View Full Version : Problems with Clarke Tech Editor Studio

04-10-2009, 12:16 AM

This may be more appropriate under the Clarke Tech section, however I am using the editor on a TM-6900HD Combo Super.

Is anybody using the Clarke Tech Editor Studio 3.09 or 3.10 on Windows Vista? I find an error comes up during the install, and I've read advice to others saying just to click 'ignore' on it, however is there a way to install the editor without that error? Do we need to install some extra software first?

Also, when using the editor, I find that some operations result in a warning error along the lines of 'run-time error 62' 'input past end of file' and the editor just crashes/closes. I think I recall having this on XP, so it may not just be on Vista. However, how do we avoid this problem? Is it something to do with the TM channel lists not being totally compatible with this editor, or the specific way we download/upload them?

I believe the author of the editor Cecelife is Italian and posts on a specific site, but I haven't yet found an English support forum there.
Thanks for any informed advice.


04-10-2009, 04:56 AM
when installing the Clarke Tech Editor Studio right click on it and install as administrator, see if that helps?
If that did not help see if you can run it with XP compatible mode (look in the Vista help for this)
Clarke Tech Studio (step by step) (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=110802)

Runs fine on XP

04-10-2009, 09:30 AM
Thanks for replying, Giga.

(I think you also replied to me recently regarding my trouble with some Astra1 channels, but I have yet to reach a conclusion on that)

Your useful suggestions here re: the editor however haven't led me to a different result; the installation still flags up the 'OLE registry' error, although 'ignoring' it _still seems_ to allow the install to complete properly.

I have looked at the Italian site through a translator site, which was slightly useful, but it appears the author doesn't officially support Vista. ie presumably he doesn't have it.
He answered a query regarding the installation on Vista by saying something like 'well, if hitting ignore works, just do that.'

As I said, I think I had the 'runtime' error sometimes on XP when using the program, but I forget now how I may have worked around it before. It appears it may be to do with some file corruption somewhere.


04-10-2009, 11:32 AM
Alternatively you could use the NDF Editor:

NDF Editor 1.62 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=338) <= click here

04-10-2009, 01:44 PM
Yes, nowhere near as powerful though, is it.
Never mind;

I just wish I could find or remember how to avoid the 'run-time' error I mentioned which sometimes appears when using the Clarke Tech Editor Studio. My current problem, specifically, is when I select a number of channels and try to 'cut' them, a message comes up as I said earlier along the lines of:
'run-time error 62' 'input past end of file'
and when you acknowledge or clear it the editor just crashes/closes.


04-10-2009, 09:36 PM
The person asking about the installation error on the official Italian forum is me (I use a different nick there). And as you say, he replied that he never thought of supporting it on Vista, but that he is happy to hear that it works if you click on Ignore. Btw, I use it on a daily basis to update my channel list and I do a lot of cuts and pastes (of many channels together) and I have never had any problems with that on both the current and previous version.

04-10-2009, 11:33 PM
Hello The God and thanks for that.
I take from what you say that the 'ignore' during the Vista install has no side effects you've noticed.

Regarding the run-time error; presumably there is something about my channel lists or the way I download/upload them that may be causing the run-time error.
Can you, or Giga, or indeed anybody else, kindly tell me the specific way you use to upload/download your channel lists from a TM 6900 HD Combo Super? I can then try the same exact method.
I assume Giga's method is as per his detailed tutorial.


05-10-2009, 06:02 AM
I'm now using a 5 meter null modem cable for uploading and downloading the channel list with the com1 port, keeping it in the same format. sometimes when using the USB key, I get a channellist I no longer can upload. Sometimes the download or upload is not working the first time or you get a message to switch of the STB. Trying a second mostly works.

Is it allways the same runtime error? and what is it saying? could give an indication where it goes wrong.
Try this: go to the folder where Clarke Tech Studio.exe is. Right click on it and mark [v] run as administrator. This way it should always start up with administrator rights.

05-10-2009, 06:25 AM
Yes, during install I just clicked on Ignore.

I always use the USB to upload/download (I have done that over a hundred times) and never had any problems. The channels list I am using was created by me in ClarkTech Studio via KoS. I've done that 6 months ago and since then I just update the list manually with any new channels that are worth viewing.

Which version of Vista are you using? I am using 'Business' and I have UAC disabled (maybe that can help).

05-10-2009, 06:28 AM
I have UAC disabled (maybe that can help).
that could do the trick

05-10-2009, 11:56 AM
Hello again and thanks for your help and suggestions.

I'm using Vista Home Premium on this pc. I have already tamed the annoying User Account Control (!)
This pc doesn't have a RS232 port from what I can tell, so am using USB.
I still have my old XP pc, on which I tended to use the RS232 port via null modem cable rather than USB, just because it saved me unplugging and replugging the USB stick!

The error I am currently getting (as well as the Vista install issue which we are agreeing to ignore) is the 'run-time' error I posted about above, when I try to 'cut' a bunch of channels to later be able to paste them.

I have finally worked around this, with a mixture of guesswork, trying pretty much every available option, and multiple editor windows;
it seems my problem _might have been_ there was something about my ITV4 Terrestrial channel that the editor didn't like. I can't see what that may have been however from looking at the channel's details under 'modify'.
There didn't seem to be an issue regarding whether to use .ndf or .cndf

My main reason for wanting to chop and change channels in the editor, is to get a full listing of DTT (digital terrestrial) channels because, as you may know, the receiver annoyingly wipes out any others sharing the same frequency if they are off air at the time you do a scan.
Hence you can't get a full channel list without opening 2 'before and after' lists in two instances of the editor, and then pasting/copying channels.
I also like the Clarke Tech Editor Studio for its 'upper case' font option.

By the way, in case you don't know, whilst looking around for tools, I found Technomate have a better version of their channel editor available on the TM 6900 HD Combo Super download page. It's like the NDF Editor but actually has more channel editing functions. ('View' 'Program list' then you have various right-click options available on the channels).


05-10-2009, 12:16 PM
I have used this one to, there is some error in that software: a minus 1 position error in the DB treatment, sometimes, resulting in overwriting the channel just before the one your working on. (Sometimes)

Run time error '62' - Input Past End of File: could be a problem with your internet antivirus/security software(like: SUPERAntiSpyware, ...)? disconnect form the internet (network)
start up in safe mode and see if you still get same error with Clarke Tech Editor Studio

05-10-2009, 07:20 PM
I have used this one to, there is some error in that software: a minus 1 position error in the DB treatment, sometimes, resulting in overwriting the channel just before the one your working on. (Sometimes)
You mean in the TM editor I mentioned? ok thanks, I'll watch out for that if I use it again. From my little usage of it earlier today, I did have a few 'illegal operation' warnings or something like that when deleting a channel, but the delete still worked.

Run time error '62' - Input Past End of File: could be a problem with your internet antivirus/security software(like: SUPERAntiSpyware, ...)? disconnect form the internet (network)
start up in safe mode and see if you still get same error with Clarke Tech Editor Studio
I'll try these ideas if it happens again.
As I say, I _think_ it was one channel causing the CTES editor to crash when I edited a bunch of channels including that one, but I can't be sure or why that happened. Or indeed how I finally managed to cheat it / correct it. It may have helped by deleting it and re-entering it with the apparently same details as before.
