View Full Version : New FW: 0.9.3501 - discussssss...... :)

02-10-2009, 04:22 AM
It would appear we need a thread to debate the pros and cons... so here goes...

Quick install... first [superficial] impressions... ;)

I only have the Elite model, plus only 1 Sat TV tuner, so limited testing possible...

From what I have seen...

Still the same internet [wired] speed, sorry but... No LAN improvement that I can see...

No change re. having to double press on OK to get the list of channels. No big deal, though. Annoying but... tolerable...

Great work on EPG, Blu!!! Working great - fast and furious and plenty of...:sifone: Red button for single channel EPG...:bravo-009: Easy to programme the recording now!

Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> no more Manual Install option, guys! It is now DOWNLOAD EXECUTABLE -> you will see the links of support servers to get your plug-ins there, guys... ;)

Downloaded and installed: MultiCAS 160A-02A.tgz - will check it now...

Just to add first: new in the Menu are also DOWNLOAD CONFIG and DOWNLOAD OTHERS [similar to Enigma, then... :D]!

In Config - you will get the configuration files for EMUs/CS SW, guys... In "others" - nothing yet...

So, off we go to MultiCAS, swiftly, hehe...

Downloaded Telesat's MultiCAS Edit, so will now try to connect and add the CCcam server details...

I forgot - from DOWNLOAD CONFIG one must DL MultiCAS CCcam config files, of course...

When you have the file installed, then you can play with it, using the editor...

One can do it all manually, via remote, too, in the Smart Card Splitter and CS, as it is now known, this sub-menu.

Get to and change the:
-Mode to Client CCcam [if, like me, you have no smartcard to play with and share]
-Server No. 1
-Host Name Use - write something like: something.dyndns.org [or whatever the data you get from your server/peer is],
Port - 12000 or whatever it is
User Name - whatever it is
Password - whatever it is
Server - Enable
Connect - test it

It should say "[B]login success"...

Repeat for all the servers you have, up to 32, for now... Enough? :rolleyes:

Red Button = Save. But stil: as soon as I wanted to get out, it first asked me if I want all of my servers to login to server. Press OK, of course.

The connection was fast!!! Let's just leave it at that. Pink/Total TV [Irdeto/N*D*S]: vroom, vrooooommmm!!! :D As I was in FILM Fav Menu, it was working both with the EMU [DigiTV] and as a CS SW [whatever isn't publicly hacked...] - fairly well!!!

Well, I only have 3 servers but all was working just fine, loadsa stuff open, more-or-less stable [there were no one too many little freezes, depending on the distance of the card opening your packages] and faster than before zapping, too... [depending on the package etc., naturally!]

And that's even though I haven't got many cards at distance 1... Well, fast, of course, relatively speaking... [still!] Considerably faster and more stable than before! Zapping doesn't kill it! Sometimes it takes longer to open it but that's perfectly OK!

Tested a little sample of recording to USB Memory Stick - loadsa freezes, not quite that good, it seems... yet! But I tortured it on S k y Italia, so there... Give te developers the benefit of the doubt for now... ;)

Also, couldn't connect to my Home Network, somehow...

Generally speaking, really good! I went through all the major packages on most major satellites! In other words: a major improvement!!!

I fear that this box is knocking on the doors of BIG TIME, guys!!! Just watch it! Literally!!!! :D As will DMM and the rest... :)

P.S. I am waiting for The_Ripper to do the new Mbox 1.0... Allegedly, it's gonna be really good, hehe... Well, let's hope... I mean, it is still faster than CCcam client built into MultiCAS, so...

02-10-2009, 04:32 AM
I tried the new 3501 firmware and still there is a big fail with Audio on some tv mine (LG50PG4500)...
That problem only occurs on 1080P output.
720P = working good
1080i = working good.
1080P = here is the problem.
Auto = working well (some strange movement on tv the programs due to is working on 25Hz did not double the images for 50hz..) info on TV where (25hz)

After so many checks the error is found on new firmw 3281 and 3501 maybe due its new Video and Audio menu...

I found that on LG Tv with option on Video/audio -> Digital Output = PCM sound always have a noise claps or cracks on sound, and on menu too..
In older firmwares i could change Digital Output = Dolby Digital and the problems gone, and all work perfectly...

In New firmwares that changed, and new seperated audio is there...
But tried to changin all options and no solution for noise claps or cracks on sound...

First one i dont remember = Tried both Dolby Digital and off.
Dolby = PCM and RAW
Other = PCM and RAW
I tried all combinations...and no solution for the problem...
Maybe a problem is that new menu did not activate or something the dolby digital output throught HDMI...

02-10-2009, 07:08 AM
***** AZBox Beta HD Firmware 0.9.3501


- USB memory stick without partition is now supported

- Movie Player: Bookmark option works better.

- Using the bookmark function does not work after the 1 hour mark.

- No recognition of audio languages in mkv files

- TTX menu hangs when attempting to view teletext on "Canal+ Film HD" on HotBird 11278Mhz.

- TELETEXT Polish Characters


- USB keyboard is supported (Not yet available for browser)

- 70.0W & 180W satellite TPs

- Audio API for plugins


- MKV Movies with high bitrates cannot be correctly reproduced

- Optimized FORMAT procedure
Now Formatting 1TB disks takes under 20 minutes

- Copy speed (HDD, USB) is 30% faster than older versions

The ***** AZBox Team

02-10-2009, 07:51 AM
In Guide.

Can't see freeview option anymore <green button> is this now auto updated?

02-10-2009, 07:56 AM
With new firmware i cant connect to internet at all with wifi

It finds my free wifi(no locked) and it cant connect.So no plugins no youtube

Also my diablo wifi cam keeps freezing

With previous firmware 3281 i didn't have these problems

All other work ok

02-10-2009, 08:16 AM
this firmware interface and plugin management is awsome!!

download exec
download configs is really cool too.

latest multicas available online :) raelly fast zapping and easy to set up!
all by interface.

02-10-2009, 08:29 AM
i can t get multicas to work
i can t set it nor by multicasedit nor by smartcart interface
i ve downloaded MultiCAS 160A-02A from "download exec" section azboxworld server
i ve downloaded multicas160A-02A config from "download config" section
and i cant set the server details
in multicasedit i get an error everytime i click update and the program closes
in smartcard interface it don t seem to save the info i place in

i even downloaded cccamclient0.2 config from "download config" section
and alla i get is a cccam.cfg, splitterdate.txt and an empty splitterdata.bin file in the multicas folder

pls help guys

02-10-2009, 08:55 AM
I've went for clean install and can't get anything to work. using box to down load Mutlicas and it looks like it down loads but it don't appear in menu or in the plugin/openxcas folder. Trying from scratch again.

02-10-2009, 09:03 AM
I've went for clean install and can't get anything to work. using box to down load Mutlicas and it looks like it down loads but it don't appear in menu or in the plugin/openxcas folder. Trying from scratch again.

it needed a reboot for me for multicas to show up

did a clean install too...
downloaded openxcas
downloaded multicas
downloaded multicas config
and i can t set the server

it s driving me nuts

02-10-2009, 09:06 AM
It doesn't even appear in the cam list.

After reboot it now appears. The reboot must install the down loaded file.

