View Full Version : WriteDir.tgz

10-09-2009, 12:49 AM
In MMP directory we have WriteDir.tgz file.

Anyone knows what it's for and if the machine is using it in that format, somehow? If not, can it do without it, please?

10-09-2009, 07:34 AM
Have you looked at the contents of the file to see whats in it. Its should be a gzip compressed tar archive.

tar --ungzip -tf WriteDir.tgz

would normaly show you the contents without changing the file.

10-09-2009, 10:48 AM
Yeah, the Q is: if it is compressed - is it needed/used?

10-09-2009, 12:25 PM
doing a cd /; find . -name WriteDir -print

I find the contents of the zipped archive in /tmp

MMP[/]$ ls /tmp/WriteDir/
01_error_polaris.png Reload.bmp
Back.bmp Stop.bmp
Cursor.gif TrustedCA.bin
DreamStar_key_Arabic.png UniversOTSArabic_v101a.mdf*
DreamStar_key_Lower.png autofill.dat
DreamStar_key_Number.png filesysteminfo.dat
DreamStar_key_Symbol1.png loading_ex.png
DreamStar_key_Symbol2.png object.bmp
DreamStar_key_Symbol3.png visitedurl.dat
DreamStar_key_Upper.png vmem.dat
Forward.bmp warning.gif
Hand.gif xbox.bmp

Somebody/somehwere said that /tmp is created new on boot each time. If that is the case some process is installing it to tmp

10-09-2009, 12:43 PM
Probably a plugin that read keys from the net,going by the name of the files