View Full Version : switching between tuners

26-09-2009, 12:33 AM
Hi all,does anyone know how to switch between the 2 tuners on the box.just fit a second tuner and can't seem to switch between them.

26-09-2009, 01:06 AM
I'll be watching this thread as I just ordered a second tuner (DVB-T). I asked a simple question about selecting different satellites/tabs the other day and in the meantime I loaded the latest firmware and all was fixed. This may help?

Fred Bloggs
27-09-2009, 03:14 AM
Well… you don't actually "Switch" tuners as such, since they're both available simultaneously, although, as yet, you can't record on one and watch on the other, nor can you watch the programme you're recording for that matter (yet :)). If your second tuner is connected correctly, it should appear in the settings, and you should be able to do a channel scan on it.
What channels you see in your channel list after, is up to you. You can show all channels indifferently in one huge list, or choose by various "filters" which appear at the top of your channel list. When in TV viewing mode, hit "OK" to bring up the channel list, then "Exit", which moves you to the menu buttons above the channel list. You may have to press "Exit" twice to get there, according to what menu you're actually in.
The left and right buttons move you from tab to tab, allowing you to "filter" according to the categories, Satellite, genre, provider etc. Choose the one you want to use.
In the "Satellite" menu, you'll find all the satellites that you've scanned, and if you have a DVB-T card that you've also scanned, it will appear as a separate entry.
You can also collect any combinations of channels into various "Favourites" lists which you can create to your taste, and the select via the "Favourites" button. There's a PC programme that helps you edit these lists more easily (see elsewhere on this forum).
Between DVB-T and a satellite, you're not bothered, but if you have a motorised dish, you may want to avoid putting different satellites in the same favourites list, as, if you're prone to zapping in your list, your dish will be motoring back and forth all the time :)

Sorry if I've repeated stuff that's surely elsewhere here, but I hope this helps ;)

27-09-2009, 02:58 PM
cheers fred appreciate your help

Fred Bloggs
27-09-2009, 06:00 PM
cheers fred appreciate your help

No problem :)