View Full Version : cheapest solution

05-09-2009, 10:16 PM
I have a tm6900hd combo super with diablo 2.3 (motorised) combo and I'm over the moon with it.

Now my dad has a basic sly setup (which he's paying £50 a month for) and I'm trying to convince him to get something like mine. He doesnt have loads of money and can't afford the top of the range model. How much would it cost for a basic stb (no need for dttv) which will work nearly as effectively as my setup but without the bells and whistles.

Which setup would anybody recommend (TM and non-TM suggestions welcome) and how much would it cost.(he won't be interested in cs)

thanks in advance

06-09-2009, 08:01 AM
6800HD if he wants HDTV?

06-09-2009, 10:00 AM
TM-5300 Super for 80 quid would be a good starting place, plus 200 for a dish and motor, and you will have a decent system to play with, without breaking the bank, for less than the price of 6 months sly subs, even cheaper off the auction sites :)

06-09-2009, 11:15 AM
I'm thinking around £100 for a very basic set up. As mrbleu500 says go for a cheap TM and I've seen dishes on 'auction sites' for around £30-£40 for a (very) cheap 60-80cm - including brackets. I's not going to be anywhere near what you've got - but it's a start...