View Full Version : Any Info on possible new firmware ?

11-09-2009, 02:57 PM
Any news or rumours of when we might see new firmware, Beta or version 1 ?

11-09-2009, 03:23 PM
No News is Good News:D

11-09-2009, 03:54 PM
No News is Good News:D

or normal with the Azbox.

11-09-2009, 03:58 PM
or normal with the Azbox.

Hehehehe.... :respect-048:

11-09-2009, 04:18 PM
It's released on mars,,,,,,

11-09-2009, 05:43 PM
It's released on mars

I heard it was coming out of the 'Asteroids' but the telephone line was a bit crackly.. the location may of been something similar that started with an H

11-09-2009, 06:19 PM
Any news or rumours of when we might see new firmware, Beta or version 1 ?

Not while the planet we live on still exists. :woot-035:

Maybe when we all live on Mars. :D

11-09-2009, 06:51 PM
All you have to do......is dreeeeem dreem dreem dreem:beatdeadhorse5:

11-09-2009, 07:54 PM
all you have to do is buy a dream dream dreambox

11-09-2009, 08:55 PM
For example: Dreem open 4:2:2...JUASSSSSSSSS

11-09-2009, 10:07 PM
Not on Mars, is the Moon! ehhehehehehe



It's released on mars,,,,,,

11-09-2009, 10:19 PM
this is getting silly from some people

11-09-2009, 11:32 PM
why not, is has been SILLY from Opensat to not deliver what the have prommised , it is 11 of september today and no software or word about it anymore, we are left alone with a junck box , as a box with no software is JUNCK

12-09-2009, 12:40 AM
No , the people who are bashing are just junk ;-) Please tell me wich receiver gives me the same possibilities for the same money , haha. It's impossible. Okay, the people paid by DM shall tell me it will be a Dreambox but that is really a lot of crap for a lot of money with at least a same number of bugs :coolgleamA:

12-09-2009, 07:58 AM
dreambox 800 clone :) half the price of the real thing

12-09-2009, 10:42 AM
you are mentioning a receiver with only 1 tuner and no possibility to see even divx. Youtube player of course just working via vlc......

12-09-2009, 10:50 AM
dreambox 800 clone :) half the price of the real thing

and you cant use newest drivers...

12-09-2009, 11:10 AM
No , the people who are bashing are just junk ;-) :

Im i bashing about the box?? Read my posts made before and see

Im not fan of DMM , i was before but with so many problems on the DM 800 i moved on to other products, so i do not give a tos about who mades the box, what i do care is the pprommises that was made and never comes to us end users.

We was prommised Software and Drives , now lett me know where are they, i have not seen Drives and i have NOT seen FW 1 version that was prommised.

I care less what other brands do, im talking about the AZBOX HD brand and the prommises that was made to us

I remember that some beta testers said that we could expect FW 1 version with in August, now is almost midle of september and there is nothing to be seen.

WHY do i have to tell you about other boxes ??
i have many diferent boxes that i can tell you , last collection is FORTIS 9200 HD , and i can tell you that this box works very well with 2 tuners and 2 channels recordings , timeshift, newcs and mgcamd , incubuscamd
and not the worst price at list for me 200 euro, so there you go

But i do not care about discusting other boxes here, we are in a thread that is main purpose is IS THERE ANY NEW SOFTWARE INFORMATION, and this is what we should discust,

I hate when threads are highjacked with other brands, i know i have done the same mistake my self , but i try to avoid it as mucha as possible.

Opensat is BIG LIAR to me, i buy 2 boxes and have not seen software that was prommised , i have not seen drivers, what do you expect me to do, sit on my ass and be satisfied ? No i will complain about it, being it here or to my dealer, and as i said before if there is not improvments with the box with in octomber then im gona return the box to my dealer.

12-09-2009, 12:10 PM
I don't normally post messages in this forum, however can I ask why some of you who appear to dislike the AzBox so much why have purchased one?

I bought the AzBox Premium 4 Months ago and mine works very well indeed, perhaps the box is too complicated for some of you to understand?

Also if someone asks a question, if you don't know the answer, then please don't bother to answer at all, a lot of people on this forum are behaving like playschool children, it is getting like the early days of CB Radio in the UK.

