View Full Version : SD card for multi-boot

19-09-2009, 08:39 AM
Hi Guys,

Does anyone have experience of using an SD card instead of USB for running BA multi-boot.

If so what are the steps I need to go through to move by existing multiboot from USB to the SD ?

Questions like

Do I need to pre format in a pc
Will it be picked up by the Dm8000 during boot-up cycle
Can I just copy and paste from the USM to the SD using DCC
How do I tell the DM8000 to look for the SD for multi-boot

Would appreciate any help on the subject.

19-09-2009, 12:52 PM
I used a CF.
When you install BA, it looks for: CF then (dunno about SD) HDD
don't need to format, BA does that.
Just install BA (I did from telnet - but you can from install plugin)

20-09-2009, 05:49 PM
Hi Oldfart,

I already have BA installed with PureFlash

What would you recommend as a way forward.

20-09-2009, 05:57 PM
Depends what you want BA for?
OoZooN lean & BA would be good.
note:- BA does not work well on HDD, better on CF (not tried on SD, so can't comment).
The images are saved onto your HDD, so no space problems on memory cards.