View Full Version : AZHD Key AzBox HD plugin 16.09.2009

16-09-2009, 06:04 PM
AZHD Key AzBox HD plugin 16.09.2009

A new plugin for our AzBox HD.

What is it?


This plugin allows your AZBox HD to download updated SoftCam.Key & constant.cw

from remote server.

You don't need any more to download updated keys and send them to the box by

using FTP connection.

How to


Create a new folder in /EMU/ called TechSatAZHDKey

Copy TechSatAZHDKey in /EMU/TechSatAZHDKey/.

Change Files Attributes to 755 (both). Change the .cfg of your favorite EMU

to make possible the reading of the keys.

Exit DCC.

Push Home button in your AzHD remote and go to Installed Plugins.

Select TechsatAZHDKey and press Ok.

That's all.

Just close black screen after few seconds by pressing Exit and... Enjoy.

Why install this plugin?


Because SoftCam.Key & constant.cw is automatically generated from

TechSat Maker keys DataBase, updated in real time!!...

Thanks TechSat Team