It costs nothing to be polite and respectful to others, also remember that English may not be the first language of some of the forum members.

Please engage the brain before replying to questions on the forum.

Best regards to all, from Welshman North Wales (UK).

12-09-2009, 12:53 PM
It is not the fact that I prefer other brands to the AZbox, but I have used many other brands in my quest for the perfect satellite/Mediacentre.

Same as everybody else, I work hard to be able to purchase new equipment, and research matters before deciding to part with my money.

We were promised FW 1, many months ago, as well as cable and terestial tuners, but nothing, nada.

We are provided with no information as to progress, which is the most frustrating thing about this unit.

My dreambox and showcenter, still sits beneath my plasma, awaiting removal when the time is right (FW1).

I cannot watch MKV'S as promised
Chanel change times are rediculous
cardsharing is hit and miss, I could go on.....

As I have the option of using the dreambox and the AZbox at the same time, I can compare the two of them side by side. The dreambox wins hands down as a satellite receiver, but the hardware and software is crap.


I started this post in the hope that someone could post some good news about progress ( Dreaming again ), I spend too long on the internet searching for any snippet of information, which Opensat could very easily forward to us via the many forums.

I'm sure that in a few months time, everything will be good with the AZbox, but for now......Whats happening??? :confused:

12-09-2009, 01:09 PM
.Whats happening??? :confused:

I read elsewhere that Opensat are fixing the bugs, but that in itself is breaking other things, which may explain the long wait for anything to be released that is useable.

Time for open source......

12-09-2009, 01:24 PM
This is probably true. They are fixing thing but at the same time they are breaking things.
Communitly could helped them but they dont want this apperantly. Sad
The_ripper is doing something for them but no one know what he has done till now. He is like phantom LOL

12-09-2009, 02:40 PM
I think he is working on Mbox without Openxcas.

That would make it quicker

Dig Deep
12-09-2009, 07:01 PM
He got some more important work do to now, it will soon be done :respect-055:

Then, perhaps, he will have some time for the Mbox.

12-09-2009, 07:08 PM
you are mentioning a receiver with only 1 tuner and no possibility to see even divx. Youtube player of course just working via vlc......

yes but works 100% fine and also reads my sky card

12-09-2009, 08:16 PM
Here it is, please don't tell anyone :respect-057:


12-09-2009, 08:27 PM
Well, already bought a PCH NMT, so that takes care of one thing that the AZB should be able to do. Its just a case of waiting for the DM500HD to be released then the picture will be complete.

12-09-2009, 08:54 PM
Here it is, please don't tell anyone :respect-057:

this is the new one to test?

12-09-2009, 08:59 PM
this is the new one to test?

Yes, can confirm it, Freesat EPG is there!!

12-09-2009, 09:01 PM
it is official or filtered by betatester?

12-09-2009, 09:03 PM
it is official or filtered by betatester?

Guessing it's unofficial as it has the same firmware number as the leaked changelog.

12-09-2009, 09:06 PM
have you tested it? im downloading but goes slowly

12-09-2009, 09:10 PM
have you tested it? im downloading but goes slowly

Yes, testing now, uploads to machine and have Freesat EPG working, looking at other items now, one or two little improvements but it's only been on my machine 10 mins!!

12-09-2009, 09:14 PM
how it works with emus?

12-09-2009, 09:29 PM
Here it is, please don't tell anyone :respect-057:

Admins, please remove this item. Thanks

12-09-2009, 09:30 PM
ChangeLog 0.9.3281

\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u0 03d\u003d\u003d

- Records of HD-Channel freezing are all about 10 Seconds. Tone also is less.
Often this is also at recording from SD-Channe
- When playing contents recorded on movie player, "Unsupported format"
popup window is, to infinity

- Subtitles are fail on following channels
SID 10892Mhz 27,500 TP 4801 V160 A80 / / CANAL +
SID 10892Mhz 27,500 TP 4802 V161 A84 / / CANAL + FILM

Thanks for reporting raskino
And thanks to k@lkov for this info on another forum.

12-09-2009, 09:32 PM
please remove this item. Thanks

Why .. ?

