootloader

rick shaw
05-09-2009, 04:16 PM
I've setup a DM 8k with gemini 4.40 in flash, it's running o.k i/c itv hd.
However i thought i'd try and update secondstage loader from #73
to #74 and new drivers of 22/8/09.
I could not seem to find files to manual install after ftping to temp so
i used dcc e2 1.20-tools-ipk packages. I loaded secondstage and driver files at the same time and the telnet session ran o.k. but on reboot the DM bricked at the dream multimedia screen requiring reflash and reload of saved settings.
should i have loaded secondstage-rebooted then gone back and loaded the driver files and rebooted again.
Some people seem to use the flash webinface if using this are the two files loaded at the same time and just the one reboot.
Thanks Rick.

05-09-2009, 04:44 PM
Installed OoZooN via webif - just 1 install & reboot. Installed #74 & new drivers in one go.

05-09-2009, 06:21 PM
Interesting you couldn't find the package to do a manual install after ftp'ing to tmp.
I wonder if gemini image is similar to nabilosat in that the manual install is not in the menu you would expect from E1 but green button (nab panel) yellow button (addons) then manual install IPK package.

rick shaw
05-09-2009, 06:38 PM
No crabber
Its menu-setup-software manager-install local ipkg.
You have to have the media scanner plugin installed then you can scan internal flash/usb etc for files.

05-09-2009, 06:56 PM
Yes M8 that is my point, Nabilosat has exactly the same but you cannot see the IPK package there, it is in the place I previously posted.

rick shaw
05-09-2009, 07:22 PM
Hi crabber
blue panel-addons gives me only Gemini server or my server.
But i have now found it.
ftp file to var/temp
blue button
file manager
scroll to var/temp
select file
green button to install.
thanks for your input crabber

update: used the above and all installed o.k.
I should have added that in order for the above to update i first had to update the bootlogo to 6.1.r3 using the same method.
Regards Rick