View Full Version : cube revo newbie questions

22-09-2009, 11:52 AM
what is the best image to start with, i am moving from an echostar with built in positioner so i would need a vbox to move the dish, i would be grateful for any pointers. thanks pace508

22-09-2009, 07:09 PM
Mine works fine with Moteck vbox which came from the sponsers

Using Enigma 2 PKT Version 5.5 & it moves the dish around with no problems

22-09-2009, 08:04 PM
thanks catseye
i been reading some post by you from last november about buying cuberevo against dreambox 800

22-09-2009, 08:57 PM
I spent ages deciding what to buy but since getting it ive had no regrets

Keano on here speaks very highly of it too & he previously owned DM boxes

The Enigma 2 images created have really improved over the last 10 months

There are some software issues still remaining which we are hoping will be resolved in the near future including c/s & card readers being able to reshare cards

Incubus camd still has some bugs but has improved & now mgcamd works on cuberevo E2 images

22-09-2009, 10:52 PM
i am leaning towards cube revo because dm8000 is way too expensive and dm800 is only single tuner thanks catseye for at bit of reassurance

02-10-2009, 02:16 PM

I took a long time to decide but finally went for a 9000HD. No regrets so far. Stable on manufacturers code and have been working on NLB v10513 for a few weeks with only a few lock ups which a reboot took care of.
Have flashed, the boot and the image as stated. You can use the flash tool or the web interface to do this. Done it both methods ok.
Think basic Linux understanding is useful or if you want a challenge go for it.
Catseye has informed me to work on the base image for a while and understand the box, the editing of channel list (pceditor) etc. It has taken me time to understand the sats out there, their footprints, frequencies etc. Getting there with time.
Next step will be dual boot and E2 on stick with NLB on flash.
think biggest challenge fopr me is the Emulators and CS server config etc. Loads of reading and getting there. Final challenge CS. Now that will be fun!!!

02-10-2009, 08:57 PM
thanks redsat
i am in the process of reading all i can about the box i think shortly i will take the plunge

02-10-2009, 11:01 PM
Cuberevo boxes now have most E2 features working well but they cant be used yet to reshare your c/s cards

Most folk have dreambox 500's or similar which they use as their main reshare box & then connect the cuberevo to that using incubus camd

Im sure its only a matter of time before the teams developing these images resolve this issue