02-10-2009, 09:14 AM
didnt appear after reboot?

ok i m doing a clean install again

someone should write down what files are needed so we can use multicas as a cccam client

splitterdata.bin file is needed?
coz all multicasedit is doing is uploading an empty splitterdata.bin in multicas folder and then crashes

02-10-2009, 09:17 AM
config it all by interface! :)

card data
cccam cline
press ok to log in then save (red)

multicas works raelly fast here (like mbox) but i have to get a cccam cline now to test :)

02-10-2009, 09:27 AM
thanks but

all i need to download is MultiCAS 160A-02A
and MultiCAS 160A-02A_config?

so i can use multicas as a cccam client?

nothing else?

02-10-2009, 09:27 AM
Something is not right when I press red nothing appears to happen no files are updated.

02-10-2009, 09:29 AM
thanks but

all i need to download is MultiCAS 160A-02A
and MultiCAS 160A-02A_config?

nothing else?

after OpenXcas from azboxworld thats all I've done so far. and then rebooted.

Just noticed the date on my emu_module in MultiCas folder is 08/01/2009 this can't be correct.

02-10-2009, 09:29 AM
Something is not right when I press red nothing appears to happen no files are updated.

same happens with me

02-10-2009, 09:36 AM
Might go back a fw setup then just update.

@ hfmls did you update or clean install

02-10-2009, 09:40 AM
ok now it works

did a clean install again (formated application area)
downloaded openxcas and rebooted
downloaded multicas and rebooted
download multicas_config and rebooted
i went down to smartcard interface
placed the server info
and clicked ok on login and then save

now it works

02-10-2009, 09:42 AM
Will try again.

Done as suggested working now.

what a pain that was.

Now to test First impression Wow.

02-10-2009, 09:47 AM
BTW multiCASedit works like a charm now :sifone:

02-10-2009, 10:13 AM
allways! clean install

02-10-2009, 10:20 AM
from where I download OpenXCAS?

02-10-2009, 10:22 AM
edit plugin html to 'azboxworld.com' via blue button

02-10-2009, 10:28 AM
when I press on "connect:login" nothing happens. This is driving me crazy now.

02-10-2009, 10:31 AM
restart your box... I had to do it a few times for the changes to take effect...

0.8W works like a charm now... going to try 28.2E now

02-10-2009, 10:32 AM
I installed last night and only test the problem with pictures that I remembered ... problem resolve.. I can see pictures of high resolution ( > 1080p resolution)... good improve..


02-10-2009, 10:36 AM
multicas from local works right away!
with cccam i had to restart box a few times. :)

zapping is 2 seconds with cccam!! what da hell. faster than mbox.

02-10-2009, 10:41 AM
Why am I in work...This is so unfair! I want to be in the house testing this.

02-10-2009, 10:42 AM
Now it worked but for me this is not any better than CCcam Client v 0.2. Still can not decode New Irdeto 5.7 Zeta cards like Showtime. It looks my subscription is only for my CCcam peers and I am not going to watch showtime as long as I have azbox.:confused::o15:

02-10-2009, 10:43 AM
tested 28.2E...

one word...


02-10-2009, 10:45 AM
zapping with cccam cline - 2 seconds.

02-10-2009, 10:47 AM
tested 28.2E...

one word...


I get freezes every few mins but recovers it's self in a second.

02-10-2009, 11:08 AM
This is sounding promising very well done opensat credit where credit is due!

Cant wait to test myself.

what improvements have been made to epg??


02-10-2009, 11:10 AM
This is sounding promising very well done opensat credit where credit is due!

Cant wait to test myself.

what improvements have been made to epg??


EPG we apear to have lost the freeview option

02-10-2009, 11:18 AM
its a plugin apparently...dont know how you apply it though...

02-10-2009, 11:19 AM
I get freezes every few mins but recovers it's self in a second.

I am connected to CCCam server 2.0.11... I have had issues on 28.2 with any version greater than that...

02-10-2009, 11:26 AM
Great work on EPG, Blu!!! Working great - fast and furious and plenty of...:sifone: Red button for single channel EPG...:bravo-009: Easy to programme the recording now!

How do the new EPG plugins work in this version Goran?

02-10-2009, 12:35 PM
After making so many new checks.. and trying it on german channels that have more audios..

If the channel (HD or SD) have audios like..
xxxxxxx_AC3(S) or xxxxxxx_AC3 the HDMI sound is working great..
But if the channel have audios like
The noise claps or cratch start again, and in menu is making noise too..

Maybe is not the HDMI driver, and could be a problem with sound converter or option that not activate well...

Best regards Clock..

02-10-2009, 01:15 PM
No clean install needed!

I described how to do it - precisely!

Mbox is still faster at my end, especially with some more demanding stuff, still needing cca. 4 secs to open...

Good progress!:respect-048:

02-10-2009, 01:33 PM
Goran I think they mean your coment about EPG How good it is.
For UK peeps it appears not so good unless we are missing somthing. No Freeview option now.

02-10-2009, 01:45 PM
Ech, sorry, it was late/very early in the morning when I had a chance to test it finally, so I didn't manage with the plugins - I just pressed on EPG button on my remote and S k y Italia had it all... I stopped trying to go any more forward in time... Don't even know if it's 7 day or whatever...

It was a quick test and reporting as I was doing it, you know... ;)

So, you tell me in more detail, please... :)

02-10-2009, 01:47 PM
We used to have a green button option with in the epg to download the UK freeview 7day listing. this has now gone.

02-10-2009, 01:50 PM
Ok before I get home from work can anybody tell me if this 'upgrade' is actually worth it?

02-10-2009, 01:50 PM
That I know. But have you tried the EPG button and scroll...? ;) It seems DJBlu's good work was integrated into the FW, which is better than plugins, non? ;) :)

02-10-2009, 01:55 PM
EPG only showing now and next as it used to before the option for download.

02-10-2009, 02:11 PM
Ok before I get home from work can anybody tell me if this 'upgrade' is actually worth it?

As with all the 'firmware releases' its two steps forward with a few backward thrown in for balance :p

One day there may be a release that incorporates all the forward steps at the same time... lol

Still ... I'm grateful for anything.


02-10-2009, 02:19 PM
Cheers AJR, I probably would have tried it out anyway...Cusriosity would have got the better of me in the end :D

02-10-2009, 02:25 PM
EPG only showing now and next as it used to before the option for download.

except sky and fta germany channels, they have a fuller guide

02-10-2009, 02:32 PM
except sky and fta germany channels, they have a fuller guide

I think they have a full guide on all FTA receivers anyway.

Dig Deep
02-10-2009, 03:01 PM
So, at last we are on the move :respect-055:

This will be fun, for us ******ers :bravo-009: Hehe forbidden words lol (AZ B oxers)

02-10-2009, 03:20 PM
hi. i find cccam 2.1.1 is still better then multicas . multicas is ok but freezes a bit with cccam its realy good

02-10-2009, 04:01 PM
... so there's this new Multicas dubbed 1.60A-02A ...
Now, if I would like to connect to a cccam server with this emu, should I put a standard C line in the cccam.cfg file - found in the very same folder - or should I enter the data in the splitterdata.txt file with a previously described method...?

Like this:

hostname =
port =
username =
password =

02-10-2009, 04:18 PM
Hi Guy's

I havent been able to get Mbox to decode anything since upgrading to this new firmware. Mbox is running and shares all the cards ok, but will not clear any channels.

I checked with Mbox manager and it is not sending any data to my peers.

No share.info, share.onl, ecm.info or pid.info.

Any Idea's ?

02-10-2009, 04:43 PM
This explains some of the issues I found.