Its already on other forums... no point locking the stable door after the horse has gone.

It seems no worse than any other release.... leaked or official, and it hasn't changed me into a newt

12-09-2009, 10:05 PM
It seems no worse than any other release.... leaked or official, and it hasn't changed me into a newt

Not yet AJR wait until midnight:smilielol5:

12-09-2009, 10:09 PM
Freesat epg seems ok.
But Is there anyway this can be manipulated to recieve diferent epg streams?
Just wondering because a lot of people on this forum seem more intelligent than the official people ie opensat.

12-09-2009, 10:13 PM
Freesat epg seems ok.
But Is there anyway this can be manipulated to recieve diferent epg streams?
Just wondering because a lot of people on this forum seem more intelligent than the official people ie opensat.


The EPG systems are hard coded into the firmware so any modifications to receive others has to be done at the source code level.

12-09-2009, 10:23 PM
Update on fixes...

angeLog 0.9.3281
\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u0 03d\u003d\u003d

- Records of HD-Channel freezing are all about 10 Seconds. Tone also is less.
Often this is also at recording from SD-Channe

- When playing contents recorded on movie player, "Unsupported format" popup window is, to infinity

- Subtitles are fail on following channels
SID 10892Mhz 27,500 TP 4801 V160 A80 / / CANAL +
SID 10892Mhz 27,500 TP 4802 V161 A84 / / CANAL + FILM
SID 10892Mhz 27,500 TP 4805 V164 A96 / / Ale Kino!

- Channel scanning of DVB-T / C NIT is not working

- When playing some MOV contents, STB hangs up

- SmartCard is sometimes reset

- From the EPG pressing OK and then select PLAY to zap to a channel totally block the Azbox
(when the program is currentely broadcasting)

- In manual time setting, GMT is not effective

- Inaccurate synchronization of subtitles on Astara 28.2E

- Invalid screen capture on 4:2:2 feeds

\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u0 03d\u003d\u003d

- Added "subtitle off" option in setting

- Added "default audio" option in setting

- Freesat EPG is supported

- Screen capture on movie player

- At setting menu, more options for audio are created, like:
AC3: PCM <-> RAW
Others: PCM <-> RAW

Best Regards,
The OPENSAT / AZBox Team

Original post by and with thanks to dreamsbbs

12-09-2009, 10:25 PM
The EPG systems are hard coded into the firmware so any modifications to receive others has to be done at the source code level.


Maybe joseba didnt know that when he released his plugin epg for Ex-Yu-Sender

Maybe there is more than one way to skin a cat :p

12-09-2009, 10:29 PM
Can't see the point in leaking this, it's not finished. It will also slow down the release of mew firmware since there are members of the beta team who can't be trusted, and now a new team will have to be put together.

12-09-2009, 10:35 PM
Can't see the point in leaking this, it's not finished. It will also slow down the release of mew firmware since there are members of the beta team who can't be trusted, and now a new team will have to be put together.

I can nearly guarentee this is a controlled "leak" we load it up and get to find the bugs, report back and developers work on these...we've all seen it before on various other boxes..
Still onwards and upwards...

12-09-2009, 11:26 PM
I can nearly guarentee this is a controlled "leak"


It shuts us up for a week or two :D

13-09-2009, 04:33 AM
Bugger.....It would come out while I was off fishing...LOL

I'll be like a kid with a new toy when I get back

13-09-2009, 07:50 AM
I am testing this firmware. Nothing special really. Bunch of thing not fixed yet... yes they fixed a few thing and added a few thing but nothing great really (except freesat epg but i dont need that). For example, when you press OK in channel list, channel list doesnt close itself - SAD
I think moving between different channel list is now slower. When you go from one directory to other you get loading message and a little circle.
Zap time is same as in previous software
Device doesnt remember selected audio or language settings. When i set for example Sky Comedy to english it works but then when i switch to Sky Family and then back to Sky Comedy, English setting is gone...
With this pace i dont know when we will get any REAL improvement. I mean, better zap, better OSD, better EPG, faster menus, possibility to make custom skins (addind info not just graphic), plugings that can work in TV mode etc etc

:/ :/

13-09-2009, 08:48 AM
In EPG menu if I try download/green I get "can't find data channel" message . What's the problem ?

