View Full Version : XMLTV Providers/Data for EPG data?

04-10-2009, 04:03 PM
XMLTV providers (at least Digiguide for the UK) can provide full listings for nearly all the channels for 14 or more days, in some cases I have had almost 21 days (Sky1 on Digiguide currently lists to the 24th October!).

Would it be technically possible to find a way of processing this data as generated by an external grabber to pair to the AzBox channels and use on the box?

There was a DMM plugin for the Gemini/PLi images that used to be able to do this, though I do not know how successfully! If anyone would be interested in producing a plugin/windows app. + plugin combo that could do something like this I suspect it would be able to provide a stable and sustainable epg source for a lot of people. There are quite a few country specific grabbers that can generate these files so it should be more widely applicable that to just a UK/European market i.e NZ/AUS and US.

I am not a coder, but I would be more than willing to contribute an incentive for anyone able to get something like this working. (Thinking of an AZbox Elite Model from our contributor?) I don't expect to get something for nothing, and will contribute what I can!

If anyone has any suggestions/thoughts/objections?


04-10-2009, 08:15 PM
Excellent, now this will be truly magnificent.

17-10-2009, 11:28 AM
any news on this?