OpenSAT is proud to present

AZBox HD Firmware - rev. 0.9.3501


- USB memroy stick without partition is not supported

- Movie Player: Bookmark option doesn't work very well

- If you want to use bookmark function do not work if you are beyond 1 hour mark.

- Still no recognize of audio language in mkv files

- When you try to see the teletext on "Canal+ Film HD" of HotBird 11278Mhz, TTX menu hangs up.

- TELETEXT is without polish character


- USB keyboard is supported (Currently, not available in browser)

- US Diseqc is supported

- US Channel Mapping is supported

- EPG plugins for US

- EGP plugins for SkyUK, SkyItalia, Freesat

- 70.0W & 180W satellite TPs

- Audio API for plugins

- Change the initial page of web browser to 'www.azbox.com'

- IPTV HTTP stream support


- MKV Movies with high bitrates cannot be correctly reproduced

- Optimized FORMAT procedure
Now when we format 1TB disk, it takes under 20 minutes

- The speed of copying(HDD, USB) is 30% faster than old version

- Modify WiFi for encryption

- Increase GUI speed

Best Regards,

The OpenSAT/AZBox Team

So where do we get the plugins from ?

02-10-2009, 04:51 PM
well if we have sky uk epg all we need now is cccam as a server and we are cooking

02-10-2009, 05:09 PM
Have Mbox running ok now, had to delete the ignore and allow list, then restarted.

Mbox and this firmware are working great, a lot less freezes and channel change times are much better.

Cant wait for Mbox 1.0 to emerge, then it'll be great

Now I'm going to try to get MGcamd to work alongside Mbox, although dont hold out much hope.

I need Mgcamd for the cable tuner I fitted alongside the sat tuner lol, or does anyone know if another cam can work at the same time as Mbox, that uses the Softcam.key file?

Nice to see some progress, well done Opensat :respect-040:

02-10-2009, 05:23 PM
this is my first post.

i got my box 1 week ago and i have been reading since then.
:respect-055:just like to say thanks for all the great info and posts...

i am know sitting with the newest fw and the newest multicas watching
s*y extra on local card without 1 glitch...........one word


thanks again

02-10-2009, 05:24 PM
Anyone know where and if these epg plugins are


02-10-2009, 05:38 PM
u have to put clines in cccam.cfg using multicas

check plugins in emu! :) u can set that manually! and then press login till logged in appears :)

we have now a cool menu for multicas:)

02-10-2009, 05:43 PM
I used telesats multicas editor and there does not seem to be any clines in cccam.cfg
but in the multicas emu menu its connected ok and recieves shares fine.
I think the editor uses and modifies the splitterdata.bin

I tried to add clines in cccam.cfg but did not connect at all.

02-10-2009, 05:47 PM
u have to put clines in cccam.cfg using multicas

check plugins in emu! :) u can set that manually! and then press login till logged in appears :)

we have now a cool menu for multicas:)

It's the EPG plugins were looking for. Can't find them on any plugin servers.

02-10-2009, 06:35 PM
I've upgraded and am getting the subtitles permanently on problem that occurred a while ago ?!?!?!? does anyone know of the solution

also, i'm using OpenXCAS with dvdapiCAS activated within it, is the new MultiCAS with CCcam functionality any better or more reliable ??

Any opinions or advice would be appreciated :respect-064:

02-10-2009, 06:37 PM
settings language and turn them off

02-10-2009, 06:37 PM
Well, the Fullscreen on 4:3 feeds is still broken and annoying clicks when changing channels over HDMI still present.

On the plus side the GUI feels much faster.

Any one have tried HD play back using the USB with the new fireware or is the speed incress is only for copying?

02-10-2009, 07:45 PM
Hmmm, I've tried installation now twice, incl DOM format, but somehow it seems it does not process any ECM's in Mbox. It is opening my channels however.
I don't see activity in newcs though...

Actually, it opened my channels even before I installed newcs and mbox...

Before I installed any EMU...

What's going on...

02-10-2009, 07:47 PM
hmmmm...checkedd mbox.cfg ? changed EMU to PLUGINS?
dunno, here all goes ok.

put chmod 777 in all files so there's no mistake.

02-10-2009, 07:51 PM
Both Mbox and newcs are running, and I see my peers are connected, etc.

I don't see any activity on newcs however, apart from the active connection from mbox, and I don't see any ecm.info and pid.info being filled...

If these aren't filled, I can't have any picture can I?

Is MultiCAS running in the backgroup without being visible in FTP and process list (ps -aux)????

Huh?? Mbox is decoding when I open channels from my peers. When I open channels from my card, I don't see decoding...

02-10-2009, 07:52 PM
I,ve upgraded without format so Now i've Aldo emu dir with cccam installed. Is it always download and install multicas as expleined above or not ?

02-10-2009, 07:53 PM
I must be missing something I cant find the download for the MultiCAS 1.6 in the plugins to download, do I need to setup a new download server..??

and I dont get any freesat epg..??

02-10-2009, 08:05 PM
All working here big thanks :respect-059:

Def. need to do fresh install then install as per previous otherwise the config file does not save .

02-10-2009, 08:25 PM
It did save in my case, m8s...

02-10-2009, 08:32 PM
Still getting the DTS bug in mkv files that first appeared in 3281 :banghead:

02-10-2009, 08:34 PM
tried to update firmware from internet ,it downloads it but after i get a message fail to update,will try with usb

02-10-2009, 08:51 PM
3501 + new Multicas Rocks!

02-10-2009, 08:52 PM
Anyone find out how to do UK EPG?

02-10-2009, 09:15 PM
I must be missing something I cant find the download for the MultiCAS 1.6 in the plugins to download, do I need to setup a new download server..??

and I dont get any freesat epg..??

Got a bit further, having manually creating a OPENXCAS folder I can now see Multicas as available to download, it goes through the motions of downloading and installing , but when I go to look for the cam its not there

02-10-2009, 09:19 PM
Did you download the config.tgz from the Download Config menu? I( then had to reboot but it was there.

02-10-2009, 09:27 PM
anyone knows how we can do like server im trying to install cccam 204 i have install lib and dvbapicas and change all the folders i can receive but not works like server

02-10-2009, 09:39 PM
Did you download the config.tgz from the Download Config menu? I( then had to reboot but it was there.

not yet Ill do that and feed back , thanks for your help

02-10-2009, 09:43 PM
Getting jumps on sly UK and not clearing sly hd channels though here

02-10-2009, 09:59 PM
Surely I can't be the only one that finds nothing good with this 'new' firmware?

Just as slow at channel changing, with CCCAM, and we seem to have lost the full EPG for the UK.

Yes, I did do a fresh install, but really I find nothing great with this version.

02-10-2009, 10:09 PM
please explain how configure to works like server and client cccam using multicas

02-10-2009, 10:13 PM
Neotionbox what is the changelog of the new multicas?

02-10-2009, 10:20 PM
Surely I can't be the only one that finds nothing good with this 'new' firmware?

Just as slow at channel changing, with CCCAM, and we seem to have lost the full EPG for the UK.

Yes, I did do a fresh install, but really I find nothing great with this version.

For me to, it has not been great shakes. Picture quality for me is not as good as the last beta and it is back to.2880 level. I dont use CCCAM so it is not really that important for me. I use freesat EPG which went in this new beta...zapping for me is also slower than last beta. FW is a step backward for me but I still commend them for at least improving CCAM ( MultiCas) for people who need it.

