View Full Version : Echostar AD-3000 IP via receiver - is it dead?

21-09-2009, 10:32 PM
Hello everyone,

Just a quick question....
Had this receiver for 7 years, so its had a good life!

About 2 months ago it developed a rather annoying habit of the whole screen juddering/ flickering...if I turned it off and on with the remote it would persist, but would go if it was turned off on the front of the box.

Tonight I turned it off and on, and when it went on again I got a message saying "Mottagarsparr ange numerisk PIN-kod". I have only ever used it in English before, but presume it is asking for a PIN (maybe in Dutch?). I have never changed the code but it would not accept "0000". I cannot do a factory reset via the remote nor can I find a way of doing so via the console itself....I presume it has died, but would like a second opinion!!



21-09-2009, 10:44 PM
my old echo did that, as far as i can remember i think it was the memory chip, you can factory reset but the lists go gobbledigoo again after a few weeks, eutelsat in london did me the repair for 80 quid but they have gone now, just one trick, if you leave it off power for months the small battery on the motherboard goes flat and the receiver resets itself, but obviously i had a back up. gr8 receiver tho`in its day, 36 volt rules!!!!

ps i would recommend tf5000cip as replacement if its kaput may get one for100ish was 169.

21-09-2009, 11:24 PM
No battery in the AD3000ip, I would be surprised if there was one in the via version.

You can do a factory reset thus -

Menu - 6 - 6 - 6

Don't know if that will help, but at least it'll clear your memory.

You'll have to rescan your satellites unless you have them stored on your PC.


22-09-2009, 08:38 AM
sorry it was actually my tm with the dreaded 8888 which reset itself re small battery on motherboard not echo,:redface:

22-09-2009, 08:43 AM
Should be able to update the firmware via serial ?

22-09-2009, 09:18 AM
when did eurosat london go
try eurosat birmingham
when my echostar 3000 ip via was acting up a bloke called
i think it was steve the cam man from warrington repaired mine and it has been working fine ever since
but NOT seen him on for a long time now

22-09-2009, 05:46 PM
must be 4/5 years now me thinks??

22-09-2009, 09:31 PM
Thank you for the feedback guys....could not reset it, and I am coming around to the fact it is RIP! Now I need to find a scottish installer who can get me a new fancy system!!