View Full Version : SKY epg not being saved

06-09-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi All, I could do with some helpm please on the Sky UK epg with latest BH

Problem number 1

Allthough the directory set for storage of the epg.dat is HDD/epg.dat I cannot find the file using DCC ftpwhen I look in HDD, and therefore the file does not appear to have beeen created. Also every time I go to Hip Hop it downloads the full package as if there was no data there in the first place. Also, if I restart Enigma all of the epg data is lost and I have to go back to Hip Hop to start from scratch. So I dont think the HDD/epg.dat file is being created for some reason.

Problem number 2

In the Black Hole epg panel, under Sky UK if I hit the yellow button, download channels - Enigma crashes, I get the green screen and from that moment onwards if I go to Hip Hop the automatc download does not start at all - I then have to install a new copy of the image on USB using BA and restore my settings and I am back to Problem 1. This seems to corrupt the epg and I cannot edit the channel list either after this happens I just get the green screen of death

Any help would be appreciated


08-09-2009, 06:47 PM
I have now got a fully functional Sky UK EPG having researched a range of strings;

These are the extra items which don't appear in the Sticky which got it working for me 100% (unless I have missed something)

1 Convert Hip Hop from a radio to a TV channel (type 1) using DreamboxEdit and then add Hip Hop to a TV bouquet

2 The Satellite UK channel list which comes with the BH 1.1 is incomplete and misses off many HD channels. Find yourself a complete UK satellite list. If you look around you will find one. Substitute this for the original file in /usr/share/dict

3 Download the scripts;
EPG Autosave by Digitalidea
EPG save to HDD (ensure HDD is initialised)

4 Where there are multiple verstions of a channel eg Sky Sport 1 - use the info button while in the bouquet mode to identify which version carries the full 7 day epg - select this version for your favourites / sport bouquet

If you do all of the above, beyond the basic sticky you stand a good chance of success.

I hope this helps a few people who have struggled like me !

08-09-2009, 11:22 PM
Nice one carrpet for your time and trouble, I am going through the same trouble as you with this one. However I dont have a hard drive not sure which one to get so I am saving it to the internal memory but it still vanishes on a reboot


09-09-2009, 03:03 PM
Hi Coley,

BH 1.1 offers you 3 choices with hard drive as default, but also USB stick or the CF card. You will find the download scripts for the other 2 in Downloads - Green button yellow button. Sounds like you are running BH 1.1 in Flash ?

09-09-2009, 11:24 PM
Thats right running in the flash . Via the green button I found 3 scripts I chose the last one usb for epg save now. I have now in my media/net/usb folder:

is that right also I have a couple of folders

The swapfile is 268mb is that ok or two big.
I am not even sure if I need a swap file but I made one.

not had chance to turn it on and off yet to see if it saves. (too reliable these dm800hds)


09-09-2009, 11:25 PM
Just noticed I am in the 8000 forum here. Does it matter on this subject?


10-09-2009, 09:06 PM
Well wrong forum or not working a treat now

Thanks again Coley

11-09-2009, 10:16 AM
Hi Coley, great news that you got it working, right forum or not. I am now trying to get ITV HD working on my Dm8000. Worked first time on Dm800 so going through the process step by step !

11-09-2009, 10:40 PM
This is copied from somewhere else. However the lines to change did not work for me.

So what I did was to download likra settings from the blue panel.
Copied the ITV Hd and saved it
edit them to suit my needs ( I normally like to scan and do my own settings though).
I noticed when upolading it back with dreamset it changed the itvhd entry
so I just pasted over the previously saved itvhd entry.
You have may have tried this however no harm done if you have

1. Download Textpad
2. Goto green button then addons on nabilo, then download latest ikra motor settings.
3. Let it restart enigma
4. After it restarts FTp the lamedb file from /etc/enigma2 to your pc
5. Open it with TextPad
6. Search for ITV HD (take off the case checking etc...)
7. Then you want to replace the line above ITV HD, the ITV HD line, and the line below with:

c:000D49,c:030D49,c:040D4A,p:BSky B,c:050001,f:5

8. Save the file then FTp it back to /etc/enigma2
9. UNPLUG your Dm800 and then plug it back in.
10. Then when it starts back up goto All Services and u sholud see ITV HD.
11. Select this in the list then press MENU and add to Boquet - select HDTV.
12. Goto favourites then select HDTV u will see ITV HD at the bottom.
13. Press menu again and choose enable MOVE mode
14. Select ITV HD and move it to where u want then press menu again and disable move mode.

Hope it helps in someway

12-09-2009, 08:59 AM
Hi Coley,

First of all thanks for this. This technique works great on a Dm800 ( iknow because I have tried it) but strangely when you apply it on a Dm8000 it creates a "new" satellite which it calls 28 East and an ITVHD channell which does not work.

Anyway there is an excellent thread on Satpimps which resolves this for a Dm8000 specifically.

The process that works for me is;

1 Carry out a single transponder scan on 11426 H 27500 2/3 to get Channel 10510
2 Find then Edit Channel 10510 in etc/enigma2/lamedb using DreamboxEdit (detail is in the string and interestingly results in a slightly different lamedb entry to the one which works on a Dm800 !)

3 Download back to box and restart enigma
4 Bob's your uncle (or in my case it's Clive)

Apologies to all we have deveated from our original purpose !

15-09-2009, 03:19 PM
I have now got a fully functional Sky UK EPG having researched a range of strings;

These are the extra items which don't appear in the Sticky which got it working for me 100% (unless I have missed something)

1 Convert Hip Hop from a radio to a TV channel (type 1) using DreamboxEdit and then add Hip Hop to a TV bouquet

2 The Satellite UK channel list which comes with the BH 1.1 is incomplete and misses off many HD channels. Find yourself a complete UK satellite list. If you look around you will find one. Substitute this for the original file in /usr/share/dict

3 Download the scripts;
EPG Autosave by Digitalidea
EPG save to HDD (ensure HDD is initialised)

4 Where there are multiple verstions of a channel eg Sky Sport 1 - use the info button while in the bouquet mode to identify which version carries the full 7 day epg - select this version for your favourites / sport bouquet

If you do all of the above, beyond the basic sticky you stand a good chance of success.

I hope this helps a few people who have struggled like me !

Do you think you could bundle up the files such as the correct channel list for the UK and offer them up in this thread?


17-09-2009, 07:30 AM
I would be very happy to do this. I am not sure my membership status allows me to do it. Perhaps the moderator Sonic 1 can confirm !