Flash video support , wireless keyboard, freesat or Sly EPG, improved LAN & WAN bandwith will be a step in the right direction going forward.

02-10-2009, 10:33 PM
well sorryy friends, but u must have done something seriously wrong.

most of users (include me) notice a faster azbox menus response, zapping, and interface. new emu options and much more stability...

sad to read that.

02-10-2009, 10:35 PM
Will ever dual 2xDVB-S2 work on this device? What about real recording with dual tuner?

02-10-2009, 10:36 PM
Well download latest multicas and the cfg files from download server.
result is OK but when i look inside MuliCAS map only executble is there together with key.bin and openxcas.cfg.

NO example.cccam.cfg or any splitterdata.txt???

Add them manualy doesn't help.

****ing thing won't work @all

02-10-2009, 10:47 PM
well sorryy friends, but u must have done something seriously wrong.

most of users (include me) notice a faster azbox menus response, zapping, and interface. new emu options and much more stability...

sad to read that.

I am not knocking opensat..they are making an effort and improved CCCAM as a client. I dont use it but i appreciate so many people do..I did a fresh install and PQ & zapping is definitely slower but like I said, I do commend them but it is not a great improvement on the last beta renaming manual install to executable download is not here nor there though multicas is clearly better.

Hope the development continues.

02-10-2009, 10:50 PM
Well download latest multicas and the cfg files from download server.
result is OK but when i look inside MuliCAS map only executble is there together with key.bin and openxcas.cfg.

NO example.cccam.cfg or any splitterdata.txt???

Add them manualy doesn't help.

****ing thing won't work @all

Try rebooting

if this site had a most popular word count guess the AZ forum would win with Reboot

02-10-2009, 10:52 PM
I am not knocking opensat..they are making an effort and improved CCCAM as a client. I dont use it but i appreciate so many people do..I did a fresh install and PQ & zapping is definitely slower but like I said, I do commend them but it is not a great improvement on the last beta renaming manual install to executable download is not here nor there though multicas is clearly better.

Hope the development continues.


03-10-2009, 12:56 AM
i cannot install multicas.i connect to azboxworld server but fails to install multicas.this is a very annoying problem.although i connect to server it fails to install stuff.only to me happens?
i quit and return to previous firmwaare.with this firmware my box is useless,no cccam no mbox nothing.and noone is able to help

03-10-2009, 09:26 AM
i cannot install multicas.i connect to azboxworld server but fails to install multicas.this is a very annoying problem.although i connect to server it fails to install stuff.only to me happens?
i quit and return to previous firmwaare.with this firmware my box is useless,no cccam no mbox nothing.and noone is able to help

After you install MultiCas from azboxword.com, restart your receiver and then continue from there...

03-10-2009, 09:32 AM
hi m8
i tried to install multicas from this server but i get an error message.fail to install cam.it does not even download it although it connects to server and see its contents.i tried 2-3 times to update firmware with usb and always did format application area

03-10-2009, 09:33 AM
anyone get install cccam 204 or 211 and works like server?

Sorry to everyone

i resolved the problem, my router lost the configuration of the open port thats its why i cant connect with my peer.

03-10-2009, 10:06 AM
For me to, it has not been great shakes. Picture quality for me is not as good as the last beta and it is back to.2880 level. I dont use CCCAM so it is not really that important for me. I use freesat EPG which went in this new beta...zapping for me is also slower than last beta. FW is a step backward for me but I still commend them for at least improving CCAM ( MultiCas) for people who need it.

Flash video support , wireless keyboard, freesat or Sly EPG, improved LAN & WAN bandwith will be a step in the right direction going forward.

Pic Quality is a lot bader then bevor in SD, not HD.
You can try it on a 120cm LCD, you see most Pixel.
Have they taken the old Sigmadriver again?
Zapping for me is a little bit faster, from 10 to 8 seconds, of course on FTA :)
Cccam is nice to see, but not needed for me.
IPTV is only a Test, but nice to see that it is working for People with fast DSL.
The Error with last channel when you have streams.txt activated is not so nice ;)

But I have a Question, why did they need 4 Weeks for this "very high Improvements" ???
Why are the basic bugs not fixed?
Why we dont still have most libs and driver integrated, specially NewCs 1.67RC1 lib?
This makes me very angry, because I need to activate everey Time when I reboot this lib and I know its very easy to integrate it.
Why we have all this Errors in dmesg?
Why are some USB devices not recognice on every reboot?
Cccam is not all for this Box, we need most basics running bugfree but they try to improve more and more and get more Errors from new stuff like IPTV
Browser is so slowly and open only a few sites, MKvs are crashing again.
Screenquality is not really good on sd with a lot of Pixels on some Providers.

Ill try a lot with this Box but this Firmware is very disapointing for me.
Soundcrashes, not only on dts is the next Thing and my Philips TV I cant use on this Box with this Firmware
Also my Epg stops, this happens never bevor.
Im back to last Firm because this Firm is not usefull for me

03-10-2009, 10:34 AM
i tried to install multicas from this server but i get an error message.fail to install cam.it does not even download it although it connects to server and see its contents.i tried 2-3 times to update firmware with usb and always did format application area
i downgrade to 2880 and install openxcas2.strange thing is that i can download all plugins from there.but not with openxcas.
what is going on? any ideas?

03-10-2009, 10:40 AM

that is strange
Pic quality here seems better
8 second zap time seriously!! mine is less than 1.5 on encrpyted channels!!
It has managed to play any kind of movie file I have thrown at it! including mkvs
Browser a little slow but opens all sites!
Sometimes a small click noise on channel change but not too bad at all
Epg is working better on other providers as it is keeping more info instead of losing it!
freeview gone is a bit of a blow but as soon as the new plugins come epg will be tremendous.

Cant understand why you have the problems that you do but I can assure you its to do with your setup and not the firmware!

03-10-2009, 10:42 AM
Sorry to hear this is so disappointing for you Hans. I don't recognize all issues reported by you, but then again, I don't have a 120cm screen :)

Zapping is a lot faster for me in this firmware. It is approximately 1.2 seconds from RTL4 to RTL5 when using the channel list. Extremely fast for this azbox. I have not had zapping time > 3 seconds with this new firmware.

03-10-2009, 11:00 AM
[QUOTE=enrico001u;659412]Browser a little slow but opens all sites!

i cannot get the browser working, i set google as my homepage, when i type something in it doesn't do anything,

ideas guys

p.s its always been like that tho.

03-10-2009, 11:22 AM
Sorry to hear this is so disappointing for you Hans. I don't recognize all issues reported by you, but then again, I don't have a 120cm screen :)

Zapping is a lot faster for me in this firmware. It is approximately 1.2 seconds from RTL4 to RTL5 when using the channel list. Extremely fast for this azbox. I have not had zapping time > 3 seconds with this new firmware.

Zapping is <3sec after a fresh reboot, but as longer the box is running the Zapping speed will be slower and slower.
No other Plugins installed than Mbox and NewCS.
Take a Scart cable and look on Ntv and you will see for Pixel, equal which Resolutionsettings
When I go back to 3381 its a lot better.
with EPG you have this on german Channels, dont know the word for Sendungsfortschritt, it stops and this on most Channels.

