View Full Version : T55 Toroidal Dish

14-09-2009, 03:21 PM
Hi folks i,m after a bit of help please with my T55 set up, i,ve had the set up for about 4 years no probs at all with 3 lnb,s set at 19E 13E 4.8E, i have a Force 516CV 5 series Reciever with Dragon Cam (pred 370). 4.8E is on the quiet side now with regards to what i pick up not much i,m interested in on it now, Akta comes and goes FTA for the odd day or 2 but nothing solid so i,m thinking of sliding my 4.8E lnb to 1W to try and get digi tv whilst its still their and any other possible channels available.. question is would my dish pick up the satellites? i,m in Welshpool Mid Wales UK ....any help would be gratefully appreciated ..many thanks Dave....:)



14-09-2009, 03:35 PM
one way to find out give it a go

14-09-2009, 04:12 PM
I'd of thought your dish was a bit on the small size,but if you were getting 4.8E with no problems then 1W should be ok..

As satwyn says... give it a go.

14-09-2009, 07:06 PM
ok i,ve had a try found 1W from moving my 4.8E lnb along the bar left other lnb,s in place and had to make a slight adjustment to dish and have picked up OTV on 1W 12643H 27500 at 40% but picture is clear and working well my 13E sig strentgh has dropped from 70% to 60% and 19E dropped from 60% to 52-55% but all still working, just have to do a scan for some digi tv channels now ...have loaded latest pred file and the few digi tv channels i have are working now to scan for the rest of them...:)

14-09-2009, 07:37 PM
you may be able to tweak it a bit to take into account bad weather but if picture stable in bad weather you may be ok also some transponders weaker than others at 1w

14-09-2009, 07:50 PM
i will have another tweak with it tomorrow the few channels i added on 12527H are 37-40% and lag a little i dont have a sat meter just doing it the old fashioned way up the ladder with remote in hand to check sig strength but if i go to far then start to loose 19E and 13E so will have to figure that out

14-09-2009, 08:04 PM
a good quality meter would help matters

14-09-2009, 08:31 PM
yeh i know lol but being unemployed a bit difficult to come bye. have also noticed i,m picking up the horizontal postions but cant seem to get the verticals am guessing that signal strength is too low ?

14-09-2009, 09:28 PM
what you are doing to adjust for 1 west is wrong when I have fitted these dishes for a company in manchester they give me a sheet with all the calculations on for each sat the scew of the dish the postions for each LNB is also critical try the waveform frontier web site for calculation with your longtitude and latitude to get the dish set correctly

14-09-2009, 10:36 PM
thanks for that satpaul.. i,ve looked at an installation set up now it says that 1w is situated at L15.1 on my bar which i moved it to and was getting a weak signal so i slightly adjusted the elevation which gained signal strength for 1W but lost strength on my main 13E and on 19.2E very slightly. so am i right that if i readjust my elevation back to the original setting for my centre lnb then adjust the skew of the dish to raise the signal quality on 1W?? if so what effect will that have on my 19.2E lnb? my 19.2 E lnb is at about R10.2 so i,m guessing i would have to move my 19.2E lnb along the bar to compensate for the 1W after adjusting the skew??

15-09-2009, 08:46 AM
Calculation of setting values for installing an WaveFrontier Toroidal antenna:

http://www.satlex.us/en/wavefrontier_calc.html if this is of any help?

15-09-2009, 06:08 PM
thanks for that Giga but i already found that thanks again though ..done some more tweaking today and have managed to get all the digi tv channels apart from the ones on 12.607V thats the only freq i cant seem to get for some reason when i go to scan 12.607V it jumps back to 12.607H??? have around 43% on all digi tv channels and on Thor5 T2 i have 70% so not sure how much more i can get without the need of a meter..

15-09-2009, 07:33 PM
try deleating the transponder then reintalling and scan again or try a nit scan if your receiver does blind scan this should also bring in most channels

17-09-2009, 08:24 PM
@ct252 - I think you might struggle at 1W with a T55 dish. I'm in South Staffs and have a T90. 1W was always tricky. The elevation and skew need very precise setting - a pro fitter needed about 2 hours fiddling to get it right. Even so the Nordic beam was not receivable.

24-11-2009, 08:22 PM
thanks for input brownboots .. have been able to put up with the 40 % signal now since original post but as always when the rain comes i loose the signal on digi tv which i accepted and thought i would do .... is it possible to place something around the 1w lnb i.e umbrella it to help with the reduction during rain??? just a thought if so any ideas anyone on the best way to do this?..as i pressume that the signal is affected by the rain coming into contact with the lnb and not the dish ... as always any thoughts and help gratefully appreciated ...many thanks ..Dave

25-11-2009, 12:33 AM
Best thing you can do at your end is to apply a coat of car wax polish to the dish and cover of the LNB. Nothing much you can do about the rain between you and the cloud I'm afraid mate :beatdeadhorse5:

Also worth noting the fact that the power of 1w should be increasing in the next few weeks, though not sure how many, if not all will be moving over to the new bird.

25-11-2009, 09:02 PM
T55 Great little Dish but to know what you will or can get with this Dish take a look over ( Lyngsat )

> hxxp://www.lyngsat.com/1west.html

Here you will find the footprints you need.