01-10-2009, 07:51 AM
Wow, it's not as straightforward as it used to be with the good old dvd players! Still looking for-eventual- rc codes to unlock me Sharp BD-HP-21s. to allow playback of bd disks bot in the USofA. In the meantime came across a -rather ***bersime- solution that cd work for other makes as well. To updte the player's firmware one needs to load it to a USB key and then upload the lot to the player. On the tech support site there are versions for various marks. Once u upgrade- thruUSB- u cannot upgrade to the same FW for a different zone. BUT: IF U BURN THE UPGRADE FW TO A BOOTABLE CD ROM (AS iso FILE) THIS BYPASSES ALL RESTRICTIONS AND U CAN UPGRADE TO DIFFERENT ZONE VERSIONS USING DIFFERENT CD ROMS!