Have tried last Night a lot with this Firmware, double Domformat and reset after, old 3381 and without Domformat, nothing helps really.
Have taken a fresh Dom with 1GB and also no good result.
I gave up with it for now.
My Box is the same like bevor, so Ill take a break and back to 3381

The biggest Point is the Noisecrashing on every zap, its terrible

03-10-2009, 11:28 AM
Pic Quality is a lot bader then bevor in SD, not HD.
You can try it on a 120cm LCD, you see most Pixel.
Have they taken the old Sigmadriver again?
Zapping for me is a little bit faster, from 10 to 8 seconds, of course on FTA :)
Cccam is nice to see, but not needed for me.
IPTV is only a Test, but nice to see that it is working for People with fast DSL.
The Error with last channel when you have streams.txt activated is not so nice ;)

But I have a Question, why did they need 4 Weeks for this "very high Improvements" ???
Why are the basic bugs not fixed?
Why we dont still have most libs and driver integrated, specially NewCs 1.67RC1 lib?
This makes me very angry, because I need to activate everey Time when I reboot this lib and I know its very easy to integrate it.
Why we have all this Errors in dmesg?
Why are some USB devices not recognice on every reboot?
Cccam is not all for this Box, we need most basics running bugfree but they try to improve more and more and get more Errors from new stuff like IPTV
Browser is so slowly and open only a few sites, MKvs are crashing again.
Screenquality is not really good on sd with a lot of Pixels on some Providers.

Ill try a lot with this Box but this Firmware is very disapointing for me.
Soundcrashes, not only on dts is the next Thing and my Philips TV I cant use on this Box with this Firmware
Also my Epg stops, this happens never bevor.
Im back to last Firm because this Firm is not usefull for me

shame the FW is this bad for you. Zapping is a bit slow for me but that is compared to the last one. It is still about 1sec to zap, doesnt just seems as fast as last beta, i concur on PQ, it is still gr8 on HD but slightlt less so on SD especially on BBC but again it is not bad. I am hopping the sky EPG plugin gets released soon and the new EMU (CheopsCamD) is not bad so I am srill very happy with my Azbox HD.

03-10-2009, 11:52 AM
Like you I am not card sharing, just relying on emus, so will try the your instructions above. But I'm not sure where this info comes from

-Host Name Use - write something like: something.dyndns.org [or whatever the data you get from your server/peer is],

Where is this server/peer? This isn't obvious to me, and I'm sorry if it seems such a stupid question.

03-10-2009, 12:55 PM
i'm so sad with Azbox, never answer on problems inclusive when posting in the "Oficial forum"...No info given..

After more checks i found the problem with audio sounds claps cracks and noise..... for HDMI sound on 1080P on tv..

With a firmwares from begining till 3180.
With the following option activated: Output PCM ( Hava claps cracks and noise on audio inclusive in menu)
http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/7529/salidapcmactiva.jpg (http://img28.imageshack.us/i/salidapcmactiva.jpg/)

With the following option activated: Output Digital (the sound is great ever, no strange sound on menu and noise)

http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/2959/salidadolbyactivada.jpg (http://img526.imageshack.us/i/salidadolbyactivada.jpg/)

The new 3281 and 3501 changed the audio menu, and that option is no more availabe...for that is making claps and cracks and noise, inclusive on menu selection...
It's so hard to include that options in audio on new firmware 3281, 3501 and following firmwares??????.....

03-10-2009, 02:09 PM
Hans, your box is faulty.

Or you did something strange to it.

Gawd, 8 seconds? A nice joke... or something is wrong there. No way you can be serious.

So, my bet is: you have been joking, trying to say it could and it should be faster... Agreed, in that case!

================================= ===============

OK, re. EPG

Can someone, please, test this, as I can't make it behave [my box is behaving strangely, since I put this FWE in]:

Start you PuTTy [telnet], log in and type this in:


then reboot and see if EPG for $ k y is working or not

================================= =============


Started working a bit better, so I suspect that Russian/Ukrainian infrastructure is not capable enough for this many users... that AZbox HD community has... :D

================================= =============

Btw, amongst other weird things, my box is now booting into Radio Channels, FFS...:smash: After I firstly put in this FW, first it was booting into ALL channels, it couldn't remember and boot back into where I was, like before and now, after I put the new FW in again - it's Radio...:smash:

It's all a bit "not quite there" suddenly, I'm sorry to have to say this... And it keeps changing...

Must investigate more...:respect-051:

03-10-2009, 02:22 PM
OK, I just checked again: 16'E -> Total TV -> RTS 1 and 2 -> 7 day EPG IS WORKING!!!!

Went back to S k y UK and - only "Now and Next" on Sci-Fi.

I waited a bit longer to perhaps load but - it didn't.

That's after I typed the line I wrote about via Telnet. But I had it the same way the first time around, before I knew abou the Telnet line! It simply was there [7 day EPG]! Without me doing anything!

Why isn't it there now - I'll never know... I mean, it is behaving a bit strangely...


Must go cook, will do more later... ;) :)

03-10-2009, 02:23 PM
Hi Goran,

not joking, 7-8 Seconds, stopping with clock.
After first reboot all is OK, but after a Time, maybe 5 Hours Box becomes slower and slower only on zapping, up to 8 seconds.
Back to 3381 and all ok with same Things on Box

03-10-2009, 02:29 PM
Even on FTA channels it takes at least 5 seconds to change channel, so I don't see how people are claiming to get 2 seconds or less.

On CCCAM encrypted channels it is about 8 seconds or more.

This firmware is just as bad as all the others for speed of channel change. :smash:

03-10-2009, 02:31 PM
Goran, can confirm that EPG is not working using that method

03-10-2009, 02:32 PM
Hmmm, this firmware seemed to be a few steps forward e.g. timeshift now works for radio broadcasts. But, come on guys, stop playing games, where's the Freesat EPG gone? I'm going back to the previous firmware unless this 'plugin' is made available soon.

03-10-2009, 02:32 PM
OK, re. EPG

Can someone, please, test this, as I can't make it behave [my box is behaving strangely, since I put this FWE in]:

Start you PuTTy [telnet], log in and type this in:


then reboot and see if EPG for $ k y is working or not


Nothing happened...

03-10-2009, 02:40 PM
Well. I have a minor quite strange thing. When playing a playlist of MP3's the next track is not automatically starting. Instead the first playable MP3 keeps on playing. Hopefully ClosedSat reads this forum. :ack2:

03-10-2009, 02:45 PM
who can help me install plugins on this firmware? i cannot do it from plugins menu.i can give ftp-ssh access on my box.
pls i am desperate

03-10-2009, 02:47 PM
OK, re. EPG

Start your PuTTy [telnet], log in and type this in:

mkdir -p /PLUGINS/EURO_EPGthen reboot!!!


I pressed Receive EPG on all 3 packages... one must increase memory to maximum 15MB!!! Then press "Receive"... ;)

16'E -> Total TV -> RTS 1 and 2 -> 7 day EPG IS WORKING without the plugin!!!!

================================= =============


Started working a bit better, so I suspect that Russian/Ukrainian infrastructure is not capable enough for this many users... that AZbox HD community has...

================================= =============

For those who do not bother reading, let me repeat:

0) Home -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> no more Manual Install option, guys! It is now DOWNLOAD EXECUTABLE -> you will see the links of support servers to get your plug-ins there, guys...

1) Downloaded and installed: MultiCAS 160A-02A.tgz

2) In Config - you will get the configuration files for EMUs/CS SW, guys... In "Others" - nothing yet... From DOWNLOAD CONFIG one must download MultiCAS CCcam config files.

3) So, off we go to Home -> Plug-ins -> [...] -> MultiCAS -> using your remote control -> Smart Card Splitter and CS.

