View Full Version : vbox11 earth problem?

01-10-2009, 07:29 PM
hi all

my vbox11 is playing up with certain transponders on a few sats.
i changed everything cable lnb, etc... but problem persists.
what i have now noticed is that if i touch the connector coming in from the lnb the picture clears fine,or if i stand near it.
i think perhaps it maybe an earthing problem.is there any way to check this or is my vbox just ****ged.

01-10-2009, 10:14 PM
this is a well know problem with the vbox.
mine does it too on certain high frequecies in both bands.
the old TPS multivision transponder was one of them.i never did find an answer to this problem,but im not sure its the earth as you can cause the same amount of improvement as by touching the imput simply by hovering your hand over the box and therefore shielding it from the rest of your sat equipment.
so obviously the next step was to lenghten the cables and move it away from my dreambox ect.but this didnt work,i still had the same issue and the problem still remains.ian.

ps no phones are nearby,that was the first thing i checked.