Cheers ,
Val .

13-09-2009, 11:22 AM
In EPG menu if I try download/green I get "can't find data channel" message . What's the problem ?

Are you on a FTA channel on 28E? That worked for me.

13-09-2009, 11:53 AM
No luck , maybe it's on a freq. from astra 2d - the only 1 on 28.5 not received at my location . Thanx anyway .

Cheers ,
Val .

13-09-2009, 12:21 PM
No luck , maybe it's on a freq. from astra 2d - the only 1 on 28.5 not received at my location . Thanx anyway .

I believe it's on Eurobird 1 at 11428 H but don't quote me on that, I'm sure DJBlu could clarify.

Dig Deep
13-09-2009, 02:18 PM
Still the same problem with sync of subtext, at least for Thor/Astra.

The problem with CCC is still there as well. Freezing starts after a while, get worse by the hour and then it stops working, telling me that it is scrambled :respect-020:

Most annoying is the sync problem, CCC will be revived after a simple reboot.

Still hoping that 1.0 will arrive:respect-050:

13-09-2009, 02:31 PM
Still the same problem with sync of subtext, at least for Thor/Astra.

The problem with CCC is still there as well. Freezing starts after a while, get worse by the hour and then it stops working, telling me that it is scrambled :respect-020:

Most annoying is the sync problem, CCC will be revived after a simple reboot.

Still hoping that 1.0 will arrive:respect-050:

which CCC are you using I'm using cccam native and works as 2880 although I have been able to use time shift now. Not tried recording yet.

also can't get the green button epg download to work only get the data download error.

13-09-2009, 02:48 PM
( excuse me but my english is bad )

OpenSat confirmed my 1 month ago that he does not version 1.0.
they follow an evolution of firmware just.

and the final version:
She was scheduled for November, ja heard this 4 months ago
I do not why voices now speak of the final version ??!!!
and after that I vote, this rhythm is the for the next year
from here there are a number of receivers who will see the day.
In my opinion if the problem is resolved in CCcam AZboxHD will be 50% longer accepted

14-09-2009, 11:52 PM
hi medmed,

Opensat, Hugo and co.. promise and are always talking the future but we never see anything happen, it's just blablabla.
Send their the same mail at the end of November, and they will tell you to wait until March. :D
Now we are accustomed and know perfectly the song opensat :sifone:

15-09-2009, 09:56 PM
Testing 3281, and found a very big problem with audio i think its due new HDMI sets, over HDMI in my TV (LG 50PG4500) The problem is in SD channels, i heard a very loud noise, that could brake speaker from TV, on home cinema the audio is going well, but not on the tv, some very bad noise that only happen on SD channels on HD channels with AC3 is working well..In menus sometimes make noise too...

i tried it 3 times changing firmwares from 3180 and 3281..(format aplication data, restore factory settings ETC...)
Going back to 3180 and all working well.
Updated again to 3281 and same problem on SD channels..Maybe its due the new Audio menu, and options..i tried changing all options possibles there without succes still same problem on TV....

Best Regards Clock..

01-10-2009, 11:18 PM
same here. I'm quite disappointed with audio. its truly need to be fixed.

02-10-2009, 07:48 AM
fw 0.9.3501 beta


- USB memory stick without partition is now supported

- Movie Player: Bookmark option works better.

- Using the bookmark function does not work after the 1 hour mark.

- No recognition of audio languages in mkv files

- TTX menu hangs when attempting to view teletext on "Canal+ Film HD" on HotBird 11278Mhz.

- TELETEXT Polish Characters


- USB keyboard is supported (Not yet available for browser)

- 70.0W & 180W satellite TPs

- Audio API for plugins


- MKV Movies with high bitrates cannot be correctly reproduced

- Optimized FORMAT procedure
Now Formatting 1TB disks takes under 20 minutes

- Copy speed (HDD, USB) is 30% faster than older versions

The ***** AZBox Team

02-10-2009, 07:55 AM
Still not much improvements then!

When are they going to fix important stuff like speed of channel change?