4) Change the following, using your REMOTE:

-change the Mode to Client CCcam [if, like me, you have no smartcard to play with and share] - you can connect to other people's servers

-choose Server No. 1

-choose Host Name Use - write something like: something.dyndns.org [whatever the data you get from your server/peer is, like gorski.dyndns.org or whatever your server is called like - I DO NOT HAVE A SERVER, THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE!!!],

-choose the Port - 12000 or whatever it is that your peer tells you to use

-User Name - whatever it is [you must have a username that normally your peer gives you and put in his server to allow you access to his server]

-Password - whatever it is [like above]

-Server - Enable

-Connect - test it

It should say "[B]login success"...

Repeat for all the servers you have, up to 32, for now... Enough?

Red Button = Save.

5) But still: as soon as I wanted to get out, it first asked me, in a little pop-up window, if I want to login to all my servers now. Press OK, of course. It will connect to your peers aaaaaand....

...once in a TV channel, the connection was fast!!! Let's just leave it at that. Pink/Total TV [Irdeto/N*D*S]: vroom, vrooooommmm!!! :sifone:

Well, I only have 3 servers but all was working just fine, loadsa stuff open, more-or-less stable...

If you have a card, I suppose you need Server and Client Mode.

Try and tell us, please...:cheers2:

03-10-2009, 02:54 PM
Hi Goran,

not joking, 7-8 Seconds, stopping with clock.
After first reboot all is OK, but after a Time, maybe 5 Hours Box becomes slower and slower only on zapping, up to 8 seconds.
Back to 3381 and all ok with same Things on Box

What resolution do you have on the AZBoxHD? I think you have AUTO. Try each another fix resolution eg. 1080i and all will good.

03-10-2009, 03:14 PM
Well. I have a minor quite strange thing. When playing a playlist of MP3's the next track is not automatically starting. Instead the first playable MP3 keeps on playing. Hopefully ClosedSat reads this forum. :ack2:

Well didn't look at it, but from memory, in the former firmware, there was a function selct mode, to repeat 1 number (what you have), repeat all, and play once...

so maybe others can confirm that...

03-10-2009, 03:19 PM
only got SKY 1 epg up until 15 -16PM 6/10/09, very slow at d/loading tho..

03-10-2009, 03:30 PM

But at my end it was stuck on 32/33 %, after I pressed Receive EPG on all 3 packages... Hmmm...

I reduced it to 1 day - stuck on 33% again...

Hmmm... Experts: HELP, please...?!?

Not enough memory, I presume!

Yes, in the Plugin menu the 3 EPG's are set as 1MB, just highlight the one you want and put it up much higher, I got stuck at 82% when I had it at 3 Day on Sky UK so changed it to 15MB.

Woohoo, now we're getting somewhere :respect-059:

03-10-2009, 04:11 PM
What resolution do you have on the AZBoxHD? I think you have AUTO. Try each another fix resolution eg. 1080i and all will good.
As I wrote, have tested ALL Situations with Resolution, I never use auto because I know this Problems, but thanks for trying to help.

03-10-2009, 04:21 PM

But at my end it was stuck on 32/33 %, after I pressed Receive EPG on all 3 packages... Hmmm...

I reduced it to 1 day - stuck on 33% again...

Hmmm... Experts: HELP, please...?!?

Not enough memory, I presume!

Very good plugin. Downloaded only the sly UK EPG and it downloaded it in about 5 minutes.

03-10-2009, 04:24 PM
Hmmm, this firmware seemed to be a few steps forward e.g. timeshift now works for radio broadcasts. But, come on guys, stop playing games, where's the Freesat EPG gone? I'm going back to the previous firmware unless this 'plugin' is made available soon.

OK, I got the Freesat EPG going now, thanks to "Goran"!


The time for the unit to power-up seems to have improved significantly with this firmware as well.

It's nearly time to start recommending this 'product' to family and friends!

03-10-2009, 05:18 PM
mm strange i have done the line in telnet
got the plugin working but by pressing oke to receive epg
i get TP tunning ?? and it stays saying TP Tunning .....

select receive epg = freesat
epg days = 1
tuner select = A because i only have on
freesat TP default 15 mb
anny solutions ? :sifone:

i'm not seeing any percentage ?

03-10-2009, 05:20 PM
@satcatcher select a diferent tp
im not sure what itvhd is on but that transponder should work

try these

10714 H or 10758 V

sky uk

11778 V

sky italia

11881 V

03-10-2009, 06:32 PM

I've had it running for quite a while, this morning zapping was still quite fast. Never near 8 seconds (I never had such long times in the past either, except maybe when using cccam).

There might be of course several different causes for this, hard to compare and analyze.

In general about this firmware: It seems it locked up when playing MP3s this afternoon, had to reboot to get is responding again. Strange. I'll have to look in to this later.

Also, I will try the EPG plugin. Would this work for other EPG's as well now? For example for C+ NL?

03-10-2009, 06:36 PM
Dunno. Even without the plugin Total TV [NDS] has a 7 day EPG. Others do nothing in that department...

Hans, make it simple, no extra files, like prio, allow etc. Also no .sh files, either.

Just bare Emus/CS SW! See then and tell...

I can vouch it works!

03-10-2009, 06:38 PM
OK, re. EPG

Start your PuTTy [telnet], log in and type this in:

mkdir -p /PLUGINS/EURO_EPGthen reboot!!!


Not working for me...

I only see OPEN XCAS in plugins list

03-10-2009, 06:42 PM
...with this FW? It must be there, m8.... Reboot!

Home -> Plug-ins -> EPG should be there...

Repeat, if necessary... Good luck!

03-10-2009, 06:53 PM
My home directory is empty.

03-10-2009, 06:54 PM
Anyone know what the sky_uk.themes and sky_it.themes files are for in the disk2 folder very interesting content.

03-10-2009, 06:54 PM
For me adding the EPG plugin by only creating the folder as Goran described works.

I wonder where this configuration is stored however, because the EURO_EPG folder is empty (Have not downloaded EPG yet, I want to try and add the transponder for C+ NL to the transponder list of this plugin :) )

03-10-2009, 07:01 PM
EURO_EPG folder is always empty. Have you tried going to Plugins menu and select it?

03-10-2009, 07:01 PM
I did the EPG thing again this time using Putty and it worked, but did not work when I used telnet command using Vista.

Downloading ALL the EPG now.

03-10-2009, 07:33 PM
What a waste of time that was...

Despite downloading all the EPG's I only see now and next!


If you select the Individual EPG's to download and NOT select ALL it does work!!!!

Well....Freesat works but SKY UK is just now and next.... Not tried Sky IT yet.

03-10-2009, 07:42 PM
lol :) sometimes we make our own bugs/problems..hehe that's why i test it all before report.
cool that most of users are enjoying this new firmware. i like it a lot.

03-10-2009, 07:50 PM
i can't see tp's under freesat and sky uk only in sky it
somebody knows how this com's

sky uk i only have default also freesat shows only default no tp's :angelsad2:

Paul 48
03-10-2009, 07:58 PM
I had the same problem till i changed the last digit of the ip address to a different number.
Example too

This change enabled me to start the the Wifi set up....


Dig Deep
03-10-2009, 08:35 PM
Well, this veron is no good for me.

Big problems with the subtext and the CCC is getting worse by the minute.

I have to get back to the version I had before this one:rolleyes:

Think I better wait for an official version :respect-011:

Still there are a few good news in this version so the work is going on, still having the same problem, some working fixes are not working anymore.

