View Full Version : Protek 9600IP

20-09-2009, 11:21 AM

I've just ordered this box and have a few questions:

Is it the same as the NanoXX 9600IP? (just registered on their forum)
Can I connect the box via my wireless network, or will i need to buy internet plugs?
Can I update software and firmware over my wireless network and is it straightforward?
What is RS 232?
Is the user manuel user friendly - could someone post it online please?
Is there a FAQ anywhere?

Really looking forward to getting going with this!


20-09-2009, 12:08 PM
Hi Tom, some answers

Is it the same as the NanoXX 9600IP?
it uses the same firmware
Can I connect the box via my wireless network, or will i need to buy internet plugs?
it needs a direct connection to the router, so you will need to buy plugs, powerline adapters work fine

Can I update software and firmware over my wireless network and is it straightforward?
You can use a prog called Webloader, you will need the IP address of your STB to connect this way, you will have this once the box is set up

What is RS 232 ?
This is a serial connection on the back of the receiver and connects to your desktop/laptop, you may need to buy a usb/serial converter if your laptop dosnt have this connection, also you will need a "null modem cable" to connect the 2 together (straight serial cable will not work)

There are "How To's" available but forum rules prevent me from posting links

regards mouseman

20-09-2009, 12:14 PM
[QUOTE=mouseman;655921]Hi Tom, some answers

You can use a prog called Webloader, you will need the IP address of your STB to connect this way, you will have this once the box is set up

Thanks m8 - I use a program called 'total commander' to connect to my diablo WiFi, is it the same sort of thing? Also can I update both soft and firmware using 'webloader' or similar?


20-09-2009, 12:25 PM
To summarise:-

There is no wifi support so you will need a direct cable, homeplug adapters, or a wireless game adapter

Webloader is achieved by entering the IP address of the receiver, then using username "admin" and the PIN code (default is 0000)

Software can be updated via webloader (or internet update from remote control), but the bootloader must be updated via the serial port using a nullmodem (RS232 crossover) cable. If you don't have a serial port on your PC (often called COM1 / COM2), you will also need a USB to serial adapter.

All your questions are clearly answered on the NanoXX forum (announcements and stickies), so it is probably best to spend time reading them if you have joined that forum.

24-09-2009, 07:44 PM
DRPAULOS - I have been using a Nanoxx 9600IP for two years downloads from Xvision
I have found K57 but have not the latest key file last one was K16. Can you clue me to the latest source for downloads please.

24-09-2009, 08:03 PM

The latest software is T59, and the latest key is K19, if you google ************ and look for your receiver you will find all that you need.

24-09-2009, 08:38 PM
DRPAULOS - I have been using a Nanoxx 9600IP for two years downloads from Xvision
I have found K57 but have not the latest key file last one was K16. Can you clue me to the latest source for downloads please.

Just do an internet search for "nanoxx get the power" or "protekfiles", and you will have access to information, which will enable you to get the latest updates.

09-10-2009, 12:52 PM
Has anybody downloaded the new s/w T60 or T70.bin. and keys K20.

11-10-2009, 10:34 PM
Has anybody downloaded the new s/w T60 or T70.bin. and keys K20.


T61 & K19 working well here


11-10-2009, 10:51 PM
Has anybody downloaded the new s/w T60 or T70.bin. and keys K20.
Al, I think you will have to save your channel list, then do a factory reset which will then allow the box to automatically update to t61. I had to do it that way(credit to Appliances on another forum). Obviously you then reload your channel list again.

12-10-2009, 04:10 AM
Have loaded s/w T61, k19 works just fine bug free. did not have to save channel because already had T59 s/w, now you can download new s/w from onlinelist.

simon simon
21-10-2009, 08:07 PM

I've just ordered this box and have a few questions:

Is it the same as the NanoXX 9600IP? (just registered on their forum)
Can I connect the box via my wireless network, or will i need to buy internet plugs?
Can I update software and firmware over my wireless network and is it straightforward?
What is RS 232?
Is the user manuel user friendly - could someone post it online please?
Is there a FAQ anywhere?

Really looking forward to getting going with this!


Check pm plz.

07-11-2009, 08:42 PM

Had this reciever for a couple of months now and have to say - what a great box!!
Cost - very resonable
Easy to use
Great web interface
Loads of packages available via free server
Dedicated website, with friends there waiting to help if needed

Diablo wifi now in the draw where it belongs!!!!!

The best kept secret in the community!

Cheers & thank you

15-11-2009, 12:51 PM
Let's all keep it that way!!!! lol

My diablo v2.3 and T-Rex v4.6 in the drawer as well

Regards ahmet-50