View Full Version : Fw 0.9.378 is not fake

01-10-2009, 01:19 PM
This firmware is for real..

any beta testers want to let us all know what improvements are in this firmware?

when we going to get this firmware also?

01-10-2009, 01:43 PM
is a south american firmware. it's like 3281 but with dvb-c fixed for brazil.

next firmware will include this fix too. this week should be released new firmware i think. with more stuff coming. most of them bug fixes.

i heard... not 100% sure...some interface changes. and new multicas will only work with this new firmware. so some stuff must have changed in EMU's behaviors?

don't want to start rumors. but i would like to openxcas to be gone :) this would improve zapping a lot! mower (the_ripper) was working on this.
but like i said. i dunno for sure what we should expect.

01-10-2009, 04:12 PM
Any thoughts on when they will fix the file server issue?