I kow it is not that easy, peeking that could pook this.

So I wait:respect-069:

03-10-2009, 08:36 PM
why do u use ccc if u have now multicas?

03-10-2009, 08:42 PM
why do u use ccc if u have now multicas?

bcos it dosent run properly keeps freezing after every 2/3 minutes . with native cccam it allmost perfect

03-10-2009, 08:47 PM
i see.
weel i tested yesterday all day with only 1 cline.

all good. no freezes.

but maybe it's different package. wait for new version. fixing is fast by coders.

04-10-2009, 09:06 AM
sky italia

11881 V

r u sure for this?
I see 11880V not 11881V and it stays on EPG Receive 00% for long..

04-10-2009, 09:22 AM
r u sure for this?
I see 11880V not 11881V and it stays on EPG Receive 00% for long..
I did the same test and i can't retrive epg data, I set back to default.

04-10-2009, 09:24 AM
why do u use ccc if u have now multicas?

Well can multicas act as a server for local cards ????

Did some1 try it ??

04-10-2009, 09:34 AM
Hi just wondering if with CCcam client will it clear any irdeto channels as previously with Dvapicas it was and now with multicas and cccam client nothing but most others clearing but more glitchy any help apreciated:respect-055:



Great firmware and update AZBox going forward all is looking promising

04-10-2009, 09:39 AM
With the new firmware + multicas 1.6 (both versions) my irdeto cable channels are not working anymore connected to a local server. Not even sending ecm's.

Native cccam does work.

Cable channels worked with first public beta of multicas with cccam.

04-10-2009, 10:07 AM
my jazeera card (irdeto) freez in the new image 3501 .
multicas 1.59 and 1.60 same problem in this image
many problem for this image for exemple :
-the old bug for nilesat 7.0W is start in this image
-pectures is not nice
-many bug in diseqc 1.2
-freez and reboot in the menu of channels .....

more old problem have restart in this version , the ver 3281 thi bug have ok .

04-10-2009, 11:49 AM
Via**** subtitles does not work, not worked since 3180. Browsing folders in channel FAV's jam the whole box.

04-10-2009, 07:45 PM

Trying to view Sky HD Channels, and although i get the Scrambled message, I have no picture but I do have subtitles. I also have no sound

What is happening here, any idea ?

04-10-2009, 07:50 PM
I think this is normal the subtitles are not encrpyted

04-10-2009, 08:43 PM
I think this is normal the subtitles are not encrpyted

Oh okay, that makes sense
Dont understand why the subtitles are now defaulting to on with some channels but no big deal

Thx fo rthe reply

04-10-2009, 09:02 PM
change subtitle to off in setup menu then all will be ok

04-10-2009, 09:37 PM
there are still a lot of problems...
after adding some channels to the favorite if you want to remove a channel from favorites it can.t remove . if you choose some channels to move in favorites an error occured message display an the receiver reboot itself .
if you select network scan enable in astra 19e and scan 19e . after scanning 19e tplist becomes crazy . if you restart it is ok again .
scanning with network search option any sat . it can found channels . but when you go to somechannels you can see no signal message . after this if you control the tp information of this channel . you can see that tp information is wrong . if you edit the tp with valid values you can view channels .

04-10-2009, 10:20 PM
I also have the subtitles on by default. I have to switch them off on a per channel basis. The "subtitle off" option in settings does not work globally :(

04-10-2009, 10:43 PM
I also have the subtitles on by default. I have to switch them off on a per channel basis. The "subtitle off" option in settings does not work globally :(

why dont you switch them off globally in Setttings -> Language

You can always turn on channel by channel instead of turning off channel by channel

05-10-2009, 11:39 AM
why dont you switch them off globally in Setttings -> Language

You can always turn on channel by channel instead of turning off channel by channel
I will try this later and see how it goes


05-10-2009, 06:09 PM
Hi everyone, let's use this thread for my first message here :)

I got my box one week ago, I had no time to play so much with old firmware, but seams something different in deinterlacing.

since new FW option Pan & Scan for watching 4:3 channels bring picture in flickering state (something like not correct synchronization between odd and even frames).

in general I have feeling that quality of SD channels is lower because of worst deinterlacing algorithm as before.

.. or maybe my setting is somehow wrong ...

anyway great job and I'm looking forward for new versions

05-10-2009, 06:31 PM
You can change the deinterlacing by pressing 'OK', highlighting the channel in question and pressing the 'Menu' button, go down the list to 'Fixed Interlace on' and press'OK', that should sort it out for you, has worked great on the couple of channels I've had issues with.

05-10-2009, 06:47 PM
I have tried already, but that didn't help..

here is how that effect look like



(Output is over HDMI, 1080i, and stream is 4:3) I have tried many different combinations and every time the same (over Scart, 720p, FTA, different sats...)

05-10-2009, 06:50 PM
I have this, when I use auto Resolution and Pan&scan, but never with fixed Setting in Resolution and full screen

07-10-2009, 08:14 PM
Would this be nice to see on AZbox HD or what:http://www.forum.hansveta.com/uploads/1254352691/gallery_38_12_38923.jpg







07-10-2009, 09:29 PM
That and many other things that the box can give... :victory-045:

07-10-2009, 09:36 PM
=goran;660928]Would this be nice to see on AZbox HD or what:[B][B]http://www.forum.hansveta.com/uploads/1254352691/gallery_38_12_38923.jpg

It’s quiet here. BTW, nice pictures.....:respect-058:

08-10-2009, 06:55 AM
Would this be nice to see on AZbox HD or what:[B][B]http://www.forum.hansveta.com/uploads/1254352691/gallery_38_12_38923.jpg


One of my friend ask me about a decoder, I'm thinking to sell him my azbox and buy a DM800 because I think i better supported by company and by others team...
I'd like azbox media center, but now is too early for this decoders: too many bugs to few developments.
I have deceived myself, I thought that with the advent of the Nabilo team things were changing, but nothing news and after the Nabilo's statements, it is clear that there are still many things to do and it seems unclear whether the opensat has the capacity and resources to do so.

I have also a DB800 HD in another home, I never compared the output video quality.
What do you think about DM800HD and AzBox output video quality?

08-10-2009, 07:05 AM
Sorry if this is already answered but how can i upgrade my firmware from 0.9.3281 to 0.9.3501 without loosing my motor settings and channels?

08-10-2009, 07:17 AM
Sorry if this is already answered but how can i upgrade my firmware from 0.9.3281 to 0.9.3501 without loosing my motor settings and channels?

You can upgrade the firmware from internet without loosing you settings but is better upgrade with clear application memory.

Backup your settings, you can found the settings (all_channel.dat, antenna_list.dat, DVBS.dat) into folder \DISK2.

08-10-2009, 07:24 AM
And then how can i restore them?Just copy them again with filezilla to azbox?Will keep my motor settings?Thanks for all

08-10-2009, 08:12 AM
I installed this FW and now the SCD plugin no-longer works.

I have tried deleting the plugin and then re-installing it - but get a blank screen if whenever I try it. Has anyone else found this problem?
Can someone please let me know if there is a fix?

Many thanks and kind regards

08-10-2009, 10:25 AM
Since the new 3501 FW, EMU became PLUGINS, so edit your config files, if necessary, guys...





