View Full Version : Slowly But Surely (I hope).

26-09-2009, 02:41 PM
I finally took the plunge a week ago and ordered a AZbox Premium from our sponser last Sunday. It arrived yesterday (Friday) at 12.55. Good and prompt service from Gold Wafers, thanks Lee.

My reason for posting is that I want to thank all the other posters who have also bought Azboxes. By reading the stickies & other peoples' replies I've managed to go forward a bit.

I updated the softaware yesterday from the AZbox site. I was worried yesterday that I'd never get FileZiller to work. It still wasn't working when I went to bed about 2.00.

Anyway after a night's sleep I updated the softaware again today with the patch Kink Dink posted. I finally got FileZiller to work too !

It might be easy to many of you but it wasn't for me. I wonder if I'll ever sort out all my network connections if I want to do more with the box later on.

I know I've still got lots to learn. With time I'm sure the box is going to really be good.

How would I have know to open the config file in plugins (to edit the servers' addresses) with 'Notepad2'? Without Goran's warning I would've done my editing with notepad and probably got extra 'characters' and messed that and other files up.

The live feeds plugin is great, I tried it out just now...lots of feeds. Ok, that's enough...thanks again to all the 'wise ones'. If you hadn't taken the time & trouble to post & help other people I'd still be stuck.