View Full Version : Azbox team to stop support ????

09-09-2009, 02:23 PM
hi all just found this on another forum.is it true of false ?????

The Azbox team have announced that they are to stop support for all current models presently on sale including HD models, here is the press release...

From now on the beta test area is closed!
We support from now on not further the Abzockerpraktiken of Opensat and Impex!
These companies are anxious only to pull the money from the pocket to the users with scrap metal!!
The last software renewals were only a cosmetics improvement of the sales policy of the og companies to good came!
This Board cannot be stretched further for these methods before the cart!!
Fakt is that this box becomes anyhow no more wide supportet, because long time ago a new model is in the planning
Only the stock should be emptied by Impex and at the expenses of the customers!!
I do not take part in this little play!!!!

09-09-2009, 02:32 PM
I believe this was discussed before.

I'll have a look.

09-09-2009, 02:36 PM
thanks for the quick reply,as just ordered 1 of goldwafers

09-09-2009, 02:36 PM
The announcement appeared around 3 months ago on an azbox developers forum which was was inteded to develop alternative to official s/w based on source code . As the code was never released by Opensat , they published that statement . So, it's about their support to az not Opensat's .

Cheers ,
Val .

09-09-2009, 02:36 PM
Discussed before and old news. Opensat came out with an official statement since that forum was closed

09-09-2009, 02:47 PM
Here you go. Finally found Opensat's response. Sorry for the time it took.

Dear valuable Azbox users,
In order to calm down some opinions that appeared on internet, Opensat wants to clarify its position
referring to those issues:
1) We frankly don’t understand why this excitement around AzBox arises now, but we have strong reasons to
believe that it is only a commercial retaliation.
2) It is false that OPENSAT plans release new models based on other processor than the Sigma, we even announce
that our integration with Sigma chipsets are bigger every day.
3) It is true that Opensat will launch a new model, called media player without any possibility to plug tuners (the
model already presented at ANGA CABLE 2009), the target is to compete with MMP devices (like Popcorn, egreat,
…) and will be used a Sigma design chipset.
4) Obviously in the future some new models can be launched to better fulfill our customer’s needs. At the moment
we don’t plan to release any new model soon, and even if this happens in the future, definitively will be a Sigma
Chipset device and software will be compatible with all other HD receivers (Premium and Elite).
5) About Hardware issue, is true that with time we discovered some problem mostly with some non official cam’s.
In order to increase compatibility we decided to use the 2 slots with different voltage in the newer productions, so
all kind of cam's should work now. Due to this problem some of our distributors suggested to make those changes
manually in some motherboards previously sold, free of charge to the customers that requested the modification.
Opensat will fully support those distributors sending all the needed components to make the Hardware changes
and also support them technically to solve the issues. If user want to make the modification by at home can
download instructions at Link censored, click here to view our rules.
6) Opensat Never run away from its responsibilities with users and society, probably Opensat is in the restricted
number of companies that have all portfolio licenses such as: MPEG LA (MPEG 2 VIDEO, MPEG 4 VISUAL,
DTS and finishing IGR licensing.
As is public knowledge, in case of DTS license we pay 3 USD per each sold receiver so users can enjoy this
technology. Probably AzBox it’s the only Set top box at free market with DTS output by HDMI. Our biggest concern
is the satisfaction of our users needs.
7) About Twin tuner issue, as is public knowledge in the datasheet from Sigma chipset, it's possible, and we follow
all chipset manufacturer recommendations, however at the moment Sigma didn't presented us with a working
solution, se we are working very hard developing it by ourselves (actually this is the reason of so few updates on last
3 weeks). Soon we will have solution to this problem.
8) In order to provide best support to the users we are planning to launch an official forum where people can report
their problems faster and also help us to find the correct solutions.
With Best regards,
Hugo Condessa
Opensat C.E.O.