For instance, in openxcas.conf:

name = dvbapiCAS
path = PLUGIN/OpenXCAS/dvbapiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 0.1

But apparently, that one is not really necessary... ;)

08-10-2009, 11:33 AM
With the new firmware when i scan a tp or a sat it keeps starting from a different sat or tp.Once when i reboot it started from radio channel.Really stranger.All others work perfect.

08-10-2009, 11:43 AM
that's because u have in DISK2
http_streams :)
confirm pls

08-10-2009, 11:50 AM
Really?That is the problem?I'll remove it.Thank u

08-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Since the new 3501 FW, EMU became PLUGINS, so edit your config files, if necessary, guys...





For instance, in openxcas.conf:

But apparently, that one is not really necessary... ;)

Normally not necessary, because EMU is a softlink to PLUGINS...


08-10-2009, 09:02 PM
Can't believe i sold my Dm800 for this box!


08-10-2009, 09:35 PM
Can't believe i sold my Dm800 for this box!

thats your opinion and is respected
my opinion is that i want to sell my 2 dreambox and ipbox and keep this box.any people interested to buy stuff from me?

08-10-2009, 10:53 PM
Normally not necessary, because EMU is a softlink to PLUGINS...


In Mbox Manager 1.82 I put the path with "PLUGINS" and it can't operate...

Interesting, that it can only function with EMU... ;)

09-10-2009, 06:08 PM
Finally took the plunge and "upgraded" to this firmware, now the Wifi doesnt work!

haha...it's so shocking it's becoming funny now...

09-10-2009, 07:22 PM
i bet my azboxhd, ONCE AGAIN that wifi is your problem and update procedure and not firmware/azbox

i prefered to buy a external HDD and a 20€ router to repeat signal from my main wireless router.
so it was cheaper than an azbox hd premium :)

many many users using premium with this firmware reported taht wifi is working.
pls try a little harder to read forum and check out "how to" ..
the problem was that if too far from router. gives bad signal or signal loss. but it worked
but of course! it should be working perfect by now! we must demand that.
but most of the times, the problem is not firmware/hardware

restore factory
format application area
restore factory

.......then set up your box. MUST work.

09-10-2009, 08:01 PM
Anyone know what the sky_uk.themes and sky_it.themes files are for in the disk2 folder very interesting content.

All these are is the Categories of the Programmes.

Nothing Special.

0xb0 = Sport - Football for example.

09-10-2009, 08:49 PM
Well if the EPG will support in the future the filter by category it will be very useful, indeed :coolgleamA:

09-10-2009, 10:44 PM
i bet my azboxhd, ONCE AGAIN that wifi is your problem and update procedure and not firmware/azbox

i prefered to buy a external HDD and a 20€ router to repeat signal from my main wireless router.
so it was cheaper than an azbox hd premium :)

many many users using premium with this firmware reported taht wifi is working.
pls try a little harder to read forum and check out "how to" ..
the problem was that if too far from router. gives bad signal or signal loss. but it worked
but of course! it should be working perfect by now! we must demand that.
but most of the times, the problem is not firmware/hardware

restore factory
format application area
restore factory

.......then set up your box. MUST work.


All these steps were made and... Nothing!
With no encription I can get connection and the signal is the same (máx)!
So... I dont know what´s the problem...
I´ve tried all kinds of encription and nothing worked. Not to talk about all the reboots I made...
I would apreciate if someone who owns a Premium and working with encripted wlan give me some clues...

Best Regards

09-10-2009, 11:42 PM
oh! encription is other story :)

10-10-2009, 10:19 AM
I followed all steps to the book, and nothing!

I have two routers, one encrypted, and one open. I can connect to the encrypted one, but not the open???

Obviously, i need to be connecting to the open one otherwise there wouldn't be an issuse!

11-10-2009, 12:29 PM
The intermittent macrovision bug is still present in this FW. I wish they would fix it.

13-10-2009, 07:40 PM
I seem to have improved my zapping speed by turning on fixed interlacing on all channels

just thought id mention so a few of you could try it.

hope this helps!

14-10-2009, 03:04 AM
The plugin mboxinfo can't be closed correctly in this fw. After pressing exit it always appears on the screen. Only deinstall helps. :smash:

Do I need a new version?

Also Mbox Control Center doesn't work properly. It can't download cwshare.cfg and shows wrong info. :(

Any help?

14-10-2009, 05:29 AM
MCC works fine.

19-10-2009, 03:03 PM
Any news about an upcoming firm?
It s been a while now since 3501...
Or they are just focused on multicas?

19-10-2009, 03:06 PM
multicas and firmware coders aren't the same i think.

but i do believe they work side by side.

19-10-2009, 03:32 PM
yesterday i was testing multicas i had before dvbapicas and i think that there is no difference between both maybe multicas quicliest to open and zapping but more stable for me dvbapicas no too much restart. i noticed that multicas connect the first line and then the second no choose the best server its true?

19-10-2009, 03:34 PM
depends on wich packages u are trying to watch.

hispasat here works perfect. without restarting :)
i only restart when new version comes out

19-10-2009, 03:41 PM
i have not tested yet on hispasat, it works fine with french even hd and spain on astra 19, dvbapicas on hispasat spain difficulties to open but for example sly uk i have noticed the same feezes and rate. also i could record few seconds and works.
today i will test better. althoug this morning when i tried to record appear a message say "the format is not support" or something like that..

20-10-2009, 01:51 PM

NEW MultiCAS_v160D-B02_2k91020

Cards viacces ok
stabylity satelittes-cable
fixed bugs cccam

20-10-2009, 02:04 PM
wow :)
now this changelog i liked :)

20-10-2009, 02:08 PM

NEW MultiCAS_v160D-B02_2k91020

Cards viacces ok
stabylity satelittes-cable
fixed bugs cccam

thanks goran....
i guess this must be 160D-C02

20-10-2009, 02:31 PM
name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.60D-C02


22-10-2009, 06:23 PM
I had to upgrade via USB, because the one from the internet doesn't seem to work http://messenger.msn.com/MMM2006-04-19_17.00/Resource/emoticons/50_50.gif

22-10-2009, 11:22 PM
When I'm turning azbox off from the remote, it starts Samba (Microsoft Net). After turing on these processes are killed.

Noticed whilte telneting to the box. Is that a bug or a feature?

23-10-2009, 09:08 AM
When I'm turning azbox off from the remote, it starts Samba (Microsoft Net). After turing on these processes are killed.

Noticed whilte telneting to the box. Is that a bug or a feature?

I think a feature - that must be changed!

23-10-2009, 10:40 AM

The latest FW, tried streaming from my lappy with Vista.

I just ripped/converted Gilberto Gil concert I bought with Any DVD Converter Pro 3.7.8 and I go it from almost 7 GB to 1.55GB.

Guess what: ERROR!!! The mkv file created is "not supported"...

Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!:beatdeadho rse5:

Avi's are OK...

23-10-2009, 12:10 PM
I have the latest FW installed on my box and got the following problem: When playing mkv files, it always gets stuck somewhere between minute 15-17 and the box needs rebooting. I tried with different mkv files and it's the same annoying problem. All the files are stored on the internal 750GB HDD. I have to mention that I didn't try to play an mkv file on a previous FW version, as I installed the HDD for about one week ago.

What could it be and how can I solve this problem? I am quite angry as I couldn't watch a movie from the beginning till the end.

23-10-2009, 12:23 PM

I thought it was a streaming issue [over WLAN -> LAN]... Because I also had freezes with flac audio files, just now... and that was not WLAN -> LAN but just LAN -> LAN...
